Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Update: What if... on the Mary Rose the demoness Mary did in her own heresy and blasphemy and Egyptian cat mercenary fascism empire lore shore once too often also in Loch Ness overdose?! by Mother Sigrid Eliora

What if... on the Mary Rose the demoness Mary did in her own heresy and
blasphemy and Egyptian cat mercenary fascism empire lore shore once
too often also in Loch Ness overdose,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

What if a pope can no longer with the percentage of the diplomatic
immunity luggage of an ex-pope and his secrets and the accumulative age of
institutional lies and heresies and fascism and Satanism and related organised
criminalities cope, and with cardinals on the loose, who even at holy
souls's lives lost still wanted a return for their investment in the
demoness Mary, Mother of God, their golden goose, who rather now
drowns her sorrows in cheap booze,
as she has to pay for it herself and can no longer stock taxpayers sponsored
finest spirits in her fascist piratery ship's Mary Rose's shelf,

What if a pope can no longer with the percentage of the diplomatic
immunity luggage
of an ex-pope cope, whose cardinals injected anything but hope into
their fascist victims' veins in a Scheinheiligenkreuz monastery, where
truthspeakers amongst laity and
clergy nationally and internationally were ordered to attend a
'retreat', where in secret
procedures one did their desire for the truth against the official
heresy and organised
secret society Anglican and Vatican see into blackouts and memory loss and
treat and on their records did cheat and them and their families and
friends threaten
and maltreat?!

Given the secret fourth aryan fascist empire's obsession and delusion
covered up by much Egyptian cat lore hidden under Marian mercenary
crusader elocution but with purposefully steered artificial anarchy
and whole countries' destitution to shift the focus from all domestic
troubles with them bones in one's every worldwide shore, and
paedophilia and banking collective egomania around the table, and with
the spiritual warfare consultant Lama's press favourite demoness'
Mother Mary's lies and her professional assassin's in the shape and
size of monks and nuns in disguise with guns, who are really
bloodthirsty and greedy Huns and their evermore offshore blackhole
skysoaring fable.

And still not even a tiny wee bit of a 'Sorry' for the Holocaust
victims and their families of the Roma and Sinti - on the contrary,
they are still on the post-Mengele pseudo-academic fascist Catholic
university sponsored and multi-million bursary carefully selected
'Sunshine' programmes' lists for secret concentration camps for
'research' that is so unspeakable in its implications as it is
happening in many nations, and in Hungary even openly and unblushingly
with new secret death train lines built by 'for eclect fascist elite
eyes only'
right underground, which would even many a hardline mercenary
bloodhound still astound,
who holds a licence to kill - and so, even in the most secretive
horrid Henry circles there is a limit to somebody's awakening
conscience regarding the means of reaching a worldwide vision of one
big military fascist nation - and so, eventually and finally one after
the other hidden angel in hell does the beans spill and lived with the
victims, who survived the truth to tell.

And Jesus Christ simply breaks even every monastery's remote spell and
lets the senders instantly or unexpectedly suddenly of their own
sulphur and overdose of heresy and organised criminality and black
magic smell and rings on them as the whistleblower confidently the
And He also hands to former executives of an oyster and shell their
records and summons to the Heavenly Judgment Court and to an worldly
starchamber, as their behaviour towards His truth with many an
unsaviour priory also in His vicinity has meanwhile reached even not
just in Rome and Dover but also around the world on the ground the
warning of amber,
as they would do anything to keep their blackgold monopoly, and play
with the world from their new positions with their new employers'
oldest structures fascist Metropoly and want each an empire to
themselves, and they never anyway cared about the truth in their

They would even sell their own family and friends and cast just any
John Dee spell against John and Anne Donne and so, Jesus Christ makes
them simply with the facts of their most unholy acts legally and
publicly in His Heavenly Judgment already in their lifetime undone -
and, yes, there is also the matter of their ritual knife, with which
they took not just one but many a life, as in their kind of secret
society one has to sacrifice even a daughter or a wife or both, under
one's mask and cone, and one even throws against a monarch one's stone
and plays to holy souls in high places with a silicone mask fouls with
their clone faces.

Stories, that are reality and that are being plotted internationally
by numerous a secret society, as their headquarters have started their
battle in 1999 continuously and feverishly to prevent the one and only
Saviour Jesus Christ from His return to His wife Mary Magdala,
and to prevent them to speak out the truth, as that would mean that
every single institution that did over thousands of years with evil
mingle and purposefully enforced lies and heresy and blasphemy by
instilling through curses and slander and isolation and murder in holy
souls of the evil hierarchies such anxieties and fears, that they
would not dare to speak out and at the top hats for peace, justice and
truth to shout!

And meanwhile Jesus Christ is no longer shy and His humour quite dry
and He simply holds a mirror to those, who wanted to make Him look
like a spook and crook and an error and He exposes their organised
concerted worldwide terror and with Clemens August von Galen's help
from the grave and from many a nave He brings back all hidden
guardians of the truth from many a cave, and puts wrong right and
restores the human dignity that the church hierarchy from the
truthspeakers took.

And thus the hammer is finally exposed in the shape and size of the
secret societies' Vatican and Anglican and other religious slammers,
who wanted to make God unrecognisable as their anvil, and what they
can see in a holy soul's eyes is their own heresy and blasphemy and
mockery and the facts of their organised criminality and their
mercenary deathbringing fascism of a 'master race', so inhuman that it
is even to the inventors a disgrace, and there is no known euphemism
for their evil and every cardinal and pope and bishop is guilty of
high treason and not just marginal in any given season, except for
those, who truly did repent and accepted their punishment without
fail, and who did no longer after their confession without any
concession in any further Anti-Christ lore overdose.

There are numerous victims of this most unholy and unnecessary fight
and Jesus Christ will put for all of them wrong right in His own way,
and, sadly, some already have given and lost their lives at the ritual
knives cost but their sacrifice was not in vain and He will personally
remove with Mary Magdala from them any false stain and makes sure that
punished will be those, who have holy souls purposefully slain.
And make that from the beginning of time, as wrongly accused was
already Cain by the snake of her own crime. And God does no longer any
of her crap nor her own worldmap of piratery blackholes or threats of
her moles take but all her sandcastles into sand shakes.

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

Posted By Blogger to Tenta o Develesko Chad / Cill Naomh Ceadda / Church of
St Chad on 6/18/2014 03:40:00 pm


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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