Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Saturday 28 June 2014

Forensic anatomy of an archbishopry&bishopry&archdeanery's obviously secret society with fake piety at face value&on facebook with notoriety cue, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Forensic anatomy of an archbishopry&bishopry&archdeanery's obviously
secret society with fake piety at face value&on facebook with
notoriety cue,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

One would not believe as a believer, what a church hierarchy comes up
with to frame its own priests, who do not want to join their secret society
and are about to blow the whistle about their superiors' notoriety, which
they commit under diplomatic immunity and impunity even publicly.

To give to the forensic examiner a safe clue without endangering
ongoing investigations: First of all, archbishopry and bishopry give
their fellow members of their Drury lane secret societies' headquarters
a call, who then make sure from their access to agencies, they find
the right match to frame somebody, who is actually in character pure
with one, who is a look-a-like to the priest in question, and give him
a fake legend with name mentioned on the stairs of St Paul's during
ordination time and then, plan with their devil's den under Brook or
Wren or in the Vatican for various holy men, how the churchwardens
could frame the priests with the double's crime.

One sends the double to a different parish and lets pop up a note
on facebook by a yet another conspiring priest that he has committed
a notoriety with the original priest, and the churchwarden implies
that he on the bishop spies and to his parish lies and the collection ommited
and that he made passes towards the churchwarden, which was actually
her offensive subject to the priest's rejection.

Then, a further devil's den for a different purpose originally gets immorally
with its members against the priest and his family and friends on the loose
and quickly, a whole community feasts and treats their victims of slander
and abuse and organised crime as their golden goose with the knowledge
that nobody can touch their impunity, as they have all been officially paid
with bribery and even property, depending on the degree of notoriety they
committed against the priest for the Vatican and Anglican official see -

and ever rising is for the next coup the fee, and they start to realise that
the victims start to survive their plots and put the evildoers instead with
real head on the spots and all of a sudden even the most vicious and
mallcious priory has to admit to numerous a hit and even attempts
to abuse tots and coax and groom into their secret society and
slandery and their
ever widening school of black magic wizardry for bribery and property already
in the next generation.

Such is the abuse of power of authority and heresy and organised criminality
under a church hierarchy that allows to be ruled by fascism and
Anti-Christ heresy
and outright blasphemy openly to the top, and it does still not stop
and they still
want to kill the holy priests and in anybody, who tries to speak the
truth fear to instill
but God simply lets His holy souls about these collective fouls that
are the daily
bread of numerous human beings, who suffer in silence from the attacks of
this most widespread pestilence and arrogance and decadence of some
self-pompous deluded power-obsessed secret societies, who blackmail whole
countries and send in their mercenaries small and big-style to stir up
with blackgold money
and piratery property for pirates that they then make officially the leaders of
a future evil fourth master race empire,

but God lets simply those inofficial or officially abused licenceses
suddenly expire,
and the names to the law agencies with integrity transpire, and the
victims testify,
who call upon Him as their sole authority and not on the corrupt Dover
or Roman Sole
secret societies hierarchies, who cover up even murders and frame and
shame falsely
those, who are innocent and do them in an incriminating context
purposefully name -

as suddenly individually confronted with one's own shame that the
evildoer has committed
collectively under a mask and to be singled out, lets him on his own
interrogated admit
that he also had the task to organise on the priests and their friends
a hit, or a scenario
that would set them wrongly up and make it look as if the holy ones
are a crook, and
it went even so far that abused his position has even many an official
spook, who sadly
subscribed to the fourth evil fascist empire within his agency internationally.

Since the contract with the devil was up, the good ones finally could
return gradually
all the stones and expose the clones, who had taken their place even
on a photograph
in the wrong place by playing them and even as fake priestly drones.
And now, a whole
top pyramid secret society hierarchy find themselves accused and
charged with organised
criminality and heresy and blasphemy publicly and perfectly legally
and forensically
watertight, as once too often they put on with their fouls against
God's holy souls one
too many an unholy fight and so, He shines with the facts and evidence
of utmost pestilence and decadence and organised criminality His true
light -

et voila, suddenly every rotten corrupt Anglican and Vatican and
otherwise involved
shore, has to stand trial and the patterns of their organised plots
are so da capo and encore
repetitive and always the same that the juries can already quote all
the charges and
procedures of the lame game at night in their dream and the evildoers
drop their jaws,
when their flaws and crimes suddenly God does at them scream in the
tone of a Nuremberg trial judge, who has lived to express posthumously
also in his notes of
against a most corrupt secret society and international ongoing
fascist conspiracy
his frustration and well-founded and documentated grudge -

and the list of the names NOT tried there and who escaped with the
help of agencies
under new identities reads to God and His jury like fudge, as finally
Jesus Christ is JUDGE
and reads them out aloud with in His hand His iron rod, and then, even
in their nineties
still active in their devil's den of Brook and Wren and elsewhere,
also in Argentina, and
Chile and South Africa and Germania and here and there in one big
action of law enforcement the stones roll back and Jesus Christ does
them all track down and has them finally arrested, and put on trial
and their defence will not be meanstested, as they won't find any
defender of their rotten 'faith' of their evil society, who will be
willing to represent a defendant,who even is still out even his own
family to kill, should they on him the beans spill.

And beware of any dentist, who recommends to his patients not to get
married to a groom,
who has the wrong bacteria in his mouth, as that sounds like one hell
of a Mengele student, who wants himself in his patients' lives with
ritual knives undisturbed his laboratory room, and gradually them kill
off with fake kindness and murderous expertise, and that kind of
dentist is always out for the enemies of his fascist empire's demise.
And it does not really come as a surprise that so many a butcher
dentist subcribes also to fascist lore and is a member of a whole
worldwide filthy secret society fascist golf shore, and who leads a
separate life with his ritual knife wife and another with at least one
other babylonian whore
elsewhere, here and there.

As that is the same all over the world with the secret societies, who
even carefully choose the members of their families via their secret
societies and have always on their lists the partners for their
notorieties, accordingly to numerous sources of victims and their
testimonials, backed up by official agencies, who defend the truth of
Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's humble family cup, and they have
recorded also many a pope's, cardinal's, archbishop's, bishop's evil
mumble over the wine and bread, when they utter their curses instead
of the blessings and they have filmed also legally and officially the
evil hierarchies' secret society black mass messings, and together
with the forensic evidence
and testimonies that gives quite a round clear picture in the right
frame to every evildoer's true face and long overdue shame and blame
to the right name.

Be prepared, ye evil hierarchies, that suddenly right into your face
your surviving victims in the company of the law enforcement at you
stared, and you have the longest time committed against holy souls
your every crime, as finally holy priests have their ordeal over
a free meal with the highest authority under protection of God solely
shared and finally even the public enough cared to demand an official
inquiry and nobody is anymore above the law in any shore, as too far
had gone the conspiracy of the secret society straw, when
even a rotten fascist aristocracy can openly live out their character
flaw and mock Jesus Christ the Son of God begotten in St Andrew's or
elsewhere - and the buck will not stop until the top hierarchies their
facade drop and no longer from one giraffe route destination and from
one werewolf to the other in private jets and business class to store
stolen treasures and blackhole money and property of their shore in
many a nation that do not even exist on a list of official countries.

When whole systems are being targeted from within, then God will take
to task even
the devil and the devil's next of kin under their own mask and offer
them at mass a cup
with their own poisonous wine from their own flask from an
archbishopry cask, and from them ask: 'What have I done to you? You
are not my people! But I treated you like my own, and like my family,
but you cheated and maltreated me and my family with your evil
hierarchy under your secret society cone and I hand you now back your
every stone! I have already tried and sentenced you accordingly to
your evil deeds and your heretical creeds and your fascist weeds and
condemn you for eternity with all your sins retained, as you have to
this very moment from putting wrong right voluntarily and purposefully
refrained and even now with your golden ox, calf and cow my reputation
in every nation stained and holy souls slained!

From this moment on you live with your eternal condemnation and clear
up your mess in every nation also in the press and you will publicly
without ommittance all your sins and crimes confess, and to the truth
your balance also redress! And your every monstress and demoness you
call off, not just in Loch Ness!!!

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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