Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Thursday 26 June 2014

St Chad says to St Etheldreda: 'Look, how suddenly leaks have a snowball effect on those, whom your father did as crook and spook from his court and for your protection reject', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

St Chad says to St Etheldreda: 'Look, how suddenly leaks have a
snowball effect on those, whom your father did as crook and spook from
his court and for your protection reject',

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

St Chad says to St Etheldreda: 'Look, how suddenly leaks have a
snowball effect on those, whom your father did as crook and spook from
his court and for your protection reject, and he also warned me to
guard you from any Wilfred and Hilda murderous pseudo-nuns and fake
monks, who were mercenaries from the Huns and all sorts of war and
whoremongers of the Vatican shore and elsewhere, and who wanted
already back then before the Whitby synod us into all body parts hack
or burn us as Celtic church on their witches' and wizards' haystack
but you were always with my warning a step ahead, just like now, and
got away from every golden cow or ended with the facts of their unholy
acts simply their show, and exposed them as scarecrow, and not all,
who chased after you were evil but wanted to protect you in fact from
the fangs in disguise of the church hierarchy and many monastery
dedicated to the devil.

We sang already back then our Celtic hymns against the hidden pyramid
church hierarchies' every devil's den and rather withdrew into our
friends' houses and our own little hut, when we were by God again
joined in heaven, sadly not on earth at that time, as spouses, as we
had to constantly take care not to be killed or framed and falsely
shamed by the evildoers' heresy and organised crime and they already
back then their sacks and pockets filled with your donated church
treasures that you had given to me and my brothers to feed and teach
and heal the poor - and always and again in every incarnation, also in
that especially, they lied about us, spied on us and put on us their
very own character stain and planned all sorts of ways to have us

In the end, of course, they did succeed with Owini's help and of his
cronies, who poisoned us with their ground stonies and spread a false
creed of their own weed in my name to give me entirely a slanderous
false fame and put me instead of themselves with heresy in the frame.

And look here in the cloud - what they will do again with my John
Donne's shroud, and with your wedding gown - but we will at them back
frown one day with our children even on a picture and finally they
will have to pay the punishment and fine for that they did us betray
and from God and the truth stray. And we will point our fingers at
every single rotten corrupt and murderous and fraudulent cod, carp,
shark, and whatnot see creature with beastly feature, who knows
nothing but how to swim in murky dodgy waters in corrruption and
heresy and organised criminality and utmost brutality - and one day at
the end of their lame game, I will take off their face their mask and
take them with the facts to task and from them all uncomfortable
questions even posthumously in the presence of all holy souls ask and
then, even the highest ranking and pranking devil's den and pyramid
hierarchy will have nobody left in their defence, as obvious is their
decadence and pestilence and their every agenda with their every
secret society and known will be their hidden notoriety in every
single country and society.

Even from Venice via the Thames up and down and along the Danube the
evildoers and heretics will be gasping for air, when I pull the plug
on them in every see and river, and they will from their own victims'
bones revealed from their own mirror image in the dock shiver, when
obvious will be that even a pope and archbishop and cardinal with
admirals and generals illegally and secretly to truly holy souls the
fatal blow with a hammer dealed.

And symbolically and literally also in many an incarnation of ours and
we will ourselves grow the wheat and rye for our bread flours, as
these prisoners of their own aeon old criminality will be nowhere near
allowed us except for certain working hours, when they will have to
clear up their mess and publicly or in a secret starchamber confess to
their crimes and sins, and will have to hold up their poisoned Judas
cup and announce on the devil and on all evil: 'Time is up. We
surrender. We give up.' And if they don't do so voluntarily, I will
leak their every evil streak until they suddenly are anyway boasting
and toasting all in their own company involuntarily in a moment of
transitionary conscientious sanity paired with played insanity, when
they realise they have confessed all to one, who only wore in their
shore at face value but never at heart their secret society cone and
is returning now from within to the outside the evildoers' every
stone, and all of a sudden a once popular rising star is all on his
own, and has to heal him- or herself their scar and everybody of true
decency and righteousness and truth, who truly treats human beings
with respect and gives even the most vulnerable holy souls dignity
will them from their vicinity and table bar - and then, even a former
queen might have to rise early to clean up her secret society mess
before her heretical anabaptismal mass in a stable and can no longer
abuse her powers and hack into holy souls' accounts via cable or
wireless and has to put an end and draw the line on her own invented
fourth evil empire empress fable. And without diplomatic immunity even
the world's rich and famous will no longer have impunity and have to
behave not just at face value also with decency, as their very thought
is known to God and He won't put up any longer in any shore with any
babylonian whore and her every corrupt sod. And Jesus Christ only ever
had with Mary Magdala a lovely little humble family cup and did not
care, whether any past, present or future fake-Elders or churchwardens
would declare him and her mad, but he will in the end all from them
take, to which they did cling to and let each other with their own
crimes in revelation back sting, as these kind of evil breeds only
ever blame others for their greeds and each of them first of all their
lust and addictions feeds and not even pays as a rich cod bishop a
poor St Chad's fares nor grants him the last dried out crust. A
bishop, who does worship the devil openly and loves himself more than
the truth in the bookshelf goes eventually simply bust and will be
surprised that not even his former allies and spies let him on their
blackhole islands into their huts, as he never showed to speak the
truth guts and he will be lucky, if they throw him into his sand even
the most economical conical hat filled with peanuts before they give
him his final blow symbolically with their very last Sunday morning
show - cancelled, as the Troyan war won't take place - Jesus Christ
simply revealed of this last kingmakers' mask even on the mass wine
cask his true face, and takes him on the truth to task and then, he
won't be welcome anymore not even in any devil's den nor in any space
of Brook and Wren, as they will be closed as evil place and that in
there a whole secret society church hierarchy before the London synod
in their own heresy and organised criminality once too often with the
wrong ones under their secret society cones overdosed, as already at
Jesus Christ's semi-public but silent return the same evil keyplayers
threw their own stones instantly at Him and Mary Magdala from the
pulpit and the pew but some of them already do their hats and lies and
attacks and dead end words chew, as they know only too well that it
was the evil hierarchies with their devilish popes, archbishops,
cardinals, bishops, and their secret societies, who threatened and
killed off all truth speaking priests of St Chad and St Etheldreda
alias Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala,
so Wilfred and Hilda are out of their own lame game and the shame has
finally arrived at their very own name and God has some more to add to
their blame.

And all evildoers are already sentenced at the heavenly judgement
court with their purposeful and unrepented sins retained and they will
be at the strike of their inner clock suddenly know that they have
been condemned and revealed as beaucoup rotten fish, and not just
known as pike, and they won't be able anymore in any shore with their
heresy and organised criminality unpunishedly and unnoticedly to
hitchhike, and will get to feel in their dream their own fascist
spike, when God makes them feel in their own bones their torturous
methods and they can to nobody tell and share, why they did scream, as
some went even so far their own mother or father to kill or sister or
brother, and did never confess nor clear up voluntarily their mess and
God does them also from His holy souls' vicinity bar, so that the
evildoers' victims can finally heal from their numerous scars until
such a time that the evildoers have had enough of being treated
amongst each other rough and tough and had once too often to inhale
their own poison and cough and been cheated and maltreated, as God
leaves all walking dead to their dead, and shares in a zone free of
evildoers and their fouls in bliss with His family of holy souls His
eternal of truth bread instead.'


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

Posted By Blogger to Tenta o Develesko Chad / Cill Naomh Ceadda / Church of
St Chad on 6/26/2014 09:03:00 am


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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