Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday 13 June 2014

The Judge shakes his head in speechless disgust: 'What a mess, when in the sameWhat a mess, when in the same family one member does confess to organised criminality & heresy &both have done so against each other's secret society, by Mother Sigrid Eliora


The Judge shakes his head in speechless disgust at the accounts of
mercenary assassination & the lack of a voluntary truth ration &
semi-professional purposeful ritualistic lust: 'What a mess, when in
the same family one member does confess to organised criminality &
heresy & and another killed his sister and had severed her limbs with
a confraternity brother and both have done so also against each
other's & together against their neighbours' secret society',

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

The Judge continues:

'What a mess, when in the same family one member does in the dock
finally confess to organised criminality & heresy & both have done so
against each other's & together against their neighbours' secret
society and have left and planted false evidence against each other
without knowing that the proof of their decadence and pestilence would
be one day vice versa in their court cases result in a film showing
but not as a spoof but as an exhibit of guilt one has accumulated for
having accepted and acted on behalf of a corrupt shore as a babylonian
whore for bribery and property under a Brook and Wren roof even

Would the defendant care to explain to the jury, what he did in
exchange for bribery and property illegally given to him by his secret
society, as I would like to hear it in your own words, what was your
role as part of a group of top four amongst twelve and find out, how
these bones exhibits fished out from a canal became severed through
your freemasonry sword, and I might remind you that you are under oath
and that you must speak the truth in every word.

Defendant, did you not get suspicious, when your wife suddenly also
brought home a ritual knife? Especially, when you heard from the
neighbourhood that threatened was from all sides by all secret
societies via their Dury lane HQ a holy souls' life concertedly.'

Defendant barely audible, staring past his wife: 'We all wore masks or
went up at different times to put spells or to destroy items outside
the target's house to at first intimidate her and as she did not stop
speaking out the truth, we threatened her also in the street but
without each other's knowledge of the same activity by my partner's
secret society, and we were instructed to stalk the target everywhere
and to walk and dress in the same way, so that she knew she was under
our surveillance for a maximum effect at first in her intimidation,
and we never thought that she would find out that it was us, who also
stole the contents of her bin and personal items and that we acted on
her as a mole also for various other interested parties of the various

I mean, you can see that everybody was doing it, so why shouldn't I
also accept what they offered?'

Judge: 'Are you saying, defendant, that it is alright for you to
commit organised criminality for bribery and property, only because
others do it, too? We have seen in the evidence that you have worked
up your snake's ladder to highest rank with utmost pestinlence and
decadence, even in a resulting murder and its cover up, on more than
just one occasion!

And your wife did the same simultaneously gradually, and got also
muddled up in your own overlapping and competing neighbourhood's
telephone terror lists with her own secret society additionally to her
choice of secret societies, as, accordingly to your statement you were
both encouraged by HQ, at a hurried meeting of the top ranks on
Saturday 14th 2014, to quickly establish as many new tentacles of
twelves against these particular victims, so that they would
voluntarily stop their speaking out against the secret societies.

This process was to be advised by priories, who are also members of
all of the above secret societies and who had been coordinated by not
just one bishop and archbishop independantly and with each nun teaming
up also again with her own partner-in-crime, which did create quite a
community rift and even higher levels of crime through your collective
corruption and ever increasing criminal plots.

Quite frankly, defendant, have you no shame to even sink that low on
your own son some kind of computer game royal fame to bestow and to
let him also put up even in his school his own plot that he planned
with his classmates via their computer game, which is, by the way
limited in age for a reason.

And, did you not for one moment consider that your actions could be
viewed even towards HM high treason, as your secret society is of
particular notoriety, as you are based in Scotland in her vicinity
originally with your family, and your relatives have on your behalf
befriended staff of her household and have to them also your lies
I will look deeper and in more detail into this, as this could also
constitute together with the crimes committed and that you have
yourself sadly from your confession with numerous a concession on the
truth ommitted, also to high level terrorist conspiracy, as more
recently you have started to acquire weapons of mass destruction on
behalf of your latest secret society but you were by then already well
known with your every devil's den and were infiltrated also by
government agencies, who filmed you on behalf of the crown also under
the roof of Wren.

I end this session for now and I will let the usher know, when and how
we proceed.'

At a later session with another defendant:

'Defendants, can you let the court know, why you would engage in
ritual intercourse with an eleven year-old child on one occasion and
in further similar situations you also purposefully fathered a child
with the wife of another member of your Satanistic secret society.
Tell me, what possibly justified in your mind the rape of a child and
its lifelong consequences, whilst you yourself had a child at home of
the same age, whom you treat like a raw egg in a golden cage? And you
and your wife cheat on each other meanwhile and whore around with
secret society members that are being drawn up in combination by a
Would you care to explain yourself to the jury? And each defendant
also to your wider family?

And, you Defendants A to Z, the reason, why I have decided in your
case against a secret trial is that you have purposefully committed
highest treason not just against Her Majesty but you have also lied to
and spied under abuse of your power and authority on your own
professional bodies and constituencies and church hierarchies and
unashamedly framed and falsely shamed and blamed and even
strategically named your targets to destroy systematically their
integrity and reputation in every nation, all the while you went
business class or in private jets into blackholes as your own top
secret moles with stolen and diverted church and company funds as your
future disappearance act early retirement doles.

You have also in your highest ranking positions in the church and
secret societies' hierarchy purposefully war and whoremongered and are
a liability and guilty of the highest treason to Her Majesty. Would
you care to tell us in your own words - but without your habitual
sarcasm - how you structured and plotted with all your various
kingmakers even against the crown and country and also at the same
time implement anarchy strategically all over the world with elements
of international mercenary para-military facilities!

We have evidence and testimonials even by nuns and priests, who no
longer care for their share in your organised criminality and wanted
to come clear and did confess that they purposefully on your behalf
created locally and in the wider community and internationally in
collaboration for your delusion and obsession with the Fourth Evil
Empire with military precision planted their and your own mess, and
left to clean up after your pandemic black masses to the few remaining
priests, who still dared to speak out against you and your secret
society and notoriety to punish them and humiliate them quite
literally your faeces on the altar and your G&T remains in the baptism
fonts - have you no shame at all?

Any conscience? - Not to mention here that you lied as an institution
with enormous amounts of elocution backed up and enforced by
corruption to your own members - and gave them all the wrong facts and
let them commit most unholy acts and steal from churches for your
collection invaluable artefacts. You spread heresy purposefully and
had suppressed the proof of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's holy
matrimony, so that you could continue to throw stones at Mary Magdala
even posthumously and hoard her money and property out of every
incarnation, in which she was born into privilege and shared it with
the church and wider society.

You have left not the tiniest shred of authority and you never had
from the onset integrity.
I suggest the jury takes a break now, as this is even for me one
streak of evil too many and I have left no respect for these offenders
and law benders and outwright criminals, and I would like to thank HM
services and agencies that they concertedly removed from these
defendants all diplomatic immunity and impunity, so that the extent of
the organised criminality can be heard publicly without fail, and what
will the faithful say that it was Mary the Mother of God, who put
through Mary Magdala's hand personally with utmost hatred also a nail.
And who had her own grandchildren, who were born on the way to the
cross subjected to their instant death by ritual knives and made her
dying son and her daughter-in-law, who was with him and Philip alone
at the cross suffer also their firstborns's loss - it is high time to
expose and try at the Heavenly Judgment Court also this most heinous
crime, and the chances are good, as no longer has the demoness Mary,
who is to Mary Magdala, who led a holy life not just as Jesus Christ's
wife but also in blessed voluntary celibacy as His future spouse
always and again under God's personal instruction through the Holy
Spirit=Holy Trinity, and thus the evil triangle of Satan, Lucifer and
Mary the Mother of God, are to the one and only Holy Trinity of
Father, Son and Holy Ghost utterly contrary, and Jesus Christ will as
the Highest Judge show to the evildoers that from now on He is even
over their hell boss.'


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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