Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Saturday 28 June 2014

God tells His Holy Souls the truth in His good time, and puts wrong right also for them as victims of heresy, blasphemy and organised crime, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

God tells His Holy Souls the truth in His good time, and puts wrong
right also for them as victims of heresy, blasphemy and organised

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

The most difficult thing for a holy soul is to forgive itself for sins
it has not even committed and for possibly having forgotten to
mention, as there is always some evildoer, who puts in their name
false shame in the bookshelf in every nation - but God makes sure that
all holy souls stay pure and lets them see the truth, and sets the
evildoers on their own truth ration of their purposefully planted and
orchestrated destruction and starvation of even many a whole nation
that had shown to God gratitude and faith and had kept the truth
humbly safe in heavenly unseen communication.

And God had a hard time to forgive Himself for having had to allow the
devil to keep and spread lies in his bookshelf but His holy souls did
Him in the end finally to the sweet peace of the justice through the
living truth to His final destiny only with the facts as His vehicle
safely home drive, and suddenly speechless for the first time at the
exposure and foreclosure is every evil institution, as no longer is
working their empty dead bread elocution in any nation, and the
evildoers have to clear up under all holy souls' eyes their mess and
will instead the holy ones to kill under secret society cones confess
to their own stones that they threw at good and decent people and by
playing even their evil clones in a pulpit or pew.

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - 26 Jun 2014

I give thanks for my God fearing grandparents - the ones, whom God
joined and the ones, who showed me always, who when where somebody
threw from the pulpit and pew as a culprit against the truth their
stones under secret society cones.They knew already back then, that I
had to be prepared against all the attacks of every devil's den and by
the evil Nazi clones, who also mingle amongst every corrupt and
heretical and criminal see's fake-priestly drones, and they also
shared no truth with any roof of a Brook or Wren roof or dome, as they
cared truly about all holy souls in their family and rather stayed
away in the end and spoke the truth in their own home, either on earth
or in heaven and trusted that one day a little girl would their
teethless poetry recitation in its full sound also from the 'Glocke'
comprehend, so that the little girl could simply with the truth and
facts end a most unholy fight from all sides with her name as the
rider on the horse in English, not in Norse, and in God's tongue that
was her soul's home originally. And with that tongue she addressed God
most lovingly, and He called her one day by her name: SIGRID. And I
answered, and prayed that I may never into the abbyss of lies and hell
and darkness fall - and God helped me in the process and said: 'If you
do not obey, my punishment is more severe than that of your parents
could ever be, as I would have to cut you off and that would really
make me infinitely sad, as you are my family. And I saw Him even cry
and I did try my best to pass His every single test and did not
purposefully or intentfully with any evildoers mingle, but He sent me
sometimes even amongst people, who would wish on me death and shingle,
and who cursed me, so that I would not meet the soul, whom He had
joined me with already before I entered my mother's womb, as my
eternal spouse, and they also tried to make my womb into a tomb, so
that I would not have holy children in my God given house - but all
evildoers worked their black magic in vain, as now God puts all wrong
right and simply ends as Jesus Christ the most unholy fight and
returns all stones that they threw at the truth under their cones and
He also let fail all their artificially inseminated of my DNA clones,
and simply lets bounce back all hatemail and takes to task even under
the same mask an attempted murderer, who now pretends to be frail but
has still the intent to kill and to pour poison into a mass wine cask
from his flask. And finally God can also hand back all false
accumulated shame to the senders and law benders and eternal offenders
and evil moneylenders and puts them into their own evil mirror frame
and suddenly at its own reflection even the most vicious beast is
tame and God can take off His protection mask and can take also the
rest of the secret societies on their notorieties with the law to
task. Mother Sigrid Eliora
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Nec laudibus nec timore - that is the true legacy of a most holy soul
and no holy soul seeks alimony from a holy family, and certainly not
Sigrid AgocsiNov 25, 2012 - Public Speak and live the truth. Be not
deterred from resisting evil peacefully but with all your gifts
neither through praise nor through threats, but out of the desire to
serve God, in order to...
Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - Yesterday 01:20
Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - 13:59

Simply listen to your heart's voice of your conscience and you receive
the answer either in a word, or image or thought or through somebody,
who calls you or mentions in a loud conversation in the street an
important detail that could even derail the most sinister leader of a
conspiracy against a nation but if you stay silent, when you witness
something wrong, you might get a summons by Jesus Christ through the
law enforcement in the mail one day for having yourself made a silent
partner-in-crime and then even a silent church bell will tell, why it
does no longer chime on any morn, as God broke even a most notorious
porn queen and king's neighbourhood spell, who did about their
neighbours only ever porkypies tell and who did even complain again
and again about the holy souls and threw at them by staying away from
the pews their fouls, and suddenly, even that disgusting lusting
self-made kingmaker couple is being haunted by their own plots and is
being put by their former allies turned their victims on the spots
polyglots, as nobody anymore in any shore unchallengedly Jesus Christ
and His holy souls smears with the evildoers' own fouls. And he turns
the table round and points the finger instead at the complainants of
his church bells and simply to the council their secret porn ring's
reality tells and how they have given a most holy priest and his wife
on earth hell and have lived the truth to tell despite their charging
and threatening of people for ringing at the holy woman's and man's
door bell, and he also will simply imitate one day in the street their
every spell, and simply wishes them in front of their audience that
they stopped and recruited for their evil together with their own
devil 'well', and then, even in the last den in the most vicious and
malicious windowshopping neighbours the very last penny dropped, and
one witness after the other and victim will also that secret society's
real horror stories in the courts tell, as that kind of undercover
neighbourhood asset breeding of hell has outlived its every own spell
and the victims lived the truth to tell and impunity was never subject
to this conspiracy, as these kind of organised criminals even though
they were organised via a certain priory have to be furthermore
subject to total deniability and never had really in their
informations' reliability and thus the evildoers can be taken up on
their responsibility finally also legally and officially without any
chance of anybody speaking up to their defence, as once too often they
applied their decadence and pestilence to the wrong recruits, who were
really real undercover agents, who wanted to find out, how far estate
agents would sink from the poisonous cup also of some international
property brokers to drink, who bribe and bully their way via some
Petrie dish viper vibe that of her own bat wings stinks from Budapest
to London to America to Vaticania and Scotlandia and even in Icelandia
and who does everybody with everybody betray, as she chose evil as her
way, and even ordered on a holy woman a sniper to get the flat, after
failed had her every attempt to spit on the former's mat with her
international multi-spy techniques and affiliations in all nations.
And no Tarzan will pick her up with strong arms, as she even inflicted
on her own family harms, and got involved also in deals of arms, and
got too cushy but did wake up, when Jesus Christ knocked with the law
enforcement in 'her' safe house for the MI6 and held up a by her
stolen and brokered St Chad cup. Time is up - for the truth and hard
facts of most notorious unholy neighbourhood acts. And there are
aplenty by churchwardens stolen church artefacts in their own homes
from domes, who accuse whosoever is in their way to sell off to yet
another secret society the keys and who could the truth about them
also tell and testify about their muttering of a curse and under a
prayer a love binding spell.
Read more (71 lines)Show less
For all victims of crimes of secret societies within the churches: How
to contact the MI5, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
For all victims of crimes of secret societies within the churches: How
to contact the MI5! You have been prayed for and holy souls have stood
up for you. Now it is time for YOU to speak out, as it is safe to do
so, and to giv...

How many souls had to endure and suffer the attacks and evildoing of
for example Jimmy Saville and how many witnesses were silenced and
discouraged or even threatened with repercussions, should they speak
out by those, who abused their authority and became partner in crime
also in numerous a monastery and church hierarchy and not just in
Ireland - society at large carries responsibility and is called to
live accountability in small things and in the big issues, and even if
it is just to provide in the right moment of tears and grief the
Read moreShow less
For all victims of crimes of secret societies within the churches: How
to contact the MI5, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
For all victims of crimes of secret societies within the churches: How
to contact the MI5! You have been prayed for and holy souls have stood
up for you. Now it is time for YOU to speak out, as it is safe to do
so, and to giv...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - 26 Jun 2014

When a priest wants to speak and live the truth as a teacher and
healer and as a holy man and wants to leave his rotten corrupt shore,
and is threatened with his life for that with a ritual knife by a
secret society high court judge and his whore and by a bishop and a
his wife and their every priory, then that cannot really be a Vatican
or Anglican church, where the devil and a fascist empire rule from the
lurch? Surely not - or is that exactly the question, as they rather
leave their truthspeaking priests like foxbaits after a hunt in hiding
to rot, and the top church hierarchy is still not in the authorities
confiding that they also tried other truthspeakers to kill and put
even holy children systematically through their networks' mill and did
that low sink to let a mother and child from their poisonous cake eat
and poisonous cup drink and also of cigars in underhill stink and
afterwards at New Cross gate at their attempted murder victim the
nanosecond before the murder attempt to blink and later after the
mother's survival also on their records and documents cheat and did
others threaten and maltreat, who could have confirmed their plots and
other murderous treat. The things people do not just to come on the
honours list but also the ones, Mrs Thatcher liked to appoint, and who
themselves as secret majesties for the fourth fascist empire already
instead of Her Majesty anoint. Interesting stuff - if I were a law
enforcement officer, I would even around a ninety years old OBE's
wrist rather have ready to click the handcuff, as 'certainly such
behaviour sponsored by some priory of St Saviour boastingly and
toastingly is not really happening on command of the palace?! It seems
nothing has changed in malice', remarks Princess Alice.
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Poetry or not? That is NOT the question
There are some elements engaged in the most unholy war of power and
principality, who are so infringing on a holy society or what is left
of it that it is high time they find back to God and let bygones be
bygones of all here...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - 14:04

Time to reclaim the number six for good purposes. I hear that
Underworld is playing for the first time in six years - hopefully in
of God's fears and with tears of remorse and repentance and not with a
last evil trance dance for the devil. Over from Rome to Dover the lame
game, as evil comes back to the sender to his own name and puts
suddenly also the fame into shame at the cost of a drummer's life
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St Chad's Pre-Synod Leaks, Tweets and Replies to all sorts of secret
society and church hierarchy threats and lies, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
St Chad's Pre-Synod Leaks, Tweets and Replies to all sorts of secret
society and church hierarchy threats and lies, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
St Chad pre-synod:'I saw in the street, how some Dalai Lama in
disguise with a bag of...


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