Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday 27 June 2014

Nursery time with Jesus Christ and His truth in rhyme, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Nursery time with Jesus Christ and His truth in rhyme,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Jesus Christ plays back to the evildoers in nursery time the effects
of their every crime
on His holy souls and they feel in their bones their own returning
stones and suddenly,
not even the most sinister and cynical conical hat of all can any
longer deny that true love
and purity of the heart is stronger, and perseverance of a holy soul
infinitely longer than his
quick saturation for his lust and greed, and that all evil weed is
simply a rotten breed,
especially the more parts have from various experiments the fascist
clones, who will bring
about amongst each other in one stroke the highest ladder fall of
secret society cones,
and suddenly even a former wannabe warrior king is reforming at least
at face value to
a 'nice bloke', and no longer curses holy souls with a stroke.

And beware of the wolves, who have to wait outside with their
babylonian talmud and as a fake Yud, and they have to give some space
of theirs for the heirs and players of the oud,
and hand back also as bishops John Donne's shroud and are left behind
as the dark cloud,
and Jesus Christ in His present incarnation has also an open justice
account together with his wife for the attempt of a cafe with a long
white cloud with a poisonous cafe au lait on their life courtesy of
Drury lane ritual knife. And that applies also to cafes in Deptford
and off Camden lock, where Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala will
eventually with the law enforcement also come for the evildoers'
arrest and in the dock the culprits better give their best and tell
the jury, how and where and when with whom they did decide to put
poison in the holy souls' cafe latte, as the dialects ranged from
Tibetan Kauderwelsh to Masematte, and meanwhile in an extra-mile even
in Berlin did a former Tibetan monk rather in Jesus Christ confide
than any longer from the truth and justice and especially the peace
that comes with a free conscience to hide. And suddenly he even gets a
free therapy ride and does with Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala, when it
counts even over the most secretive mounts glide and tells voluntarily
to every appropriate authority with integrity, what he was forced to
do in an even more secret monastery with fascist experiments and
spiritual and physical warfare laboratory that also had links to a
certain Vatican oratory and serves at the altar with some
self-declared garter, clover and thistle tin whistle from Rome in
Dover also in the Anglican - but the deacon still blows not
voluntarily the whistle on whom he is supposed for his pending
priesthood and Blitz-career bishopry to kill courtesy of his secret
society, as he is the latest and last straw of his raffle ticket
parish draw.

Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 17m

God makes even the most notorious secret society eventually face up to
its responsibility&gone with the wind is its delusional Cern and Kern
and fascist theory supremacy&revoked its authority and diplomatic
immunity and impunity & null and void the blackhole and rodspace, and
Elders with true integrity will the abuser of authority silently
replace and suddenly every evil face stands in the dock in the
presence of their victims - and meet thus Jesus Christ's eternal flock
of holy souls, who have had enough of their oppressors fouls and
testify against the evildoers, and with the evidence of utmost
decadence and pestilence none of them with a secret society cone can
their part in organised criminality any longer deny and the truth not
for a nano-second longer defy, and God in Jesus Christ does not on any
technology to put wrong right and to end the most unholy fight rely.
He plays with little children and His wife in real life: 'I spy with
my little eye.' And the holy souls simply count two and two together
and might sometimes get out 'take five' or just 'one' - but at least
and last, they are free of every unholy corrupt see with a secret
society cone and they return in playtime even to the most vicious and
malicious adult finally every single stone and play even to the
evildoer his own clone and make him see his error and terror in their
eyes as his mirror.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 21m

Secret societies always exercise elitist fascist aryan and other
delusional master race supremacy without any grace&abuse
authority&have no integrity but systematically cheat&maltreat&abuse a
holy soul as a toy for a roy, and they also rob in organised human
trafficking and organised criminality for just any shore any girl and
boy under diplomatic immunity and fake impunity, and, sadly, this has
spread also into many a supposedly peace keeping and safeguarding
agency undercover in abuse of authority and has come in many a country
far too close for their own liking to some self-invented monarchy and
presidency for an evermore evil model of fascism and racial hatred and
competition for supremacy; and suddenly, a former defence league is
entering the lame game of intrigue and puts on its honest members with
integrity false shame and blame - time to expose those, who in
organised criminality and greed and lust overdose and detach them from
one's legion in every region and instead attach again integrity to an
institution's name.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 25m

To destroy sacred trust in a holy soul,be it in a child or adult,is
the most evil game&puts whole hierarchies to shame, who abuse their
authorities and hide behind diplomatic immunity and impunity and let
bounce back into a stone wall of silence the screams of their victims
about unspeakable decadence and utmost pestilence - but eventually a
Veil lifts the veil of many a corrupt shore before she is also falsely
accused of wrongdoing by a babylonian whore, who lies with her trench
spies on a bench and plays in French Judy Dench.


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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