Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Just the facts read out aloud, and shared for free with a whole worldwide cloud, as the church hierarchies again not for the truth of John Donne's shroud cared, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Just the facts read out aloud, and shared for free with a whole
worldwide cloud, as the church hierarchies again not for the truth of
John Donne's shroud cared,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Just the facts read out aloud, and shared for free with a whole
worldwide cloud,
as the church hierarchies again not for the truth of John Donne's shroud cared,
and a holy soul called Renee says from heavenly Haggerston:
'I can only look down on my former fellow parishioners with disgust at
their betrayal
and from the truth and especially Jesus Christ's way strayal.
Where does it stop? One churchwarden steals the plants for my grave
and for the nave
and for the priest, as a gift for his mother's anniversary, the other
makes shady deals even with poisonous meals, the next sends a
threatening text to a holy soul and throws at
each and everybody, who defends the truth and holy man and woman with
that snake's
own fouls and falsely blames and shames everybody but herself -

and I know for sure that even in my time she already indulged with
various priories
in organised crime and was given even for free poison for a newcomer's
'cure', who
was too curious, which made that ol' dragon furious and nervous, as
she held tight
ropes on her secret societies in the neighbourhood and with the help
of those, who
even in local authority and wider principality abused their status and
had no integrity.
And, boy, did she in her heresy and filthy phantasy overdose and did
not notice that
even her closest allies had enough of her telephone bullying lists and
of being by her
maltreated with black magic curses and death spells and cheated;

and now she has to face not just her victims in the parish but also
her own secret
societies' death doctors and nurses, with whom she under a mask exchanged
needles and deadly medicines and poison for a flask and with whom she had an
arrangement to let even at a moment's notice disappear body parts in a mass wine
disguised septic cask.

She was accordingly to her boasting of her special status of impunity
and diplomatic
immunity holder of a special licence, and she even toasted Her
Majesty, and roasted
quite some birds over Rome and Dover as well - but she did never think
that I would
one day from a safe distance also my side of her story tell, which is
not to her glory,
as I did also from her poisonous fudge eat and from her poisoned wine
drink, and she
was in shock, when I was back (after much suffering) next mass alive amongst
Jesus Christ's flock and not her this week's literally dead meat! She
always did
everybody but herself to all sorts of murderous and slanderous sports treat, and
even experimented with her granddaughter's bottle teat and gave her
purposefully the bottle with too much heat - but, of course, in the
public eye she was ever so intent
to be seen as tidy and neat, but at the same time aware that she must
also visibly
on everybody cheat, as she gave her vow to the devil to commit even
with her last
breath evil! And she renewed her vow in a holy mother's sanctuary with
a nun, who
brought into our church also a gun and pointed it at the former priest
and threatened him
with his life, when he wanted to make public that he intended to make
that mother
his wife.

And as she always had fascist ambition and quite liked the big evil
world empire idea she saw herself already on some kind of throne in
the new order to come and as a sort of evil mother of the nation - and
she was experienced, how even the little left-overs to keep away from
the poor and to envy them even their most humble ration. I could tell
you much, much more, but I think I will rather not now of that beast's
stink dwell but rather continue through Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
before the Heavenly Judgement Court to talk as a witness about that
hell, and I have sat long enough crotcheting and knitting baby
blankets for that nice couple and their wider family of holy souls,
whilst listening to that mumble of that reptilian female that I can
break her every single top hierarchy's death spell and let her victims
before she gets a chance again to blackmail yet another shore with
their orgies
and trance the truth already on earth tell.

As I appeared to her with a warning from heaven, when she in the
presence of three holy souls in front of our church fell because God
let her own curse bounce back on herself, and I ripped apart the book
of evil that she had put secretly behind the altar and one in the
Sunday school bookshelf. Her identity is anyway accordingly to her not
compromised but she does not know that in a certain unholy church show
she posed as Satan's elf, and overdosed even for her own secret
society in her own notoriety and is now one hell of a liability of a
churchwarden for not just one church hierarchy that has already left
any authority nor integrity.

After all, if a bishop does so low sink and from his own snake ladder
fall and does refuse to answer for a confirmation certificate a holy
soul's call, then he makes as a consequence also that holy soul's
godchild invalid in the eyes of his own former church with its baptism
and confirmation and that adult godchild has already received also
bribery from many a secret society and nation and now is not even
baptised nor confirmed but a churchwarden in the same church, where
she also started her own witches coven from the lurch, and had her
cakes suddenly flavoured, so that the poison would not be noticed - I
truly wonder, what the legal advisor to the churchwardens her on this
matter to the latter advised.'

So far, a holy soul's account that does to quite a standard experience
in many a parish nowadays amount but then, Canterbury and Roman tales
always did exist in reality, and these days it is still the same kind
of den, just with additional names of architects like Brook and Wren,
under whose roof continues the murderous real-life spoof and in their
neighbourhood and even outside and far away church boundaries -
murderous plots are for those, who speak the truth still from the
heretics in the hierarchies the daily bread. And to a Julian Assange I
can only say that not eating is not the answer but eating the right
bread from Jesus Christ alone is the true way of not getting down or
killed by some self-deluded fascist clown or secret society with the
wrong cornerstone, who already prepare of all holy souls a robot clone
with mask - time to share for free the truth and to
spill the beans with peaceful and price-less means on every corrupt
shore, if you truly about the truth and human dignity and peace care.

Politics are mostly a smokescreen of those, who in their own heresy
and in a godless empire with self-appointed carneval Olymps icons and
plastic faces overdose and many politicians realise that they only
came to a kind of unreal power, as they were sponsored and lobbied to
clear up some multi-national's consortium's mess, and they would
rather often that fact confess and to the truth the balance
voluntarily redress but they are also threatened to be silenced by
murder of their loved ones by those, who even amongst their supposed
friends suddenly in organised secret society and diplomatic immunity
and impunity addiction overdosed and go over dead bodies even of their
former friends to 'belong' to the PR- and marketing created and
financed celebrities with each their own agenda.

Not just one bishop wrote to me (those, who broke at least their
silence and who were not as deeply involved in pestilence and
decadence): 'Mother Sigrid Eliora, you sound so harsh.' I wrote back:
'I am sorry, but don't blame me for presenting simply the facts of
most unholy acts! And facts they are and the reality is even far, far
worse, and every day I know that numerous entities want me dead and
try from every angle also with my friends and family to entangle and
to offer them bribery and property just to prevent me from speaking
out. It is not my fault that the hierarchies do still rather kill off
holy souls, who speak the truth than to admit that they lied about the
holy matrimony of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and about the murder
of their infants as well - how do you think you would feel, if you had
lost your life and your wife and that of your children and even after
over 2000 years in every shore, where they claim that they piety and
compassion feel for the cross of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala - and
you are not even allowed to speak about your grief and your very
existence and role is denied! That would maim you for eternity, would
it not, bishop?! The truth has been from the beginning of time by hell
battered and twisted that now finally every devil's evil sandcastle is
shattered! And I feel neither angry anymore nor flattered at that
thought that even now people want me dead and give me poison in my
cake and bread and even in a croissant or poissant!

And these people are in high places and more or less well-known faces
and have left everywhere unashamedly under diplomatic immunity or with
the cover-ups of their secret society their murderous and fraudulent
mess! But not anymore can any shore kill off silently nor
unchallengedly any whistleblower on the lies and heresies and
organised criminalities, as weakened by their own conflicting
statements and implications in all nations is even many a formerly
untouchable organisation. And once too often they were too corrupt and
too unblushingly obvious in bribery and threats visibly! And thus,
from celebrity status they fall in one big crash into their so desired
and contemplated nothingness, nada, nirvana, and they are even as an
old rolling stone to their secret society under their now publicly
known cone a liabilty, as real court cases already on earth
have come as God's justice measure in the shape and size of a legal
treasure to put all wrong right and to end every unholy fight even day
AND night in more or less public and secret trials, as too many there
were of those poisonous and stolen from public sources
phials. And innocent people framed with a pubic hair in a place, where
a clone appeared as them with a silicone mask face, so that holy souls
would be with the evildoers' own fouls falsely shamed and blamed but
God has already all judgements to all defendants with their real
identities sealed, and them with all their charges named in the files
and reports and in numerous extra-miles many a law-enforcement team
also went creatively into the evildoers' dreams and explained to them
that Jesus Christ would only answer their screams, if they would now
confess and clear up their mess voluntarily in court and in writing.

Diocese: Vatican and Anglican secret society canons with their corpus
delicti more than their diabetes can cope with obese, and even in
highest places some faces have finally given up on their evil victory
hope, as they can no longer with the anvil that reflects their hammer
cope, and the already start publicly under their own returning curse
in the presence of their partner-in-crime death nurse to stammer, who
testified and no longer about her association to a secret society and
mercenary murderous affiliation for bribery and to a chaplaincy lied
mo also no longer as a Catholic hospital chaplain the truth to Jesus
Christ's and Mary Magdala's truth and holy family denied - but what is
such a surrender worth, if it has been only done to get possibly a
reduced sentence for one's pestilence under one's secret cone?! Who
would ever trust a pseudo-nun, who is a bloodthirsty Hun with a gun
and who simply is now receiving back at her her every thrown stone, as
she has never ever any mercy towards God and Jesus Christ shown but
did in fact at them in word, thought and deed frown, as she wanted to
belong to the most evil snake's hell breed, and misbehave and put holy
souls and innocent children and mothers into an anonymous grave, and
has danced her witches Sabbath dance in the cathedral nave,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Salve A.G.M. - reads a newsletter invitation, cost of lunch includes
organised criminality plots for every nation against credit crunch.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

From a Lent newsletter: 'In this joyful season of Lent' writes
priest,as he already knows,who commits as and for Judas high treason.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Parish council board meeting:Hardly a hearty greeting but each warden
does secretly donations for jumble sale hoard&flight from wins board.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

From an order of evening prayer: Collect for St Michael.-Collection
was stolen next day&church warden blamed newcomer priest,who her

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Holy Week Notices: Paschal liturgy - including blasphemy of cross and
lamb and G&T from the baptism font accordingly to Royal Chaplainry.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Holy Week notices: Walk of Witness - sponsored by a diocese that hacks
into talktalk and does holy souls stalk & leaves black mass mess.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Holy Week notices: Annual meeting&election of churchwardens with a
secret society's bishop's triple agent sarcastic Chrism mass greeting.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Annual Parochial Church Council Meeting - with a hell's greeting under
desecrated bells&a secret society wedding&murder fixing&fleeting.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Fabric report-all in hand and under lock until the first churchwarden
confesses&testifies for the truth,when standing in Jesus Christ's dock

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

The Church of England Year Book 2008.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

PCC Accountability, The Charities Act 2011 and the PCC, 2006, Church
House, Great Smith St, London SW1P 3AZ.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

The Churchwardens Measure - A Brief Guide, Legal Office of the
National Institutions of the Church of England, Church House, Great
Smith St

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 22m

Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore : The Canons of the
Church of England, by Mother Sig...

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 33m

PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma: The Canons of
the Church of England, by Mother Sig...

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 38m

DEVELESKO CHAKANO TACHIBENESKO - Holy Star of the Truth: The Canons of
the Church of England, by Mother Sig...

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 43m

PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.: The
Canons of the Church of England, by Mother Sig...

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 1h

Frederic Barbarossa&Beatrice ask the King of Thule:Hey,Dude,you
kill&do yourself delude&meanwhile you do your own mind intrude&still
no cup.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 2h

Frederic Barbarossa&Beatrice send a letter to the King of
Thule:Hey,Mule,are you now mayor?Or mercenary major?Or simply an aging
ol'toy boy?

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 2h

Frederic Barbarossa&Beatrice send a message to the King of
Thule:'Don't expect us to pay for your mule,as you did the truth

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 2h

On Frederic Barbarossa&Beatrice's anniversary God now in sack&ash to
Canossa the golden ox,calf&cow,their adversary&all trash

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 2h

Frederic Barbarossa&Beatrice are not anymore members of any other than
the Holy Rose shore&send all to Canossa,who spread heresy&criminality

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 2h

Frederic Barbarossa had enough of even posthumously treated by
lies&heresy&organised criminality by the same bloodthirsty hierarchy

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 2h

Frederic Barbarossa is wondering,who is going today to Canossa for
heresy&organised criminality-as he did give all a call,who let him


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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