Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Sunday 29 June 2014

The Book of the Cross, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

The Book of the Cross,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Yes, there is a book of the cross,
and that is the truth and nothing but the truth
about Jesus Christ's and His beloved family's
lives' loss through ritual knives, and
it is only accessible for those,
who have never ever betrayed Him,
and His eternal family of the Holy Rose.

But every crook, who does still in lies
and heresy and organised criminality
in his shore overdose, He does in extracts
from it simply with the facts of ongoing
and even long-forgotten unholy acts
expose, so that it is clear, who is and
who is not in His kingdom allowed
and of all sin in the clear, and He only
evermore shares with His eternal
family of holy souls their lovingly
made personal artefacts that tell
their stories about all their

and Jesus Christ keeps safe His
holy family from all evil incantations
in all nations, and answers all cries
by those, who call upon Him in their
hour of need, as they know in their bones
that only He with His family can return
to all evildoers their stones, as they are
His living creed and free of weed and
the sweet fruits of His eternal matrimony
with Mary Magdala as the most holy
stars of God's own seed.

And the time is near, where none
of his holy souls will further with any
evildoers mingle, who under a secret society
cone wish others shingle and throw their
stones and fouls at the innocent and pure
but one thing is for sure: For the very first time
suddenly every heretic and criminal will feel
in their bones their own crime and are being
sucked into their own mind's hell's fiery wheel
and instantly at their awakening conscience
of their guilt at the Name of God in utter
despair and desire to heal kneel,

and He will not answer their scream, as even in
their latest dream they still again made
with evil a deal, and Jesus Christ will
enforce God's law by leaving the
walking dead to bury their own dead
and feed elsewhere in safety or even
right under the nose of those, who still
want to kill as their twisted mission,
His living bread.

And sins are retained for all, who have
to this very moment from repenting
with a contrite heart and surrendering
their power to the one good God Jesus Christ
totally, refrained, and still have at least
in their minds or in deed or thought
again holy souls stained and slained;
and those, who have Jesus Christ and His beloved
holy family almost through utmost purposefully
evil scenarios into insanity driven, will never
be forgiven, if they do not voluntarily come
forward and end their fight over night and
take finally to the truth flight and hand
back all keys through her letterbox
with confessions without concessions
also about manipulations and plots
of deadly viruses and pox.

Understood?! Good! And then, there is
also the matter of that devil's den of Wren
with a copycat Holy Rose hood even as far
as Ontario by one, who always comes
purposefully late too church and then, creates
one hell of a noise screen of hell from underneath
the pulpit lurch, and who is known as pike
with an 'm' & sanctioned licence to kill - at least
that is what he has told in various churches
who did say to the devil 'Behold'.

Best to confess and to clear up his mess
and that of others, who held black mass
in every church and cathedral from the lurch
in the city of London and elsewhere, here and
there, and especially also in the Vatican and
other Anglican shores, and then, send them
all back to where they came from and let
them face the music for their evil deeds
with their diplomatic immunity and impunity
revoked, and the first ones just now at mass
at the hearing of their own sins spoken out
publicly already at the looks from other crooks
and their victims under their own shame
and selfpity in crocodile tears choked.


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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