Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Jesus Christ says to His law enforcement agencies: 'Time to give to the evildoers a taste of their own medicine and let them swallow their own thought of putting a holy soul again and again on the Captain Kidd gallow', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Jesus Christ says to His law enforcement agencies: 'Time to give to
the evildoers a taste of their own medicine and let them swallow their
own thought of putting a holy soul again and again on the Captain Kidd

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - 20:25

Jesus Christ says to the Defendant and witness, who had collaborated
on international church treasure piratery and other organised
criminality: 'I had my special Interpol and secret service agents
follow you everywhere, and we were all amazed, how you two together at
your secret meetings into your offshore blackhole accounts on the
ipadscreen gazed, and even a Vatican pope I and II and an Anglican
archbishop I and II were at your invisible Giraffe routes for hiding
each shore's treasures and victims' remains in underground facilities
underneath naves and how you arranged the Roman Church treasures to
store unnoticedly in an Anglican rockbottom church uninsuredly and
vice versa the Anglican ones with equal fraudulent and parish church
councils' and churchwardens' bribery special measures.'

Starchamber Trial - at the Heavenly Judgment Court: Witness cross
examination, Extract of a novel, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Starchamber Trial - at the Heavenly Judgment Court: Witness cross
examination, Extract of a novel, by Mother Sigrid Eliora Jesus Christ
as the High Judge looks through the evidence list that had been given
to him by the usher...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - 20:14

Jesus Christ gives a recommendation to church fabric and contents
insurance brokers: 'If I were you, I would refuse with hierarchies to
fuse, who build literally on sand and even rip out of their buildings
a cornerstone, under which they hid stolen church treasures and bones
from their victims, but I would all simply at your next secret society
meeting ask, whether it was them, who put the poison into your glass
from a supposedly special Lambeth Palace cask, because you took them
already lately on similar matters with the authorities also of
Interpol in various a monastery and priory to task, where you
uncovered enormous amounts of hidden piratery blackhole treasures, and
I would, if I were you, also give up your undercover role and mask, as
they are onto you and you should now testify, before 'they' can again
you access to their or your own office deny.'

Starchamber Trial - at the Heavenly Judgment Court: Witness cross
examination, Extract of a novel, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Starchamber Trial - at the Heavenly Judgment Court: Witness cross
examination, Extract of a novel, by Mother Sigrid Eliora Jesus Christ
as the High Judge looks through the evidence list that had been given
to him by the usher...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - Yesterday 17:14

A life on the run from one own's shady secret society notoriety deals
and shadow empire is not fun, especially when known will be in court
that under abuse of power a judge issued to numerous a nun and Hun a
licensed gun under a hijacked seal.

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - 15 Jun 2014

NOT just in Ireland does the Vatican and also the Anglican See and
other branches of Christianity and other religions and denominations
have a long hidden track record of cutting loose ends - but eventually
the anonymous bones throw silently back from beyond the graves the
senders' stones and God sets them finally from the slavery of the
heretial navery and criminal engravery free, and even imprisoned souls
in a coma, who have been pushed by a remote button from Roma down the
skiing slope, and whose wives and mothers and children with their
agony not very well cope and did all possible reasons to Jesus Christ
for His Judgment Court tell and so, even a muted soul can still return
to a doma their foul in the sleep ever so deep.

A priest, who stays on to spread heresy must be a also a church
hierarchy's offical spy and organised crime con or mercenary,who plays
El Eljon, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
A priest, who stays on to spread his unholy corrupt see's heresy must
be a also a church hierarchy's offical spy and organised crime con or
mercenary,who plays El Eljon, b by Mother Sigrid Eliora At least at
face value, as fr...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - 15 Jun 2014

If the churches followed their own rules and canon law, and not made
decisions based on a secret society draw, then God's law would also be
not for them the last straw but a church hierarchy that commits or
allows and harbours organised criminality and heresy will have to one
day also stand in the dock and be exposed with their every flaw
legally, and there is already enough living testimony in the courts in
secret trials by priests, who have survived their hell and lived the
truth instantly to those in the courts, who were also attacked with
their integrity to tell, and together with Jesus Christ they broke
every evil curse and spell and met right under the nose of those, who
did even overdose in desecration of their own bell.

A priest, who stays on to spread heresy must be a also a church
hierarchy's offical spy and organised crime con or mercenary,who plays
El Eljon, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
A priest, who stays on to spread his unholy corrupt see's heresy must
be a also a church hierarchy's offical spy and organised crime con or

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - 13 Jun 2014

Time for secret socities to voluntarily give up their organised
criminality under the disguise of charity and heresy and to come clear
and to the truth not just their accounts to redress. CONFESS! And
clear up your mess! And voluntarily surrender your diplomatic immunity
and impunity, if you have abused your power and authority even
strategically and systematically had a hand in war and whoremongering
and para-military concerted anarchy and fascism internationally. Jesus
Christ is the living law and no offender can simply play the high
ranking lawbender indefinitely, without becoming to his own secret
society eventually his very own liability and under his tumbling
pyramid hierarchy into his pool of corrupt water in his crocodile
self-pity tears drown, and God will simply say: 'Good riddance' with a
most sad and relieved frown. As once too often did a secret society
defile the most holy and eternal and loving husband's of all, Jesus
Christ's heavenly crown, and his eternal wife's Mary Magdala's wedding
gown. Mother Sigrid Eliora

The Judge shakes his head in speechless disgust: 'What a mess, when in
the sameWhat a mess, when in the same family one member does confess
to organised criminality & heresy &both have done so against each
other's secret society, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
The Judge shakes his head in speechless disgust at the accounts of
mercenary assassination & the lack of a voluntary truth ration &
semi-professional purposeful ritualistic lust: 'What a mess, when in
the same family one memb...


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