Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Saturday 28 June 2014

Update: Time is up for the simple truth of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's holy family's cup, and not just in poetry but also in reality, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

The time for the truth to be recognised and revised also in the
Vatican, Anglican and every other shore is long up, as Mary Magdala
has had enough of being treated by every
Goliath rough and she defends against them most peacefully but with
the facts of the evildoers' own unholy and criminal acts the truth of
her simple holy family's cup - and they are no longer in a position in
her fears to
instill nor the truth to kill with threats of fire, bombs, poison, knives,
arranged accidents or killing off her friends and family or even a
nation one by one
under diplomatic immunity and impunity and abuse of authority,
principality and even the seals of a monarchy under a secret society
cone - Mary Magdala is returning to everybody personally back publicly
to the evildoers their own stone, and God lets simply bounce back every evil
curse also not just on every death doctor and nurse but also on all,
who muttered curses and spells courtesy of bribery and property paid
for systematically by the public purse, and brings about whole pyramid
instant fall,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

For every bishop sent to prison for abuse&fascist&Satanist
heresy&organised criminality is still left a whole by him directed
hierarchy ready with their own fouls the truth of Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala and their eternal family of holy souls to kill. And the
simple truth being the holy matrimony of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
and the utmost brutality of the ordered murder of their infant twins
Jacob and Zara-Zarai
by their own grand-mother never once entered even a pope's mind to
mention publicly and to put wrong right -

no, because it was just too convenient to make more
money and property out of war and whoremongering in the most
longlasting and all borders blasting mercenary powers and
principalities united against the truth fight on all frontiers, and
not all, who dress up and speak as so-called fundamentalists of any breed are
really what they seem, as there are numerous mercenaries or threatened
victims of abuse and funded by the
ever warring bloodthirsty fascist fourth empire of evil obsessed dreamers, who
have been lately suddenly against their own will for the truth in
their sleep screamers, as
their plots the truth to kill funded by round table fable Vatican
money have come back
to haunt them and not just at golden dawn over a yawn to daunt on them
that they are being found out - and suddenly even a pope and former
pope for the first time in their lives truly cry out for Jesus Christ
with the fear of God
in their bones under their secret society cones
to escape their own returning secret society's ritual knives and being
taken to task without their mask they are also all of a sudden by many
the cardinals' secret wives,who are fed up that they still have to
kill holy souls with poison at mass under impunity, albeit with
diplomatic immunity, but they fear increasingly that that might change
and the whole organised death train scenarios in whole countries might
after all derange and that it will be them, who suddenly will be
charged with murder and fraud and theft and other organised
criminality including human trafficking and paedophilia and murderous
assisted euthanasia in hospitals and adulterous framing and wrongly
shaming of persons of integrity and of even high treason in many a
season against the one holy nation and in their worldly nation, as
Jesus Christ is the living law and always seems to know, where when
with whom against whom did again in a secret society draw drew the
latest straw to climb up the snake's ladder - and He is no longer
putting up with their every blackadder and even the truth comes out
already in a former pope and cardinal's catheder from their bladder,
and suddenly the truth seems to be the only way forward in faith and
in new directions that are really as old as the lame game of the
heretics and organised war and whoremongers in every single shore to
give Jesus Christ and God and the Holy Spirit a bad name and to put on
a holy woman and wife and mother and sister that Mary Magdala was, is
and always will be, instead the babylonian whore's own shame - time
for the evildoers to be put in an exhibition in their own Viennese
diocesan museum with their own orgy of the wrong Jesus with cardinal
in the right frame with at last their own name to their own shame and
blame - and then, every devil's den not just in Heiligenkreuz or under
the roof of Brook and Wren but all over the world with the devil
banging yet another nail through Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's
hands symbolically will be finally taken up on their responsibility
and accountability for their purposeful heresy and blasphemy and
organised criminality, as long visible and audible even without
Specsavers hearing aid is their devil's hoof even but not just in
every fellows court community that has been bribed and evil vibed by
greed and heretical weed and that is also secretly run in horse
competition by a mare and a steed from some street, in which only
evermore holy souls each other greet silently, as they are Jesus
Christ's true Holy Rose shore for eternity, always were, are and will
be. And the wife of Jesus Christ is Mary Magdala, yes, it is she, who
was, is and will be always holy, and does not play with holy souls
fouls and never plays spiritual nor criminal roly-poly but stands up
to defend all by hereself against Goliath the truth of her simple holy
family's cup. And, by God, the time for the truth is now also in
Vatican, Anglican and every other shore up, and for heresy and
organised criminality to land in its own ditch. And then, suddenly
even in an underworld that is sealed for its own good from its own
evil, a musician might just find for the first time for the truth the
right pitch.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

It is time to charge also all partners-in-crime of abuse of
authority&principality for their cover-up&silence&organised

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

There won't be justice by any head,if diplomatic immunity&impunity
enable secret society fable heresy run instead of truth

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

For every bishop sentenced for organised criminality there are still
aplenty,who with their secret Satanist&fascist hierarchy live heresy.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

For every bishop sentenced there are numerous,who will still the truth
try to kill&put holy souls through the mill&in innocents fear instill

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

There is a whole secret fascist society within Vatican&Anglican
hierarchy run by Tibetan lore&has more piratery in store in a ditch

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

It is blasphemy of the highest to abuse sacred trust with lent
authority&principality or a crown&lets a holy soul in fears down&tears

View translation
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 17h

Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore : Clemens August
von Galen sagt: 'Ihr habt die Freih...

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 17h

Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore : ' And to the two
Anglican Archbishops the same kin...

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 17h

Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore : 'Ultra-right,
aryan heretic, bloody fascist lore -...

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 17h

Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore : 'Human
Trafficking, drugs dealing and murderous an...

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 17h

Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore : And suddenly even
a former passenger on a piratery...

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 17h

When Jesus Christ cares his truth to share,He not about
repercussions&consequences cares,as He knows,who killed his teacher of

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 18h

[Clemens August von Galen -Nec laudibus nec timore:And a former pope
ends up eating mildessa sauerkraut from Odessa..


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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