Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday 25 June 2014

John Donne says to Anne Donne: Just the facts read out aloud from our heavenly cloud & the church hierarchies might just suddenly remember, what happened with my shroud, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

John Donne says to Anne Donne: 'Just the facts shared aloud from our
heavenly cloud & the pyramid hierarchies in the churches might just
suddenly remember, what happened with my shroud from the lurches',

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

John Donne looks at his wife in sudden bliss and says: 'Annie, I had a
vision into the future that these snakes of churchwardens gave me the
last time a hiss, and their handlers from that priory with their nuns
also had every time a miss against us with their ritual knives and
guns and poison in the mass wine and in the incense - because once too
often they will indulge in their heresy and organised criminality and
build on the wrong book with the twisted hook their sandcastles'
foundations in all nations that they treat as their secret church
empire under the fascist flag and banner, and from both rotten sees
from Rome and Dover I will simply pull the plug, and expose every
single female and male thug, who under many a drug in their own plots
will overdose, and hold up into their face even a secret Westminster
cathedral garden's water hose at the right time at the right place,
and then, every devil's den in the future will be lost suddenly in
their artificial blackhole space -

but God will all hunt them down and take them to task and rip off
their faces their secret society mask and will from them the reason
for their high treason against Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and
actually the truth from the beginning of time ask, and sentence and
condemn the evildoers finally for their almost eternal purposeful
sinning, and they have long stopped even now already, when caught out
by me and you their evil grinning, and just pretend evermore that they
are at the cost of lives lost on the way to their victory in their
every corrupt rotten Roman and Dover shore, as even before the
Heavenly Judgement Court will end to hear her sentence every single
babylonian whore and no longer be allowed with other evildoers for
sabotage of the peace and justice to mingle.

And they will get back their every curse and even a death doctor and
black death nurse will no longer be able to wish on others shingle
paid for by the public purse but will have the poor flock of Jesus
Christ with free treatment have to reimburse.

The more malicious and vicious and vile they have behaved towards
God's truth and against His holy souls, the more visible and audible
will be made the evildoers' collective and individual fouls already in
their life time and they will have to feel in their own bones their
own returning stones and how they inflicted pain and suffering with
their evil on holy women and men in their prime, and I will toll the
bell on their every evil and for their sentencing by God your bell
chime that God dedicated in your name for justice and truth and thus
for everlasting peace, my sweet Annie - I promised you that, when you
went up to heaven after your ordeal in childbirth and then, we and our
eternal family of holy souls will both finally heal from all the scars
that the evildoers caused us by even symbolically and literally
crucifying us on their Cutty Sark anchor, and by lying about our truth
in all our incarnations in all nations and us our truth and holy
matrimony's happiness even now and in the future always and again
denying -

when God puts a stop to the contract with the devil He will drop on
all the plotters their own truth's bomb of the living word and speak
out their unspeakable and unimaginable evil and thus put them in the
dock even in Fetter lane in front of Jesus Christ's flock, and we
won't need a single weapon but the truth is our sword, so sharp that
it will even turn back into charcoal many a diamond that did pretend
on earth for God to play the harp and the poor a helping hand to lend
but who secretly was from the devil's brides' hearth and sons of evil
the shark and carp, and and I will rather live with you and our holy
true family like a vagabond, as I am of material possessions at the
cost of lives lost not at all fond, and I let their own bloodhounds
back at them bark, and take out of the hands of every single hierarchy
and archbishops and cardinals and popes their staff and let them feed
each other to each other their own lies in their own dead waters' pond

and I can clearly see their blackgold bribery treasures suddenly no
longer being able to sustain worldwide their every heretical fable and
simply send via heaven even to their hell the truth through a cable
and release from their betting stable the horses for only evermore
healing and free treatment courses in our Holy Rose See! And the evil
hierarchies will have to go to Canossa in a march and from their own
pyramid top from the sky fall, and will have to answer involuntarily
through their sudden pleas for help finally God's call, even in every
Pallbearers Mall and at every screaming silent wall, as I have seen in
my dream that went hand in hand with yours, our combined true love and
trust in God as His Infinite light's rod,
and I can't wait that finally even for peanuts has to behave himself
the highest kingmaker sod, who will be then known in many a devil's
den as the king of cod and all his assets of stolen piratery treasures
will be frozen and his piratery fleets on the Thames no longer sink
our humble ship or, actually, fisherboat, and he will have to share
also his every coat and donate back all hidden stolen treasures, as no
bishop or cardinal will be able anymore in any shore to hide amongst
the church wardens and recruits of evil's homes as their bottomless
fascist fourth empire pit shore's secret vault to push through his own
heretical and anabaptist creed and exposed will be also their every
unholy breed and weed, as they always and again will have by then in
adultery, blasphemy, and organised criminality with heresy overdosed
under their Vatican and Anglican domes.

And God will also not allow that they will continue unchallengedly and
unpunishedly with their every heretical show nor will He let cardinals
of fascist lore between Essex, Rome and in Westminster allow to fake
the death of a deluded and obsessed princess, who used a double that
gave for her her life and that of her child and lived to repent and
confess that mess with her last breath, and let that evil mother with
her aryan heresy and fourth reich empire shore resurface as a kind of
fake resurrection - as if she tried to do that with one of her sons'
against his older brother from the truth defection, the older brother
will automatically announce, just like we wrote in many a Shakespeare
play about the artistocratic family's own murderous plots already, the
younger brother's rejection, and that he went on every single vow
towards God and the truth astray in favour of his mother's fascist
empire flavour.

And I will know to prevent as my own Troyan horse in a church of St
Chad with you from the outside releasing the truth that I will in you
only confide, when the time comes, and I enough of all the insults and
crimes against humanity plotted underneath the church in a deep down
built hell like a negative Black- and Hampstead and Chadwell Heath for
the 'safekeep' of stolen piratery treasures and remains of many a
fascist ruler and for a spiritual warfare training centre with many
people holding secretly keys and slipping through the vicinity's
portholes as moles of organised priory with priority over heresy's
well established network of Anglican and Vatican criminality and I
will expose their every nest and share of reptiles and dragons and
death train waggons and put them on their vows to the very last test -
yes, my sweet wife, finally we will get the chance to bring about
justice through the truth and achieve sweet peace forever for our holy
souls, as with the facts of the evildoers' most unholy acts we will
save them, when the time for the utter darkness for the evildoers
comes, from any fouls.

I will rule most humbly and anonymously with an iron sceptre and
simply the evildoers collectively and individually through a certain
Deptford mind's mill, and suddenly they have no choice than for the
truth to use their voice and can no longer unpunishedly and
unchallengedly plot us to kill and their authority and positions of
power abuse, as we will always the beans on their plots before they
even can speak them out spill and put them not just in St Chad's
church on the spots. And, my sweet Annie, contrary to all the slander
and fake testimonials of numerous another Anne, Mary, Doreen, Belinda,
Delores, Lorraine, Govinda, Gisela, James and Johns and whatnot
self-made millionair El Eljons with fraudulent bonds, I only ever had
for you, and utmost blissfully and in perfectly holy matrimony in
God's eyes, the hots. And the evildoers will in the end wish they had
not put yet another stitch as a witch on their voodoo doll, as I did
long already in a final report even on their long forgotten sins and
crimes the bell also for the authorities in all countries and for all
their incarnations toll and even lived the truth also about false
burials and cremations to tell, so that finally even the highest horse
riders from their snake ladder in Norse fell and never resurfaced in a
smoke and mirror fake resurrection, as with real lives lost for a new
life span of even more decadence and organised pestilence to let with
the help of the oldest structure of evil in many a monastery and
priory and cathedral and church rise the last empire of evil even
every potential princess realised in the end that the very people that
they want to enslave would finally stand up and be led out by Moses
from even underneath the deepest hidden nave and that such a grave
error of organised worldwide terror would even for her and her
imaginary Arthurian legend court their final hell's grave,
and over is anyway by then the contract with the devil and even plots
in thought will be punishable in God's law court and suddenly nobody
will want anymore in any shore to draw the last straw in a raffle
ticket sale - nor the possible poison of their own making inhale nor
to be seen to be keen on being the first female Guy Fawkes in the
House of Lords as a result of a synod sponsored by secret hierarchies
from all sorts of fords from Munster to Rome to Minster and Cambridge
and Oxford to Romford and suddenly even in a formerly babylonian whore
tale all become well behaved and obediently the truth about all things
holy tell and no longer wish to play with human lives roly-poly.

As in heaven no holy soul is ever forgotten nor is it silenced and
will find with God's help a way the truth also about murder and
organsised criminality to tell and to break even as a purposeful
repentant sinner from hell hell's every spell.

Oh, my sweet Annie, we will never need guns - we simply blow the
whistle even on the garter, clover and thistle weed of the copycat
Huns and spill the beans with peaceful means!'


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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