Mary Magdala at the Heavenly Judgment Court presenting the witnesses
and victims of utmost decadence, pestilence and even gradually
involuntarily many a secret society hierarchy rather confesses and to
the truth the balance redresses, as otherwise God Himself with their
heretical bookshelf with the facts of most unholy acts to the right
faces messes as part of His punishment measures and He also expects
all pirates to hand back all stolen treasures.
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 7s
Mary Magdala@theHeavenly Judgment Court: 'Witness A,you are a former
priest of the CoE&of the RCC, which is quite a unique situation. Can
you describe, how you have been treated by both Sees, once it was
clear that secret societies had infiltrated the church hierarchies,
and you did not want to become part of their wider conspiracy to
organised criminality and heresy, as you also fought for the truth of
Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala's marriage and the acknowledgement of
our infant twins, and the fact that they were murdered,too. - Is it
correct that you and other priests and bishops and teachers at the
seminary, who also knew the truth have been threatened and subjected
to enforced therapy and almost confined to a church own mental
institution because of your visions? And that the then cardinals with
their individual secret society bishops abused their knowledge about
your visions to further their own agenda with a whole network of
combined monasteries and priories all over the world to cover up the
truth and to spread instead each their own version of heresy? And is
it also true that the same top Vatican and Anglican secret society
hierarchy concerted their organised criminality under diplomatic
immunity and impunity and threatened the deacons, priests and
sympathetic bishops and cardinals to kill them, should they break
their silence? -
Can you also confirm that you have been repeatedly held in a monastery
near Vienna and elsewhere against your will and subjected to torture,
whilst somebody else acted as a courier for drugs and human
trafficking in your name and with your passport between the Caribbean
and London? Can you describe to the court, how you were administered
secretly drugs by mercenaries, who acted as special agents, to extract
your visions and truth from you with force, and that you also have
been subjected to torture repeatedly?
You stated in your written testimony for the heavenly MI5 that you
were also repeatedly with other priests, who also were not willing to
make themselves a part of this evil and who started to believe you,
used as baits or as voluntary hostages, so that I could present the
truth unharmed to the world and to the court?!
You also stated that you turned for help to the heavenly MI5, so that
you could challenge and gather evidence from within with the above
witnesses until such a time that it became too dangerous, as you would
have yourself otherwise become be associates to numerous a crime.
You furthermore testified that you never the truth of Jesus Christ's
and Mary Magdala's marriage denied and never God's law defied, and
that you were horrified at how every shore treated me and our truth
about the children, and never my honour defied and, on the contrary,
defended it with your life with the other witnesses against every
ritual knife of the inner circles not just of secret societies within
the two major Sees but also of other religious branches and associated
orders, who were also spreading their versions or heretical
perversions via f.ex. freemasonry and templar and other knights
rapidly. You testified also that various aristocratic family branches
had tried attempts on your and our witnesses' and my life and had
their own networks of organised criminality, including self-appointed
royalty and illegitimate offspring of cardinals and bishops, who also
were part of various submovements, one of the biggest of which is the
Fourth Reich obsession in the continuation with the so-called Sunshine
children, the secretly placed inseminated Nazi-offspring all over the
world and hidden and groomed into powerful old families of various
denominations in all nations.
Witness A, I realise that this is a lot to take in for the court but
the time has come for all plots against the truth to be judged by Our
Lord and King of Kings and one Good God Jesus Christ, who is ready and
has passed already all sentences on the evildoers and purposeful
heretics and outright organised criminals. This court session is only
a measure of reconciliation and healing for the victims like youself
and, yes, myself, and all holy souls, who have been falsely smeared
with the evildoers' own fouls and crimes and filth and grimes.
Witness A, I thank you for your all-encompassing final report to this
court and we are endebted to you for eternity, and to all those, who
have stood up against evil like David against all the Goliaths of the
world, for the truth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and our family
of the Holy Rose. You are free and will receive God's healing and your
dignity and reputation will be fully restored and you will have a most
honorable place in the hearts in the one holy nation. But for the
evildoers their sins are retained, as they have to this very day from
putting wrong right and from ending their most unholy fight refrained,
and have had plans again to have even God stained and slained in all
His manifestations with purposefully spread lies and heretical
infestations in all nations. They will be cut off and condmned for
eternity, and in some cases also their whole confraternity, with the
exception of those witnesses, who told the truth in their testimony
and who had only infiltrated under supervision of the heavenly MI5 as
volunteers even as peers the inner circles.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 9m
Mary Magdala@theHeavenly Judgment Court:Now,Mon.Poirot,did the bribery
packages of the bishop for the priests entail their silence to the
organised criminality of the inner circles of the secret societies
that were present at the dinners of church hierarchy?
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 10m
Mary Magdala @theHeavenly Judgment court asks:Mon.Poirot,did the
archbishop or bishop offer also property via a churchhouse officer as
part of the package and had organised whole neighbourhoods of
truthloving priests with bribery to stain their reputation and to even
threaten them with torture or their untimely death through a ritual
knife or a planned accident?! And can you repeat your testimony that
the archbishop also boasted about the knowledge and owning of
documentation that proofed my marriage with Jesus Christ also in many
a different incarnation but yet he was frowning at your comment that
that was utmost pestilent and decadent and, yes, evil and fraudulent,
and that to withhold the truth from the churches means he does cheat
even against the wider world! How many wars could have been prevented
and the crusades altogether, had the offical sees put wrong right and
also not started in the first place, although they knew the truth,
their most unholy heretical fight. Is it also correct, Monsieur
Poirot, that the archbishop's staff started to threaten you also with
your life with their ritual knife, should you the beans on your
conversation spill? Monsieur Poirot, we all know your true identity in
heaven, and we give you thanks that you stood up for the truth and
laid down your life also to fight all heresy and the organised
criminality that was most sinisterly even committed in God's name to
put on it purposefully shame.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 12m
Mary Magdala asks the witness at the Heavenly Judgment Court:Mon.
Poirot,tell us now about the bribery leave-packages for priests under
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 20m
Mary Magdala says at the heavenly Judgment court: 'Monsieur Poirot,
may I ask you to present the evidence of utmost church pestilence?!'
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15m
Mary Magdala asks at the Heavenly Judgment court:Mon.Poirot,can you
repeat to the jury now,what you told the prosecution about the bishop!
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 17m
Mary Magdala asks at the Heavenly Judgment Court:Monsieur Poirot-this
is only your codename-can you tell the court the Lambeth Palace tales!
Mary Magdala asks the Chief Rabbi: Is it correct that you were also
part of a wider conspiracy against the holy truth already in the Old
Testament books, and that you were part of a wider network of
mercenary interdenominational fourth empire organised criminality and
heresy, along with certain Imams and Dalai Lamas and other supposedly
spiritual leaders, whose common aim was their spiritual warfare all
over the world by drawing on all secret resources also within witches
circles and esoteric schools and from devil worshippers in order to
infiltrate and conspire against God's heavenly kingdom on earth, and
that you in each of your religions attacked all peace and truth loving
and truly holy souls with your psychic and psychological torture
techniques and abusing spiritual and holy gifts in order to make to
your totalitarian Master races empire against the truth and against
peace and the truth and for sheer terror and dictatorship the shift
and eventually to replace the whole of the truly human race, who are
God's angels with a unique soul, with your own demons and robots and
in evil created creatures all over the world and to make into warzones
even a once harmonious kitchen hearth?!'
'My Lord, I believe your Mother is due for her session now, and I find
the charges against her should be entirely be dealt with by you
yourself, if I may humbly suggest that, and against all, who have been
her partners-in-crime in all her incarnations amongst all nations, as
you know alone, where to find her hidden bookshelf, from behind which
she threw at us her every stone and tried to replace her with her
golem clone. Know that I am with you, my Lord, in all that you decide
in agreement and that I trust you completely to be just and fair and
to finally bring about peace through our truth from the beginning of
time. And I speak you free of all supposed sinning and the devil is on
none of his bets winning.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Blessed be God. Blessed be Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their holy family of old. Blessed be the children of Abraham and Sarah.

Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Mary Magdala at the Heavenly Judgment Court presenting the witnesses and victims of utmost decadence, pestilence and even gradually involuntarily many a secret society hierarchy rather confesses and to the truth the balance redresses, as otherwise God Himself with their heretical bookshelf with the facts of most unholy acts to the right faces messes of His punishment measures and He also expects all pirates to hand back all stolen treasures. by Mother Sigrid Eliora
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