Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Thursday 26 June 2014

St Chad Pre-Whitby Synod Leaks about church pyramid hierarchy underworld beaks with evil streaks, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

St Chad Pre-Whitby Synod Leaks about church pyramid hierarchy
underworld beaks with evil streaks,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

St Chad says to St Aethelthryth before the Whitby synod: 'I know we
can our true love and holy matrimony this time not on earth show, as
it is in heaven blessed by God, as too much the Vatican and future
Anglican shore is trying to kill us and our truth off with their
organised crime and to slander us and falsely shame and for their own
heresy blame, whilst they try by all sorts of threats and poisonous
treats and torture under the disguise of 'Roman discipline' to get
out of us the truth but they haven't got the faintest idea, where to
start, and one of these days I simply let every single of their beasts
with their plots fart and spoil their orgy feasts and take them to
task even with their mask in the future in a different incarnation on
their piratery shores for the babylonian whores bribed and greased by
blackgold oil and diamonds from South Africa that they use with their
mercenary legions in all regions also in their alleged enemies
territories but privately they are all united in greed and behind the
scenes even with their crusades and quickly dig anonymous mass graves
and individual ones for us already with their spades under their
secret society cones with their delusion and obsession of their evil
masterrace lores empire and I simply let their strange plastic cards
one day, when it counts via the Holy Spirit expire, and let the truth
without their pool of bribery and without a certain deal for their
stolen piratery property against us peacefully transpire and cut them
off instead from their chosen path of artificially stirred up wrath
and a Tralala- Lama reclaim para-military anarchy, which is really in
disguise the evil breed and offspring of so-called high society and
null and void is also every secret society's heretical creed and we
can finally everywhere anonymously enjoy the flowers of our true
eternal seed.

St Chad suddenly an insight before the Whitby synod had and shares his
vision with St Etheldreda and says: 'Make sure that after my death you
do your all to keep the truth about our eternal wedding wreath with
your own order of the Holy Rose from our enemies pure, under a
different name but in the end we will put together under our every
incarnation's name to their own all the false shame and blame that
they attached to us, and then, I will also expose their every devil's
den that they will run and operate not just under the roofs of some
Brook and Wren but also of any future architect, who fool themselves
that they can simply kill off our truth and us and put each other with
their aryan heresy and filthy babylonian Talmud phantasy in the
bookshelves - as even our unborn holy babies will be able to see right
through the church and other pyramid hierarchies' evil and through
their secret societies' every fable and put the facts and draw the
lines of the swines and their most unholy acts already with their
babyfood on the table and bang with their tiny fist for God's law and
order and will jump off their earthly adoptive parents arms, when we
say 'Ready, steady' and off they go in a moment's instance even
without shoes and escape just in time their evil face value and secret
society handpicked and mixed families and flee under our Holy Rose
See's invisible cape and we do them simply all collect and into safety
with them escape and them into our parental eternal love in our own
little island family of true love and hope drape, and if it has to be,
we simply take on the evildoers size and shape as a diguise - that
will teach them a lesson to preach to us with in their hand a Smith
and Wesson.'

St Chad says to St Etheldreda before the Whitby synod: 'I have exact
reports from the church hierarchies official spies, who have deserted
their secret society and have exposed all their lies and those will
show, who when with whom where and how and against whom even in the
future in heresy and organised criminality and para-military plots in
certain spots overdosed, and that a tiny stinking rich minority with
big evil slavery empire priority run by their every priory and worldly
hierarchy intermingled will in the end through the exposure of their
leaks of information finally peacefully surrender to the majority of
holy souls, who want a closure in their community under all those
fouls, as nobody will be anymore in any shore unchallengedly and
unpunishedly be able to sell out all souls nor any law to bend
unnoticedly and I have also already seen, how one after the other king
and queen and pope and cardinal and archbishop and leader from their
own ladder with their snake fell, and how all the victims lived the
truth to tell, as soon as the contract with the devil is up and we can
ring on the truth the bell and even arrest former criminal executives
of an oyster and shell and deliver their own Judas cup back to every
hell and break also for the devil's beak his spell and make him forget
his evil streak but let all take up in utmost transparency their
responsibility and in visibility also in their vicinity God will in
all His manifestations keep checkmate and in check all evil already in
its very conception in all nations. And whosoever refuses the truth as
daily ration will simply be left to their own vices and devices and
has to live with his own heretical and criminal lices and will be
judged by God accordingly and severely and will have to bury their
dead alone and visible will be every pattern of their plots under a
secret society cone and God will simply hand back to each sender their
own stone and in His court nobody will leave and continue to be a law
bender nor secretly start a new hierarchy with yet another witches'
coven behind a stone cold oven, as God will burn every secret draw's
straw and the devil's effigy silently in His secret garden, and His
heart will towards all unrepentant purposeful sinners forevermore in
every shore harden but for HIs holy souls He will do His all to
shelter them from all harm and fouls by simply leaking and speaking
out aloud, what the evil ones under their cones plot in their
premises, workshops and cafes of long dark clouds that pretend to be
white but are dirty wash and they will no longer get for their
betrayal of our truth any cash and will have to fear from their own
chef to get back their poisoned mash.'


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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