Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Thursday 19 June 2014

The one Good God YAHWEH Jesus Christ sets all holy souls free from the slavery of heresy and organised criminality of every secret society and their aryan supremacy and fascist corruption of charity and truth, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

{Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)}

The one Good God YAHWEH Jesus Christ sets all holy souls free from
the slavery of heresy and organised criminality of every secret
society and their aryan supremacy and fascist corruption of charity
and truth,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - 10:20

The one GOOD God YAHWEH Jesus Christ sets all holy souls free from
the slavery of heresy and organised criminality and fouls of every
single secret society and their aryan supremacy corruption of charity
and truth. His way is the only way that does never ever betray the
truth and seeks only justice and peace through the facts in the living
word. He is the living word and as He is the Alpha to all that is good
He will put an end as Omega to the evil of His enemies and will do so
for eternity and so fast that they won't even know, how got found out
their heretical blasphemous aryan heresy piratery Sunday morning show
and their own underworld no longer comprehend, when He stands before
them as the supposed slave turned towards the evildoers scarecrow but
to His holy souls with the most loving and holy glow, as only to His
holy souls He does the truth about His majesty bestow, accordingly to
their willingness to take up their responsibility, and that has
nothing to do with any man-made or contemplative ability.

And suddenly, even out of the blue it rains confessions without concessions
and evildoers rather confess that they did on behalf of a priory and they on
command and with the bribery and property promises of a cretain cardinal
also bullied and murdered and threatened a whole neighbourhood and
internationally infested holy souls' families and friends and even sponsored
with piratery money fascist seats that were marginal in elections, so that
the truth could be targeted from all sides against the simple family cup
of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and their truth, like in the olden days,
by those, who as the closest of their former neighbours and pretend-friends
almost each not just them but also each other betrays, and no longer they
are interested in pursuing these fascist and criminal ways, as they can
already sense that it will be them, who are going to be burnt not just in hell
for their involvement in organised criminality, although they did not have
the full picture, who was all behind this organised conspiracy but they
know that they did make a pact with evil, when they agreed to spread
purposefully against their own friends invented weed and committed
blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and the true Holy Family of Adam and Eve
in all their incarnations in all nations over and again blasphemy with their
every evil secret society hiearchy.

Dear Priests, who want to leave the corrupt see you are stuck in, as
you are by your bishops and churchwardens and their cronies and nuns
of the secret societies within the Vatican and Anglican See with their
fascist agenda also in genda even with real licensed guns struck
courtesy of a power abusing High Court judge, simply apply day or
night for an injunction against the whole lot for a little fee - and
YOU ARE FREE!!! Finally from the heresy and organised criminality of
every most rotten unholy see and we will find another place for you to
play for free the nice game with a tee! by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Ye Priests, who want to leave the corrupt see you are stuck in, as you
are by your bishops and churchwardens and their cronies and nuns of
the secret societies within the Vatican and Anglican See with their
fascist agenda als...


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Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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