Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Canons of the Church of England, by Mother Sigrid Eliora


'and those, who are so made, ordained, or consecrated bishops, priest
or deacons,
according to the said Ordinal, are lawfully made, ordained, or
consecrated, and ought to be accounted, both by themselves and others,
to be truly bishops, priests or deacons.'

A good thing then, that St Chad long was consecrated by God and
ordained to be bishop, before St Theodore gave and took forced to mess
him around at face value and to pretend that St Chad's faith was not
sound, and afterwards many others in many a devil's den and unholy
space also to the one or other direction of a heretical Roman or
Anglican shore again the Roman and Anglican piratery slave galleon of
the babylonian whore one way or another against this or that sister
and brother in a hellish tit-for-tat shook as an mercenary spook and

And England simply rejects the truth of a humble and simple marital
cup still today, so is it any wonder that time is finally up also on
the Whitby synod's true ongoings the beans also outside of the present
synod to spill, as too many plots and keyholders are already gathering
again the real St Chad and Etheldreda to kill, and who put even on his
birthday a Frederic Barbarossa and a soul, who was more than once his
father-in-law in many an incarnation, also in any British nation and
shore, through their mind's mill with the evildoers hoping by
threatening yet again Etheldreda's life with a ritual knife, they
could finally have also of worldly treasures their own fill - but the
snakes, and reptiles, and vipers and mandrakes have never ever
understood the heavenly food and its treasures.

And thus, God simply declares all deacons, priests and bishops of any
heretical shore with their Anti-Christ and Anti-truth agenda and lore
spiritual pus and writes them off with one stroke out of any official
annals and omnibus, and only evermore with Jesus Christ's and Mary
Magdala's family of the Holy Rose all truth in a safe haven shares.
And about the walking dead and their stale worthless bread no holy
souls at all cares, and leave them to each other from their own snakes
ladders' and pyramid hierarchies to fall, and don't call ever again on
some self-appointed ruler of any pallbearers' mall or pretend wailing
wall, as smoke screens are made of the evildoers' charcoal and their
ritual knives' blade, whilst Jesus Christ had already no need other
than the living word also as Adam to live with His beloved one and
only eternal wife a holy life and if it has to be, they know, how to
defend themselves against the lies in the bookshelves and the sword of
every false creed, and God decided that their hearts did enough in
separation bleed, whilst the war and whoremongering continued in every
nation by the few, who abuse their power and authority via diplomatic
immunity, in the sanctuary, from the pulpit and the pew -

time is up for the organised criminals to take up their responsibility
and even and especially churchwardens included, who have also holy
souls' mind's intruded and put death spells of hells on them and who
were deluded and obsessed with their own secret society as part of the
fourth world evil empire, and their impunity does now expire and they
will have to stand publicly in Q&A time with full accountability in
all transparency and legal consequences for the pestilences and
decadences at the cost of holy souls' lives prematurely lost. And make
that for the church hierarchies in all shores, of their bishops and
archbishops, cardinals and popes, almost all, but as there were a few
exceptions, let us say: most.

And needless to say to those, who did God and the Holy Spirit and
Jesus Christ and His truth and way betray: You are condemned for
eternity with all your sins retained, as you have from putting wrong
right refrained and still holy souls with false blame and shame
stained and holy souls ritually slained.

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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