Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Tuesday 3 June 2014

God knows no man-made kings and queens but takes away also on earth diplomatic immunity and ends impunity anytime for any filth, grime and crime and tabula rasa even in a most pompous casa with the truth makes, and all sandcastle foundation in all nations simply with the facts of most unholy acts shakes, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

God knows no man-made kings and queens but takes away also on earth
diplomatic immunity and ends impunity anytime for any filth, grime and
crime and tabula rasa even in a most pompous casa with the truth
makes, and all sandcastle foundation in all nations simply with the
facts of most unholy acts shakes,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

If you think this is fiction, then just attend a Heavenly Judgment
court session also on earth, and you will be shocked, who whom with
whom in the most criminal and heretical ways flocked, and even cursed
and muttered under their breath in their prayer against the priest and
deacon and holy souls their spells of hells and desecrated in thought
and deed the churchbells with the assistance and without resistance
but for bribery and property deals - not just one but numerous
strayers with endless evil layers, who wanted to prevent that Jesus
Christ, Mary Magdala and their holy family ever from their wounds and
scars heals, and that is, why God as part of His judgment the
unrepentant evildoers all from his court and presence bars and
condemns them for eternity with all their sins retained, as they have
even against their kins of mercy and the truth and of putting wrong
right refrained and rather put on a most unholy fight even against a
most holy mother and father.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Long before his last Chrism mass as a bishop a rotten liar became an
unholy friar&betrayed the truth of Jesus Christ the Son of God
begotten. His high treason against God and his refusal of the truth
and of the justice that comes with it and which leads alone to peace
and healing was his downfall, and that is, why he must have to bless
the oils forgotten. Might as well, as he only served ever in both
corrupt sees in his own secret society with his hidden notoriety that
is strictly forbidden his very own version of hell and harboured
accordingly to the mess he left behind for his priests, whom he put
still in his 'service' to the grind in their mind and threatened to
subject them and their loved ones to the kill under the cones of his
secret society of the golden ox and calf and cow from every single
Ford's Sunday morning show and banked on impunity for the allegedly
concerted Vatican-Anglican via a special secret mercenary's status of
diplomatic immunity. Not everybody, who falls for a Grey eminence
behind the scenes in a cathedral at night is as
obscene to perform a ritual of a demonic creature of the devil and
sings 'natus est'. And the victims of some most unholy trinity is even
talked about by many a former churchwarden not just in the early
morns, when the bishop with the acting warden watches secretly on
facebook boasted about by the other watcher and vulnerable victim
matcher forbidden porn. That is quite some thorn that a bishop with
poisonous hyssop leaves behind for his battered flock - but what does
one expect, if a whole church hierarchy in both sees finds even
torture not a cause for concern but rather for further neglect and
treats every victim of ritual and other abuse as reject. Seems to Mary
Magdala that a whole secret society posing as church hierarchy is on
the seat to the big eject.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

A former bishop of one corrupt see went to another&found himself in
the arms of the same rotten shore&smells rotten to the core&is long
forgotten but will for eternity have to do penance and bear his cross
of having had a part in many an innocent and holy life's loss and also
inflicted by both shores with a ritual knife.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

A whole secret society posing as church hierarchy refuses to tell the
truth about Jesus Christ&Mary Magdala,so holy souls&victims of a
corrupt see can only expect neglect and are being treated and
maltreated as 'Reject', and are still subjected to the kill and had
more than their fill of every corrupt and immoral and highly
criminally silent shore. And God and His holy souls have been once too
often here before and demand now justice for all the victims of the
evildoers' fouls. With greetings also from one Savash Saka and many a
priest, who spills from heaven now the beans with most peaceful means
and warns all potential victims from their assailants's kills in time,
so that prevented can yet again another plotted crime. And these days
even the holy children have easily the secret society members in the
streets spotted and even in their school or on the way to their
training or at the playing field in the park - as rotten to the core
stinks already from afar, not to mention the look of a crook, many a
predatory ocean's shark, who will never ever sing to God 'Hark' - but
God simply also lets now all bloodhounds at their owners back bark
instead of intimidating and killing the programmed victims - thus is
the power of a little humble violet flower at a wall, so that in the
right time can be made to the police a quick call and to an end comes
even the most brutal and organised Sunday morning jumble sale with its
outbranching church stall. AVON d'bishmaya, illa passan min beesha,
Our Father, and deliver us from the evil ones, the ones, who sell even
Avon as a cream in their Sunday morning after mass church hall hell
and put on vulnerable holy souls a witches' curse and malicious prayer
spell and threaten them with repercussions through an old nun, if they
should the truth of their abuse tell. Not just one churchwarden and
verger in this merger and in conjunction with certain bishops from
this ladder of the snakes fell and none of their victims anymore their
bullshit of a holy shore takes but had enough of having to survive yet
another attempt of a hit.


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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