Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Saturday 28 June 2014

God calls before His Judgement Court all, who abuse sacred trust and do innocent holy souls into their hell thrust, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

God calls before His Judgement Court all, who abuse sacred trust and
do innocent holy souls into their worst nightmare hell disguised as a
smoke screen of a fake paradise
that is really the evil fruit of the snake Hagar and the twisted staff
of Ishmael, who
rather thought himself as some Death Angel, thrust, and He declares
already beforehand
all their piratery shores and murderous mass killing enterprises bust,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora


God asks the fake-representatives of all faiths: 'What was there not
to understand?!!
You violated sacred trust, you broke all my laws and you treated my
angels on earth
as subjects to your secret society draws and raffled and baffled from
one war and whoremongerer to the other each other with the last straw
also in a devil's den, where
I was resting as a lion, and I saw you personally negotiating with
some kind of spellbound hen with a crown, who was always keen on
wearing other women's gown, and stole as her own mole in disguise even
a can of Mr Sheen in your presence, and in turn you blackmailed her
also for her decadence and bullied and pushed through via her special
status powers and diplomatic immunity and impunity on a high horse in
Arabic and Norse your international warcrime pestilence.

As if you did not know only too well that Hagar's vision of paradise
that you teach and preach is that of the babylonian whore's shore's
hell, and you also only for bribery and property and weapon and
armoury deals start as mercenaries under the disguise of faith any
kind of terror and war and stir up conflict, where it does not even
yet exist and even in areas that are not even printed on a map and you
also set up a honey and minetrap on many a singer of a rap or you put
pure holy souls on your murderous hitlist or up for slander and with
doubles persons of interest in the wrong time at a fake event depict,
so that you can put false shame on a holy name.

And in your kind of world of Hagar bad fruits of evil that she spread
with Ishmael everywhere, there is no shortage of whores, who disguise
as angels of just any shores,
and blame God for your and their own evil and claim he must be the
devil, and your devil him - that is the kind of vision that you spread
worldwide in your every back- or boardroom moneylaundering and
warmongering decision.

As we all know that you only put religion in any colour and faith on
simply as a show and display of pomp and ceremony or, as a facade,
also in fake piety and fake humility, and afterwards you sit in a
gentlemen's club or even in a casino royal together over gamble,
whores and drugs as what you really are: thugs with the costumes of
bishops, popes, cardinals, chief rabbis, imams, and whatnot gurus and
elitist fascist heretical criminal sinhops and kinhops with most evil
and greedy intent killing and filling each other with under diplomatic
immunity and impunity smuggled in drugs, and your own country's secret
services have to clear up your very own mess and hide your victims in
rugs or let them cover up your crimes and forensics and chaplains lie
on your behalf even that you wanted to have murdered on command your
other half, who turned out not to be sharing your idea of serving the
golden ox, cow or calf but resented your worship of mammon and
bloodthirsty warmongery and you never subscribed to my sacred joining
of two souls in holy matrimony like Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah
and Amram and Yocheved, Boaz and Ruth, Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
did, whom I always and again amongst your countries hid and you put in
their every incarnation again on them the false incantation and cursed
them with your evil sisters and brothers of your hell's brotherhood
from the beginning of time that had nothing but sinning and crime as
its common ground against my creation - and you attacked always my one
holy nation and tried to kill or starve it off on your heresy's and
wildly invented or out-edited in the truth convention of a book that
is as much worth as you - nothing, as you are to me simply a
non-existent crook evermore with your every hellish shore.

And don't say I did not care for you and your every whore, I even
treated you like my next of kin, although you on me and my family
cheated and them maltreated in any way you could think up - and the
latest is that you still try to kill the truth about Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala's simple and humble holy family's cup and you still cover
up in your every supposedly honest religion the murder of their infant
twins and of all my holy souls, who are Adam and Eve's eternal
children as stars before they even entered their various mothers womb,
as you every single time you cursed Eve's womb and tried to make it
already, when she was born into a tomb.

I have had enough of being by you cheated and maltreated and falsely
blamed and wrongly shamed and in the false context to justify your
murderous and criminal organisation and institution named - and I
declare you through the bank condemned for eternity with your every
single confraternity that still does in my name and my truth kill and
with only ever evil entities for the sole purpose to kill off my
entire heavenly universe and earth - you have not the vaguest idea
yet, how I will in you with simply listing all the facts of your
unholy acts that you can no longer hide from my holy souls and not
even from your own, whom you equally betrayed and from your own vows
in every single secret society with yet another union of evil strayed,
instill in you from your very own evil fear.

As I simply let return to you your own curses and I simply pass the
buck onto you and return the stones that you threw at my holy souls
from your pulpit and the pew, and anyone can see that your lame game
is so very not new!!!

You are with your sins retained stained and smeared with your very own
bullshit and visible will be the bones and bodyparts of those, who are
exhumed and who cry out from their anonymous graves not just
underneath naves but also in your every hidden underworld heath - the
victims of your every murderous plot and hit and also the methods of
your tortures and killings and on a wide scale purposefully poisonous
dental fillings.

Need I say more?! I will, if you dare a single soul even as much as in
your mind to kill, and I will come to you with every law enforcement
everywhere that has proven to have integrity and my authority. And
remember: 'In my court NOBODY, not even me, has diplomatic immunity
nor impunity, but I am already through with all my holy souls and they
are all in their place and will show to you now in their eyes, what
you look like with your true face in the eyes of holy souls, and you
will feel sick from your own depicted fouls, as we mirror your every
terror and our disgust of your greed, murderous intent and lust.
And doing your penance and going silently to Canossa under the eyes of
all holy souls is for you from now on everywhere a must! As you have
blown every single opportunity to come clear about your lies and
heresy and organised criminality - I no longer extend deadlines but
increase by the nanosecond of your delayed confession my fines to give
you a taste of your own medicine!

So, the longer you stay silent, behave decadent and pestilent, the
more you will have to do your punishment visibly and longer hours of
service to the community without fees and without recognition and
invisibly in anonymity, and you hand over all your assets voluntarily
that you have stolen from the public purse or from your community or
family and your secret society piratery. Is that clear! You know by
now that Jesus Christ is me and that I AM to you near and instill
suddenly in you a never known of God fear! And don't bother me with
your self-pity crocodile's tear!!! As you did not even offer a tissue
but only insult to my holy souls, when they were crying in grief, and
you even slandered them with false allegations in all nations and
attached to them your own heretical belief. You are nothing but an
allround thug and thief, and don't you dare to deal anymore with any
drug and over from Rome to Dover and around the world is diplomatic
immunity and impunity - you behave yourselves in utmost humility and
transparency and accountability and take up your responsibility,
especially in high positions of power and authority, as I have close
to you those, who do not in your vices and lies overdose and stand up
to your evil against the family of the Holy Rose and by the way,
surrendered and asking from you to owe up to your debts is also the


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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