Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Saturday 14 June 2014

Once upon a time under a glass pyramid roof in a wharf with Jesus Christ as the silent witness more than one secret society left their kingmakers' mess with the evil snowwhite and her dwarf, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Once upon a time under a glass pyramid roof in a wharf with Jesus
Christ as the silent witness more than one secret society left their
kingmakers' mess with the evil snowwhite and her dwarf,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Once upon a time under a glass pyramid roof in a wharf with Jesus
Christ as the silent witness more than one secret society left their
kingmakers' mess with the evil snowwhite and her every dwarf, and now
she feels cold, even on a hot summer's night, when the truth is
finally told and she abused her temporary might and failed to say to
the truth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala: 'Behold!' and rather
herself did pretend to be Isis - but even the last slave by now does
know that the evil snowwhite has blood on her hands and did the truth
of the most holy couple and also of Isis, who had surrendered to God
voluntarily, as she was born from the stars and made of His light, and
had put her gifts at the feet of Jesus Christ as Mary Magdala, as His
wife, so that He could end the most unholy fight of the secret
societies with their notorieties and their ritual knife.

And with Solomon's seal in her heart's possession she helped Jesus
Christ to transform all evil into a holy intercession and thus He
could ensure that ultimately would be presented a defendant in God's
Judgment court eventually and finally with the truth and reality of
his sins and that he would thus would have to capitulate in a
confession without the slightest concession for every single
transgression and evil manipulation and incantation against holy
souls, and Isis alias Mary Magdala helped Jesus Christ in every
incarnation even already as Eve as much as possible to return to the
senders all fouls but as long as the contract with the devil was still
on, they were not allowed to use their full powers and could not
remember them fully either for that reason, to fight all evil and
every heretical and criminal con, until such a time that the Holy
Spirit would convey God's will to end the contract and to enforce His
law and might and to put all wrong for His holy souls right, who are
the eternal family of Adam and Eve in all their incarnations from
beginning of good to the end of evil to the next living spiral to the
light for eternity without sinning.

And in every incarnation they started again to remember and the more
they suffered for their love and truth the more in every shore of the
babylonian whore were the evildoers nervous and anxious to spread
their heretical bread instead and started wars and caused purposefully
to whole nations scars but God now all of these notorious criminals
and their secret societies with their every shore from His heavenly
kingdom on earth and from His presence bars, and He has many
manifestations, so that He can effectively through His true holy
family counteract all lies and slander and crimes and heretical

And He knows exactly, who cursed all holy women's gestation and who
purposefully spread
deadly diseases and subjected whole countries to vicious and malicious
PR-manipulation and shows no longer mercy towards the unrepentant
sinner and fools them with their man-made thrones for a while, until
one day He personally takes away from underneath their feet their
ground and lets them tumble down into their own abbyss of darkness
on their mass-fabricated footstools, and lets them know in the street,
why He does them no longer greet by either looking at them in disgust
of their greed and lust or by simply looking away - but one thing is
for sure: their bat wing is no longer for their cuckoo breed a cure,
and He lets them suddenly involuntarily the truth aloud sing or they
will receive suddenly back from their own hornets nest their own
curses and sting and stone that they uttered and muttered under their
imaginary secret society cone. And they might just be confronted also
with their surviving victims or with a clone, who is played by a most
humble ex-priestly drone, who has for those with eyes to see and ears
to hear always softly and gently among the loud evildoers God's
Infinite light shone and most humbly hidden His true might, and the
realisation of this fact gives now even the evildoers of old a huge
fright, when they awaken in cold sweat every night, as makes them
remember their every sin and crime and when he plays for them a little
sarcastic pantomime.

Once upon a time under a glass pyramid roof in a wharf with a silent
witness canary
and even a Vatican sponsored snowwhite and dwarf from the hills and far away
cardinals and bishops and popes even from remote did Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala again betray & tried to kill her because she had in every
incarnation surrendered to him again as Isis to serve the one good God
and so they threatened her with a ritual knife and scried and spied on
her with black magic and to suffocate and strangle and behead her and
crucify under their hood and their devil's hoof, only because the
heretical evildoers wanted to continue their organised criminality and
war and whoremongery undisturbedly.

And there was outside at the city gates a bishop, who played kingmaker
even to some self-declared and delusional royal dragons and even had a
red carpet laid out with two golden carriages arriving at the modern
glass temple, and further pyramid hierarchy awaiting their own
crowning ceremony even in the presence of CoE clergy, who boasted and
toasted already, as always in their own secret societies, too early
their climbing onto
the honours list of their choice, as the kingmaker bishop promised all
to everybody, and now it turns out he is actually Judas, the eternal
traitor even to his own twelves and Satan's elves and suddenly his
manifold board memberships go under in thunder and peanuts and in the
street nobody does him anymore greet not even from his own shore.

And amongst the silent witnesses were afterwards also many
professional mock ladies
in expensive Agent provocateur gear, for which the tax and tithe payer
might want also all the other wolves shear and God makes now all
evildoers the world's cross without Jesus Christ's presence and
support bear and gives no longer about these secret societies any damn
and they can no longer play over Him boss, and so suddenly no more
bribery and property is available for organised heresy and criminality
under church seal nor under Solomon's nor under a pyramid roof temple,
and all members are dead scared that the police might knock on their
door and find also stolen goods under their floor or murder weapons or
other forensic evidence of utmost pestilence, as once too often they
under diplomatic immunity and in the obsession and impression of
impunity they their evil deeds even on social networking sites for all
to see shared. And as they themselves opened of the pyramid glassroof
the lid, the evildoers will be at the latest in the courtroom in the
dock see Jesus Christ and His flock, and the jury and audiences taking
of every living word and heretical creeds and weed stock, and then,
even every most evil den is in for a shock, when exposed is also, who
when where with whom also in organised criminality and not just in
heresy under a roof of Brook or Wren in his own greed and delusion and
obsession with playing Isis and the bible up and down in a stolen gown
overdosed. Then, all of the non-repentant and non-confessant sinners
will lose their every crown and in their own crocodile tears of
selfpity in their eternal hell drown and wished they had never cursed
their family and friends and the church bell, as their victims lived
the truth to tell and Isis helped Jesus Christ again with the Holy
Spirit's help, upon whom she called with God's real name to undo every
single spell - et voila, she survived every single attack and lived
also this last bit to tell. And she never accepted any bribery nor
special boardmembership of an oyster or shell or of some smelly mouldy

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

No deal for lesser punishment for all,who committed crimes in abuse of
Solomon's seal&Isis onlyas Jesus Christ's wife dances&her bell chimes

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

A repentant Isis alias Mary Magdala,surrendered to the peace&truth of
Jesus Christ as His wife&her old enemies stab her in pyramidwith knife

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Jesus Christ shows to Mary Magdala from remote under a
pyramidglassroof,how the evil dollarbombdroppers try to kill her with
devil's hoof.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Jesus Christ shows to Mary Magdala,who had surrendered to him as
Isis,how secret societies still as kingmakers want to kill her for His

View translation


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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