Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday 13 June 2014

From a Hoxton place to outerspace - ye secret societies, mind in your own abbyss of hell the gap!!!, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

From a Hoxton place to outerspace - secret societies do not stop from
one forbidden planet in and out of London to the other in sin against
their next of kin to hop but
Jesus Christ does simply with Mary Magdala the truth on the evildoers drop -
Confess, and clear up your disgusting lusting mess, ye secret societies, and
from now on you can with your ritual knives every day as community service
from fresh potatoes the chips chop for free, and donate for your bullshit
your consultancy fee and put the truth on the map, as this time you ran with
your organised clubbing crime right into your own mind's trap, and your arrest
is more than just your latest mishap, as you also faked police meetings and
posed under a new board of CAP - mind to your own abbyss of hell the gap!!!

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 3h

Corrupt elders in a community are like weed that purposefully
overgrows&suffocates all good seed,especially under a secret society
hood. And elders,who play in outer space with their billions of
blackhole money skywelders, cannot even find a missing aeroplane in
the deep blue see? Why? Because the blackhole taxevaders don't do
anything ever really for free and are also not content not just with a
consultancy fee, no they want it all, they even want to kill off a
whole homeoffice with every dutiful and loyal and selflessly serving
MI5 and MI6 spy in a free skyfall and take over also with the
logistics of old of the secret societies the anyway heretical and
corrupt Vatican and Anglican see and make it into a
Hollywood-Bollywood version of fourth fascist empire perversion all
over the world with mercenaries and para-militaries, so that the
superrich can play real war from outer space and they hardly show
these days their real face, as they are too busy mingling in politics
smokescreens and corrupting and manipulating artificial fake-teens,
who have no shame and blame all always to another one with a holy name
- but they are right now being put into the right frame, and then,
even the last dragon gets a slap and leaves to the grown-ups finally
the right map, and jumps off one hell of a deluded and obsessed

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 3h

Community leaders and elders,who feed only their own greed&play not
just in Hoxton fate welders spread against the truth as food their
weed also want to overgrow with their evil the good seed, and sink
that low to frame a good police officer with their local secret
society and commit one after the other organised criminality and blame
it on the good ones, at whom they throw their stones indiscriminately
purposefully but eventually their pattern is so obvious that even HM's
CPS only needed to show up at a networking event in every square in
disguise and suddenly arrested were those, who against the Holy Rose
had in their own secret society invested, and whole neighbourhoods
with vicious rumours and slander and real crime infested through
bribery and strategically bought property courtesy of a select few
estate agents, who have quite a reputation meanwhile in their special
Shhhh-mile as Agent Provocateur on all levels of war and
whoremongering made in Shoreditch ditch silicone valley but no longer
on is the last curtain road call, as the last dance in the clubs was
prepared by a pseudo-toad, who lets simply all freemasonry and other
secret societies into their own traps fall and at HM's leisure all
decent bobbies arrest the evildoers with utter pleasure and
politeness, and let the secret societies clear up their communtiy mess
and they better bring enough paper, as long are the lists to confess.
Time to put on all real names their long overdue shames and blames and
no new Shoreditch deal nor free meal for all, who did in their
delusion and obsession and black magic intercession and confession
with concession about their organised criminality and heresy overdose.
And what better purpose and first use of a water canon to flush out
all evil in Hoxton and every other square, as obviously the same
keyplayers also in every strategic place not just their face but also
a bribery property share, and secretly have also third and fourth
homes and warehouses at their disposal courtesy of hijacked
churchhouse property and military without the knowledge of any
official but the secret societies via Drury lane hold the keys to all
buildings at night and sometimes even during the day, and do
unashamedly even their own spouse in another house or in their own
betray and former friends with their groups of fours and twelves
ritually slay.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 3h

Lasting peace is based on human dignity,truth&justice&on a selflessly
supporting community free of greed&with Jesus Christ's true creed.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 3h

Lasting peace is based on the holy desire for truth&justice&on the
basic respect for human dignity&on human beings helping out

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 7h

The children of Abraham&Sarah only ever seek peace&truth. Sadly, Hagar
& Ishmael like still to kill & to make money from war it seems.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 7h

War can never be a solution.It is a plot of a deadly spiderweb of
evil&of greed&corruption in any nation&spot in a smokescreen

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 7h

No war is justified,especially one that is an act of blasphemy against
The one good God,who only brings peace&justice&truth&human dignity.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 9h

Jesus Christ is the only path to everlasting peace through the truth
that heals&brings sweet justice,not wrath.It is free&the heart does

View translation
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 9h

Der Tolle Bomberg sagt:Eine Kirche,die Heilige betrügt,kann mir
gestohlen bleiben&ich tat ja nie eine Schweigeklausel unterschreiben.

View translation
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 9h

Sagt der Tolle Bomberg:Eine Kirche,die ueber die Wahrheit
luegt&Heilige mit Scheinheiligen betruegt such zum
Schutzgeldeintreiben genuegt.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 10h

There is a holy woman of heart's nobility,who is not keen on being
queen&on truth&true charity on a horse for the meek&lowly for free

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 10h

Bah-bahblack sheep,a wise man played his own fool&burnt your jumper
from synthetic wool&the never wanted to take from Jesus Christ His

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 10h

Even the sweetest wine tastes suddenly bitter,when a bishop forgets
the antidote,as he is still full of the fear of God judging on

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 10h

Some like to travel to the sky@the cost of lives lost&with finance
from every vaultstored post&point their secret ritual knives@their

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 10h

Does a company with a glass pyramid roof agree to regular
kingmakers&secret societies sessions with devils hoof plotting
organised evil see?

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 10h

Who digs at night for a victim an anonymous grave?A secret society
bishop,who did misbehave before in the nave&who lies to his shore.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 10h

When members of so-called high orders are illegalbribery&property
hoarders across borders,they might publicly lose their diplomatic

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 10h

When secret societies their notorieties openly twitter,they think they
have diplomatic immunity but as a liability have no longer impunity

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 12h

PORRAJMOS Holocaust Memorial for the Roma and Sinti Victims: The Judge
shakes his head in speechless disgust: '...


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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