A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Phrases
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Phrases
Romani Word | English Meaning |
abiav | wedding feast, marriage, party, in, inside |
akti | here |
albergo | inn |
alazas | flame |
ale | but |
aleluyas | Pentecostals |
amaro | our |
ambrol | pear |
amoni | anvil |
amria, amriya, armaya | curse, oath |
ando foro | into town |
angustri | ring |
arey | at |
arter | after |
arvah | yes |
aster | star |
ataman | cheiftan |
atch | stop |
atchintan | parking place, stopping place |
athinganoi | danger |
avree | away |
avri | outside |
awenydd, awenyddion | "inspired one," seer, shaman |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
b'e-g | take |
b'o-r | non-Rom woman |
baksheesh | good fortune |
bal, bala | hair |
balame | gaje |
balval, barval | wind |
bar, bur | mountain, brother, stone |
bar valo | rich |
barearve | to honor, respect, obey |
barban | wind |
bari lavuta | viola |
baro | big, large |
barri | big |
barvalimos | wealth |
bater | may it be so |
bauri | snails |
bavo | Kris complaint |
baxt | fate, karma, one's nature, fortune, luck |
baxtalo | lucky, happy |
bayo (Pl. bayura) | Kris precedents |
beebee | aunt |
beng | devil or frog |
bangalo | devilish |
berk | breast |
Besh! | Sit! |
beshtas | sat |
bestipen | wealth, riches |
bhen | ssiter |
bi-lacho | no good |
bibaxt | bad luck |
bidonville | shantytown |
binak | twin |
bino | sin |
bitcheno pawdel | to be deported, "sent across" |
bitcherin' much | magistrate, "transporter" |
bo-v | oven |
bob | money |
boba | bean |
bog | get, be paid |
bogacha | baked flour bread |
bokh | hunger |
bokoli | pancakes stuffed with small pieces of meat |
boreens | side-roads |
bol | type of music |
bolta | shop |
bori, boria | bride, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law |
bosh | fiddle |
brashki | frogs |
bravi'os | nomadic, "wild" |
brigaki djili | "sorrow songs" |
bu-ino | proud |
bujo | bag, medicine bag |
bul | buttocks |
bulibasha | traditional local leader |
bushalo | sour |
but guli | very sweet |
butji | possession |
Romani word | English Meaning |
c'or | to steal |
c'oribe' | theft |
c'uc'i | breast |
cam | sun |
cante jondo | 'deep song' |
cha'risma | religious state-of-grace |
chachimos | truth |
chakano | star |
chao | tea |
chava, chavvie | boy |
chavi | girl, child |
cheeb | tongue |
cheiz | girl's dowry |
chere | stars |
cheros | time |
chet | write |
chey | girl, daughter |
chiavala | lad |
chile mole | hot barbeque sauce |
chin | "cut/carve" i.e. write |
Chindilan? | Weary? |
chindilo | cut (past action) |
chindiyas | the one who cut it |
chit | read |
chokesarav | to forge (metal) |
chop | exchange |
chor | thief, to steal |
chorav | to steal |
chordane | intelligence service |
choribe | theft |
choro | thief |
chote | vinegar |
chovexani, chovihani | witch |
chuchi | breast |
churara | sword |
churi | knife |
chuti | milk |
cikat | front |
ciocoi | overseer |
clachans | settled family groups |
clank | to hide |
cokalos | bone |
corthu | one being, joined |
crush | get out |
curaco | raven |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
dant, dand | tooth |
darane svatura | stories about magic, superstition, and the supermatural |
dariav | sea |
daro, darro | bride price |
dat, dad | father |
del | spirit, avatar |
desrobireja | emancipation from slavery |
dest | wind |
desteredre | bird |
detlene | spirits of dead children |
devel | God |
dhon | very much |
dickin | looking |
dickla, dickler, dicklo, diklo | neckscarf. headscarf, handkerchief |
didikai | gypsy fried |
dik, dick, dikh | to see |
dila | floor |
dili | retarded, crazy |
dilo | fool, imbicile |
dinilo | crazy |
divano | discussion, meeting |
diwano | group of elders called to discuss a matter publicly |
djan | to know |
djezbah | coffee pot |
domari | Asiatic dialect of Romani |
doodah | sweetmeat |
dook | magic |
dordie | exclamation |
doshman | enemy |
dosta | enough |
drab | medicine, herbs |
draba | spell, charm |
drabarav | I read |
drabarni | healer, fotune teller |
drabengro | medicine man, healer |
drarnego | special healing herb |
drey | in, inside |
dom | man |
drom | road, way |
du' dera | comfort(as in, "i'm sorry" during a tragedy) |
dudum | melon, gourd |
dunha | eiderdown |
dya, dai, daj, day | mother |
dzolana, djolano | mule |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
e | the |
edra | sister |
edre | sibling |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
familia | extended family |
feen | man |
ferari | blacksmith |
filefilidh | 'vision poet,' seer, shaman |
foros, Forjus | town, city |
forshava | very, very good |
furtuna | tempest |
fusui | bean soup |
fusui eski zumi | butter-bean soup |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
ga | walk |
gabori | jeweler |
gad | shirt |
gajengi baxt | bad luck, luck of a non-gypsy |
gajo, gadjo, gage | adult non-gypsy |
galbi | gold coins |
gami, g' ami | bad |
garda | police |
gavver | soldier, constable |
geg, g' e-g | beg |
gelo | gone |
gestena | thank you |
get' ke | explain |
gham | heat |
ghel | girl |
gilabno | male singer/reader |
gilbav | I read |
gilyabar | sing |
gin | count |
glas | voice |
glasso | melodies |
glokots | police |
glox | man, non-Traveller also boss (non Rom, i.e. The Man) |
gooi | pudding |
gored | money |
gorgio | gadjo, non-Rom |
grai | horse |
grast | horse, beast of burden |
grob | tomb |
groi | horse |
gropa | shop |
grushi | money |
gry | horse |
gunoi | feces |
gusha | Adam's apple |
Romani word | English meaning |
ha | has |
hai | yes |
hamishagos | to meddle or disturb |
hath | hand |
her'y | truth? |
hi | is |
hin | was |
hokano baro | great trick |
hum | will be |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
i | the |
inox | item |
iohai | medicine made from "ghost's vomit" |
is'i | are |
isda | see! |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
jall, jawl, jil | to go |
jeti | birth (circumstances of) |
jekhipe | Oneness, unity |
jel'enedra | little sister |
jel'sutho'edrin | companion animals |
jilling | going |
johai | ghost's vomit |
jostumal | enemy, 'wishes you harm' |
jude | judge, tax collector |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
ka | will or shall |
kadessa | mouse |
kafa | coffee |
kair | to do |
kaj | where |
kak | uncle: form a respectfull address to an older person |
kal' enedral | blood-bound (by blood vow, avenging someone, has swearing-to-deity connotations) |
kam, kham | sun |
kan | ear |
kana | when |
kanny | chicken |
karbaro | erection |
karfin | nail |
kas zhanes | who do you know? |
kascht | wood |
kasko san | whose are you? |
kathal | go gently |
katrinsa | apron |
kazan | small domestic stills |
keck, kek | no, not |
kedas | he made |
keir, ker | house |
kele | go onward |
k'ena | house |
kerdem | I made |
kertsheema, kirchima, kir`c`ima | inn, tavern |
kesali | forest spirit |
kesht, koshter | stick |
kestra | casual friend, acquaintance |
khan, kan | fart |
khania | hens |
khantino | smelly |
khul | shit |
khushti, kushti | good, fine |
ki's, kish | silk |
kidemos | collections |
kintala | balance |
kirvi | groom, godmother |
kis's | purse |
kishti, kis'ti | belt |
kleti | huts |
klidi | key |
kocho, koc'o | button |
kokalo | bone |
kom'i | more |
kon | who |
kori, kar | penis, coulter |
koro | blind |
koshtenengo | wooden |
koto-r | piece |
kr`isis | judgement |
kralis | king |
krethes | speculation |
kris | formal tribunal/trial |
krisatora | kris judges |
kris romani | trial to settle disputes |
kulath | (go) find |
kumpania, kumpa'nia | a group of rom, caravan group (basic unit, can incl. more than 1 tribe, clan, extended, and chosen family) |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
L vakandoka | the moles |
lalleri | non-Rom speaking |
lalo, lolo | red |
lampo | lamp |
langa | flame |
lashav | shame, honor |
lav | word, name |
lavuta | violin |
le | the |
led | ice |
ledome | frozen |
lel | to take, catch, arrest |
les | his |
leshya'e | helpful spirit, not mulo |
liha'irden | deer-footed |
lil | book, tale, story |
liri | law |
lobo | flame |
lom | man |
lomavren | Armenian dialet of Rom |
lon | salt |
lork | car |
love | money |
lovina, lovi'na | beer |
lovor | a ceremony to divide money earned |
lungo drom | long road |
lus', lus | a drink |
Romani Word | English Meanings |
ma, maw | an exclamation |
ma-sha-llah | as god wills |
machka, mac'ka | cat |
macho, maczo | fish |
magerd'o, magherdo, moxado | stained, unclean status |
mageripen | purity code |
mahala | quarter (of a town) |
mamioro | a spirit or ghost who is said to bring serious illness |
man'u's, manus | Rom man |
manch, manc' | cheer up |
mandi, me | I |
mang | to beg |
manishie, monashay, mollisher, mort | woman, wife |
manush | people |
mariki | sweet, layered, pizza shaped pastry from flour, powdered milk, sugar and lard |
marim'e, marime | unclean status, polluted, defiled, rejected or outcast by trial |
martiya | spirit of the night |
mas | meat |
mashakar | waist, center |
matiro | martyr, prophet |
melalo | dirt |
meska | bear |
mi'zak, mizhak | wicked |
midjloli | erection |
mira | my (mas) |
mindj | female genitals |
ming | cunt |
miri | my (fem) |
miro | queit |
mish | vagina |
misli | travel |
moarte | death |
mode | varieties of melody in Gypsy Music |
mom | wax |
monchimo | system of servitude to pay off debts and credits |
mora, much | friend |
moro | bread |
mortsi | leather, hide, skin |
mrak's | smear, unclean status |
mui | mouth |
muj | face, mouth |
mulani | ghost |
mule | the spirit or soul of a dead person, ghost |
mule-vi | a medium or an item capable of reaching to world of the dead |
mulengi dori | dirges or 'dead man's string'-a magic ribbon tied or untied to call on dead spirits to protect you |
mulla | corpse |
muller'd | killed, dead |
mulo | death, spirits of the dead, dead person, associated with uncleanness, vampirism |
mura, mu-ra | berry |
mush | man |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
nai | a negative |
nai man (keck) | I have not got any |
nak | nose |
namome | written |
nano | uncle |
narky | bad, risky, unpleasant |
naswalemos | illness, sickness |
natsia | nation, tribe |
nav | name |
nav gaijikano | a non-Gypsy name |
nav romano | Gypsy name |
nes | bad |
nevimos | novelty |
nevipe | news |
nevo | new |
niamo | relatives |
nicobado | taken away |
nivasi | water spirit/mermaid |
nos | it is |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
o | the (masc) |
o d'ives | day |
o xonxano' baro'(cale') | great trick |
o zhuvindo | "The live one" |
ofisa | fortune telling establishment |
Opre! | arise |
oprey | up |
orf | off |
Romani word | English Meaning |
paanii, pan'i | water |
pachivaki djili | pachiv song |
paguba | "raiding party" i.e. sent out for supples |
pahome | frozen |
pakiv, pachiv | to honor, respect, obey, esteem |
pakvora | beautiful |
pal | brother |
palecido | "set apart" i.e. marime |
pale`cido | non-rom |
pani | water |
pani neiv | fresh water |
papin | goose |
paramishus | tale |
paramitsha, paramicha | gypsy fairytales |
parno | white |
patragi | Easter |
patrin | marker, a leaf or page, road sign |
payo | gadje |
pe | to drink |
pen, penne | sister |
perina | thick quilts |
pertia | jellied pig's feet and ears |
pesha | his |
petalos | horseshoe |
phal | brother |
phei | sister |
phen, pena | sister |
phuro | an elder of a familia |
pi | to drink |
pi'bati | drinks |
pibe | beverage |
piko | spear |
pipere | pepper |
pir | foot |
pirogo | noodle and cheese pudding |
pisliskurja | darling |
pitarer | to drink |
plal | brother |
pliashka | engagement feast |
poav | field |
pomana | a death feast |
pooker | to ask, talk |
poove | field |
popin | goose |
porado | erection |
porraimos | literally: the Devouring i.i. the Holocaust |
poshum, po's'um | wool |
posoti | pouch inside a skirt |
posta | sacrifice ritual in nature |
postiu | abstention from animal producits on Friday |
potchee | pocket |
poteen | whiskey |
pral, prala | brother |
pralipe | bortherhood |
prastlo | dishounred ie. marime, unclean status |
pretera | wildcat |
prey | up, upon |
prikasa, prikaza | very bad luck or omen |
pufe | fried flour bread |
puri daj | grandmother |
puri dad | grandfather |
puro | old |
pushka, pus'ka | gun |
puterdea | straddle the legs open |
puyo | chicken stew |
puyuria | gadje gypsy groupies |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
r'asa | race, tribe |
rakli | non-Roma girl |
raklo | non-Roma boy |
rarti | night |
rat | blood |
rawnie | lady |
ray baro | great lords |
raya | land owners |
rebniko | pond |
rikono | dog |
rinkeni | pretty, attractive |
risho | reed, cane |
rocka, roackra | to speak |
roj | spoon |
rom | man |
rom baro | a leader; the "big man" in a kumpania; "Bandoleer",intermediary with the gadje |
romane | the language of the Rom |
romania | the laws and traditions of the Rom; social order |
romni | wife |
romni nashli | elopement |
rompien | gypsyness, the state of being a gypsy |
rovliako khelipen | 'stick dance' |
rukh | tree |
ruv | wolf |
rye | gentleman |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
sa-rk | field |
sadullos | safe |
salk | take |
salpeens | migratory farm workers |
sap | snake |
sarma | stuffed cabbage |
Sastimos, sastipe | greeting , "To your health" |
sastro | Father-in-law |
satarma | star |
saviako | Rolled pastry with fruit, cottage cheese and raisins |
schav | gypsy boy |
schej | gypsy girl |
se | are/is |
sedre/sedrin | child/ren |
ser`o, `ser`o, sero | head |
shadogs | cops/pigs/etc. |
shaia | sister |
shala | understand |
shanglo | police constable |
shav | unmarried gypsy male |
shav | push, shove |
shavora | companions? |
she | swear |
she'chorne | homosexual |
she' enedra | blood sister (by oath, chosen family) |
shee | is |
shebari | bride, girl or young woman of marrigale age |
sheka | horseshit |
shena | brotherhood, solidarity, clan |
schera | head |
sheranda | goosdown pillows covered in gay, flowered material |
sherp | go |
shesti | nonsense |
shey | girl (pre-puberty) |
shimulo | vampire, literally walking-dead |
shon | moon |
shoska | tent-pole |
shpera | road-sign, marking" |
si | is |
sir | garlic |
skorni | top-boots |
slavi | Saints day's festivals (Catholic and orthodox Christian) |
slobuzenja | freedom |
smavandre | short-distance travellers |
smente'na | cream |
so | what |
so' trekoth | gullible person, "gape-mouthed hatchling" |
socro-bori | incest |
solakh | Kris (trial) judgement using armaya (curse), with judgement left to mule (the dead) |
sonkai | gold |
soske | why |
sov | (to) sleep |
spiuni | spy |
staadi | hat |
stanya | stable (noun) |
staven | water |
storvandre | long distance travellers |
strazhno | danger |
streyino | strange |
strickapen | imprison |
sumadji | family heirloom |
suni | saw |
sutho | forever |
svata/svatura | gypsy story/ies |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
tablipen | warmth |
ta`ciben | truth |
ta`co, tacho | true |
taibhsear | seer, shaman, 'vision seer' |
talazo | wave |
tale | hawk |
taliga | two-wheeled light cart |
tampeta | thunderstorm |
tan | market |
tarned`er | younger |
tatt`o, tato | hot, warm |
tenimos | youth |
terno | young |
te' sorthene | spirit/heart friend, friend bonded by heart,spirit |
tehara | girl (pre-puberty), young girl |
tern`o | young |
themenge | forgien |
thoximos | duty |
tigins | small/one-room houses, especially refers to government settlements |
tips | dumps |
tober | road |
tooti | you |
top | on |
torarti | tonight |
toreen, 'tori | coming |
trampa | barter |
treshul | christian cross |
trito ursitori | three spirits, one good, one evil, one mediator |
tru-pos | body |
trushal odji | hungry soul |
ts`erha, tserha | household, tent |
tshor | thief |
tshurii | knife |
tsox | skirt |
tu | you |
tud | milk |
tumnimos | wedding arangements |
tutka | turkey |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
uzho | related to marhime |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
vadni ratsa | wild goose of Romani legend |
vaida | gypsy chief |
vai' datha | agreement/resignation |
valval | wind |
var' athanda | (to be) forgetful |
vardo | living wagon |
vare- | -ever |
varek`ai | wherever |
varnas | clan |
vast | hand |
vatave | overseer |
vela | came |
ves', vesh | forest |
veshengo | man of the forest |
ves' tacha | beloved |
vetha | running |
vezlime' | embroidered |
vitsa/vitsi | clan |
vord`on, vurdon | wagon |
vortimo | truth |
vurma | trail signs of the road |
vyusher | wolf |
Romani word | English Meaning |
wavver | wood (forest) |
wesh | other |
wortacha | partners |
wuzho | purity, clean |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
xa | eat |
xabe | beef stew |
xaimoko | rabbit stew |
xanamiki | co-parent-in-law |
xari | one who eats |
xaritsa | fried cornbread |
xin | urinating |
xume'l | breadcrumbs |
xume'r | dough |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
y | and |
yai | two |
yak | eye |
yekhipe | unity, oneness |
yog | fire |
yungxo | young ox |
yuthi'so'coro | honor for road travel |
Romani Word | English Meaning |
za | go |
zego | ember |
zen | saddle |
zeravo | left side |
zhamutro | bridegroom, or son-in-law |
zheita | 'bringing the bride home' |
zor | strength |
Zuhno | pure |
zumi | soup |
zurla | long wooden double-reed conical-bone instrument |
Romani Phrase | English Meaning |
Adro miro tem penena mande o baro rai. | In my country the gypsies call me the great gentleman. |
Ajsi bori lachi: xal bilondo, phenel londo. | Such a daughter-in-law is good who eats unsalted food and says it is salted. |
Akana mukav tut le Devlesa. | I now leave you to God. (Funeral comment) |
Amaro baro them | Our big land, ie. ancestral homeland |
Ande save vitsa | In which vitsa |
Ando gav bi zhuklesko jal o pavori bi destesko | In the village without a dog a man can walk without a stick |
Ando gav bi zhuklesko shai piravel o manush bi destesko | In the village without dogs the farmers walked without sticks |
Ashen Devlesa, Romale | May you remain with God |
Baxt hai sastimos tiri patragi | Wish luck and good health |
Bengesko niamso | Cursed German |
Bi kashtesko merel i yag | Without wood the fire would die |
Bolde tut, kako | Please turn away (If she was unable to avoid passing infront of one or between two men, a gypsy woman might say this to avoid possible marhime) |
Can tute rakker Romanes, miri dye? | Can you speak Romany, my mother? |
Chailo sim | I am replete (full) |
Chces li tajnou vec aneb pravdu vyzvédéti Blazen, dité opily clovéc o tom umeji povodeti. | "Wouldst thou know a truth or mystery, A drunkard, fool, or child may tell it thee." |
Das dab ka i roata le neve vurdoneski | To give a push to the wheel of the new wagon (ie. to provide a kcik start to newlywed households) |
Devlesa araklam tume | It is with God that we have found you |
Devlesa avilan | It is God who brought you |
Dovo's a huckaben. | That's untrue. |
Droby tume Romale | Traditional greeting (Response is Nais tuke (Thank you)) |
Dza Devlesa | God go with you |
El Crallis ha nicobado le liri de los Cales | The King has taken away the law of the Gypsies |
Feri ando payi sitsholpe te nauyas | It was in the water that one leanred to swim |
Gadje Gadjensa, Rom Romensa | Gadje with Gadje, Rom with Rom |
hai shala | do you understand? |
hai'she'li | yes, I swear! |
her'y | truth? |
I chatski tsinda de tehara vai do haino, khal tut | The true nettle stings from the begining |
I chirikleski kul chi perel duvar pe yek than | The droppings of a flying bird never fall twice on the same spot |
Isi ili daba | Here there are also smacks |
Isis ma xarica love; so hramosorav andi gazeta; a-ko isi pomoshinav tumen | I have a little money; I am a journalist; maybe I can help you |
jekh dilo kerel dile hai but dile keren dilimata | One madman makes many madmen, and many madmen make maddness |
Ka xila ma pe tute | I am going to shit on you |
Kai zhal o vurdon vurma mekela | Where the wagon goes a trail is left |
Kaski san? | Whose are you? |
Kay zhala I suv shay zhala wi o thav | Where the needle goes, surely the thread will follow |
Kon del tut o nai shai dela tut wi o vast | He who willingly gives you one finger will also give you the whole hand |
Kon khakhavel o balo wi leste si I shuri | He who feeds the pig also holds the knife over it when it is fattened |
Kon khal but, khan peski bakht | Ho who eats much eats away his own luck |
kon mangel te kerel tumendar r.oburen `ci `soxa phenela tumen o `ca`cimos pa tumare perintonde | he who wants to enslave you will never tell you the truth about your forefathers |
Kushti ratti! | Good night! |
li' ha' eer | by the Gods |
li' sa' eer | by the highest Gods |
Love k-o vast, bori k-o grast | Money in hand, bride on horse |
Mandar tsera tai kater o Del mai but te aven tumenge | From me a little money, but may God give you plenty |
Maskar le gadjende leski shib si le Romeski zor | Surrounded by Gadje, the Rom's only defence is his tongue |
May angle sar te merel kadi yag | Before this fire burns out (Armaya) |
May kali i muri may gugli avela | The darker the berry, the sweeter it is |
May mishto les o thud katar i gurumni kai tordjol | It is easier to milk a cow that stands still |
May mishto phabol o kasht o chordano | Stolen wood burns better for being stolen |
May sigo sar te may khav | Before I even have my next meal (Armaya) |
Me mangav te jav ando granitza tumensa | I want to go to the border with you |
Me piav pani | I drink water |
Me san de spoiroski shey | I am Spiro's daughter |
Me som Bardu | I am Bardu |
Miri kushti pen, Miro prala. | my dear sister, my brother |
Mishto hom me dikava tute. | I am glad to see you |
Mong your shünaben, rye. | Beg your pardon, sir. |
Mukhenpe te khan la lumia | If they conquer the world |
Na bister 500,000 | Don't forget the 500,000 (reference to the Holocaust) |
Na daran Romale vi ame sam Rom chache | Do not fear, you Gypsy men, for we too are Gypsies |
Na may kharunde kai chi khal tut | Not to scratch where it doesn't itch |
Nais tuke | Thank you |
Nashti zhas vorta po drom o bango | You cannot walk straight when the road is bent. |
Ne rakesa tu Romanes? | Can you not speak Romany? |
O chavorro na biandola dandencar | The child is not born with teeth |
O lov tai o beng nashti beshen patasha | Neither money nor the devil can remain in peace |
O manusha khelevan tut | The people make you dance (said if a place is nice) |
O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol | The rabbit which has only one hole is soon caught |
O Spiro le tinshasho shav | The Spiro who is the son of Tinha |
O ushalin zhala sar o kam mangela | The shadow moves as the sun commands |
O xonxano baro | The great trick |
O zalzaro khal peski piri | Acid corrodes its own container |
Opre Roma! | Roma arise! |
Ov yilo isi | Is it okay (literally, is there heart here) |
Pachiv tumenge Romale | "This song was offerd as a gift to worthy men" |
Pen the rani ta wusser mandy a tri-grushi. | Tell the lady to throw me a shilling. |
Perdal l paya | Beyond the waters (the Americas) |
Piri telemosa chi athadjol o kam | The kettle that lies face down cannot get sunlight |
Pral, mor rakker sä drován | Don't talk so loud, brother. |
Prohasar man opre pirende - sa muro djiben semas opre chengende | Bury me standing - I've been on my knees all my life |
Putrav lesko drom angle leste te na inkrav les mai but palpale mura brigasa | I open his way in the new life agan and release him from the fetters of my sorrow. (Ritual phrase to mark the end of mourning) |
Rode chia bora le kanensa tai te na le yakensa | Select one's daughter-in-law with the ears and not with the eyes. (Pay more attention to reputation than looks) |
Romale tai shavale akarel tume o Pulika | By your leave, Gypsy men and youths, this is Pulika calling you (The proper formal way to address Rom) |
Romale tai Shavale, Churara tai wi Lovara | Gypsy men and youths, Churara and Lovara alike |
Sako peskero charo dikhel | Everybody sees only his own dish |
Sar laci and'ekh vadra | Like crabs in a bucket |
sar san | how are you |
Save Spiro | Which Spiro? |
Shuk tski khalpe la royasa | Beauty cannot be eaten with a spoon |
Si khohaimo may pachivalo sar o chachimo | There are lies more believable than truth |
so keres? | What are you doing? |
Stanki nashti chi arakenpe manushen shai | Mountains do not meet, but people do |
Te avel angle tute, kodo khabe tai kado pimo tai menge pe sastimaste | May this food be before you, and in your memory, and may it profit us in good health and in good spirit |
Te avel angle tute | May this be before you |
Te avel mange bakht drago mange wi te avav po gunoy | All we need is good luck. With luck I would not even mind sitting on a dunghill |
Te aves yertime mander tai te yertil tut o Del | I forgive you and may God forgive you as I do |
Te bisterdon tumare anave | May your names be forgotten |
Te den, xa, te maren, denash | When you are given, eat, when you are beaten, run away |
Te khalion tai de shingerdjon che gada, hai tu te trais sastimasa tai voyasa | May your clothes rip and wear out, but may you live on in good health and in fulfilment |
Te lolirav I phuv mure ratesa | May I redden the earth with my blood |
Te malavel les i menkiva | May the malignant disease waste him |
Te merav | May I die |
Te merel amaro kuro o lasho | May our favorite stallion die |
Te merel muri shey | May my child die tomorrow |
Te merel muro dad, muri dei | May my father, mother, brothers die |
Te na khuchos perdal cho ushalin | To try to jump over your own shadow |
Te pabaren mange memelia | May you burn candles for me |
Te phirav pa0o gav | To go about the village (to beg) |
te pochinen penge lazhav | Pay for their shame |
te prakhon man pasho o X | May I be buried next to X |
Te shordjol muri godji sar shordjol kadi bera | May my brains flow out the way this beer flows out if... |
Te shordjol muro rat | May my blood spill |
Te vestinel o dosti Tito, te vestinena o jugoslovenske manusha | Long live comrade Tito and long live the Yugoslav people |
te xav ka to biav | May I eat at your wedding |
vai' datha | many paths |
yekka buliasa nashti beshes pe done grastende | With one behind you can't sit on two horses |
Yodjo la Mimako Zhamutro | Yodjo, Mimi's son-in-law |
Zhan le devlesa tai sastimasa | Go with God and in good health |
English to Romany
English Word | Romani Meaning |
abstention from animal products on Friday | postiu |
acquaintance | kestra |
Adam's apple | gusha |
adult non-gypsy | gajo, gadjo |
after | arter |
agreement | vai' datha ("many paths") |
and | y |
anvil | amoni |
apron | katrinsa |
are | se, is`i |
Arise! | Opre! |
Armenian dialect of Romani | lomavren |
to arrest | lel |
as god wills | ma-sha-llah |
Asiatic dialect of Romani | domari |
to ask | pooker |
at | arey |
attractive | rinkeni |
aunt | beebee |
avatar | del |
away | avree |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
bad | narky, gami, nes, g' ami |
bad luck | bibaxt, gajengi baxt, prikasa, prikaza |
bag | bujo |
baked flour bread | bogacha |
balance | kintala |
(hot) barbeque sauce | chile mole |
barter | trampa |
bean | boba |
bear | melalo |
bean soup | fusui |
beast of burder | grast |
beautiful | pakvora |
beef stew | xabe |
beer | lovina, lovi'na |
beg | geg, mang, g' e-g |
beloved | ves' tacha |
belt | kishti, kis'ti |
berries | mura |
berry | mu-ra |
beverage | pibe |
big | baro, barri |
bird | desteredre |
birth (circumstances of) | jati |
blacksmith | ferari |
blind | koro |
blood | rat |
blood bound (by blood vow, avenging someone, has swearing-to-deity connotations) | kal' enedral |
blood sister (by oath, chosen family) | she' enedra |
body | tru-pos, trupos |
bone | cokalos, kokalo |
book | lil |
boss (Non-Rom, i.e. The Man) | glox |
boy | chava, chavvie |
bread | moro |
breadcrumbs | xume'l |
breast | berk, chuchi, c'uc'i |
bride | bori, shebari, boria |
bride price | daro, darro |
bridegroom | zhamutro |
brother | bar, prala, pral, plal, phal, pal |
brotherhood | pralipe, shena |
but | ale |
butter-bean soup | fusui eski zumi |
buttocks | bul |
button | kocho, koc'o |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
came | vela |
cane (reed) | risho |
car | lork |
caravan group | kumpa'nia |
casual friend | kestra |
cat | machka, mac'ka |
to catch | lel |
center | mashaka |
ceremony to divide money earned | lovor |
charm (noun) | draba |
cheer up | manch, manc' |
chicken | kanny |
chicken stew | puyo |
chieftian | ataman |
child | cha(h)vi |
child/ren | sedre/sedrin |
Christian cross | treshul |
city | Forjus, foros |
clan | shena, vitsa/vitsi, varnas |
clean | wuzho |
co-parent-in-law | xanamiki |
coffee | kafa |
coffee pot | djezbeh |
collections | kidemos |
constable | gavver |
comfort(as in, "i'm sorry" during a tragedy) | du' dera |
coming | toreen, 'tori |
companion animals | jel'sutho'edrin |
companios | shavora |
cops/pigs/etc. | shadogs |
corpse | mulla |
count | gin |
crazy | dinilo, dili |
cream | smente'na |
cunt | ming |
curse | amria, amriya, armaya |
cut (past action) | chindilo |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
danger | athinganoi, strazhno |
darling | pisliskurja |
daughter | chey |
daughter-in-law | bori |
day | o zhuvindo |
dead | muller'd |
dead person, associated with uncleanness, vampirism | mulo |
death | mulo, moarte |
death feast | pomana, poma'na |
'deep song' | cante jondo |
deer-footed | liha'irden |
(to be) deported | bitcheno pawdel |
devil | beng |
devilish | bengalo |
dirges | mulengi dori |
dirt | melalo |
discussion (to settle disputes) | divano |
dishonoured i.e. marime | prastlo |
(to) disturb | hamishagos |
(to) do | kair |
dog | rikono |
dough | xume'r |
(girls) dowry | cheiz, darro |
(a) drink | lus', lus |
(to) drink | pi, pitarer, pe, pi'bati |
dumps | tips |
duty | thoximos |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
ear | kan |
Easter | patragi |
eat | xa |
eiderdown | dunha |
elder of a familia | phuro |
elopement | romni nashli |
emancipation from slavery | desrobierja |
ember | zego |
embroidered | vezlime' |
enemy, 'wishes you harm' | doshman, jostumal |
engagement feast | pliashka |
enough | dosta |
erection i.e. big penis | porado, karabro, midjloli |
to esteem | pakiv |
ever | vare |
exchange | chop |
exclamation | dordie |
explain | get' ke |
extended family | familia |
eye | yak |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
face | muj |
family heirloom | sumadji |
family, immediate | tsera |
fart | khan, kan |
fate, fortune | baxt |
father | dat, dad |
father-in-law | sastro |
a feast given in honor of a visitng guest | pakiv |
feces | gunoi |
female genitals | mindj |
fiddle | bosh |
field | poove, poav, sa-rk |
(go) find | kulath |
fine | kushti |
fire | yog |
fish | macho, mazco |
flame | lobo, alazas, langa |
floor | dila |
food | scran |
fool | dilo |
foot | pir |
forest | kasht, ves' , wavver |
forest spirit | kesal i |
forever | sutho |
(to) forge (metal) | chokesarav |
(to be) forgetful | var' athanda |
forgien | themenge |
formal tribunal | kris |
fortune teller | drabarni |
fortune telling establishment | ofisa |
freedom | slobuzenja |
fresh water | pani nevi |
fried cornbread | xaritsa |
fried flour bread | pufe |
friend | mora, much |
friend bonded by heart/spirit | te'sorthene |
front | ciakt |
frog | beng, brashki |
frozen | pahome, ledome |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
gadje | payo, balame, gorgio |
gadje gypsy-groupies | puyuria |
garlic | sir |
gentleman | rye |
get | bog |
get out | crush |
ghost | mule, mulani |
ghost's vomit | johai |
girl | chavi, chey, ghel |
girl (pre-puberty) | shey, tehara |
girl (of marrigable age) | shebari |
(to) go | jall, jawl, jil, za, sherp |
go gently | kathal |
go onward | kele |
God | devel |
godmother | kirvi |
going | jilling |
gold | sonkai |
gold coins | galbi |
gone | gelo |
good | khushti, kushti |
good fortune | baksheesh |
goose | popin, papin |
goosedown pillows covered in gay, flowered material | sheranda |
gourd | dudum |
grandfather | puro dad |
grandmother | puri daj |
great lords | ray baro |
great trick | o xonxano' baro'(cale'), hokano baro |
greeting | sastipe |
groom | kirv i |
group of elders called to discuss a matter publicly | diwano |
group of Rom | kumpania |
gullible person, "gape-mouthed hatchling" | so' trekoth |
gun | pushka, pus'ka |
gypsy boy | schav |
gypsy chief | vaida |
gypsy fairytales | paramitsha, paramicha |
gypsy friend | didikai |
gypsy girl | schej |
gypsy name | nav romano |
gypsy story/ies | svata, svatura |
gypsyness | rompien |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
hair | bal, bala |
hand | hath, vast |
handkerchief | diklo |
happy | baxtalo |
has | ha |
hat | staadi |
hawk | tale |
he made | kedas |
head | ser`o,ser`o, `se-ro-, `ser`o, sero, shera |
headscarf | dicklo, diklo |
healer | drabengro, drabarni |
healing herb | drarnego |
heart friend | te' sorthene |
heat | gham |
helpful spirit, not mulo | leshya'e |
hens | khania |
herbs | drab |
here | akti |
hide (off an animal) | mortsi |
(to) hide | clank |
his | pesha, les |
the Holocaust | porraimos |
(to) honor | pakiv, barearv, lashav |
honor for road travel | yuthi'so'coro |
horse | grai, grast, gry, groi |
horseshit | sheka |
horseshoe | petalos |
homosexual | she'chorne |
hot | tatt`o, tato, tat`o, tato |
house | keir, k'ena, ker |
household | ts`erha |
hunger | bokh |
hungry soul | trushal odji |
huts | kleti |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
I | mandi, me |
I have not got any | nai man (keck) |
I made | kerdem |
I read | drabarav, gilabav |
ice | led |
illness | naswalemos |
imbicile | dilo |
imprison | strickapen |
in, inside | abiav, drey |
incest | socro-bori |
inn | albergo, kertsheema, kirchima, kir`c`ima |
inspired one | awenydd, awenyddion |
intelligence service | chordane |
intermediary with gaje | Rom bar`o |
into town | ando foro |
is | hi, se, si, shee |
it is | nos |
item | inox |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
jellied pig's feet and ears | pertia |
jeweler | gabori |
joined | corthu |
judge | jude |
judgement | kr`isis |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
karma | baxt |
key | klidi |
killed | muller'd |
king | kralis |
knife | churi, tshurii |
(to) know | djan |
kris complaint | bavo |
kris judges | krisatora |
kris precedents | bayo (pl. bayura) |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
lad | chiavala |
lady | rawnie |
lamp | lampo |
landowners | raya |
language of the Rom | Romane |
large | baro |
law | liri |
laws of the Rom | Romania |
leader | rom baro |
leaf | patrin |
leather | mortsi |
left (side) | zeravo |
little sister | jel'enedra |
"the live one" | o zhuvindo |
living wagon | vardo |
long distance travelers | storvandre |
long road | lungo drom |
(to) look | dick |
looking | dickin |
luck | baxt |
lucky | baxtalo |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
magic | dook |
magistrate | bitcherin' mush |
male singer/reader | gilabno |
man | feen, mush, rom, dom, lom |
man, non-Traveller | glox |
man of the forest | veshengo |
marker | patrin, shpera |
market | tan |
marriage | abiav |
martyr | maturo |
may it be so | bater |
meat | mas |
(to) meddle | hamishagos |
medicine | drab |
medicine (made from ghosts vomit) | iohai |
medicine bag | bujo |
medicine man | drabengro |
a medium | mule-vi |
meeting | divano |
melodies | glasso |
melon | dudum |
mermaid | nivasi |
migratory farm workers | spalpeens |
milk | tud, chuti |
the moles | L Vakandoki |
money | bob, gored, grushi, love |
moon | shon |
more | kom'i |
mother | dya, dai, daj, day |
mountain | bar, bur |
mouse | kadessa |
mouth | muj, mui |
mule | dzolana, djolano |
music (type of) | bol |
my | miri, mira |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
nail | karfin |
name | lav, nav |
nation | natsia |
neckscarf | dickla, dickler, dicklo |
negative | nai |
new | nevo |
news | nevipe |
night | rarti |
no, not | keck, kek |
no good | bi-lacho |
nomadic | bravi'os |
non-gypsy name | nav gajikano |
non-Rom | gage, gorgio, pale`cido |
non-Rom boy | raklo |
non-Rom girl | rakli |
non-Rom speaking | lalleri |
non-Rom woman | b'o-r |
nonsense | shesti |
noodle and cheese pudding | pirogo |
nose | nak |
novelty | nevimos |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
oath | amria, amriya, armaya |
(to) obey | barearav, pakiv |
off | orf |
old | puro |
on | top |
one being | corthu |
one who eats | xari |
oneness | jekhipe, yekhipe |
other | wesh |
our | amaro |
outside | avri |
oven | bo-v |
overseer | ciocoi, vatave |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
pachiv song | pachivaki djili |
page | patrin |
(to be) paid | bog |
pancakes stuffed with meat | bokoli |
parking place | atchintan |
partners | wortacha |
party | abiav |
pear | ambrol |
penis | koir, kor |
Pentecostals | aleluyas |
people | manush |
pepper | pipere |
person who cut it | chindiyas |
piece | koto-r |
pocket | potchee |
police | garda, glokots |
police constable | shanglo |
pond | rebniko |
possession | butji |
pouch inside a skirt | posoti |
pretty | rinkeni |
prophet | maturo |
proud | bu-ino |
pudding | gooi |
pure | zuhno, wusho |
purity | wuzho |
purity code | mageripen |
purse | kis' i, kis |
push | shav |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
quarter (of town) | mahala |
quiet | miro |
English word | Romani Meaning |
rabbit stew | xaimoko |
race (of people) | r'asa |
"raiding party" i.e. sent out for supplies | paguba |
raven | curaco |
read | chit |
red | lalo, lolo |
reed | risho |
relatives | niamo |
religious state-of-grace | cha'risma |
resignation (expression) | vai' datha "many paths" |
to respect | pakiv, barearav |
retarded | dili |
ring | angustri |
risky | narky |
rich | bar valo |
riches | bestipen |
road | drom, tober |
road sign | patrin, shpera |
rolled pastry with fruit, cottage cheese and raisins | saviako |
running | vetha |
English Words | Romani Meaning |
sacrifice (ritual in nature) | posta |
saddle | zen |
safe | sadullos |
Saint's day's festivals (Catholic and Orthodox Christian) | slavi |
salt | lon |
sat | bechtas |
saw | suni |
sea | dariav |
(to) see | dik, dick, dikh |
see! | isda |
seer, shaman | awenydd, awenyddion, filelfilidh, taibhsear |
"sent across" | bitcheno pawdel |
set apart i.e. marime | palecido |
settled family groups | clachans |
shall | ka |
shame | lashav |
shantytown | bidonville |
shirt | gad |
shit | khul |
shop | bolta, gropa |
short distance travellers | smavandre |
shove | shav |
sibling | edre |
sickness | naswalemos |
side-roads | boreens |
(the) sight | dook |
silk | ki's, kish |
sin | bino |
sing | gilyabar |
sister | pena, pen, ben, bhen, edra, , penne, phen, phei, shaia |
sister-in-law | bori |
Sit! | Besh! |
(animal) skin | mortsi |
skirt | tsox |
(to) sleep | sov |
small/one-room houses, especially refers to government settlements | tigins |
smelly | khantino |
snails | bauri |
snake | sap |
soldier | gavver |
solidarity | shena |
son-in-law | zhamutro |
sorrow songs | brigaki djilia |
soup | zumi |
sour | bushalo |
to speak | rocka, rockra |
spear | piko |
speculation | krethes |
spell | draba |
spirit | del |
spirit friend | te' sorthene |
spirit of the night | martiya |
spirits of dead children | detlene |
spoon | roj |
spy | spiuni |
stable (noun) | stanya |
star | aster, chakano, chere, satarma |
state of being a gypsy | rompien |
(to) steal | chor, chorav, c'or |
stick | kesht, koshter |
'stick dance' | rovliako khelipen |
still, small domestic | kazan |
stone | bar |
stop | atch |
stopping place | atchintan |
stories about magic, superstition and the supernatural | darane svatura |
story | lil |
straddle the legs open | puterdea |
strange | streyino |
strength | zor |
stuffed cabbage | sarma |
sun | cam, kam, kham |
swear | she |
sweetmeat | doodah |
sword | churara |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
take | b'e-g |
(to) take | lel, salk |
taken away | nicobado |
tale | paramishus, lil |
talk | pooker |
tavern | kertsheema |
tax collector | jude |
tea | chao |
tempest | furtuna |
tent | ts`erha, tsehre |
tent pole | shoshka |
thank you | gestena |
the | e, i, le, o (masc) |
theft | choribe, c'oribe |
thief | chor, choro, tshor |
thick quilts | perina |
three spirits | trito ursitori |
thunderstorn | tampeta |
time | cheros |
tomb | grob |
to your health | sastimos, sastipe |
tonight | torarti |
tongue | cheeb |
tooth | dant, dand |
top-boots | skorni |
town | foros |
traditional local leader | bulibasha |
trail signs of the road | vurma |
Transporter | bitcherin' mush |
travel | misli |
tree | rukh |
trial to settle disputes | kris romani |
tribe | natsia, r'asa |
true | ta`co, tacho |
truth | chachimos, ta`ciben , her'y, vortimo |
truth? | hery, her'y |
turkey | tutka |
twin | binak |
two | yai |
two wheeled light cart | taliga |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
uncle | kak, nano |
unclean status | moxado, mrak's, magerd'o, magherdo, marim'e, marime, prastlo |
understand | shala |
unity | jekhipe, yekhipe |
unmarried gypsy male | shav |
unpleasant | narky |
up | opre, prey |
upon | prey |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
vagina | mish |
vampire | shilmulo |
very much | dhon |
very sweet | but guli |
very, very good | forshava |
vinegar | chote |
viola | bari lavuta |
violin | lavuta |
"vision poet" | filelfiligh |
"vision seer" | taibhsear |
voice | glas |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
wagon | vord`on, vurdon |
waist | mashaka |
walk | ga |
walking dead | shilmulo |
was | hin |
warm | tato |
warmth | tablipen |
water | paanii, pani, pan'i, staven |
water spirit | nivasi |
wave | talezo |
wax | mom |
way | drom |
wealth | bestipen, barvalimos |
Weary? | Chindilan? |
wedding arrangements | tumnimos |
wedding feast | abiav |
what | so |
when | kana |
where | kaj |
wherever | varek`ai |
whiskey | poteen |
who | kon |
Who do you know? | kas zhanes |
Whose are you? | kasko san |
white | parno |
why | soske |
wicked | mi'zak, mizhak |
wife | mollisher, manishie, monashay, romni |
wild | bravi'os |
wildcat | pertera |
will | k a |
will be | hum |
wind | barban, dest, balval, barval, valval |
witch | chovexani, chovihani |
wolf | ruv, vyusher |
woman | mort, mollisher, manishie, monashay |
wood, ie. forest | kascth, wavver |
wooden | koshtenengo |
wool | poshum, po's'um |
word | lav |
write | chet, chin |
written | namome |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
yes | arvah, hai |
you | tu, tooti |
young | tern`o |
young ox | yungxo |
young woman (of marrigable age) | shebari, tehara |
younger | tarned`er |
youth | tenimos |
English Word | Romani Meaning |
English Phrase | Romani Meaning |
Acid corrodes its own container | O zalzaro khal peski piri |
All we need is good luck. with luck I would not even mind sitting on a dunghill | Te avel mange bakht drago mange wi te avav po gunoy |
Beauty cannot be eaten with a spoon | Shuk tski khalpe la royasa |
Before I even have my next meal (oath) | May sigo sar te may kav |
Before this fire burns out (oath) | May angle sar te merel kadi yag |
Beg your pardon, sir. | Mong your shünaben, rye. |
Beyond the waters (The Americas) | Perdal l paya |
Bury me standing - I've been on my knees all my life | Prohasar man opre pirende - sa muro dijiben semas opre chengende |
By the Gods! | Li' ha' eer |
By the highest Gods! | Li' sa' eer |
By your leave, Gypsy men and youths, this is Pulika calling you (The proper formal way to address Rom) | Romale tai Shavale akarel tume o Pulika |
Can you not speak Romany? | Ne rakesa tu Romanes? |
Can you speak Romany, my mother? | Can tute rakker Romanes, miri dye? |
Cursed German | Bengesko niamso |
Do not fear, you Gypsy men, for we too are Gypsies | Na daran Romale vi ame sam Rom chache |
Do you understand? | hai shala |
Don't forget to 500,000 (reference to the Holocaust) | Na bister 500,000 |
Don't talk so loud, brother. | Pral, mor rakker sä drován |
Everybody sees only his own dish | Sako peskero charo dikhel |
From me a little money, but may God give you plenty | Mandar tsera tai kater o Del mai but te aven tumenge |
Gadje Gadjeensa, Rom Romensa | Gadje with Gadje, Rom with Rom |
Go with God and in good health | Zhan le devlesa tai sastimasa |
God go with you | Dza devlesa |
Good night! | Kushti ratti! |
Gypsy men and youths, Churara and Lovara alike | Romale tai Shavale, Churara tai wi Lovara |
He who eats much eats away his own luck | kon khal but khal peski bakht |
He who feeds the pig also holds the knife above it when it is fattened | Kon khakhavel o balo wi leste si I shuri |
"He who wants to enslave you will never tell you the truth about your forefathers" | "kon mangel te kerel tumendar r.oburen `ci `soxa phenela tumen o `ca`cimos pa tumare perintonde" |
He who willing give you one finger will also give you the whole hand | Kon del tut o nai shai dela tut wi o vast |
Here there are also smacks | Isi ili daba |
how are you | sar san |
I am Bardu | Me som Bardu |
I am glad to see you. | Mishto hom me dikava tute. |
I am going to shit on you. | Ka xalia ma pe tute |
I am replete (full) | Chailo sim |
I am Spiro's daughter | Me san de spiroski shey |
I drink water | Me piav pani |
I forgive you and may God forgive you as I do | Te aves yertime mander tai te yertil tut o Del |
I have a little money; I am a journalist; maybe I can help you | Isi ma xarica love; so hramosorav andi gazeta; a-ko isi pomoshinav tumen |
I now leave you to God (funeral comment) | Akema mukav tut le Devlesa |
I open his way in the new life again and release him from the fetters of my sorrow (ritual phrase to mark the end of mourning) | Putrav lesko drom angle leste te na inkrav les mai bu palpale mura brigasa |
I want to go to the border with you | Me mangav te jav ando granitza tumensa |
If they conquer the word | Mukhenpe te khan la lumia |
In my country the gypsies call me the great gentleman. | Adro miro tem penena mande o baro rai. |
In the village without a dog a man can walk without a stick | Ando gav bi zhuklesko shai piravel o manush bi desteko |
In the village without dogs the farmers walked without sticks | Ando gav bi zhuklesko jal o pavori bi destesko |
In which vitsa | Ande save vitsa |
Is it okay (Literally, is there heart here?) | Ov yilo isi |
It is easier to milk a cow that stands still | May mishto les o thud katar i gurumni kai tordjol |
It is God who brought you | Devlesa avilan |
It is with God that we found you | Devlesa araklam tume |
It was in the water that one learned to swim | Feri ando payi sitsholpe te nauyas |
Like crabs ina bucket | Sar laci and'ekh vadra |
Long live comrade Tito and long live the Yugoslav people | Te vestinel o dosti Tito, te vestinena o jugoslovenske manusha |
Many paths | Vai' datha |
May I be buried next to X | Te pochinen man pasho X |
May I eat at your wedding | Te xav ka to biav |
May I die | Te merav |
May I redden the earth with my blood | Te lolirav I phuv mure ratesa |
May my blood spill | Te shordjol muro rat |
May my brains flow out the way this beer flows out if... | Te shordjol muri godji sar shordjol kadi bera |
May my child die tomorrow | Te merel muri shey |
may my father, mother, brothers die | Te merel dad, muri, dei |
May our favorite stallion die | Te merel amaro kuro o lasho |
May the malignant diseas waste him | Te malavel les i menkiva |
May this be before you | Te avel angle tute |
May this food be before you, and in your memory, and may it profit us in good health and in good spirit | Te avel angla tute, kodo khabe tai kado pimo tai menge pe sastimaste |
May you burn candles for me | Te pabaren mange memelia |
May you remain with God | Ashen Devlesa, Romale |
May your clothes rip and wear out, but may you live on in good health and fulfilment | Te khalion tai te shingerdjon che gada, hai tu te trais sastimasa tai voyasa |
May your names be forgotten | Te bisterdon tumare anava |
Money in hand, bride on horse | love k-o vast, bori k-o grast |
Mountains do not meet, but people do | Stanki nashti chi arakenpe manushen shai |
my dear sister, my brother | Miri kushti pen, Miro prala. |
Neither money nor the Devil can remain in peace | O lov tai o beng nashti beshen patshasa |
Not to scratch where it doesn't itch | Na may kharunde kai chi khal tut |
One madman makes many madmen, and many madmen makes madness | Jekh dilo kerel but dile hai but dile keren dilimata |
Our big land, ie. ancestral homeland | Amaro baro them |
Pay for their shame | te pochinen penge lazhav |
Please turn away (If she was unable to avoid passing in front of one or between two men, a gypsy woman might say this to avoid possible marhime) | Bolde tut, kako |
Roma arise! | Opre Roma! |
Select one's daughter-in-law with the ears and not with the eyes (pay more attention to reputation than appearance) | Rode chira bora le kanensa tai te na le yakensa |
Stolen wood burns better for being stolen | May mishto phabol o kasht o chordano |
Such a daughter-in-law is good who eats unsalted food and says it is salted | Ajsi bori lachi: xal bilondo, phenel londo |
Surrounded by the Gadje, the Rom's only defense is his tongue | Mashkar le gadjende leski shib si le Romeski zor |
Tell the lady to throw me a shilling. | Pen the rani ta wusser mandy a tri-grushi. |
Thank you | Nais tuke |
That's untrue. | Dovo's a huckaben. |
The child is not born with teeth | O chavorro na biandola dandencar |
The darker the berry, the sweeter it is | May kali i muri gugli avela |
The droppings of a flying bird never fall twice on the same spot | I chirikleski chi perel duvar pe yek than |
The great trick | O xonxano baro |
The kettle that lies face down cannot get much sunlight | Piri telemosa chi athadjol o kam |
The king has taken away the law of the gypsies | El Crallis ha nicobado la liri de los Cales |
The people make you dance (said if a place is nice) | O manusha khelevan tut |
The rabbit which has only one hole soon is caught | O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol |
The Spiro who is the son oh Tinha | O Spiro le tinshasko shav |
The true nettle stings from the begining | I chatski tsinuda de tehara, vai de haino khal tut |
The shadow moves as the sun commands | O ushalin zhala sar o kam mangela |
There are lies more believable than truth | Si khohaimo may pachivalo sar o chachimo |
"This song was offered as a gift to worthy men" | Pachiv tumenge Romale |
To give a push to the wheel of the new wagon (ie. to provide a kickstart to newlywed households) | Das dab ka i roata le neve vurdoneski |
To go about the village (to beg) | Te phirav pa-o gav |
To try to jump over your own shadow | Te na khuchos perdal cho ushalin |
Truth? | her'y |
What are you doing? | So keres? |
When you are given, eat, when you are beaten, run away | Te den, xa, te maren, denash |
Where the needle goes, the thread will follow | Kay zhala I suv shay zhala wi o thav |
Where the wagon goes a trail is left | Kai zhal o vurdon vurma mekela |
Which Spiro? | Savo Spiro |
Whose are you? | Kaski san? |
Wish luck and good health | Baxt hai sastimos tiri patragi |
with one behind you can't sit on two horses | Yekka buliasa nashti beshes pe done grastende |
Without wood the fire would die | Bi kashtesko merel i yag |
"Wouldst thou know a truth or mystery, A drunkard, fool, or child may tell it thee." | Chces li tajnou vec aneb pravdu vyzvédéti Blazen, dité opily clovéc o tom umeji povodeti. |
Yes, I swear! | hai'she'li |
You cannot walk straight whenthe road is bent | Nashti zhas vorta po drom o bango |
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Abbey of St Chad
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.
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