Are the wolves amongst holy sheep really so deluded that they think that Jesus Christ would with His holy souls their poison from the cup drink, and of innocent souls' blood stink, with the wolves' heresy in the bookshelf, and not be able to recognise the very wool that Maria Magdalena spun herself from the holiest sheep shorn as God's humble maiden on God's footstool - no wonder, that the wolves fool themself into the delusion that through mind's intrusion they are as 'Christ-conscience' reborn? Well, some of these 'scholars' will now simply through a letter from the real heavenly and worldly crimonology authority strive to behave in the future so much better, as they conscience is already under numerous a proven allegation and accusation of Jesus Christ's Roma flock even in the long forgotten past torn - such is the power of Jesus Christ the Mustard Seed Sower that He as the incarnated Son of God begotten remembers every weed's sin that pretended to be a holy flower and His next of kin and puts right all wrong on an inncocent holy people's name and lifts from them through the truth being known their almost ancient false shame and blame and restores to all honour and glory in every story their name. As they are a most holy people, and from the stars stem, and have the capacity through God's gifts many scars to heal for others, and they are the children of Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene - the holy souls, who they conceived in heaven, when God blessed their holy matrimony in His heavenly sanctuary. And God knows of His holy souls every single hair long before they enter the mother's womb, and He knows, even in every anonymous grave, where to unite them with their heavenly father and mother Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala in their family tomb - but that won't be in any nave. And God takes every accusation at the heavenly Judgment court seriously, and His punishment for heresy and organised criminality is severe and grave, as He has freed every single holy soul from a life as a slave,
and lets now the dead bury their dead, and eat their own stale heretical bread, and leads out of Egypt for the last time His truly holy Roma people instead. And make that the whole of the holy human race - the ones, who refused to wear secret society cones and to play clones, as the holy souls were never to God a disgrace but are full of a pure heart's nobility and every holy woman and man is full of God's strength and holiness and light and grace. And their disgust is like His at Satan's, the devil's and the demons' lust written all over their face. But they trust in Jesus Christ's return and keep safe until then from any devil's den His truth and His family's true spiritual treasure, as that is for their destiny a must. And as they listen to His command and act upon His commandments like clockwork, they absorb all His words like a sponge even in their every dream and demand from an old Egyptian fatcat that it shares with the poor and needy its cream.
It is serious to lie, and it is serious to play on God and Jesus Christ and on His holy family a spy, and despite knowing all the facts of against them unholy acts to them and their Roma=Human beings' family the truth to deny and their holiness to defy.
All the ROMA under God's blue doma ever asked for was His command and law not to be treated as the last straw in a secret society draw, and to abandon a cat's or raven's or other inhuman or beast's head or claw or tail as an image of idolatry - but all mail in this matter did obviously fail, and thus the heavenly courts and authorities and principalities have no choice but for eternal condemnation to raise their voice towards all heretical pus, and to draw a line under the betrayal and from God's strayal.
And the evildoers will find an invisible sign on their doorpost or mat by God Himself, who with His utmost disgust at their sins with His holy breath and see water spat, as nobody unpunishedly anymore behaves malicious and vicious and vile towards holy souls, who went even for ages for the false sages in the hope that one day they might repent that they did not in their heresy relent, the extra-mile. So will be exposed, who has in his own bat heresy overdosed not only in their bookshelf and who plays even in Lent Satan's elf on the stairs and puts up carnival decorations in Advent.
The light of God is always clear to those with eyes to see, as Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene are to them always near, and they share with all holy souls their every tear and take away all worries and every fear but they ask kindly for help, as there are just too many a wolves' fur to shear, and sometimes they could do with their family around them in order across the border some almighty family burden and cross in its place of origin to bear - away from all the spiritual seakelp, as long enough has been the list of holy lives' loss, when again somebody did pretend the holy Roma family of Jesus Christ a helping hand to lend and has suddenly turned rough and wanted to steal even Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdalene's wedding band from their Istvan's and Gizella's severed hand in the old Magi land.
And the united Roma=holy human nation can no longer anybody stand, who does them for riches and fame and glory betray - they don't need any heretic to tell them lies in a story but they simply want to spread the good news all over the earth and not being persecuted for it with their Nomad kitchen hearth! Is that too much to ask that a people walks hand in hand with God on Jesus Christ's path free of wrath, in obedience to God and in humility and upholds the sanctity also of the original holy family of the stars, and wants to heal finally also Mary Magdalene's as Jesus Christ's wife's and His infant's grieving mother her scars unpunishedly; they only want to dwell free of hell, wherever they find a free spot even in some nomansland, and can get away from a gambling's den mammon slot, and where they can dry their tears and their children's snot in peace and unity and human dignity.
As God, Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene and their children and whole family have had enough for all times and certainly for 'auld lang syne' to be forced to drink a poisoned wine by some boar swine from a stolen church cask, who wears even as a top hat in the church hierarchy a secret society mask - slavery as the most evil entity must now die, in order to manifest God's law and order across every mind's border and truth must be set free from any lie and everybody must take up their responsibility and take all evildoers to task.
They saw God's face and they live
forever, and their holy matrimony
is God's sanctuary for all of His stars
as their and His family for eternity.
Sing with joy, ye Stars,
and let us heal together as one family
in unity, human dignity and peace
from all scars for eternity.
God bless YOU!
Mother Sigrid Eliora
and lets now the dead bury their dead, and eat their own stale heretical bread, and leads out of Egypt for the last time His truly holy Roma people instead. And make that the whole of the holy human race - the ones, who refused to wear secret society cones and to play clones, as the holy souls were never to God a disgrace but are full of a pure heart's nobility and every holy woman and man is full of God's strength and holiness and light and grace. And their disgust is like His at Satan's, the devil's and the demons' lust written all over their face. But they trust in Jesus Christ's return and keep safe until then from any devil's den His truth and His family's true spiritual treasure, as that is for their destiny a must. And as they listen to His command and act upon His commandments like clockwork, they absorb all His words like a sponge even in their every dream and demand from an old Egyptian fatcat that it shares with the poor and needy its cream.
It is serious to lie, and it is serious to play on God and Jesus Christ and on His holy family a spy, and despite knowing all the facts of against them unholy acts to them and their Roma=Human beings' family the truth to deny and their holiness to defy.
All the ROMA under God's blue doma ever asked for was His command and law not to be treated as the last straw in a secret society draw, and to abandon a cat's or raven's or other inhuman or beast's head or claw or tail as an image of idolatry - but all mail in this matter did obviously fail, and thus the heavenly courts and authorities and principalities have no choice but for eternal condemnation to raise their voice towards all heretical pus, and to draw a line under the betrayal and from God's strayal.
And the evildoers will find an invisible sign on their doorpost or mat by God Himself, who with His utmost disgust at their sins with His holy breath and see water spat, as nobody unpunishedly anymore behaves malicious and vicious and vile towards holy souls, who went even for ages for the false sages in the hope that one day they might repent that they did not in their heresy relent, the extra-mile. So will be exposed, who has in his own bat heresy overdosed not only in their bookshelf and who plays even in Lent Satan's elf on the stairs and puts up carnival decorations in Advent.
The light of God is always clear to those with eyes to see, as Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene are to them always near, and they share with all holy souls their every tear and take away all worries and every fear but they ask kindly for help, as there are just too many a wolves' fur to shear, and sometimes they could do with their family around them in order across the border some almighty family burden and cross in its place of origin to bear - away from all the spiritual seakelp, as long enough has been the list of holy lives' loss, when again somebody did pretend the holy Roma family of Jesus Christ a helping hand to lend and has suddenly turned rough and wanted to steal even Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdalene's wedding band from their Istvan's and Gizella's severed hand in the old Magi land.
And the united Roma=holy human nation can no longer anybody stand, who does them for riches and fame and glory betray - they don't need any heretic to tell them lies in a story but they simply want to spread the good news all over the earth and not being persecuted for it with their Nomad kitchen hearth! Is that too much to ask that a people walks hand in hand with God on Jesus Christ's path free of wrath, in obedience to God and in humility and upholds the sanctity also of the original holy family of the stars, and wants to heal finally also Mary Magdalene's as Jesus Christ's wife's and His infant's grieving mother her scars unpunishedly; they only want to dwell free of hell, wherever they find a free spot even in some nomansland, and can get away from a gambling's den mammon slot, and where they can dry their tears and their children's snot in peace and unity and human dignity.
As God, Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene and their children and whole family have had enough for all times and certainly for 'auld lang syne' to be forced to drink a poisoned wine by some boar swine from a stolen church cask, who wears even as a top hat in the church hierarchy a secret society mask - slavery as the most evil entity must now die, in order to manifest God's law and order across every mind's border and truth must be set free from any lie and everybody must take up their responsibility and take all evildoers to task.
They saw God's face and they live
forever, and their holy matrimony
is God's sanctuary for all of His stars
as their and His family for eternity.
Sing with joy, ye Stars,
and let us heal together as one family
in unity, human dignity and peace
from all scars for eternity.
God bless YOU!
Mother Sigrid Eliora
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
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