Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday 27 February 2013

KERIBEN O YAHWE! OPRE! In the Law of Yahwe we dwell!: THE ONE GOOD GOD Jesus Christ by Mathair Sigrid E...


by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

The old gods are long dead!

Jesus Christ is the living bread.

He IS the truth in the flesh, the way and the life,

and He has brought with Him justice, sweet justice,

and His Infinite light with Mary Magdalene, His eternal

beloved one and only wife, instead of death,

and with every breath they are being sustained

by God the Father from heaven under His

blessed wedding wreath that He bestowed upon

her soul for eternity, as she was already as Eve

Adam's spouse and in His 'house' the Mother

of the eternal family of holy souls,

and to Abraham and Sarah the stars

promised to them to be good and never

ever to betray Jesus Christ's way of the truth

that they guarded always with their life

again and again, and that was written

also by Boaz, who dictated the history

of their family until then and His prophecy

to Ruth.

And only the real Elders from the stars

know, how to heal with God from heaven

all the holy souls' ancient scars that the old

gods with their worshippers had inflicted upon

them, and it was the old gods, who told some

Israelites, whilst Moses was on the mountain top

to replace the ONE GOOD GOD's name with Hashem

and to declare the true ROMA=stars in the human beings'

form mad and plem-plem.

But the stars always knew that they from the one GOOD

God did stem, and had Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene

as their Father and Mother in all their incarnations,

and that is, why they moved rather as wise nomads

outcast by the nations than to compromise the truth

of the holy matrimony that the ONE GOOD GOD

from the beginning of time has protected ultimately

to the end of the era, when the contract with all evil

had run out. And as the old gods of evil are dead

their followers chase their own beasts' tail, and do in

every attack against the holy souls now fail, as they

had built on sand in the first case, and the ONE Good God

will now finally at all evildoers their long list of sins

against His kins not shout, but with His tears cried

in front of those, who against the family of the Holy Rose

spied and lied and their truth defied and even their existence denied.

In truth and justice we cannot overdose but sins are retained

for all, who have from repentance purposefully refrained and

the truth in evidence falsely retained

and witnesses  as prisoners unlawfully detained,

and who have taken piratery treasure, or had a part in holy souls' reputations being stained,

or who had themselves several lives slained and purposefully

ignorant holy souls to evil ordained.

All, who dwell on this earth right now, know, what they are doing,

or what they fail to do.

The holy souls have fulfilled their part and they have nobody

killed, nor have they windowsilled - they only have obeyed their

ONE GOOD GOD Jesus Christ and His Father from heaven

and might have in a sinner the fear of true love and justice instilled

that go hand in hand as THE truth under God's Infinite Light,

as the truth is God's indestructible might, as it brings

law and order across every border

and to Him tirelessly 'HARKNESS' sings, even in the blackest

of darkness, as the ONE GOOD GOD is the Giver

of miraculous wings for holy souls, who at the very thought

of the concept of sin in icyness shiver.

And they only dwell in a paradise, where milk and honey

free freely for all holy souls in a never-ending ever-flowing river.

And where tiny little boats are with turtledoves rowing, who are

from afar even above the clouds are visibly in true love glowing.

And the ONE Good GOD will be towards all, who wanted to destroy

His good and perfect creation in their punishment and sentencing

be His true might showing, and He will hold Judgement Court

day and night to end the world's most unholy longest and

totally unnecessary fight.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

KERIBEN O YAHWE! OPRE! In the Law of Yahwe we dwell!: 

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

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