Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday 1 March 2013

Bita T'em o Develesko Dad palal saur chairos / God's Island forever, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

KERIBEN O YAHWE! OPRE! In the Law of Yahwe we dwell!: 

Bita T'em o Develesko Dad palal saur chairos / God's Island forever

by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Bita T'em o Develesko Dad palal saur chairos
God's Island forever

by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Andray doriav o develesko tachiben, tacho kamiben t'a jido keriben, kai amauro Gulo Develesko Dad ker andray bee lobinako
chiviben palal develesko meriben oda chiv tacho develesko rom t'a develeski romni Jesus Christ t'a Mary Magdalene
t'a lengo famalia o saur develesko meriben anglay lesko bita t'em o gulo pokonyos t'a dud palal saur chairos.

In the ocean of holy truth, true love and the living law, which God, Our Sweet Father, has
created in perfect harmony for His holy souls He has placed safely the holy husband and wife
Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their eternal family of all holy souls
on His island of the sweet justice of peace and light for eternity.


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