Sigrid Kuck
10:59 AM - PublicJesus Christ's family and mine, the holy souls, who feel and live the meaning of KUSHTA, truth, in their bones, and who know each other for eternity and were already the friends of Adam and Eve and Boaz and Ruth, and of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala. God bless the holy Roma, and greetings also to the holy souls in India.
Time to cut through some silence and red tape and to have a closer look, at the facts and to listen, what representatives of the Sinti and Roma in Germany have to say. Romani Rose, Chairman of the Zen...
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Sigrid Kuck
10:56 AM - PublicTime to face up to God's frown at the reality that His beloved Son Jesus Christ is with the truth treated by the churches as their clown.
Living Eschiatology: Time to face up to the last four things as our reality by Mother Sigrid Agocsi, Holy Rose Abbey The early Celtic church of Naomh Ceadda / St Chad was based on the consciousnes...
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Sigrid Kuck
10:55 AM - PublicHoly souls always have all sides in their view and never want war nor violence as a solution nor empty elocution but live peacefully with other human beings in human dignity and unity and want to be just one holy nation, and being fed by God with the truth as their daily ration.
Who is drawing the lines in the sand? by Mother Sigrid Eliora Who is actually presently drawing the lines in the sand to shape the Middle East? The ones, who ride on bloodhounds and especially bred wh...
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Sigrid Kuck
10:52 AM - PublicSome crimes are so complex and so multi-layered and silently committed that even the victims and conspirators and accomplices are suddenly from all pages in a visitors' or church records' book ommitted.
MI5 - The Security Service https://www.mi5.gov.uk/CachedShare Shared on Google+. View the post. You +1'd this publicly. Undo The Security Service (MI5) is a British intelligence agency working ...

Sigrid Kuck
10:47 AM - PublicDas hat auch schon Wilsberg vernommen, dessen Vaterfigur ist ja urspruenglich von Essen nach Muenster gekommen.
In Essen-Werden haeufen sich auch schon seit uralten Zeiten in alten Gemauern die Beschwerden von Jesus Christus Schafherden, denn da wurde ueber die Wahrheit von Jesus Christus and Maria Magdalena ge...
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Sigrid Kuck
10:46 AM - PublicKushta, Martha, kushta! You never were, are nor will be secretly nor officially the Lord's wife, as you are a demonic creature of the ritual knife, who wished even death on your sister Mary Magdala and Jesus Christ, because He made her again His wife because their souls were joined by God for eternity already, when they were the first holy husband and wife as Adam and Eve in paradise, and you did your...Expand this post »
Kushta, Martha, kushta! You never were, are nor will be secretly nor officially the Lord's wife, as you are a demonic creature of the ritual knife, who wished even death on your sister Mary Magdala and Jesus Christ, because He made her again His wife because their souls were joined by God for eternity already, when they were the first holy husband and wife as Adam and Eve in paradise, and you did your records from all sorts of heretical liars and unholy friars for money retrieve. And you would never die but lie and order others for you anybody, who stands in the way of your greed and lust for power to kill, and you leave your dirty work to your adopted daughter or son or sister or brother, as you do not bother, with whom you smother, as long as they lead Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and their children in every incarnation again to the slaughter, in reputation and their bodies and the truth - and you were never the sister-in-law of Ruth.
Akeres Ha Bayis / Beth Qushta/ House of Truth: Mary Magdala: Akeres HaBayis / Mistress of Jesus C...: Mary Magdala: Akeres HaBayis / Mistress of Jesus Christ's House of Holy Truth Mary Magd...

Sigrid Kuck
10:40 AM - PublicMartha only ever was interested in the real estate value of Mary Magdala's castle and childhood home, and that is, why Martha tried to have her declared mad, when she donated it all to Jesus Christ for the poor and needy under His blue dome. And Martha never believed that the Messiah had in Jesus Christ come, and rather teamed up with the silverlings crowd and even made money with Veronica's and in...Expand this post »
Martha only ever was interested in the real estate value of Mary Magdala's castle and childhood home, and that is, why Martha tried to have her declared mad, when she donated it all to Jesus Christ for the poor and needy under His blue dome. And Martha never believed that the Messiah had in Jesus Christ come, and rather teamed up with the silverlings crowd and even made money with Veronica's and in a later incarnation with Jacques de Morlay's shrowd, who was not the incarnation of Jesus Christ but that of John the Baptist, whom she also disliked, as Martha was, is but won't get any chance anymore to disguise the fact that her faith of her forefathers was in her never intact and that she is the eternal Anti-Christ and sabotages Jesus Christ's spiritual church with bribery through property and money in every church. That is, why the church really kept her low profile, as she never went for anybody but herself the extra-mile and is by choice malicious, vicious and vile and wants only herself in the bookshelf and turns even children into Satan's elf.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012 Mary Magdala: Akeres HaBayis / The Mistress of the House by Mother Sigrid Eliora Her warmhearted voice is still joining the cheerful conspiration of the children ...

Sigrid Kuck
10:34 AM - PublicKushta is also a well-known word free of any knife or sword or gun for a people, who originated also in India - God bless all holy Roma!
Wednesday, 21 November 2012 Mr and Mrs Jesus Christ, NOT JUST MARRIED, but from the beginning of time and for eternity!!! by Mother Sigrid Eliora Mr and Mrs Jesus Christ by Mother Sigrid Elior...

Sigrid Kuck
10:32 AM - Public'Sherlock Holmes, I need your help, as you are so much better at deduction, and I know you give the churches a run for their money, as from me they would ask instantly a fee's reduction, as I just about got alive out of their premises and from their slavery free.' says Wilsberg, a private detective from Muenster.
'Ding, Shoreditch, Dong, City of Londinium - and God quite enough of this false ring had, and me, too', says Shakespeare from the tower, 'I rather listen to the voice of and make my choice for Jesus C...
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Sigrid Kuck
10:30 AM - PublicThere are bushes that try to grab the life of the one true tree, and to its rescue now God personally even with worldly authority rushes, and some lies by spies simply off the dead branches brushes.
Dead branches of a fake tree do not constitute any see!!! QUSHTA - Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life, by Mother Sigrid Eliora, Abbey of the Holy Rose The desire to serve God with my gift...

Sigrid Kuck
10:28 AM - PublicMonsieur Poirot, I am sure you have as the mystery visitor in the pew the right bon mot to solve many a case that has in the Shoreditch churches its base.
Theft, Fraud, Threat and Murder from the Krays beyond the grave in Christian unity from St Paul's to St Monica Hoxton's Nave by Mother/Mathair Sigrid Eliora Theft, Fraud, Threat and Murder from the Kr...
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Sigrid Kuck
10:27 AM - PublicKardinal von Galen tells Wilsberg, a private detective from Muenster: 'You should come one day to East London, and have a look around as a mystery visitor to the pews - as despite all the Shoreditch churches united by anything but Christian unity, it might be an interesting study of organised criminality, when one can believe of the constant stream in one's dream of many a sinner's scream, who just...Expand this post »
Kardinal von Galen tells Wilsberg, a private detective from Muenster: 'You should come one day to East London, and have a look around as a mystery visitor to the pews - as despite all the Shoreditch churches united by anything but Christian unity, it might be an interesting study of organised criminality, when one can believe of the constant stream in one's dream of many a sinner's scream, who just can't stand the good news of Jesus Christ's return, and wishes to have Him dead and tucked away under an altar in St Chad in an urn paired with some contemporary Anabaptist witches coven, who sometimes claim that they are the sisters of Bethany, then again the heads of a secret society and have allegedly even for their criminal activity diplomatic immunity, as they are only anyway interested in church treasure hunting and ritual knives, and they all claim that they are - depending, who asks- under their secret society masks the devil's or God's wives. And they all make hell of all the neighourhood holy souls' lives.'Collapse this post
'Ding, Shoreditch, Dong, City of Londinium - and God quite enough of this false ring had, and me, too', says Shakespeare from the tower, 'I rather listen to the voice of and make my choice for Jesus C...
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Sigrid Kuck
10:20 AM - PublicManchmal ist es auch ein versteckter Segen, wenn man nicht eingeladen wird an einen Ort, wo so mancher betreibt nicht nur einen Sport mit Degen, denn dann kann er auch nicht beschuldigt werden, dass er genommen hat, was eigentlich gehoert Jesus Christus Schafherden, denn die koennen jetzt auch direkt an den Koenig der Koenige und Gott von Gott und Licht des Lichtes ueber die Woelfe im Schafspelz selbst im Schlaf weitergeben ihre Beschwerden.
Mathair Sigrid Eliora Dec 13, 2012 - Public 'Koennte nicht Kardinal Lehmann mal ein bisschen vermitteln, damit der Stuhl in Rom auch die Roma und Sinti empfaengt, die den Holocaust ueberlebt haben...

Sigrid Kuck
10:13 AM - PublicSigrid Kuck1:26 PM - Public Kardinal von Galen ueber Wilsbergs Einsatz bei den Wiedertaeufern: 'Mann, Wilsberg, die sind doch entweder Ueber-, Mitlaeufer oder Verkaeufer von Seelen, die schon lange ...
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Sigrid Kuck
10:13 AM - Public Sigrid Kuck Kardinal von Galen says to Wilsberg in Muenster: 'You know, Wilsberg, these Anabaptists are mostly just a bunch of people, who have in principle on everybody a hunch and want to be the...
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Sigrid Kuck
Yesterday 4:36 PM - Public Sigrid Kuck Kardinal von Galen says to Wilsberg in Muenster: 'You know, Wilsberg, these Anabaptists are mostly just a bunch of people, who have in principle on everybody a hunch and want to be the...
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

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