Sigrid Kuck
6:04 AM - PublicA csitari hegyek allatt - jaj, jaj, jaj, sok lesz a baj, ha nem mondtatok az igazsagot, mert a JO Isten mar tudta minden angyalnak, de nem tieteknek a szueles eloel a haj!!!
And the Hun-garians and Magyars both like to eat their 'turo', too, for example in 'Turo Rudi', a chilled sweet from chocolate filled with quark/cheese. Not just the Roma and Sinti, who are always bla...
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Sigrid Kuck
5:58 AM - PublicGod bless especially those, who voluntarily forfeit any fame and help Jesus Christ, God's beloved Holy Rose, who is also part of their family, any beast to tame, as He puts all wrong right without any unholy fight by simply attaching to the real evildoers everywhere their very own due shame and blame, who dressed up as Roma, in order to give them across every border some totally wrong sad fame.
Wie lustig ist das Leben der Roma und Sinti wirklich? Kein lustiges Leben - Roma in Ungarn Arte Reportage Roma in Ungarn Romani Rose: Face of Germany's Sinti and Roma Holocaust Memorial for murdere...
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Sigrid Kuck
5:53 AM - PublicAnd rather be a good and holy family man and husband than a hypocrit in dog collar, whom people mock by saying blasphemously: 'Pater Noster'-Father, as they confuse purposefully the truth with heresy and their own delusional and obsessive phantasy.
Sigrid Kuck5:09 AM - Public And don't they all know it. Especially, what they have done and what they have failed to do in word, thought and deed, and with all the wrong heretical creed. HOLY RO...

Sigrid Kuck
5:44 AM - PublicReporting the facts of a crime to the authorities and giving evidence about criminally organised pestilence and fraud and murderious decadence is helping the truth and not a witchhunt nor for vengeance or wrath a chance, as only the truth is Jesus Christ's path that leads ultimately to justice and living law and order across every border.
MI5 - The Security Service https://www.mi5.gov.uk/CachedShare Shared on Google+. View the post. You +1'd this publicly. Undo The Security Service (MI5) is a British intelligence agency working ...
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Sigrid Kuck
5:41 AM - PublicFrische Zeilen, frische Zeilen - und man muss sich, um sie zu lesen nicht einmal beeilen, sondern sie nur immer wieder mit verwandten Seelen kostenlos teilen. Und dann verschlucken ploetzlich selbst die kleinlichsten Geister auch ihre geklauten Hexenbesen, die der Meister nur zu Gottes Zwecke von jetzt an ruft hervor - und der Rest: seids gewesen!
Edit photos - Tag people - Add text - Add more - Remove All Remove Sigrid Agocsi Nov 13, 2012 - Public anneandjohndonneresurrected | » John Donne Anne Donne Resurrected Poetry C...

Sigrid Kuck
5:39 AM - PublicTja, wenn Woelfe im Schafspelz anfangen, Schafe zu fressen, dann zieht das weite Kreise und peinlich ist ploetzlich das Gerede ueber Kopfgeldpreise und so offensichtlich daneben war auch mal eine East of London Kirchenbesichtigungsreise.
Eigentlich schade, dass ein evangelischer Superintendent seinen Schafen und Pastoren die Taschen hat geleert und sie zwar ueber Tugend und Moral gelehrt, aber seine menschliche Integritaet und Amtsgew...
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Sigrid Kuck
5:36 AM - PublicIn heaven and on earth, and violets even walk on the grounds of Jack the beanstalk and do communicate even, if they cannot freely talk and in their kitchen hearth their voice even over the phone sometimes sounds like the grandmother that has just ate some blessed chalk.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012 Hidden Souls by Mother Sigrid Eliora Hidden Souls by Mother Sigrid Eliora There are still souls among people - from nowhere and everywhere clear voices go to deaf ears ...
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

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