Sigrid Kuck
09:20 - PublicChrist has also cut off all dead branches, they just have not felt it yet in their bones, but they will unexpectedly, when God also lifts from them their secret society cone, and then suddenly back at every drug induced and otherwise devil's den comes every single thrown stone and they will find themselves suddenly out of the bookshelves and in the courtroom so very alone, as once too often have monasteries confused their buildings with brothels in the Prater, and now no longer play some former victims with their oppressors 'Schwarzer Kater' or the slave for their Alma Mater.And one has to wonder, whether under a cone many a pseudo-priestly drone has treated the sanctity and confidentiality of a confession as a shareholder's commodity in order to enforce across the border again electronic banking, as that is, what is lately boasted, when yet another demon and fallen angel of the city engaging in organised sexuality and criminality at the same time toasted yet another brother with his own filth and grime. John Donne says: 'To whom the bell tolls, I only evermore do it for the truth chime'.
Dead branches of a fake tree do not constitute any see!!! QUSHTA - Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life, by Mother Sigrid Eliora, Abbey of the Holy Rose The desire to serve God with my gift...

Sigrid Kuck
09:17 - PublicSimply dry out bribery, then goes also the diplomatic immunity and impunity.
Corruption is the reason for any high treason by Mother Sigrid Eliora Corruption is the reason for any high treason, and greed is a matter of choice, and not a batter of a helpless voice. Instead of t...

Sigrid Kuck
09:14 - PublicAlways dust everywhere - must be from the many sandcastles crumbling, whilst tumbling down.
Romi muss jetzt mal staubsaugen, und schlafen, und ueberlaesst einfach ihrem Rom und Gott das Bestrafen. Denn schliesslich hat Maria Magdalena auch noch was anderes zu tun, als zu unterhalten mit Gedi...

Never mind the bell, Frere Jacques, Seamous, James, it is now tick, tack, tock, up especially to you around the clock the truth to tell, and to break every demon's spell. That is, if you are the real McCoy, and the true heavenly roy - it is time to grow up and nurture in your holy matrimony in you the boy - and you get your juvel to be your dolly toy. It was always complicated in the many incarnations only for those, who want to make a distinction between nations - but to me there is only one holy nation, that of all holy souls, and they would not even dream of playing on others fouls and I thank them for always responding to each other's screams in situations of danger - and make that from the beginning of time and for every holy soul's manger. As there is always some enemy of God posing as a good ranger, who is in fact a mercenary in heresy and weed overdosing.
To whom the bells toll, and to whom they chime God decides on His Judgment throne with Jesus Christ alone, and returns every secret society cone's stone »
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Sigrid Kuck
09:31 - PublicNever mind the bell, Frere Jacques, Seamous, James, it is now tick, tack, tock, up especially to you around the clock the truth to tell, and to break every demon's spell. That is, if you are the real McCoy, and the true heavenly roy - it is time to grow up and nurture in your holy matrimony in you the boy - and you get your juvel to be your dolly toy. It was always complicated in the many incarnations only for those, who want to make a distinction between nations - but to me there is only one holy nation, that of all holy souls, and they would not even dream of playing on others fouls and I thank them for always responding to each other's screams in situations of danger - and make that from the beginning of time and for every holy soul's manger. As there is always some enemy of God posing as a good ranger, who is in fact a mercenary in heresy and weed overdosing.
Sigrid Kuck11:57 AM - Public Not all holy Roma have left India, and they also are law abiding citizens in every continent, including Europe, Africa and America. And they all know the KUSHTA, the tru...
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

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