Sigrid Kuck
1:14 PM (edited) - Public And the Mayflower from Rotherhithe is neither a building nor an entity of some demonic Marian church or other devilish authority but the non-territorial symbol of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's heavenly peaceful and holy family, and they are very protective as lion and lioness of their every cub, past, present and future and do at every false flower and wild animal with their eyes silently or almightily with God's authority and blessing roar and all evildoers and traitors and unholy copycats snub.
The Return of Jesus Christ by Mother/Mathair Sigrid Eliora Jesus Christ was, is and always will be humble and does never any curses or evil incantations mumble, nor by accident over mill stones and se...

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Sigrid Kuck
1:03 PM - PublicAnd many make the wrong choice and use for demands of greed their voice.
Corruption is the reason for any high treason by Mother Sigrid Eliora Corruption is the reason for any high treason, and greed is a matter of choice, and not a batter of a helpless voice. Instead of t...
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Sigrid Kuck
1:02 PM - PublicAnd right now He is extremely concerned for His holy souls about the fouls that the unholy ones play with their cones all over the places, so He will be also extremely bold and ice-cold towards evildoers, and reveal their true faces.
Hear , O Holy Souls, the Good Lord, Our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, is ONE. Blessed be His glorious kingdom forever and ever. Amen He is good, He is kind but also firm as the good Father, and He wa...
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Sigrid Kuck
1:00 PM - PublicA dove from heaven in Hove reported that there are strange piratery activities going on in its shore under the disguise of some strange love that is actually based on greed and most certainly based on masses of weed. What a cold start for a day, when so many people go from God astray and treat holy souls as 'plebs' and are themselves heretical yobs from all over the world, who only pretend a union of kinds in kind a helping hand to lend but who do every rule and law there is under God's firmament bend and confuse a monkey with a mule.
Dec 12, 2012 - Public And the latter applies to a whole bunch of self-appointed spies, who abuse friendship and their fellow-church congregation for organised criminality and heretical lies and slan...
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Sigrid Kuck
12:56 PM - PublicAnd what the new breed of old sorts do not tell is that they employ the dark forces of hell, as the Roma and Sinti refuse them the future that God shows them neither for money nor for property to tell, as God shows to everybody for free via Jesus Christ on His path free of wrath.
And the Hun-garians and Magyars both like to eat their 'turo', too, for example in 'Turo Rudi', a chilled sweet from chocolate filled with quark/cheese. Not just the Roma and Sinti, who are always bla...
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Sigrid Kuck
12:54 PM - PublicNow I can't order anymore the apostolic blessing for the Order of the Holy Rose online. But what is a blessing worth that anybody can get, if the Vatican for money the applicant does even pretend to be another his buildings let.
Sigrid Kuck 1:03 AM - Public And don't waste your money in the Vatican bank, as that is an institution that seems to be subject to the elocution of a silent prank. Maybe send in a free holy water ta...
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Sigrid Kuck
12:52 PM - PublicSoon also available in Romani. Uebersetzungen in Arbeit auch in Romanes und Sintes und Masematte, wenn wir nicht reinlaufen in eine falsch plazierte Messlatte.
Sigrid Kuck1:26 PM - Public Kardinal von Galen ueber Wilsbergs Einsatz bei den Wiedertaeufern: 'Mann, Wilsberg, die sind doch entweder Ueber-, Mitlaeufer oder Verkaeufer von Seelen, die schon lange ...
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Sigrid Kuck
12:51 PM - PublicA life in holiness, human dignity and peace in either voluntary blessed celibacy or in holy matrimony for the highest good of every soul is the living example of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's holy family, and make that from their incarnation as Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Amram and Yocheved, Boaz and Ruth, to name but a few, and that is to the holy souls amongst the Roma and Sinti not at all...Expand this post »
A life in holiness, human dignity and peace in either voluntary blessed celibacy or in holy matrimony for the highest good of every soul is the living example of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's holy family, and make that from their incarnation as Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Amram and Yocheved, Boaz and Ruth, to name but a few, and that is to the holy souls amongst the Roma and Sinti not at all new, but they belong to the few, who were always loyal and in their hearts royal to God and His creation, as all holy souls stemming from the holy matrimony of the first two souls are the children of His one holy nation for eternity. So simple, as one always knows, who is truly family, as sooner or later the infiltrators and pretenders cannot disguise their secret society face anymore, when they try to sell their heresy in every shore, and not everybody, who is a Nomad is a Roma or Sinti and not every gypsy is holy - as there are many in disguise, who play to give God's family a bad name spiritual roly-poly and dress only up as one, but you can always tell that something is wrong with a church bell, when a server or concelebrant spits into or does not want to hand out the truth from the cup. Mathair Sigrid ElioraCollapse this post
A a/a/akana nowB b/b/barvalo richC c/ts/cirdel he pullsČ č/tʃ/čačo trueČh čh/tʃʰ/čhavo boyD d/d/dorjav riverDž dž/dʒ/džukel dogE e/e/ertimos forgivenessF f/f/foros townG g/ɡ/gadže non-RomH h/h/harmasa...

Sigrid Kuck
12:42 PM - PublicGelem, Gelem, and on we walk and God shows us, whereto.
Romi muss jetzt mal staubsaugen, und schlafen, und ueberlaesst einfach ihrem Rom und Gott das Bestrafen. Denn schliesslich hat Maria Magdalena auch noch was anderes zu tun, als zu unterhalten mit Gedi...
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

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