Sigrid Kuck
Kardinal von Galen says to Wilsberg in Muenster: 'You know, Wilsberg, these Anabaptists are mostly just a bunch of people, who have in principle on everybody a hunch and want to be the first to find their way out of the credit crunch by evil means of organised criminality and confuse that with heresy, so that they can live a life in decadence even in a church as pseudo-Jews and pseudo-Buddhists and pseudo-anykingdofantichrist, and use spiritual pestilence as their smoke screen from the lurch.
And as long they can recruit accomplices and spies with bribery they won't be found out, and some even have diplomatic immunity until even their secret society finds out that they committed crimes with no authority and revoke the evildoers' impunity and hand them over from the shores of Rome to Dover also to the worldly authority. As once too often try the same people their lame game and play 'Martha and Mary Magdala' and mock the other true and also holy sisters of Bethany and 'impersonate' them as babylonian whores and tell all the wrong lores even to innocent children in the Sunday school. And for all of these imposters, and for two particularly, in a holy fellows' vicinity two would end in the olden times on the gallows for plotting with the unmusical murderous trainspotting teams, who release multi-media noises and images into the streams and loose at the real news all their artificial poises - as they have been found out and exposed by their victims, who had enough that these heretics could on holy souls get for such a long time unpunishedly and unnoticedly tough. A fool, who thinks, when she rat blood drinks and leads children and women to the slaughter she can take Mary Magdala's footstool. As the latter was neither a prostitute nor did she commit any sin that would the charges for the crimes of the former constitute. Yup, the evildoers' sins are retained, as they have from repenting and saying simply 'Sorry' even after many extended deadlines refrained, and only seek a chance to do so now, because they have been told to do so by the highest in status of the golden calf and cow, as over from Rome to Dover is the bribery and heresy and organised criminality show. And one, who did all of her life even as an adulterous wife only ever mercilessly never did compassion show, suddenly realises at the end of her life, that on her dying breath she will be taken to task on her every mask and God will simply leave as His last deed through His Son Jesus Christ as the only sign her ritual knife, and she will die alone with on her head a cone and not a stolen desecrated robe of Mary Magdala, as returning on her now is her every stone from around the globe. And she won't be buried in a consecrated grave and not even in Bunhill fields nor under St Chad's altar will stand her urn, as she even cursed her doctor and nurse and priest and parish sister, when she was not for her latest performance reimbursed, and did not get for her equity church and oil shares investment the expected return. And so will every bad story suddenly through the truth alone and through every life's example take for the victims to a good end an almost unexpected turn. But then, God did not suffer His holy souls and especially not His Son Jesus Christ's sacrifice, in order to allow to continue corruption and blasphemy of the Holy Spirit across the border and ends all fouls and heresy and reunites Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's true holy family, and make that from their time as Adam and Eve, as the truth is finally freed from the weed of the bat - and God and the followers of Jesus Christ are not out for a tit-for-tat but might as a punishment measure reflect and mirror the behaviour of every rat to them, so that they can feel in their bones the impact of their own stones, and how it feels, when a holy soul is being abused as a clown. And even the most vicious soul cannot bear God's frown, if found out are her malicious fouls, and will die alone and nobody will offer her a handkerchief, when she does in her own tears and fears finally with her burst stone heart drown.'
Mathair Sigrid Eliora
P.S.: And those souls, who refrained from repenting their fouls, their sins are retained, as they simply to the last moment even at the third time from doing so refrained.
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

Sigrid Kuck
2:30 PM - Public'I wonder, what is being taught in a Sunday school, where the devil and the demoness rule from the lurch', asks Kardinal von Galen, 'as in such a dark place there is no sunny and loving face, as Mary Magdala has taken with her her foot stool, when she left, when she noticed this was NOT a church.'
Sigrid Kuck Maybe I should relocate in an exchange of my flat to Ely? Just maybe? But then, I have no contact to any head of housing of a certain devil's den, who has her tentacles all over the pl...
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Sigrid Kuck
2:28 PM - PublicTenerife or is it Gran Canaria? Seems to pay, if one goes from God astray and recruits spies as future female priests and lures even children onto the beasts' ways.
Sigrid Kuck Maybe I should relocate in an exchange of my flat to Ely? Just maybe? But then, I have no contact to any head of housing of a certain devil's den, who has her tentacles all over the pl...
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Sigrid Kuck
2:26 PM - PublicSad, really, when democracy is being twisted, only because a synod got it wrongly listed with the property for votes quotes.
Sigrid Kuck Maybe I should relocate in an exchange of my flat to Ely? Just maybe? But then, I have no contact to any head of housing of a certain devil's den, who has her tentacles all over the pl...
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sigrid Kuck <mothersuperiorohr@googlemail.com>
Date: 10 January 2013 14:15
Subject: {Abbey of the Holy Rose} To whom the bell tolls
Maybe I should relocate in an exchange of my flat to Ely? Just maybe? But then, I have no contact to any head of housing of a certain devil's den, who has her tentacles all over the places, and who uses other people's names and faces in order to put bribery deals together across the border and makes beacons of a Roman hell even in the Dover see for a gratifying fee for her lying, spying and even scrying, and she does not seem to hesitate also to provide locations for other people's ritual dying. I know gossip is a mortal sin, so she cannot possibly be Mary Magdala's next of kin, and especially not her every other secret society sister with a spiritual heretical blister. Thank you, Fathers J & P, that you rather kept me away from your every den in disguise of a church, as I have been warned more than once in your buildings that death might come to me soon, by the whispers of your churchwardens, and I thank Father Nick for his every golden balloon that sent a message of warning to possible invaders one Christmas, long, long ago. Yes, I think I am ready to leave, as I do not want my daughter end up in this hell and for me here grieve, especially in a neighourhood, where even certain clergy and church wardens take pleasure that my daughter and me were bereaved, when my father died, and they altogether for years to us lied and on us spied and my daughter a church denied, and even wanted her also to groom for her slaughter. Nice one, your hidden secret society cone, I say as Sigrid Kuck. I thought that is by God's law and in Jesus Christ's eye forbidden? Or is there something that I have missed, as so many evil threats have been at me hissed that I lost sort of almost track, who did when also into my computer hack?! But obviously, these kind of people, when it really counts, real guts lack, and are too afraid to be called nuts by 'their own', although they are already being treated anyway like a clown and with their accounts cheated. You have not seen yet God's frown, as He has so far still patience shown to catch in the act for a fact those, who again plotted the Holy Rose to kill - but this time God will at the very onset of such an evil deed in the sinners of Him fear instill, that they have once and for all in any wall of their own hellish way their eternal fill, when they see their previous victim suddenly alive and well standing in front of their window sill, as he also survived and lived secretly the truth to tell.
Bulletin but not in Latin: Adam & Eve's Gaelic conversation and prayer: A thaisce, Ta mo chroi istigh ionat, ta gra agam duit, gra mo chroi »
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.
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From: Sigrid Kuck <mothersuperiorohr@googlemail.com>
Date: 10 January 2013 14:15
Subject: {Abbey of the Holy Rose} To whom the bell tolls
Maybe I should relocate in an exchange of my flat to Ely? Just maybe? But then, I have no contact to any head of housing of a certain devil's den, who has her tentacles all over the places, and who uses other people's names and faces in order to put bribery deals together across the border and makes beacons of a Roman hell even in the Dover see for a gratifying fee for her lying, spying and even scrying, and she does not seem to hesitate also to provide locations for other people's ritual dying. I know gossip is a mortal sin, so she cannot possibly be Mary Magdala's next of kin, and especially not her every other secret society sister with a spiritual heretical blister. Thank you, Fathers J & P, that you rather kept me away from your every den in disguise of a church, as I have been warned more than once in your buildings that death might come to me soon, by the whispers of your churchwardens, and I thank Father Nick for his every golden balloon that sent a message of warning to possible invaders one Christmas, long, long ago. Yes, I think I am ready to leave, as I do not want my daughter end up in this hell and for me here grieve, especially in a neighourhood, where even certain clergy and church wardens take pleasure that my daughter and me were bereaved, when my father died, and they altogether for years to us lied and on us spied and my daughter a church denied, and even wanted her also to groom for her slaughter. Nice one, your hidden secret society cone, I say as Sigrid Kuck. I thought that is by God's law and in Jesus Christ's eye forbidden? Or is there something that I have missed, as so many evil threats have been at me hissed that I lost sort of almost track, who did when also into my computer hack?! But obviously, these kind of people, when it really counts, real guts lack, and are too afraid to be called nuts by 'their own', although they are already being treated anyway like a clown and with their accounts cheated. You have not seen yet God's frown, as He has so far still patience shown to catch in the act for a fact those, who again plotted the Holy Rose to kill - but this time God will at the very onset of such an evil deed in the sinners of Him fear instill, that they have once and for all in any wall of their own hellish way their eternal fill, when they see their previous victim suddenly alive and well standing in front of their window sill, as he also survived and lived secretly the truth to tell.
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Sigrid Kuck
1:57 PM (edited) - PublicKardinal von Galen scherzt bitter zu Wilsberg: 'Ich spreche jetzt mal lieber Englisch, Du weisst ja, da stehen die Nazis nicht drauf, obwohl ich gehoert habe, dass die da auch zweisprachig singen zu Wotan und allem moeglichem haeretischen Gesocks mit verstimmten Psaltern zuhauf. You should see that ridiculous trend that in every see into every parish some heretical Anabaptist bishop a pseudo-Martha...Expand this post »
Kardinal von Galen scherzt bitter zu Wilsberg: 'Ich spreche jetzt mal lieber Englisch, Du weisst ja, da stehen die Nazis nicht drauf, obwohl ich gehoert habe, dass die da auch zweisprachig singen zu Wotan und allem moeglichem haeretischen Gesocks mit verstimmten Psaltern zuhauf. You should see that ridiculous trend that in every see into every parish some heretical Anabaptist bishop a pseudo-Martha and pseudo-Mary Magdala to make suffer Jesus Christ and Lazarus send, as the latter ones, the men, have to protect their real souls and incarnations from these witches and demonesses from behind the oven, who establish in every diocese in every church a coven that has as its purpose especially, even in Westminster and East London to give Mary Magdala and Jesus Christ and Lazarus a bad name. They are in for a huge surprise, when even a soon ex-head of housing in a church house is being confronted with evidence of her bribery decadence and her conspirators have to admit also to their purposeful slander, neighbourhood crimes and spiritual pestilence that is even to non-church goers an unholy nuisance and threat. Yup, and one church in particular, has tentacles even the Anabaptists in Muenster that they reached out to with organised criminality in another woman from Muenster' vicinity - I saw the faces there as well that I already knew from purgatory, where I tried to save another last time from eternal hell but they could not help themselves and wanted the truth again out of the bookshelves and thus will now end as spiritual and plain criminal pus, as their victims have lived the truth to the authorities to tell and to back it up with evidence. And to them did already toll their desecrated bell, not chime, as nobody gets away anymore in any shore with organised crime. Wilsberg, it was a pleasure meeting you. I hope you will now much better cope, and I see you in heaven one day, just stay on Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's combined way of THE Truth alone, and then at every devil's den flies back all evildoers' own stone of heresy and filthy phantasy - and they end up condemned in the book of death for eternity, as nobody unpunishedly mocks anymore in any shore Adam and Eve's holy matrimony and their truly holy family.' Mathair Sigrid ElioraCollapse this post
Sigrid Kuck1:26 PM - Public Kardinal von Galen ueber Wilsbergs Einsatz bei den Wiedertaeufern: 'Mann, Wilsberg, die sind doch entweder Ueber-, Mitlaeufer oder Verkaeufer von Seelen, die schon lange ...
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

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