Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Investigations can be carried out in all sorts of creative writing explorations&even end in some evildoers or whole secret societies&hiearchies' litigation, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

P.S.: And the living word with the facts of truth are sharper than any
cover up freemason's sword.

Investigations can be carried out in all sorts of creative writing
explorations&even end in some evildoers or whole secret
societies&hiearchies' litigation,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Investigations can be carried out in all sorts of free creative
writing explorations
&even end in some evildoers or whole secret societies'& all sorts of
hiearchies' litigation,
for not just organised criminality and heresy but also for crimes
against humanity in every nation and for stealing even from the
poorest of the poor their last ration and for infiltration of many an
institution to bring about the infestation of its once noble
constitution, so that its wording becomes empty elocution.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

It is definitely not a good intention,when a churchwarden
doublecrosses her every intercession with a curse&uses poison for

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

It is not in good intention,when a priest says 'God bless'&performs in
abuse of his spiritual gifts a curse,so that victim's life is a mess.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

It is not in good faith,if a pope leaves to God regarding the
admittance of the truth no hope, as God judges that as blasphemy&false

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

It is not in good faith,if a nun points at a priest a gun to keep him
silent about her priory's organised criminality&all sorts of heresy.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

It is not in good faith,if in abuse of power of authority in
archbishopry is offered bribery for silence on heresy&organised
criminality to the lesser church hierarchy over dinner with many a
carefully selected A-list sinner next to the groomed potential
conspirator and highest deadly black magic executor and

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

It is not in good faith,if organised paedophilia is being harboured
even in a shore that pretends that it to St Cecilia a helping hand

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

It is not in good faith,if cab drivers&undertakers are funeral
fakers&have as couriers human body parts from ritual slaughter in
their carts

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

It is not in good faith,if a priest or bishop accepts a
property&bribery deal for silence in organised
criminality&heresy&blasphemy,as he could end up suddenly disowned and
in a nursing home declared by his former employer mentally insane, and
is becoming quickly in a death nursing home financed by every unholy
dome as his own dead meat bone meal. And all, because he saw, how the
churchwardens did from the sacristy and from the sanctuary church
treasures and the collection steal, and he refused to buy some of it
back in their raffle ticket draw. When has a priest or bishop finally
reached the point that he turns to the highest authority outside his
church hierarchy for help and legal advice and does, perhaps, in the
MI5 or the Primeminister confide that he also secretly for his own
protection and that of his family in the church, unnoticedly by the
witches coven behind the oven hid to gather evidence for their
churchwarden decadence and pestilence. Does he want to wait, until
they again draw against his life with their ritual knife the latest

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

It is one thing to make a mistake in good faith but it is quite
another to accept as priest&bishop bribery for silence on
criminality&heresy and to cover up actively
even mass killings and fraud committed by his church hierarchy.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Sweet peace can only evolve through justice&by allowing most painful
truth to emerge for holy souls thus to heal& to prevent new evil from
rising on the verge and yet again another set of kingmakers from black
gold for whitewash in a blackhole to merge.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

One&the same thing,thought,word,gesture or deed can mean completely
the opposite, always depending on the intent with which it is
said&done. And anybody, who wears purposefully with evil intent a
secret society cone and throws unashamedly at holy souls his own fouls
will receive simply back by God personally in numerous a manifestation
one day in his own bone after bone also his every single thrown stone,
and then, his devil's den will not laugh anymore, not even for bribery
or with blackmailing and threats but simply at this hellish clown
frown and lets him in his own selfpity and rotten shore with his every
babylonian whore in their crocodile tears and of God in their never
known fears drown, as once too often has a self-appointed kingmaker
and all sorts of authority faker his principality abused, and not even
his staff are anymore of his bullshit and organised criminality plots
the executors, as they have confessed and started to clear up, where
they themselves on his behalf messed - and they are no longer of his
bad sarcastic jokes a taker.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 55s
I placed a stone on a churchyard wall this morning to remember its
victims. Stones on Graves -
... ...
View conversation

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 1m

I placed a stone on a churchyard wall this morning to remember its
victims. Stones on Graves - My Jewish Learning:
... ...

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 9h

Hear,o holy souls, Abraham&Sarah's children of the stars,heal each
other's scars,as the one good God all evil from His heavenly Kingdom
on earth bars. Shine in His Infinite light by speaking and living the
truth and share thus in His might and take in danger with Him to
heaven flight and dwell in peace and truth as Jesus Christ shelters
under His wings His wife Mary Magdala and their family of holy souls
of old, and Abraham's and Sarah's children have already in paradise
said to the truth of their eternal father and mother 'Behold'.
View conversation

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 9h

King James III.of Scotland&his beloved queen were on peace&truth
keen&for that were 1.separated&2.killed by own son,who wanted them

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 9h

@Shoutout_UK Abraham&Sarah's children from the stars are the holy
souls amongst all people&heal each other's scars&live the truth&dont


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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