Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Thursday 12 June 2014

Preliminary Hearing in Jesus Christ's Living Judgement Court, and, perhaps, a little taste for some of their own medicine, or a reflection in the anvil of the slammer of the hammer,by Mother Sigrid Eliora

P.S.: Some used to like it, it seems, hot, but first of all, not all
is, what it seems and then, every devil's den is from now on simply
put on the spot with their every secret society and organised
criminality and tumbling down comes anyway every pyramid and other
evil hierarchy, when known is their concerted notoriety.

Preliminary Hearing in Jesus Christ's Living Judgement Court,
and, perhaps, a little taste for some of their own medicine,
or a reflection in the anvil of the slammer of the hammer,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 6h

Would the defendant confirm that he stole church treasures for his
secret society&that he committed for his own knight's order (we will
come back at a later stage to this particular order and its
affiliations in all nations and its more than dubious role) also
organised criminality in the shape and size even of blackhole
whitewash money, and recruited as bishop also his churchwardens
through bribery and property and status in his various secret
societies, to which he was kingmaker, to conspire on his behalf
against the truth and to spread heresy and to accomodate with
additional secret sets of keys all the secret societies he would send
to them for access to the church, and to let them use the church in
the way they wanted and not to worry about the mess of the rituals,
they could be afterwards cleared up by those priests, who had opposed
his bishopry, and who were systematically threatened and bullied and
hacked into their accounts and their mail intercepted and were
instructed to make unwelcome all possible whistleblowers, and not to
come near them, lest the priests wanted to get more repercussions, and
they all lived of the very real threats in fear.

Can you also give your own account of events, how you spiked at least
on two occasions your priest's drink, and let him through a cabby
bring into a pub nearby St Paul's cathedral, where he woke up with
loss of memory and disorientation and that you let the cabbie, who was
a resident in the parish's wider community spread also through his
wife, who was at the time involved also repeatedly as chair in various
a project in the community, rumours for the purpose of the priest's
blackening reputation and professional discreditation, and they were
handled not just through the churchwardens but also via a nearby
This priory is also subject in our every other court case and was
instrumental to the organised criminality not just in your diocese but
also in our every other investigation. Can you, please, describe your
role in their involvement. Were you making use of their structure and
plotted with them together or were you the decision maker and they
merely carried out your instructions for bribery and more property?

We have hard forensic evidence regarding you and the priory abusing
all churches under your iurisdiction for secret societies and part of
them even were involved in fascist terrorism activties, about which
they boasted openly under the impression you provided them with
diplomatic immunity and through your seat in the Lord's also with

What is your role in the murder of an agent, who was also known as
musician and IT-specialist, who was ritually murdered but then by
members of all known secret societies declared 'suicidal', although
the wounds have been clearly not self-afflicted. He was also subjected
to audio-torture - is it correct in this context, that one of your
'projects' was the para-military use of former or hijacked military
property through your special status and connection to personnel,
which included a whole 'model village' with fascist structures and
even torture experiments Nazi-style with famous bands trying out
latest technology for torture, and that those musicians even recruited
teachers in local schools and went regularly to Hamburg and Berlin to
receive new input from fascist sources there.

In this model village, we have had various testimonies of
churchwardens, Sunday school teachers, lay members and parish council
board members of various strategic parishes in your diocese, who
confessed already that they accepted bribery and property packages and
even roles like mayoress and communication coordinator etc. for this
secret location, and that they were also part of your wider Drury lane
involvement and conspiracy, with links and resources also being abused
from Church house and palace staff members and consultants and
advisors, who were also placed strategically in parishes and who also
infiltrated all purposefully the priests' and lay members' families
and friends, in order to gather personal details about them, that they
were abusing against them to threaten them with the death of loved
ones, should they dare to speak out, what they had witnessed or the
truth about Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's marriage.

Can the defendant further comment on the testimony of two of the
musicians, who voluntarily confessed, and, in fact, one had been
approached by a priest, who had been befriended and then blackmailed
and threatened by the wider circles of the defendant's and Westminster
diocese, and had purposefully infiltrated this electronic sound
torture project on behalf of the MI5. The musicians said both that
they did not only experimentate in this secret village sound studio
but also in various churches and homes of other musicians, who were
blacklisted by the secret societies and up for slandering and even
concerted murder and in premises of recording and rehearsal studios
and even with their own audiences on stage and on tour.

They also provided statements that they were both recruited by a
consultant at churchhouse with palace connections, who abused the
trust placed in her together with further family members of hers,
including children and adult relatives. She will be heard in the dock
later about her role in this conspiracy and will testify also later.
As she had access to all departments and bribed her way in abuse of
her authority as a manageress on the defendants behalf through all
levels of society and placed even students for a choir mistress into
her care for the sole purpose of spying on her and on trying to access
her computer records and to plant bugging devices around the house and
to steal personal possessions and notebooks that were then even put up
in a secret society raffle.

This churchhouse consultant was also accordingly to the testimonials
of various priests and PCC members, lay members and churchwardens
offering property also to the wider circles of the parishes in the
defendant's diocese, obviously with the defendant now claiming total
deniability, as he knows only too well that he from his own snake
ladders fell and that he even in front of witnesses desecrated and put
a spell with lots of palaver in front of a special invitation only
crowd every single diocese churchbell - just like Herod or some pharao
let all male children kill, only in this case, this bishop wanted all
out of the way and disposed of even in a wheelbarrow, like a withered
tree, who possibly could the truth about his abuse of power tell.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 6h

All accusations against various knights orders,who are visibly
hoarders at the cost of holy souls'lives lost with ritual knives must
be true, as they themselves with their boasting provided every single
evidence and clue, as they thought they have through their connections
in city and country's highest ranking hierarchy also themselves
automatically diplomatic immunity and thus impunity and were thus even
leaving behind forensic evidence not just in the bookshelves, and
signed with their own handwriting: 'Satan and his elves.'

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 7h

If people knew,how they are being lied to in the pew,then every
devil's den would shut,not just of Brook&Wren&they would no licence
renew. And Mary the Mother of God was accordingly to records well kept
under lock, under investigation for the murder of Mary Magdala after
her husband's death, as she was also crucified and her recognition of
her marriage and the very existence of her by the cronies of her evil
mother-in-law killed infant twins to this very day denied, and for the
purposeful ommittance of the truth even former and present popes are
now standing in the dock in the presence of Jesus Christ's flock.
And as crown witness is a former Roman emperor in his present
incarnation,who finally surrendered his evil incantation and wants to
put wrong right and rather lets his testimonial from now on holy souls
live and dwell in the most holy truth and free of hell, then to murder
and commit crime and blasphemy for a deluded and obsessed pyramid
hierarchy and he does not really want a repeat of a fascist empire nor
does he want to serve anymore the devil with evil in any shore, and
rather live in sanctified blessed and blissful celibacy until such a
time that he has served the punishment sentence for his every crime
and can be possibly joined finally with the true holy soul that God
has in mind for him, and who loves him already over the brim but has
to do her own penance first and what is from God will be always good
in the end, and that former emperor did simply once too often the law
bend and could not face himself anymore in the mirror and lived to
repent and to regret in his now contrite heart his murderous error,
and he will never ever even think of committing an act of terror, and
he is on putting wrong right now also for all truth past and present
so very keen, and hands back also a can of Mr Sheen that he won under
a mask, and takes now himself with the no longer abused power of his
office simply legally all evildoers and tax evaders to task and brings
them back from the blackholes, where they hid as moles and suddenly no
longer received any see's doles and on whose lives were with ritual
knives as burnt assets also put by their own secret societies a bid.

And suddenly gentle as a lamb is even a former sinner and dreams
already about his future wife and his first kid. And that vision keeps
him going in many a dream, and he is ever so grateful that God finally
did answer his scream for getting out of his mess, which threatened to
drown him from all sides in the press, and he no longer in the wrong
kind of people confides but from all evildoers his face and presence
hides and by the letter the law abides.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 7h

Jesus Christ is the living law&He is the resurrection&the life.I
know,as He saved me each time from a secret societies' ritual knife.
And He even gave me a melody to remember, whenever I am being attacked
and that raises my heart's frequency and lets me breathe normally and
in blissful and grateful joy and I give thanks and praise to Jesus
Christ, my one and only true ROY, King of Kings, and to the evildoers
I simply say this: 'Give up your lame game, ol' boy, lest you want God
to put back all shame and blame in one instant on your own name, and
return every single stone back to you as the sender, you hell of a
lawbender and repeat-white collar offender with a man-made crown!

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 7h

Some knights orders even sink so low themselves Jesus Christ's crown
to bestow&put on with their hierarchy in cathedrals as clergy on a

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 7h

Whosoever is a knight in heaven shines on earth free of sin selflessly
his light&serves God in humility&has all holy souls as eternal family

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 7h

In 2011 I did tell truth in Drury lane&all hell broke loose&lodges
sent me their threats via poisonous treats&knives of their

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 7h

Do the various knights orders even know,who boasts as a supposedly
high rank member&utters threats&commits organised criminality&heresy?

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · 12h

Speak out on behalf of those too terrified.


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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