Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Sunday 15 June 2014

{Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)} A priest, who stays on to spread heresy must be a also a church hierarchy's offical spy and organised crime con or mercenary,who plays El Eljon, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

A priest, who stays on to spread his unholy corrupt see's heresy must
be a also a church hierarchy's offical spy and organised crime con or
mercenary,who plays El Eljon,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

At least at face value, as from the witness testimonies I have heard
from former priests, all major church hierarchies purposefully and
systematically recruit only candidates, who fit the above unsavioury
category, and are either from a rockbottom and as lower class looked
down upon for special immoral services groomed from teenage gangs or,
as the contrary, from a very old influential and with powerful
potential to intertwine organised criminality and war and whoremongery
with the official heresy against Jesus Christ and Mary Magala's truth.

Is it any wonder that young priests or older ones finally suddenly in
shock, when they realise they are to be or were involuntarily handlers
of the devil's assets to the church amongst their church's flock?! And
do not want to groom holy souls into playing on behalf of the secret
societies within Vatican and Anglican hierachy to others the spy or
slanderer or even murderer. As it is always the same tactics
accordingly to these priests, who have given their testimony: at first
they have to welcome all, then starts the assessment of the new
parishioner and his assets and skills, and if he brings also
additional free frills for the parish council board and especially the
churchwardens and ultimately for the bishop, and pays a generous fee,
then 'everybody is welcome' in that corrupt rotten see.

But if a poor or less priviliged and even, God forbid, sick and
vulnerable church comes through the door, there is nervous hustle on
the floor and the churchwardens and corrupt ones amongst the priests
start already to find an excuse to make that soul from their parish an
instant recluse but, of course, they cannot directly entry to such a
'low life' refuse - but they have their ways, and those solutions are
with a ritual knife and black magic rituals disguised as blessings
over gifts also against the holy souls, who are to whole dioceses and
their corrupt ways in the a thorn to their eye with the truth of Jesus
Christ's family of the Holy Rose,

The priests, who escaped their sees' hell and lived the truth to tell,
told the law enforcement, how they were forced to perform espionage
and a tragic spell, and they also witnessed, how bishops desecrate
even a bell and how they to the highest bidder confidential cathedral
confessions of their parishioners sell. And as you can imagine that
does not really go in strategic places down well, when known suddenly
and confronted with their sins the real faces, who have been betrayed
by breach of confidentiality or by abuse of authority.

Yes, if priests, who are truly helping the truth they do now also
legally care their stories of real life in hell to share in a diocese
that is as flatulent and inflated in organised criminality and greed
and in corruption as it is heretical obese.

The first court trials, whether secret or not we do now await, and one
method of the sees trying to get rid of those priests, if they did not
respond to bribery and threats, was to poison their mass wine or
incense or even the after mass cafe au lait, or to wrongly accuse them
that they on their wife cheat or a youngster abuse or drunken their
bishop beat.

And those tactics are not just restricted to clergy nor to their
parishes but it is also happening in a wider pattern all around us in
institutions that have been for a long time exposed and infiltrated
purposefully by many a secret society that has its root actually in
the greed of many a multi-national secret agenda hierarchy, and that
tries to bring even officially and legally with false witnesses down
whole ministries and more responsible smaller scale businesses, so
that the industries can rule the world and enslave even with blackgold
bribery an archbishop's nave and abuse many a church and cathedral,
like in Ireland, for whole mass graves.

Ye priests, who are still staying on, do not play the con, leave, and
become a teacher and healer, as Jesus Christ wanted you to, and live
and speak the truth with integrity, and heal yourselves first from all
that heresy and organised criminality that was imposed on you by a
secret society that played always fascist empire and wanted now to
bring about also the fourth evil one with the help of a church
hierarchy cone, as your superiors have long replaced you with a clone,
and 'refaced', accordingly to many a testimony. If you stay on without
publicly stated reason other than to bring to court your parish
council boards' highest treason in any given season, you do not belong
to a holy family but you are being in God's eyes partners-in-crime to
a most unholy and corrupt hierarchy.

And you should be ashamed to even have named in a prayer the Holy
Trinity - as without the truth in your life you are committing
blasphemy and support organised heresy and criminality and condone
silently a ritual knife.

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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