Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday 7 February 2014

Your sins are retained, Demoness Mary!, says Mary Magdala before the Heavenly Judgement court, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Your sins are retained, Demoness Mary!, says Mary Magdala before the
Heavenly Judgement court,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Your sins are retained, Demoness Mary!, says Mary Magdala before the
Heavenly Judgement court, your only good deed was that you at least
gave birth to Jesus Christ and did not abort him but otherwise you
never had afterwards any love for him and neither for your husband, as
you only ever love yourself over the brim and look like Snowwhite's
stepmother into the mirror to scry and let your networks of organised
criminality under diplomatic immunity with impunity the truth kill and
on holy souls spy to frame them with your own fouls. That is, why
Jesus Christ did refuse you entry, when you turned up with his
cousins, who still are out for our kill and were in every incarnation
in every single nation.

You forced him to perform his first miracles at our wedding in Canaan
and you were furious that he succeeded, but you had been curious,
whether your spells against him would work, as he had left your house
to marry me without your permission and that is, why you also teamed
up with my evil sister Martha, who no longer was neither in charge of
my property and money, as I gave it all to Jesus Christ's ministry!
Only Lazarus was on our side, and that is, why he also was attacked by
Martha and you and had from you and your networks to hide, but he did
in Jesus Christ instantly confide.

You lame game is over, Mary, also in Rome and Dover, and this time to
your every name in every incarnation in every single nation, as you no
longer steal, if we can help it, even the last ration, and a certain
Karen won't offer you any longer a diplomatic impunity deal, as she
did in the truth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala also her scars from
your conspirator Lucifer heal. And somehow I think that not even he is
keen on any longer with you to share your poisonous meal, as you did
once too often also from him visions that he had deposited offshore,
through your troups steal. As the likes of you rob from each other and
from others and never ever have truly friendship nor sisters nor
brothers, as you sabotage anything that is true love and true
friendship, as you run a piratery fleet even in every single street
and throw your former pirates after they fulfilled their purpose
simply into a skip.

Your sins are retained, Mary, Mother of God=Hagar, as you failed to
confess and to clear up your mess, and you from repentance with your
Roman Catholic church refrained and continuously with your pyramid
hierarchy the reputation of holy souls stained and almost again Jesus
Christ and Mary Magdala and their family of holy souls and their
incarnate children slained! You have the longest time in any region
with your every mercenary Hagar and Marian legion committed your
organised criminality and spread your heresy as poisonous bread
unpunishedly and unchallengedly.

No more! You are classified no longer just secretly as the babylonian
whore but even despised by your own every corrupt shore as you led
them into the bloodred see of corruption and let them drown and you
have towards our angels no mercy shown but also Gabriel's and
Michael's and Uriel's and Raphael's head several times off their
shoulders chopped or blown or their skins peeled with your ritual
knife - and you have never been to Joseph a holy wife.

And it is so easy to see that wherever you were already from the
beginning of time as snake and later in various roles even within
Jesus Christ's birth family twisted the truth with your aryan
master-race of evil heresy, and did your all to undermine and destroy
the nucleus of God's creation - a holy family, one husband and one
wife, joined by God and living in God's eyes in holy matrimony and
beforehand in blessed voluntary celibacy naturally, and who share
selflessly their food and home with other holy souls in their holy
family and community.

Wherever you had your way, you left only devastation and a warring and
whoring nation enslaved by your merciless mercenary legion even of
fake priests.

And it was you, demoness Mary, who as the Mother of God brought so
much pain on Jesus Christ own eternal family with me, Mary Magdala and
our holy souls and you continued your Hagar phantasy of a violent
organised legion in every region out for world dominion and power out
of greed and envy driven by sheer lust, never by true love that you do
not know at all, as you spit out also as the dragon everybody, who no
longer is useful to you and let them from your snake's ladder again
fall. For you a life in heaven for eternity was always too high to
reach and so, you rather did a twisted aryan and any other heresy
teach and made little holy girls into unholy brides of the devil, as
in your church of evil the bishops blessed the Chrism oil with your
satanistic schism. And you also mingle with the deathbringers and give
to holy souls shingles and inject your drugs through your thugs to
frame holy souls and to smear them with your fouls, so that in the pew
they would the living word of a framed and battered priest reject and
bad on his life reflect.

And that continued filthy phantasy was cruelly also enacted secretly
in many a monastery. Sins retained,as the Roman Catholic church has
from putting wrong right and from speaking the truth and from
repenting refrained.

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Abraham says to Sarah: 'Enough blood is spilled and too many holy
souls killed through Hagar and Ishmael's organised heresy and
criminality', by Mother Sigrid Eliora


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