Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Thursday 6 February 2014

And true investigative Journalists have also had enough of being treated and cheated by the Fourth Reich 'Elite' for telling the truth ever so rough, and get now as whistleblowers from the outside simply with the facts of most unholy and criminal acts on the evil fruits of the Vatican hell tough, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

And true investigative Journalists have also had enough of being
treated and cheated by the Fourth Reich 'Elite' for telling the truth
ever so rough, and get now as whistleblowers from the outside simply
with the facts of most unholy and criminal acts on the evil fruits of
the Vatican hell tough,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

And true investigative journalists have also had enough of being
treated by secret offspring of the Vatican for telling the truth ever
so rough, and they get now with the facts of most unholy acts of these
bad fruits of evil also in the courts and professional accreditation
organisations tough. And as their creativity is unlimited, using God's
gifts to make all necessary to the truth shifts, they also publish
freely and surprisingly in large numbers and even in their readers'
slumbers their poetry. Und dann gibt es ploetzlich einen kostenlosen
Drittes Deutsche Fernsehen Sender, der macht auch jeder Kamera und
Tonaufzeichnung und falschen Berichterstattung mit der Wahrheit den
Garaus, denn fuers Vierte Roemische Faschistengrossreich arbeiten
schon zuviele heimlich in den Ersten und Zweiten Rundfunkanstalten,
die, wenn deren Geheimgesellschaft der alten Nazigarde herauskommt,
auch nicht mehr gerettet werden koennen von den alten Seilschaften
unter den Staatsanwaelten und dann steht auch jede Saus und Braus
Sauerkrautlaus ploetzlich selbst in Odessa Ueberdachung im Eiskalten.
Denn Jesus Christus laesst die korrupten Pseudo-Journalisten nicht
mehr laenger fuer den Vatikan und andere haeretische Seenplatten
ungestoert deren organisiertes Verbrechen vertuschen und laesst seine
Schafe einfach umschalten und damit die Quoten sterben, und die zweite
und dritte und vierte Generation der Faschisten wird nur noch die
Sandkoerner ihrer Sklavereistaaten erben. Und die kommen uns eh nicht
in unser Gotteshaus, das wir in uns tragen, denn die wollten uns tot,
und deren Haende sind blutrot. Und dann wundern die sich noch, warum
wir sie schicken mit Schweigen in ihr eigenes privates und illegales
Ascension Island Schwarzloch. Shouldn't have boasted and toasted to
their victory at their every party prematurely - as now they go under
through the hard evidence of their pestilence and decadence of the
evil axis and also their Seven Sisters arrogance as fake angels by
God's rage for justice and His truth's thunder. Und dann sind alle
ihre geklauten Artefakts nur noch wertloser Plunder. Die glaubten ja
eh noch nie an Wunder! Da koennen sie dann verbrennen ihre
haeretischen Buecher, aber nicht die von ihren Opfern blutgetraenkten
Tuecher, denn die sind Beweise von so mancher Filmreise, und ihre
Holzkohle brennt ja eh wie stinkender Zunder. Mother Sigrid Eliora

And in former Yugoslavia women, who have been forced into slave labour
and human trafficking by the very organisations that should have kept
them safe, have also something to tell, how they were recruited
secretly by the Vatican hierarchy to establish with their spiritual
gifts and their enforced prostitution 'services' the artificially
created Medjugorje
sandcastle 'mythology' of fake theology as the latest multi-national
industry and cover for the fourth reich neo-fascist 'elite', which is
mainly based on blackmail and bribery accordinly to their testimony. I
wonder, how the Vatican will get out of this one with their arrogant
elocution, as no longer can they silence behind closed doors even on
the United Nations floors after hours their criminal executions. And
their illegal offspring might also no longer with a loss of their
journalistic accreditation a guarantee for cover-ups bring, as too
many investigative journalists, who were refused access to archives
and material and crime scenes, simply resort to their sources'
creativity and shoot without money their documentary that is also
permissiblea court evidence, and then, the biggest of all devil's den
will one day simply be overdosing in its own decadence and pestilence
and its longest track record of unspeakable arrogance. Mother Sigrid

Jesus Christ looks at a concerted agencies' raid on some mercenary
Marian legion spooks with in any region an unholy aryan maid and her
fraudulent books, who has purposefully no attention to her bail
conditions paid, by Mother Sigrid

Arrest of secret societies by Jesus Christ, and concerted
international agencies' debriefing of the former organised
criminality, of which heresy is their least problem, by Mother Sigrid


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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