Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Monday 24 February 2014

When the Hammer stops, and frightened from the silence of the anvil is the slammer, then also every devil's den its latest murderous plans drops, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

When the Hammer stops, and frightened from the silence of the anvil is
the slammer, then also every devil's den its latest murderous plans

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

When the hammer stops, and frightened from the silence of the anvil is
the slammer,
then also every devil's den its latest murderous plans and decadence
and pestilence finally, and not just momentarily, drops,
and no longer their PR-adviser every victim's face in a stolen space
in an album to non-existence crops, nor a paid recruit for a fake
secret service that is really
a secret society slanderously into a stranger's bed hops under a
different identity
to put false shame to a holy name but surrenders to the authorities voluntarily
and puts wrong right and ends a most unholy fight and takes off all
their victims the false purposefully fabricated wrong label and blame.

As no agency that is protecting its people and country from harm and
tries their best to keep law and order in harmony with human dignity,
likes to be taken for a ride by some barking mad secret plotters'
society, who tries with their own spies to bring chaos and fear from
within their own ranks and border through threats and slander and
outright lies.

As most agents are decent and law abiding by God's commandments and do not make
corrupt and selfish amendments and are to Jesus Christ and the truth
near but in dark
times like this, even they had from the malicious and vicious few, who
bribe their way
through all ranks and even many a churchwardens' and parish council's pew and
even through invisible career trenches in universities and benches
elsewhere, here and
there, to hide, as they even refuse any bribery to take or a poisonous
cuppa or more abuse and possibly to be their corrupt counterparts
framed and falsely blamed and shamed and speak out the truth
peacefully in the right places at the right time in Jesus Christ's
flock's places nonetheless -

it is high time for the hammers their organised criminality under the
disguise of aryan heresy to confess, and to clear up publicly their
fourth reich manic obsession and murderous mess! And not just
individually, but also collectively, and with every single
confraternity that does still with those, who want Jesus Christ as
God's beloved Holy Rose
and His family kill, and who in their own delusions overdose.

Over from Rome to Dover and all over the world the nightmare of a dome
that is only
anyway to a self-appointed masterelite of any colour home and is
planned as the fourth
aryan totalitarian slavery empire, where everybody with money and
property and stolen piratery plays the dark lord sire with his own
shire and whatnot self-invented and self-fabricated tree and corrupt
see and a whole host of treacherous staff, who lie and spy
and kill for a fee.

The hammer forgot that the anvil in its suffering grew evermore
stronger, and its perseverance is infinitely longer, as selflessness
and true love and true friendship even in invisible ways are the real
and heavenly treasures that one cannot buy for any worldly measures
and that are non-negotiable in a deal, and even, if Jesus Christ's
flock is starved to death, it will still not kill and will still not
skip the truth as its only soul's meal. As only in the truth, which is
their one way of Jesus Christ's justice and peace can they for
eternity heal. And that one host of God's creation and universe
nobody, especially not a rotten to the core nation with a murderous
and criminal shore can never ever from Jesus Christ's and Mary
Magdala's eternal holy family steal.

And their holy matrimony and holy family is not just in their dreams
real but they heal also day and night in their sleep ever so deep many
an ailment and near death and lend to each other much needed breath,
and take away even in dying all fear, and answer always each other's
screams, as all call out for Jesus Christ their Saviour, and He
coordinates and delegates tirelessly all efforts and His web of the
Infinite light, and thus, silent and most beautiful and life-giving is
His eternal might.

I sing in the Name of Jesus, I sing in the Name of Christ,
I do all that I do for His heavenly kingdom on earth,
and stand up in all His ways to the evil, wherever I encounter
it, and that includes my kitchen hearth, that also sometimes
an evildoer with a murderous heart intrudes, who is a confessed

Iesous Christos, Anastasios, Athanatos, Agios Ischyrios!

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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