Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Bah, Bah, Black sheep, I am unspinning your wool, and you and your master and your dame are a fool but not the little altar boy, as he put on you all your long overdue shame to your very own name, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Bah, Bah, Black sheep, I am unspinning your wool, and you and your
master and your dame are a fool but not the little altar boy, as he
put on you all your long overdue shame to your very own name,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Bah, Bah, Black sheep, I am unspinning your wool, and your master and
your dame are a fool but not the little altar boy, as he put before
the law enforcement authorities on you all your long overdue shame to
your very own name, and put you in a criminal network's wanted frame,
and hands you also back your every false blame, as he is a true little
heavenly roy, who only did act on highest command as an evildoer's
decoy, and as your mole and he even was your mole to fulfill your
demand for stolen church treasure and personal belongings of a priest
and a holy woman - but now he is almost grown up, a bit prematurely,
through your evil lame game and your spiritual warfare also against
him, when you realised with your unholy master and dame that he had
love for Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala as part of their eternal
family of holy souls over the brim, and he wrote neatly down, and
sometimes scribbled, your every organised crime's fact and of your
every unholy act.

And also one of your masters -as you did serve many, and now can't get
hold of for your bribery payment and property finalisation of any -
even boasted and toasted about their various top fours of secret
societies' internationally prematurely their victory for their fourth
reich via their organised criminality even in almost every monastery,
even at the Krim,
but they failed, as their sandcastles came down even in Frankfurt in
just a few seconds,
and their glasses were not even yet empty, when they were by the law
authorities in every single country their court summons mailed, and
were even as multi-national and corporate executive directors tailed
and finally: nailed, and all their networks simply even in logistics
and transport derailed!

Lately, I was in my soul remembering, how to spin wool, and it came
equally easily back, that, when the wool a certain quality of
character does lack, it simply disintegrates again and unspins by
itself into its original shape and size, except for a few turns or
traces of having been spindled but your wool does simply cannot
improve, as corrupt and dirty and filthy is your every move and it is
not even suitable for insulation, or at the most, to seal and absorb
your own muddy underground in nature, where a tent in the one holy
nation might be the home to the truth of Jesus Christ, but you won't
sit anymore in His Holy Rose shore around His and Mary Magdala's
table, as you wanted to kill them, although they have both been to you
a more than kind and generous and friendly host!

And, bah-bah-black-sheep, you I won't touch and shear, as you remind
me of a certain Hun called John Pear with a sleeping lance and spear
and axe, and he is being handed over by his own father from purgatory,
who long foresaw clearly, and not in trance that his son one day would
betray from Sochi via Odessa the holy truth and offer to kill it and
Jesus Christ for the highest bidder from Rome and Dover, and just any
see shore that guaranteed him secretly status, property and unlimited
money and artificially created and corrupted milk and honey, as so
often in history before.

He knows, why he no longer his face to anybody for long shows, as he
cannot enter anymore not even his own space, and a never known fear of
God in him by the second now grows, as once too often he tried to
dictate in the world his pace as maniac dictator with his by his own
curses dead paintbrush, and his stone of wisdom and artificial life
has been a mindcastle of his illegitimate devil's wife, who only ever
was able to act upon any cable but she was not able to extract false
confessions not even with their combined ritual knife of all their
secret societies, as eventually it became too much even to their
initial backers, who hated to serve the one Good God, as they could
not envisage a life in voluntary poverty and blessed voluntary
celibacy or in holy matrimony and to be part of a worldwide peaceful
community that helps each other selflessly.

Now, that you can no longer pursue your old life unpunishedly and
unchallengedly, you suddenly realise that you had it all - but you
lost it the moment you gave the devil your call and sold out even your
non-existing soul, as all you ever breathed was your own stink and
foul! And you will from the very highest horse into your deepest
abbyss fall, and get lost in your own Escher mirrors of fatal errors.

And you will see in the eyes of a holy child in army uniform your own
terrors that she reflects back at you, and in the end you will have
involuntarily to God's law and order conform, as you suddenly true
friends and even associates lack because you can no longer with
Moriarty via Estonia into our accounts hack.

You see, holy souls have a history for eternity and now, that the
contract with the devil and your every evil is invalid and void, you
have ended up being obsessed, delusional and paranoid, and do only
evermore desperately fall for even the most obvious fake artefact and
you have been framed and named and shamed already even in blond for
your aryan heresy on celluloid!!!

And all your 'bahs' are just blah-blah-blahs, and nobody turns around
because your lies not anybody in any shore anymore astound, and your
spies are all also with your own wool from you detangling, and
suddenly you are lying defeated with the spindle in lightspeed on the
ground, and you drown in your own aryan heresy and the arrest warrants
for your unspeakable notoriety and organised criminality - and, make
no mistake, even if you had once a wife and daughter - they are
witnesses, as they almost became victims also to your planned

And you had also many a part in many a crime, and if you try it one
more time on to play on anybody the Hun fascist version of perversion
in blasphemy as El Eljon, then before you even have begun your thought
I have it instantly with the Holy Spirit's help unspun!!!
And you are neither an honorable hussar not are you in any sense of
the word gay - you simply do everybody with anybody betray, and you go
for a living from God's law and order across every border astray.

You might have fooled some with your string pulling for a while, and
on guitars of Spanish and Portuguese make most expensive even heavey
metal strings spooled but in comparison to a holy singer, poet and
composer and teacher, even your former allies quickly but too late
could see that they were stranded with your stupid aryan heresy and
organised blackmailing criminality in your aryan fascists worldwide
community - and you were too careless and felt too early to visibly
'free' through your diplomatic immunity and impunity that comes at the
top of every secret society hierarchy with your ever growing
consultancy fee, but you left even your once family in your own
financial mess and have towards their souls nor lives with your ritual
knives no mercy shown.

And you did also boast into the face of your daughter that you
fathered before her without our knowledge another child, and they also
wanted to take our place with their face via not just one priory of
the Sisters of St Margaret and in St Monica and elsewhere, here and
there, as your meeting space.

You have become even for your skulls and bones top fours a liability,
and they no longer cover up your crimes, as newly formed and
responsible is from now on every secret service and the military,
especially not the Reserve Army, does it like very much, if you pose
as an interested guardian, as everybody knows meanwhile that you
cannot even walk in the appropriate pace for a mile, and that you and
your associates are decadent, pestilent and vicious and vile, and they
have been also already punished for their involvement with you, and do
no longer wish to book you as their coach, as you even had bugged them
with your electronic cockcroach, as you did to us, when you stole our
diaries and writings and your microphone hid.

Hey, Bah-bah-bah-blacksheep, also from Bo-bo-bo-Boston they do no
longer to you saya 'szervusztok', as they are peaceloving and holy
Magyarok, and not, like you, a bloodthirsty Hun, who even ausstaffiert
illegally many a pseudo-nun against holy deacons and priests and us
with a tazer and other gun, and you are now exposed as one, who
internationally tragically in his own dirty phantasy and aryan heresy
and also in organised criminality overdosed, and you are doing nothing
'magically', as you are the eternal con and spook, and you have only
ever stolen from any holy and true book and twisted it to your own
ends, that anyway not even your own clown comprehends.

Your own child thinks that you anyway won't even get this poetry
intellectually, as your top hierarchy is as underworldly as it gets,
and real blood drinks, and you only keep with snobs, who steal from us
fobs and are Stinkstiefel-neo-fascist yobs, bad company. That is, why
a girl is suddenly training for her own defense against her biological
father, whom she now readily rather swaps for her adoptive and truly
holy father, and her soul did anyway never to you belong - that is,
how your evil has made us strong! We can counteract in every peaceful
but most efficient way with the living word as our sword your every

And you will be surprised, when you hear the charges against you read
out aloud, how early you have been already by your supposed 'friends'
with their testimonies against you in every nation legally demised, as
they have you for what you did to all of us, utmost despised.

And they will all hold one day into your face a pair of drumsticks,
and you know only too well, why - as you have planned and have
concerted and orchestrated a murder of a never known scale, and not
even the most routined assassin did your coldblooded perverse heresy
and organised criminality under your charcoal without disgust and
heartbleed inhale, and they have all united in their testimonial and
confirmed that it was your blood lust that finally brought you down,
and they had never in you not even as their dark lord faith or trust,
but were disguised as demons, who now let you go legally for eternity
in God's Judgement court already in this life bust, and you will no
longer walk freely and us stalk and badly about us talk but serve God
with all your gifts and do your all to bring about to the truth all
necessary shifts, and your name, except for its entry into the book of
death and eternal condemnation, will be only remembered with all your
long over-due shame and blame and you will only be listed in a police
archive as formerly wanted criminal's frame.

And over is your every hope of fame, as your game was as old as it was
lame, and you have no friends left nor bribed allies or spies, as too
busy sorting out their houses are the sees of Rome and Dover and
elsewhere, here and there.

And a former opera costume designer, who warned me once in his unique
way, and gave me a foxtail, with that I was almost killed, that the
Mother of God was spying and lying and going from the truth and Jesus
Christ's way even from Bavaria to America astray and had already her
spy contingency also in Munich filled, and did even pretend that she
walked for the CIA at least for a while their way, whilst she actually
already stalked with her mercenary legions in all regions even via
Medjugorje the Old Catholic and Anabaptist and the latter saints way,
all a the same time - no wonder, she got confused in the end in her
own spiderweb, and beheaded even a pantomime symbolically, who did
pretend that her husband in hiding did him send, as she spun black
wool yarn even out of an evil fairy barn and farn, and did in every
nation for her aryan heresy every single law bend, and tried the
truth to her heresy to amend.

And a Marlene Dietrich says from heaven to a dancer and singer called
Ute: 'Vergiss nicht, dass ich Dir einst sagte, dass man nicht darf mit
Unwahrheit und mit den Stinkstiefeln seine Gaben und seine Zeit
verplempern! Erinnerst Du Dich, mit wem ich einst hatte ganz, ganz
grossen Streit?! Und auch bei Dir ist es nun soweit, dass Du Dich
ergeben musst des einen guten Gottes Himmelshoheit! Denn Dein
wunderbares Leben ist Dir von Ihm durch Seiner Frau Maria Magdalena
Fuerbitten gegeben, und die tat auch einst einmal mit 'Summertime'
eine Jazzweise aus der Taufe heben -

Du musst nun aufstehen gegen alles Boese und Deine Stimme erheben, um
auszudruecken damit Gottes Urteil in einem wahren
Improvisations-Erdbeben, und nur nach Heiligkeit und in heiliger Ehe
auch noch in die naechste Wehe streben, aber vorher musst Du mit uns
an einem Strang ziehen, mit allen Gaben, die Dir sind verliehen, denn
mir hat Gott nun auch verziehen und so ich auch Dich nun von meiner
Schweigepflicht erloese! Du musst mit der Wahrheit entgegentreten der
Gotteslaesterung und dem zynischen fasischistischen und haeretischen
Spott! Und ich weiss, dass auch Du gelitten hast, und habe Dir vom
Himmel aus getrocknet Deine Schnott!!!

Vergelts Gott!!!'

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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