Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday 5 February 2014

And to the two Anglican Archbishops the same kind of charges apply as the ones for the popes, as they also threw even with churchwardens from the pew at Jesus Christ and His living truth their stones, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

And to the two Anglican Archbishops the same kind of charges apply as
the ones for the popes, as they also threw even with churchwardens
from the pew at Jesus Christ and His living truth their stones,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Human Trafficking, drugs dealing and murderous and torterous 'healing'
and spiritual warfare a la Tibetan warlord lore - that is the most
unholy corrupt and Anti-Christ sirenes' and sybils' Vatican shore,

And to the two Anglican Archbishops the same kind of charges apply as
the ones for the popes, as they also threw even with churchwardens
from the pew at Jesus Christ and His living truth their stones, and
they also did their all to bring about the most holy priest and
deacons and the truth's fall and failed to answer Jesus Christ's call
but what they did not expect was, that nobody in the Pall Mall can
really afford on their own accord such obvious aryan heresy nor the
warlord pyramid hierarchy of a vast worldwide secret society, as Jesus
Christ does not forgive nor forget any of their every notoriety and
organised criminality and at His Judgement court there is not valid
any diplomatic immunity and there is no impunity!

And He also holds up with Hercule Poirot certain incriminating sets of
shoes with and without buckles, and at their sight a whole host of
confessions with ashenwhite faces unfolds and suddenly everybody
rather tells the truth and makes a voluntary confession without any
concession, as Jesus Christ to the bottom of all sins gets and can
disguise Himself even as His every enemy amongst their secret society
and He has seen with His ever-watchful eye, how they committed
organised criminality under their mask and He takes now from top to
bottom all to task on their accountablilty and responsibility!

And Poirot says to the former Archbishop: 'Mon cher ami, you surely
knew that the churchwardens committed all sorts of heresy, blasphemy,
slander, fraud and even some murder for their climb on the secret
societies in your midst snakes' ladders from the pew. At least, that
is, what they boast about, these rats and blackadders. And they toast
with poison in the chalice for the true saintly souls to the devil,
and let them suffer their evil even allegedly in your name - have you
anything to say about this kind of blame, as if I were you, I would
finally put down my foot, and tell the truth and abolish your heresy
and the widespread Anglican fourth reich evil and obsessive delusional
phantasy, as I found, I must say, unbelievable blasphemy in your
churches, when I visited them under my disguise and mask from the

And, mon ami, mon ami, the latest one - even a child can see a corexit
see secret society cone, unless, of course, he has been abducted and
replaced by a clone. Which brings me to the subject also of the hidden
1934+ Nazi artificial inseminations amongst even the Commonwealth
nations, where the potential Hitler and SS-leaders had carefully
selected women bear their artificially inseminated child - and when
you look at early pictures or private ones of that awful fascist
maniac with his ridiculous mock cross, then you can see in many a
contemporary celebrity in every country his spitting image - but they
are not exactly genius at all, and have also failed to answer for
putting all wrong right my ond and only Master's and the one Good God
Jesus Christ's call!!! And thus, mes amis, I will have to bring about
also your all from God's grace fall with your true face, as I have
surrendered my findings to the authorities secretly and they are being
kept until such a time that you may confess to them voluntarily your
every crime -

and then, your every secret devil's den might not have instantly to
shut their doors but they will be closed 'for refurbishment' until
further notice for forensic investigations in all nations, as, I am no
longer afraid, mes amis, they are rotten to the core on all floors,
and I won't allow that anymore lives get lost at your refusal to tell
the truth's cost! And I regardless of your threats the truth in
creative ways unbureaucratically, where they do not compromise the
prosecution's examination, post, and so far, many in your corrupt
shore did already rather their own sins confess than to share in the
punishment for example of one fake comTessa, who also had recruited
new secret neo-fascists for the new Odessa. Somehow, it irritates me
that it always rhymes with a certain Sauerkraut, maybe it is because
even Princess Alice on your shore's malice with utter disgust together
with me schaut. Und die weiss auch, wer, wann hat wo, wie und was in
the 1930-ies geklaut und wer hat seitdem auch weiter auf
Luftschloesser und Sandburgen anstatt auf Gott und die Wahrheit von
Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalenas Ehe gebaut.

Obviously, the popes, no matter, which one, have no intent to show any
tendency beyond their PR-exercise of fake repentance and
half-heartedly uttered regrets about the disfunctional but
institutional widespread decadence, and utterly lurking is the aryan
heresy and Anabaptismal and false epistle pestilence and unspeakable
arrogance especially towards the most vulnerable and faithful holy
souls, whom they even officially but secretly try to silence through
the help of even many a pagan and other heretical secret society that
even commits, accordingly to their pyramid hierarchy's members' own
admittance, and boasting under diplomatic immunity and impunity
unblushingly in corporation with the Vatican organised criminality,
and that not just in numerous a monastery.

Human Trafficking, drugs dealing and murderous and torterous 'healing'
and spiritual warfare a la Tibetan warlord lore - that is the most
unholy corrupt and Anti-Christ shore, as the truth has no chance, and
neither had Jesus Christ any impression that any of the popes has any
desire in holiness and truth to enhance.

So be it, sins retained, as they have to the very last moment from
putting their wrong right refrained, and instead put on with yet
another new head and tail of a snake between shores yet another
version of perversion of their most unholy fight.

If you think that my friends and me so low sink, Josef and Jorge, that
we from the poisonous cocoa that you drag us through with your aryan
heresy worldwide that you already toasted to even more and more openly
drink, then you do of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit up to heaven

You have threatened us for the longest time and committed against my
friends and family numerous a crime - you can no longer dictate any
priest, when he does for the truth his bell chime or when he meets his
long-lost friends again and his long legitimate wife, whom he married
in the eyes of God, as it should have been always but you were on holy
matrimony yourself never keen as a secret society notoriety preacher,
who never lives, what he sells as a porkypies teacher, as none of the
popes the truth tells, and even unblushingly abuse their spiritual
gifts to curse and put on holy souls their spells. You have the
longest time with your every covered up crime taken of holy souls as
their 'deatheaters' their hopes.

You did also overdose in your 'originality', when you ordered through
a Westminster secret society yet another hit via a poisoned water hose
instead of putting the potion into the bishop's hyssop, and that was
confessed via a wealthy property and bribery and heresy fed fake
spinster secretly, as she was shocked that common knowledge has become
even her latest notoriety and those of old with her every secret
society - and that she stands to loose her reputation also in many
another nation, along with the other members, for they have committed
organised criminality for longer than any of them even remembers - and
thus, she reported in her awakening conscience battered rather her
share in every crime and did on any new plans straight away the bell
toll and to prevent yet another hit, in time to the law enforcement
agencies her little private bell chime.

Have you no shame, ye popes, that tortured with the 'methodology' of
Mengele and the old inquisition are still even your contemporary truth
speaking priests and deacons, who have been laying down their lives
against your bloody ritual knives! And they are no longer silent and
die without a word - they rather unite and become a teacher of the
truth in Jesus Christ's own Holy Rose shore and escape your worship of
mammon, with twisted visions of your every Sybil and Sirene, who are
actually each your shore's illegitimate babylonian whore and boast
about it, surprise, surprise, no more! But even they have been
subjected by your hierarchy to many a hit, when they threatened to
tell all, as that would have meant your final corrupt see's demise.
And I find it disgusting that your secret societies in the monasteries
went even that far to bribe your certain local spies to even defile
and mock my chemise. I think you will have a hard time for your every
crime to find any worldly legal advice, as Jesus Christ will drag you
now without diplomatic immunity and without impunity before His
Judgement court, and He does not even need a pompous room to pass His
sentencing about you and your gloom, and He will never forgive you
that you mocked Him as the most holy and first ever bridegroom -

as that was blasphemy of the highest, and even you should know that
God one thing NEVER forgives - when you commit blasphemy of the most
holy entity of the Holy Trinity - the Holy Spirit, as He safeguards
the truth for eternity - but then, you and your every devil's den
would not have the first clue about heaven as a living reality because
you can only exhibit death and skulls and bones with your secret
society cones with a heretical breath
that of high treason in any given season stinks and of envy and lust
and obsession and delusion - and you honestly thought that it was your
black magic that allowed you to even commit mind intrusion and remote
viewing, so that you could threaten and instill fear in holy souls, so
that they would ommit the truth!

You have the longest time unchallengedly and under diplomatic immunity
secretly cheated and your holy priest and deacons as beacons of the
truth like baits on your fox hunts maltreated and beaten! The sacred
has indeed come to life, as the truth is alive in the flesh and out of
the window is your heretical Judas apostle creed! In lightspeed!

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Mother Sigrid Eliora

'And then, I would like to know from your and 'Bishop' Tollitaet's
reported devil's den'..., asks Clemens August von Galen, by Mother
Sigrid Eliora

'And then, I would like to know from your and 'Bishop' Tollitaet's
reported devil's den'..., asks Clemens August von Galen,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'And then, I would like to know from your and 'Bishop' Tolli's
reported devil's den from your own mouth, what you did with the help
of various secret societies and templar and other knight orders to
Ralph Napierski and some other of my friends. As word has it, and
facts, that he and them have been subjected not just to most unholy
and tortorous acts but also to murder. And as you keep silent on all
charges, you must not be surprised, when you are being subjected to
external investigation, and when your secretary with a furious and
truthloving Swiss guard from St Gallen into your room barges, and
reads them out aloud not just from poetry, and revoked is from one
moment to the other also your diplomatic immunity and impunity, as
afraid of prosecution internationally is now also your every own
extended illegitimate family', says Cardinal von Galen aus Muenster im
himmlischen Westfalen, 'und uebrigens konnte der Hitler 1,2,3 und kann
auch heute in seinen kuenstlich produzierten und inseminierten Klonen
immer noch nicht, nicht einmal mit dem teuersten Pinsel und
luxurioeser Staffelei ein Huehnerei malen.' Mother Sigrid Eliora

Joseph Ratzinger, admit that you ordered a hit, and spread on a holy
priest unholy manure, although he had no character flaw but for
everything Jesus Christ's correct cure, by Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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