Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Tuesday 4 February 2014

From the Children's home of the Church to the Gas Chambers of Auschwitz: The Fate of Sinti Orphans during the Nazi regime, by Mother Sigrid Eliora


From the Children's home of the Church to the Gas Chambers of
Auschwitz: The Fater of Sinti Orphans during the Nazi regime

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

No holy souls have been more failed than the children and adults, who
were sold and betrayed by their own neighbours and persons of
authority and of public office, especially by the institutional
churches, who as a public body stayed - with a few exceptions and in
an underground - mainly silent.

The Vatican has to this very day not apologised to the Sinti and Roma,
and even yesterday,
they were not even mentioned in the news as a group by name. And that
is not an oversight or accident but a systematic approach that is
echoed also by so-called science.

It seems ridiculous and, indeed very sad, that despite available
research facilities and papers published on the various aspects of the
culture of the Roma and Sinti there is still no widespread support for
granting them even the basic human rights and respect all human beings
are entitled to - if one is to believe the political constitutions.
But then, my faith does not rest in politicians, I only trust in Jesus
Christ's way, and that is the only way to truth, justice and lasting
peace, as it is free of corruption and free of hypocrisy and free of
unlawfulness and free of evil intent and free of violence but full of
true love and true com-passion.

My heart pours out to every victim that has been let down and even
tortured and neglected and sold on by any dark and abused authority
and power and principality, and I am outraged that there is still so
much arrogance and decadence and heretical pestilence spread by the
very institution, the Vatican, that claims to hold the truth. What
truth, may I ask? The truth about its own lies, and the truth about
its covered-up dark secrets?!
Yes, to that they hold the key of hell, even in their every desecrated
church bell, as there are enough witness testimonials of survivors,
who did live the truth about the crimes committed under the domes and
church roof to tell, and the holy souls of all regions know the truth
of the abused spiritual gifts of a twelves-pyramid hierarchy that is
actually wearing a devil's hoof secretly in their secret society only
too well.

And one only has to look at the fourth reich allures that are also
still nurtured and harboured in many a monastery with secret units of
even the worst fascist remnants training in mass-execution style, how
most cost-effectively all whistleblowers and 'undesired elements' and
truthseekers and holy souls to kill; and with even in Tibetan lore
style, as have already done the Dalai Lamas to the Nazis under their
own kind of black magic cone, they put on their enemies 'a spell', and
help a bit with even monks or nuns in disguise as a sniper and the
Vatican then hides the latest assassins in one of the monasteries that
by the rule of the great game silence abides, and shakes off every hit
towards the governments, who want a paedophile or murderer or
fraudster in habit to their juridiction handed over from Rome to Dover
or from the Clover or Thistle, under diplomatic immunity and impunity
- one big fascist empire of organised criminality!!!

And one only has to look at how is being treated and cheated by the
Vatican their truly holy clergy, who knows the truth, and is being
threatened and bullied and murdered and then presented to the public
as a crook or spook, then one knows that towards Jesus Christ's true
once lost tribes and flock and shepherds the Vatican uses a falsefied
book and sends out very bad vibes and has in euthanasia and
mass-epidemies companies one too many shares in their portfolio of
their worldwide stockmarket golden cattle's stock and is actually
structured as an old devil's den pyramid, with every cardinal
subscribing to the same dark Lord and with his own pact with the devil
to get away with their notoriety and evil committed by their very own
mercenary legion in every region and across every border they overlap
even on their piratery map;

and by now, all want everything and all, and that has brought about
their highest ever snake ladder fall, as Jesus Christ with the truth
alone simply hands them back their every stone that they threw under a
mask and their secret society cone, and He also lets their victims'
clone present all facts of the cardinals' most unholy acts even in the
worldly courts, albeit in absence, as He has already judged every
single one from heaven, and they won't get anymore in any shore get
away with their arrogance, decadence and pestilence unchallengedly, as
survived has His oldest and original family with Mary Magdala from the
stars and He has shared His powers of God's law with them, so that
they can heal all holy souls' scars, and make that from Adam and Eva,
with the right books and scrolls in the Torah, and He simply from His
heavenly kingdom on earth also the evildoers and crooks and spooks
from every holy kitchen hearth bars.

Mother Sigrid Eliora



<https://plus.google.com/u/0/me> From the children's home of the Church to
the gas chambers of Auschwitz: The fate of Sinti orphans during the
Nazi regime September 21, 2012

Amalie Reinhardt was the eldest daughter in a Sinti family of seven. She
survived the horrors of the concentration camps where she and her siblings
were brought during the Nazi regime. Her life story reveals a lot about the
fate of many Sinti and Roma children, who, similarly to her, were destined
to perish as offspring of an inferior race in what is called the
Pharraimos: the genocide of the Roma and Sinti during the Second World War.


In Nazi Germany the persecution of Sinti and Roma began as early as 1933.
In June 1938, the father of Amalie Reinhardt was arrested and deported to
Dachau concentration camp. Soon after, the same fate befell her mother.
Nine-year old Amalie and her four younger brothers and sisters were treated
as orphans an put into various children's homes by the Nazis. A little over
a year later, Amalie found herself in the Sankt Jozephspflege Catholic
children's home in Mulfingen in southern Germany. There, all 41 Sinti
children were to serve as study material for National Socialist racial


By 1936, the National Socialists had set up a 'Research Institute for
Racial Hygiene' where they intended to 'scientifically prove' the
'inferiority of the gypsy race'. Eva Justin, the closest assistant of the
director of the Institute, had selected Amalie's children's home to carry
out her doctoral research. Justin had the 41 Sinti children to undergo all
kinds of pseudo-scientific tests designed to prove that they were mentally
deficient because they belonged to an 'inferior' race. As part of this
research, she extensively filmed and photographed them. By the time Justin
had finished her research and written her thesis, the children were doomed.


On 9 May 1944, Amalie and 32 other Sinti children were taken from the
children's home by bus to the station, on the pretext of a school trip.
From there, they went by train to Auschwitz. Amalie has vivid memories
about this trip: "I can still remember Dresden"- she says. "There was an
air raid going on. All around us, bombs were falling, and we children were
scared to death, because the SS had locked the wagon and left us here".

Four days later, they arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Amalie had the number
Z-10636 (Z for "Zigeuner") tattooed on her forearm and was forced to
perform slave labour building roads. In the summer of 1944, the Nazis
started dismantling the Auschwitz-Birkenau Zigeunerlager due to the
approach of the Soviet Army. For this reason, in early August all "Gypsy"
prisoners underwent a selection process to assess their fitness for work.
Amalie, who was then 15 years old, passed the selection process and was
transported to Ravensbrück concentration camp. Her brother and sisters did
not make it through the selection.

A total of 2,900 Sinti and Roma were classified as "unfit for work", in
particular many elderly and infirm people and children, but also most of
the children who had been in the children's home with her and Amalie's
brothers and sisters. They were all gassed in the night of 2-3 August 1944.
Amalie was forced to perform slave labour in Ravensbrück and afterwards
ended up in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where she experienced the
Until long after the war, the genocide of the Sinti and Roma was denied or
ignored in Germany. Perpetrators like Eva Justin were free to start new
careers, while the victims received neither recognition nor compensation.
Attempts to get Justin in the dock and stand trial failed. Many Sinti and
Roma who had survived the war quietly withdrew and tried to hide their
identities as Sinti and Roma. Amalie, too, long kept her silence before
speaking of her sufferings for the first time in a TV documentary broadcast
in 1994.


This documentary was also the first time the role of the Catholic Church
was publicly challenged. It contributed to making evident that the
leadership of the Church had been fully aware of the deportation of the
children in its care. Despite of this, it did not raise its voice and did
nothing to prevent Sinti children, first made orphans by the Nazi state,
from being taken from the Catholic children's homes to the extermination

Amalie survived, but she lost her entire family in the gas chambers. And
she remembers: "The last time I saw my younger brother and sisters, my
youngest sister said when we parted: 'You're going away and we're going to
be burned'. Those were her last words. I will never forget it!"


[image: Inline images 1]

Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal
cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of
the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly
peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS,
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko



Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

Posted By Blogger to DEVELESKO CHAKANO TACHIBENESKO - Holy Star of the
Truth on 1/28/2014 09:06:00 pm


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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