Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday 14 February 2014

Kaiphas, shut up, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'Kaiphas, shut up',

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'Kaiphas, shut up', says his mother,
'do you honestly want to kill Jesus Christ
again and charge Lazarus, Mary Magdala's brother,
for the latter to having been saved by the former,
who was, is and always will be the Messiah,
and it is about time that you finally do to their truth
admit and abandon every plot of a hit and notorious
hate crime, as I did long secretly from heaven
for them the truth chime, and I drink pure water
without poison from their family cup!

You have the longest time handed out your
poison in the cup, and you don't want to make
yourself again a partner-in-crime with the aryan
Roman empire heretical fools, who still puke
and vomit at their orgies and let their slaves
carry them home on divans and seat their
corgies on footstools in the naves of their dome -

I gave you a proper loving family home, but
if you continue to bother Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala and Lazarus with your stupid
friend, that other Jesus, and your every secret society
brother, then you are no longer my son, and I cut you
off even posthumously, you ol' foolish monkey!

And I personally drag you on Palm Sunday on
the way to Canossa and let you play the donkey!
Is that understood?! So, take down your secret society
hood and give to the people of all holy souls finally
the truth as their daily food for free, and stop every
notoriety in every shore, and send to her own hell
the babylonian whore, as we have been here
once too often before!!!

Alright?! Give up your stupid Talmud fight,
and you have never been much of a cupid,
as you are always in the darkness, whilst Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala have always in them God's Infinite light.
Time that you take to task all of your fellow-priests
and make them face up to the truth as their reality,
as I have had enough with the other Elders of all your
heresy and organised criminality!

For eternity! Jesus Christ is the Messiah,
that already said hundreds of times also to you
Elijah! But you know it always all better - see, now
you also got already from the authorities mail,
and a court and tax summons letter! And all,
because you refused to answer God's call.
Your own fault, if you now from your own
snake's ladder into your own created hell's pit
fall. From me, you can spend all of eternity
at your sandcastle wailing wall but that will
anyway soon only evermore be dust, as to sand
will crumble your every shore and stop your
death spell and curses to mumble,

and stop to be arrogant and decadent and ever
so pestilent and impertinent - look at Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala, and Lazarus and John the
Baptist - all are humble! But you and your latest
aryan heretical mates do over all your own
traps and artificial barriers of the Talmud yourself stumble
and have no blackholes left for your piratery carriers -

why can't you, just like Jesus Christ, just be a good
husband and father and leader of a holy community
and walk like Him to and with the humble flocks,
and do something useful with their wool, instead of
selling sandcastles and betraying others with your
insider knowledge of shares and stocks - your stupid
ship never anywhere docks, as it with its fascist
pole and flags that you secretly financed, anyway
even your own former friends shocks, and that is
definitely and infinitely from God straying.

No matter, how much you are these days in
Scheinheiligkeit und gespielter Yiddishkeit
you are swaying. You are with your bloody
Huns and their guns holy souls slaying!
Kaiphas, you are no longer my son!
I had enough that you even treated me rough
and cheated on your wife and made a misery
with your every biting remark everybody's life,
not to speak of your unkosher ritual knife!

Your former IMA, no longer your mother,
and do calling on me, not even on Yahrzeit,
evermore bother, I am happy with Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala in their Holy Rose See shore,
wherever we are, and I do with you no more
details share, as you only ever about yourself
even in the bookshelf for bucks care!'

Mother Sigrid Eliora


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