Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday 7 February 2014

I use for the living word my voice and make for the truth and peace and justice in Jesus Christ my choice, and I blow the whistle on any bloodthirsty Hun and unholy thistle, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

I use for the living word my voice and make for the truth and peace
and justice in Jesus Christ my choice, and I blow the whistle on any
bloodthirsty Hun and unholy thistle,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

I always wondered, how a bloodthirsty racist and fascist Hun could pull strings,
albeit those of a guitar, at a secret Scottish banquet under Whitehall
and not have
after all his boasting and toasting against his supposedly MI6 flatmate
from Shadwell having to go back into his own hell.

Maybe, it is because he was willing for his rise in the
various secret societies to the four top ranks of pranks
via Drury lane even his old friends and parts
of his former family and their friends to be killing,
or, even to recruit them to betray the truth of Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala at the same time, and get involved
in organised crime,

and he even instructed secretly neo-fascists
from u-skip at the same time in spiritual warfare
and taught to many a potential royalty as their personal coach
suddenly under diplomatic immunity in many a country also skull
and bones elite and secretly werewolves of his twisted aryan lore,
who hid especially in the Vatican and Anglican shore and many
a monastery -

he is one hell of a liar, as it turned out, and God does now
no longer hold back and at every opportunity from all corners
of the world at this disgusting spy shout, and gives him back
his every curse, including gout that he wished on his enemies,
and he no longer can have agents with integrity executed
from the public or some pseudo-Seven Sisters to Angel Islington route
purse, nor can he find for his increasing ailments any doctor or nurse
with the right cure and capacity, as he has no longer any kind
of diplomatic immunity, as revoked his licence to kill has every
single authority, and he finds himself now only evermore in every
international crime prosecution bookshelf and is the most wanted
criminal on earth,

and he has the longest time instilled in any kitchen hearth
with gaslighting and through fraud and murder in holy souls fear,
as Jesus Christ is with Mary Magdala through the truth of most
unholy acts by this bloodthirsty Hun near, and has presented
also on earth now from the local to the international law enforcement
agencies his facts with all watertight evidence for utmost organised
secret society decadence and pestilence and no longer can he
afford his arrogance nor dictate the pace for a satanistic death
trance dance, not even in a heretical town in France, where he with
his devil's brides to underworld tunes and sounds defiled
Mary Magdala's wedding and mocked the crucifixion with
a band that slaughters before their every concert
ritually symbolically Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
as THE lamb,

as they also belong to old heretical and murderous circles
and pick and mix their lore, as do numerous orders
of all sorts of twisted knights, who try to wipe out the truth
within every single see shore but as their gods do not
even exist on a list, but are made up they have lost already
their most unholy fight and don't bother anymore with any flight
to buy a supposedly 'holy cup' - as they know by now that
Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala at the heavenly Judgement
court all their crimes did show and exposed that these evildoers
all also in conjunction with that bloodthirsty Hun in all sorts
of drugs phantasy and organised criminality under the disguise
of heresy overdosed -

and in the process they lost already almost all or gradually
their family, and maltreated holy souls and smeared them
with their own fouls, and all to bring about a society of collective
fascist evil with an 'elite' that mainly through PR and bribery
and blackmail and by playing old and frail make a previously
persona of authority to abuse their powers -

but they have not grasped that Jesus Christ's family never
would compromise their integrity, and that they rather lay
down their life and get killed by a ritual knife than to sell out the truth to
corruption and to an unholy divided nation that does not
even share the basic ration with Jesus Christ's flock
and only ever breaks all of God's laws and kills them off
in secret society draws - but once too often did not work
out the unholy alliance with the last straw.

And the top fours of these secret societies also abuse
their insider knowledge to play their games of moving
secretly and hurriedly their shares and stock to blackholes
that they have access to via their insider moles, and
that has gone once too far, and thus, suddenly the bloodthirsty
Hun finds Himself before a former poet, who into his life barges with in
his hand an official agent licence to kill with a registered gun,
and arrests him on criminal and espionage charges,
as it so turns out he no longer has diplomatic immunity
and therefore, no impunity and wanted he is by every
single shore for the same crimes, and he no longer
dictates a most holy priest, how he a bell chimes, as
the latter from now on on his eternal condemnation in
every single nation tolls the bell, and with all sins retained
he sends him back to his own mind's hell,

thus, the bloodthirsty Hun, let us name him Janos, John,
Jan, Juan, Giovanni, Johannes, suddenly from earth
into the lowest pit into his own underworld abbyss from
the snakes' top ladder fell, and broken is his every single
spell, and not even his former devil's brides do with him
anymore mingle, and are suddenly rather in fake celibacy
single, as each of them hides from every holy father,
whose holy matrimony they tried to destroy by lying
about him having had supposedly an affair not just with their hair,
whereas in fact they had been abusing the priest's and his
true wife's name and put on them in many a hotel room
under their identity false shame and blame.

Nope, Jesus Christ does no longer with such a high traitor
want to cope and rather restores in his wife again hope
that his homecoming is near, and that is exactly, what
even most neighbours, who were also part of the spynetwork
of the evil Hun's secret society, did fear, as now the holy couple
will with their testimony and evidence all their organised criminality
apart tear.

And suddenly even in Scotland no longer does many a Scot
another with false allegations smear or blackmail politicians
or even royalty into enforced recommendations that have been
based on the greed of simply some top cone hats, who over
oil and gas and money and property and construction have
from Rome to Dover and around the world, even in a small
village near Budapest secretly built their underground networks
of evil and fascist lore, as they are all in the fourth reich disorder
lore united, and want simply to own each shore, so that they
can like in the olden days enforce slavery and break up
every single holy community, and destroy holiness and
every family that is holy.

Once a person or place was marked by God and His holy souls,
the former will be exposed with all their fouls, and can no longer
play roly-poly. Which brings to me to two little budgies, who
can now also rest in peace, and their heart in another generation
now to God's glory the bell rings, and has a go at anything that
attacks him from hell, as Jesus Christ has also placed the animals
under His shelter, and they won't have to endure anymore an evil
shore's vicious helter-skelter, and malicious and murderous cure.

The list of high treason and betrayal and organised of this
bloodthirsty Hun and his numerous evil associations amongst
all nations is finally over, and not just in the shore of Rome and Dover,
as not even a certain golden ox and calf and cow condone anymore
the bloodhunting on former military grounds or in tourist resorts,
where killing and baiting of a human bait is for the heretical
and criminal jetset also simply 'sports'.

And Jesus Christ did long before a certain range rover
arrived finally with the right documents, already over the frozen
waters skate and also over all the unholy sees and their corruption
safely hover, and takes to task now also every Roman Catholic
chaplain and of other Catholic denominations and under Christian
Scheinheiligkeit, and rips off their faces their mask not just in the land
of the clover.

And these kind of spooks never had any true word in their books,
and are proven as crooks and always emptyhanded were all their

One more thing, bloodthirsty Hun: Your sins are all retained, as you
have from putting wrong right voluntarily refrained, and you have
to the last minute holy souls' slained and their reputations stained,
and continued against everybody your unholy and selfish fight,
and you will be the first to drown in your self-pity but in the fear of God
and disgust of yourself, when you look in the mirror, and realise
you have made in your every single plan for yourself a fatal error,
as you will now as your punishment measure have to hand back
every single stolen treasure and money and property, even from
Oettoemoes, and you will do so publicly and go to Canossa and
lie prostrate and sign your confession before the present incarnation
of Frederic Barbarossa.

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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