Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Monday 10 February 2014

Ultra-right, aryan heretic, bloody fascist lore - that is the Vatican shore, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'Ultra-right, aryan heretic, bloody fascist lore - that is not just
but as the secret driving force the Vatican shore', says Clemens
August von Galen no longer shy and from the shouting at his successors
with his throat dry,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'Ultra-right, aryan heretic, bloody fascist and satanistic combined
with intricately spread pagan lore - that is not just but as the
secret driving mock-paternoster force the Vatican shore', says Clemens
August von Galen no longer shy and from the shouting at his successors
in his throat dry.

And he continues: 'I have long enough had to endure that my priests
and deacons they one after the other were killed because they were of
compassion and the truth beacons,
and were framed even beyond their death by pseudo-nuns and fake-clergy
from a fascist big empire style, who were devoting themselves to evil
for sheer money and property and greed and out of envy - and I
herewith declare all evildoers, who went against Jesus Christ and Mary
Magdala and their holy souls and most holy truth as condemned in the
Name of Jesus Christ with His authority, and with all their sins
retained, as they have from putting all wrong right, also against my
family, refrained, and I won't allow that the second and third
generations of aryan heretics with mass-execution obsessions for
replacing mankind with some no-questions asked killingmachines (just
to rule what, actually?!) that any further holy souls are to be
slained or their reputation stained in any nation.

Before I did my last breath I have made a vow, when they thought I
was already unconscious or already dead, that I would, if God forgives
me all my failures, from purgatory or heaven, wherever He would place
me face all my mistakes and take up my responsibility and stand up
against all evil and for the truth wholly in any way God would grant
me with my spiritual gifts. And that is what I did, when I was given
the chance, and I would tell the truth to all my beloved friends, who
are also my eternal family and they know via telepathy and their
dreams that answered will be all their tears and taken away their
fears and worries, as Jesus Christ has returned with Mary Magdala, and
they will simply for example, expose all for crimes and dead bodies
allocated lorries!

And they are also taking to task every secret society mask and spit
out into the dragons' faces their every plot, not just about gunpowder
but also about the poison in many a mass wine flask and archbishop's
sherry cask intended to kill all those, who support the truth of Jesus
Christ, God's beloved Holy Rose. Organised criminality to enforce
aryan heresy - that is basically the Roman and every bloodthirsty
world empire's twisted philosophy.

Even I fell for far too long a false emperor, who was poisoned by his
grandmother Victoria, who would in modern days simply be taken to a
penitentiary and her children by social services for her selfish and
obsessive behaviour, as she saw even herself as some kind of twisted
new world order saviour - but all these dictators, with or without
man-made crown - have never mercy towards anybody but themselves shown
and have always with batwings flown as long as their pact with the
devil was on, but even he has now been exposed as a con! And is no
longer in power but Jesus Christ with His wife, and they make through
the power of their holy matrimony and true love every holy soul
blossoom as a holy flower with all their gifts that have been granted
to them even before birth!

And their smile of approval and unconditional love is not fictional,
and neither is their grief and disgust and demand for justice through
the truth, as their holy souls have been subjected for far too long
because of God's contract with the devil to the evildoers' organised
and covered-up fouls, and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala want peace for
their heavenly kingdom on earth through God's law and order, and they
will keep in check also the evil across every man-made border and they
will with their holy souls dwell in nomansland until complete is of
all evil in every society the removal, and all the walking dead are
being left to themselves and their chaos to deal with each other, and
they might as well see their hell as Sartre's scenario of seeing their
own evil grimace in every mirror and eternally regret to no effects
their every error, as that will be the penance for their every plot
of terror.

And as they have had the chance, actually numerous opportunities and
miracles, that should have long led them in holiness to enhance, but
rejected the truth and wanted evermore power and property and money
and despised holy matrimony or blessed holy celibacy, they will simply
be left to their own disorderly society but the holy children that God
place amongst them, will be taken away from them, and they will be cut
off from their families, if they did them also betray and from the
truth stray.

I have made my vows with my last breath and it now in my third
generation shows, and I am in awe, how God's Infinite light in the
truth glows, and Jesus Christ His little boat right under the nose of
those, who against Him and Mary Magdala even in their neighbourhood in
aryan heresy overdose, undetectedly rows.

Whosoever carries the cross of the truth will never have of eternal
life for their soul any loss, and Jesus Christ frees us eventually or
suddenly of all at us thrown fouls. But walking the road of the
blessed salt they must, and that is to live and act alone in the truth
of God's trust - follow Jesus Christ on His way, always peacefully but
with the law and facts of truth most effectively, and do never ever
His truth betray, and hinder any evildoer any holy soul to be

All holy souls are already home, free of any heretical dome, and they
know, where to gather and from where to stay away - Jesus Christ has
silently long to Mary Magdala come, and they are hand in hand
everywhere walking, without even being noticed as a couple, and they
are the evildoers taking to task, when they send a clone of the
victims of evil to greet them in the street under a mask, holding up a
copy of their poisonous flask or rolling down an underhill road a
whole cask, and when the authorities cut off the supply to all secret
societies of certain anti-dotes, that had been given out also to their
members, who had threatened the members of the synod, who might have
not given in favour of female bishops their votes in that Vatican
testing ground of the Anglican, where not even the finances are not
anymore for any shore sound, as even the tax authorities have finally
even been brought with cancelled private tax evader sessions by
highest officials cancelled, the blackhole free blossoming new economy
on the ground internationally,
where all pay their taxes to their income accordingly, as as high
treason will be seen abuse of authority under Jesus Christ's heavenly
rule, and formerly rich ones will have to receive back their stones
and voluntarily confess and clear up their mess that they left under
their secret society cone, and they even have to feed every mule for
free in a blessed Holy Rose animal therapy sanctuary.'

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Timauro Mauro Bauro Poapus muk konyo may, raker o SS-moskero katay chavaliben,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'Daaad!!!Dai, Dai!!! Basavay SS-moskero p'and rashaiengi filishin t'a
rashai t'a mauro bauro rashai t'a p'en ast chavaliben - naaaaaauuuuuuu!
Mauro DAD - k'er pochi o chavaliben! Oda as top t'a raker: 'Timauro Mauro
Bauro Poapus muk konyo may.'

<https://plus.google.com/u/0/me>DAAAAD, MOM! Mother! The evil SS-uniform
men are closing up the clergy house and the Catholic priest and the nun
hand over the children - nooooooooo! Our Father - save the children! They
laugh at us, and say: 'Your Pope does not interfere with us.'


[image: Inline images 1]

Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal
cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of
the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly
peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS,
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko



Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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