Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Sunday 23 February 2014

Not quite a gift from God but one from a man-made hell, and a Savash does now the truth from heaven tell, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Not quite a gift from God but one from a man-made hell, and a Savash
does now the truth even without drumsticks from heaven tell,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'Not quite a gift from God, when one plays insemination creator and
coordinator for secret society couples internationally, and has also
nothing to do with black magic, only how much the 'couples', who are
only together for one year and a day, do for the future little witch
or wizard for a prospective career in the priory's European-Anglo
circuit also from Asia, Africa, America and Australia pay, so that
they even in neo-fascist France and Hungary and England from their
priory run 'Hogwarts' against the truth and the holy souls and
ultimately against crown and country even with a rollerskate from
Westminster Cathedral in the Anglican with love from the Vatican the
fourth aryan empire steer. No wonder that suddenly so popular is in
Shoreditch and Brixton not just Sauerkraut but also Munich beer.' says
one Savash Saka, who knew the truth but was killed by the secret
societies, who had already committed also towards a holy mother and a
child their notorieties and his murder was from the public records
concertedly with the real facts of most murderous cutting edge acts
for the cover up ommitted.' Mother Sigrid Eliora

Even a Tetrapack named Libby wants her own ford for her craw, from
where she can perform her black magic with her raven's claw, by Mother
Sigrid Eliora


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