Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Let's make a film, or better: a documentary secretly, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Let's make a film, or better: a documentary, secretly,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Let's make a film, or better: a documentary, secretly,
to surprise all those, who did in their organised criminality
and in their aryan fascist heresy lore Roman style overdosed
or did kill for any other high treason or for no particular reason!

Visually, to be shown whilst committing purposefully against
even one's kin a mortal sin, might even be better a way to prove
that the evildoers also went from the law astray than just a letter
and a copy on the blog of many an investigative journalist's latest
multi-media artwork might just be Jesus Christ's path free of wrath
but of justice through the truth in order to establish ever-lasting
peace across every border and to make for His holy souls
and His holy matrimony with Mary Magdala and for their eternal family
of holy souls the right move.

As the holy souls had enough of being cheated and treated
over and again by Rome and Dover through endless fouls rough,
and also of the secret societies' notorieties that they often
announced with a white glove -

and by now even the most scheinheilige top hierarchy has had
capped their fake glow and nobody believes them anymore
that in their heretical and criminal shore is to be found ANY
dove but only flying rats and spying bats with secret society
cone hats, who throw at holy souls their stones and even
play their clones with silicone masks and wigs and test their
neighbours for their next snake's ladder climb for recruiting
purposes with little tasks -

like playing dumb on the computer and let the neighbour
research, what they long know, whilst they curse them with
their left thumb, and book already with the poison ready
for their mother or father or partner to be killed
under diplomatic immunity and impunity
via their secret society the death doctor and nurse, who
- no questions asked, not even by the bribed undertaker -
sign a wrong death certificate and are even of empathy
a miserable faker.

Or there are the pseudo-godmothers and fake godfathers,
who are in fact secretly or increasingly also publicly
notorious killers and holy souls' hellbound millers,
and who let themselves being celebrated as man-made
'majesties' but who are simply criminal thugs on secret
society bonus drugs stolen from the NHS-purse, who even
put on their godchildren a death curse or threaten them
in their sleep telepathically with rape or try them to bribe
but scrambled is their vibe and frequency, as Jesus Christ
does not allow that kind of behaviour that is being taught
by some fake nun in a priory of every wrong and fake 'saviour',
who also can easily organise for them any kind of gun,

or book them into their own hotel in Pacific Bethany,
or, a bit closer, yet another hijacked ex-military property
illegally, to home, also in the English Westcountry, where
nobody by accident lands, not even the van with the
Hungarian bespoke fotel, that is a collaboration of many
a warhungry nation that subscribes to the Vatican's
fourth aryan empire dynasty, and for which they sacrifice
and for their future role and position of secret society
'royalty' even a member or two or three of their own
birth family.

Friends these kind of entities, who see themselves
already in the bookshelves as celebrities, do not have,
as they are never brave nor any holy soul from danger
selflessly save, but who spend a fortune their goatee
or fake Merlin's beard ridiculously in places to shave,
where one could otherwise recognise their true faces.

Yup, a film, or better: a documentary, and, openly,
with all the evildoers going to Canossa actually,
as known will be all their sins, and they will be
walking under the watchful silent but accusing eyes
of their victims and holy souls amongst their ex-kins, and
then, every devil's den will be the other only evermore
in every shore stalking, and they have only each other
to blame, as Jesus Christ makes visible even on their
bodies and on their foreheads their shame and will
put all long-overdue blame on their own name.

And He already leaves the walking dead to themselves,
and has quietly their stale bread thrown out of His bookshelves,
and they are every time pale, when they have to pass by Him
under His look of disgust in the neighbourhood or that of
Mary Magdala, as He lets the evildoers now chase and
never find their own head and tail anymore, and they
cannot pretend that they are frail, as they just ran to the
post office like a shot, when they thought they had won
the bet against a holy soul's life with their ritual knife,
but all that comes out of their pores is at the realisation
that they are now being known with their sins and crimes
in all nations, is their own self-pitiful snot.

And even a most notorious moaning and groaning beast
that has spat into the cup in the Eucharistic feast, will
suddenly remember her every word and thought and deed
against the true creed, as God personally lets her only
evermore without the comfort of the truth in her vicinity
on her memories with deepest sorrows and regret and
an awakening conscience grieve and drown in her own
tears for fears, as also her Judgement Day in huge steps
nears, and she has nobody left, who will bury her body
nor does she have a soul left to be tended to, as she
has sold her lack of soul as an entity of some kind of
hellish and empty power and principality, and even
her children and grandchildren avoid her, as she
has wished also on her own family death and cleft,
when she was in a bad mood, and had to buy for once
herself her sickening heretical food.

Others will simply drink themselves stupid and no longer
even be able to sink even lower, as they never ever
were not even a kind of cupid, and all their spell books
are invalid, as they are from long dead crooks, who were
anyway, just like them, simply criminal thugs and spooks
on drugs, without integrity and who only abused their
lent 'authority' under the protection of diplomatic
immunity and impunity, and they will simply fade out
by their own lies and heresies and false prophecies,
whilst the holy souls with Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
as part of their family grow in the truth and the holy couple's
justice and peace ever stronger.

As their true love from the beginning of time is the real
'magic', the Alpha and Omega of holy matrimony in monogamy,
and they gave their vows and lived them always and again
and will do so for eternity. And whenever they were separated,
contrary to all slander, they were to each other loyal and faithful
and lived in holiness and blessed voluntary, albeit for each
other yearning and aching, celibacy.

And the documentary about the evildoers will be left
to their own shock everywhere, before shut down will be
every of their evil place by Jesus Christ's true flock, so
that they know that God does to the evildoers no mercy
show, as they have all sins retained because they have
from all repenting and putting wrong right voluntarily
refrained and so, God is also not in His punishment,
especially not in the face of the suffering of His holy souls,

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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