Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Saturday 8 February 2014

Sometimes just a bulldog remains as a reminder for a fallen star, who has caused as secret Ma'am to holy souls unspeakable scars, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sometimes just a bulldog remains as a reminder for a fallen star, who
has caused as secret Ma'am to holy souls unspeakable scars, and Jesus
Christ such malice from
His heavenly kingdom on earth for eternity bars, and puts wrong right
also for a Princess
Alive and the holy ones of her descendants' in their kitchen hearth,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
Shared publicly - 18:50

Anybody did see Judy Dench in THE DOVE? Time does fly, and sometimes
sadly a star falls down from the sky, and all that remains as a
reminder is a bulldog for a factfinder of many an unbelievable act.

And true investigative Journalists have also had enough of being
treated and cheated by the Fourth Reich 'Elite' for telling the truth
ever so rough, and get now as whistleblowers from the outside simply
with the facts of most unholy and criminal acts on the evil fruits of
the Vatican hell tough, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

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