Clemens August von Galen asks:'Does Herr Ratzinger really think, that
if he plays frail, he gets off having to answer Jesus Christ's and His
law authorities' mail, and Jesus Christ would still his poisonous mass
wine drink, with which the former wants the latter to kill?'
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Clemens August von Galen asks:'Does Herr Ratzinger really think, that
if he plays frail, he gets off having to answer Jesus Christ's and His
law authorities' mail? In that case, Jesus Christ will hold up also
the latest nail that a former pope sent via his messengers, who now
chase their own head and tail, as nobody anymore in any shore seems to
want to take up the responsibility for the wrath and envy and greed of
a former pope, who could not with the fact cope that Jesus Christ's
and Mary Magdala's holy matrimony is for eternity intact and that he
would have to surrender his own seat and throne, so he decided Jesus
Christ upon His return to Mary Magdala murderously to treat and on
even his own ranks of pranks in the secret societies of the pyramid
church hierarchies by withholding the facts and parchments to cheat,
but now even not just a former pope has to admit even to the Anglican
and Vatican see defeat, as he sent so many moles that he lost the
overview of whom he paid for his aryan branch heresy, with the fourth
empire lore, and whom he bribed to kill all holy souls, who would
speak out the truth and who might on the organised criminality of the
Vatican the beans with peaceful means and Jesus Christ's help spill,
but all the returning stones do suddenly even into a former pope for
the first time fear of God instill, and he can with the exposure and
disclosure even of his own every crime no longer cope, and has lost
for his two thrones that he wanted to sit on alone, all hope - one for
the church of Judas and his evil, and one for the devil in his
masterrace see of aryan and slavery and utter sinfulness' heresy. Tja,
dumm gelaufen, denn selbst die Spione des Vatikan haben sich einmal zu
oft auch in der Anglikanischen und Karibischen und Asiatischen und
Amerikanischen und Indischen und Afrikanischen und sonstigen
Dominanischen Wuesten und Kuesten mit Silikonbuesten verlaufen, und
liessen sich auch von jeder anderen Interessengruppe fuer dumm
verkaufen, und nun haben sie nur noch sich selber, mit denen sie sich
koennen mit ihrem vergifteten Messwein besaufen und nun koennen sich
bald die Neonazis in jedem absichtlich von Schotten in England
verbrannten Wald auch nur noch gegenseitig raufen und vor Wut, dass
sie kein Geld mehr vom Vatikan bekommen, auch in Oxford vergeblich wie
ein gehoernter Hornochse schnaufen, und auch der Hahn zugedreht ist
der vom Berg vom Hohenstaufen. Und die Milch von 1983 in Pankow die
wird nun auch fuer die Giraffenroute teuer und sauer, wenn bei
Pseudo-Friedensaktivisten auch noch anklopft die Steuer und die sich
als Spione entpuppen, die eigentlich heimlich neo-faschistische
Grossreichs-Ambition hinter den Kulissen mit Milch begassen und so
ziemlich von allen Geldtoepfen ihre Suppe frassen, und auch noch von
Lovejoy verkaufen liessen ueber Jersey ihre Schuldscheine, mit denen
sie versprachen, dass der Vatikan von jeder Schuld sie wird ablassen.
Und ploetzlich tun selbst die Gehoernten nicht mehr die Wahrheit,
sondern die organisierte Kriminalitaet und arische Haeresie und
Euthanasie des Vatikan hassen und die heuchlerischen und
meuchlerischen falschen Brueder mit der Faschistenuniform unter der
Kutte selbst im Sperrbezirk mit ihrer jeden gekauften NS-Putte vor
ihrer eigenen Schande, die in ihrem eigenen Gesicht geschrieben steht
trotz aller Sonnenstudiobraeune erblassen.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
A Question to the Vatican: Since last Ash Wednesday, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Blessed be God. Blessed be Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their holy family of old. Blessed be the children of Abraham and Sarah.

Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Clemens August von Galen asks:'Does Herr Ratzinger really think, that if he plays frail, he gets off having to answer Jesus Christ's and His law authorities' mail, and Jesus Christ would still his poisonous mass wine drink, with which the former wants the latter to kill?' by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Never again, never will be any holy souls unpunishedly and unchallengedly be slain or subjected to a false character stain, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid ... Never again.
Never again, never will be any holy souls unpunishedly
and unchallengedly be slain or subjected to a false character stain,
nor on an island called St Dorca by some Dorina in the future slain,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Never again, never will be any holy souls unpunishedly
and unchallengedly be slain or subjected to a false character stain,
and God sends to put wrong right and to end every unholy fight
His heavenly avengers also to the real murder of Abel, as framed
was by false friends from demoness' hell Cain.
Just like the 'Todesfuge' became poetry after many a poet
survived the hell through that he once had lived, Jesus Christ
lets His holy family uncover with the living word all evil, including
the secret ongoings and wrongdoings that are committed
between the corrupt and unholy shores of Rome and Dover,
as He is with Mary Magdala on the truth to present extremely keen,
and St Chad also enough had of being treated rough and cheated
with a hidden rotten corpse under his church that the Nazi fugitives
there planted with the help of the Vatican-Anglican see by those
in the hierarchy, who still to this day hang on to their fourth reich
obsession and delusion and who, with the Third Reich's secret
red books combined with those of Moriarty in their blackmail
now themselves overdose, as every single neo-fascist wants his
own place in the bookshelf and boasts already that he is the key holder
and that he not she has the right documentary folder.
So, they argue and frame and shame now each other, and not
just anymore a truly holy sister or brother, who had to stay
silent in this hell and even to ring on top of the secret vault the bell
and were indicated and framed by accessories like a Swastika embroidered
priest stole made back then already by a masterrace aryan heresy subscribing
mole, and everything that went wrong was made the vicar's fault,
all the while he only did pretend the evildoers a helping hand to lend,
as he went numerous an extra-mile with the authorities behind the scenes
to gather the evidence for the utmost neo-fascist decadence and pestilence
despite the icecold Vatican and Anglican top hierarchy's arrogance,
who allowed and even played in this own lame game and cared to dance
with paid spies and professional criminals, who pose as nuns and priests
and are born hereticals and killers, who drank with their evil mother's milk
already their plots and were trained as murderers and crooks and mind millers.
Some even went so far, a particularly black sheep, to spread like other Nazis
his seed amongst all nations and named one of his illegitimate offspring
in blasphemy 'Dorca' - to fit the bill of the secret island, and so
many a little
reptile kid is being hatched and only as long nurtured until it is with yet
another evildoer for the sake of the fourth nazi empire via the Vatican in its
spiderweb of monasteries and blackhole islands matched.
And dead and living bodies are from there also via diplomatic immunity
unchallengedly and unrecordedly to order dispatched for the pyramid
hierarchies of evil's plaisir and for slavery, and the gifted ones are being
secretly taught by some fake nuns with guns and pseudo-priests with
secret society cones in even united nations sponsored and anglo-european
umbrella schools, how to kill one by one the true holy family of Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala, and how to frame them and shame them falsely
and how to attack them even by teaming up with hidden Nazi teachers
on their school stools.
'Fools', says Cardinal von Galen, 'they forgot that only limited was
the contract
of the devil with God, and it is long over, and thus not working anymore in any
shore their pact. And even the devil had to surrender his tools and his contacts
and tell to the authorities about the whereabouts of the stolen
piratery artefacts.
And suddenly even the Vatican no longer is in a position to shift around from
nation to nation their organised criminality and purposeful aryan heresy, as
the truth has made itself heard, and taken off the secret society leaders were
with the facts of their most unholy corrupt acts also their fake Merlin beards.
And one after the other testimonial by victims that survived the
neo-fascist plots
are emerging and many a criminal in old age or posthumously is being put on
the right spots without his mask and being taken before the courts and in God's
Judgement court to task.
And nowhere to roll, not even in Wapping wharf, has the Vatican's and Anglican's
poisoned mass wine cask, from which the grandmasters of their lodges
filled their
flask to poison the priest, who just would not shut up about the lies
in Judas' cup
despite the threats to his life and to his wife by their ritual knife.
And many of the
priest's and his wife's friends also laid down their own lives for the
truth, and
they were betrayed even by their own wives and children, who also ran
a devil's den
and only got married or attached to their family in order to get
across the border
some fame and to put innocent and holy souls with the evildoers' own fouls
into a false frame.
And even many a former train spotter and coordinator has suddenly his conscience
to nag him and awaken his guilt, especially after Jesus Christ sent
him a reminder
to the station, where tomato ketchup and Roma sauce was all over the place like
one big blood trail to the trains, in which he and his accomplices of
his secret society
had also caused unspeakable pain and death to holy souls, and abused them with
his sulphur breath, and put on them and on his colleagues a false
stain, after he
did his victims for his secret society highest degree slain with his
ritual knife and
took unblushingly and mercilessly every single life to climb right up
on the snake's
archbishopry ladder not just for the shore in Rome and Dover.
Lame game over. God puts personally with all His holy souls as Jesus Christ
their Saviour on every evildoer's name the long overdue right shame and blame,
and no evildoer can simply disappear, as he cannot even come to where he once
came from, go near, and that causes even to the biggest sinner the biggest of
self-pity a tear, and a never known of God's punishment for the first time fear,
as there is no crime that he has not committed and Jesus Christ shows him all
the pages that the heretic had with his false sages from the records ommitted.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
"The New Avengers" The Eagle's Nest (TV Episode 1976) - IMDb
Rating: 7.4/10 - 50 votes
Directed by Desmond Davis. With Patrick Macnee, Gareth Hunt, Joanna Lumley,
Peter Cushing. Steed investigates the death of a colleague while Gambit ...
The Eagle's Nest - The Avengers Declassified
* Cached
* Similar
Can Steed, Purdey and Gambit prevent the birth of a new world order? .... The
broadcast of The Eagle's Nest in Ireland on Tuesday 28th September 1976 at ...
The New Avengers (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The New Avengers is a British secret agent fantasy adventure
television series ...
The new trio had to deal with suspended animation ("The Eagle's Nest"), ...
BBC Four - The New Avengers, Series 1, The Eagle's Nest
Classic British secret agent fantasy adventure series. Investigating
the murder of
agent Stannard, the team uncover a plot by Nazis to form a new Third Reich, ...
T - The New Avengers - Season 1 Episode 1 - The Eagle's Nest
Summary: John Steed and his new accomplices Purdey and Gambit find
themselves facing new and deadly dangers in the bizarre world of espionage.
Mixing ...
The New Avengers: The Eagle's Nest by Desmond Davis - Plot ...
Read the The New Avengers: The Eagle's Nest by Desmond Davis plot summary,
storyline and movie synopsis on
Anew Reviews: The Eagle's Nest - Anew: A New Avengers Site
The Eagle's Nest was the first episode of the new show, both to be shot and ...
has a great opening sequence that draws you in from the start--vintage
Avengers, ...
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
http:// ... Never again.
Never again, never will be any holy souls unpunishedly
and unchallengedly be slain or subjected to a false character stain,
nor on an island called St Dorca by some Dorina in the future slain,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Never again, never will be any holy souls unpunishedly
and unchallengedly be slain or subjected to a false character stain,
and God sends to put wrong right and to end every unholy fight
His heavenly avengers also to the real murder of Abel, as framed
was by false friends from demoness' hell Cain.
Just like the 'Todesfuge' became poetry after many a poet
survived the hell through that he once had lived, Jesus Christ
lets His holy family uncover with the living word all evil, including
the secret ongoings and wrongdoings that are committed
between the corrupt and unholy shores of Rome and Dover,
as He is with Mary Magdala on the truth to present extremely keen,
and St Chad also enough had of being treated rough and cheated
with a hidden rotten corpse under his church that the Nazi fugitives
there planted with the help of the Vatican-Anglican see by those
in the hierarchy, who still to this day hang on to their fourth reich
obsession and delusion and who, with the Third Reich's secret
red books combined with those of Moriarty in their blackmail
now themselves overdose, as every single neo-fascist wants his
own place in the bookshelf and boasts already that he is the key holder
and that he not she has the right documentary folder.
So, they argue and frame and shame now each other, and not
just anymore a truly holy sister or brother, who had to stay
silent in this hell and even to ring on top of the secret vault the bell
and were indicated and framed by accessories like a Swastika embroidered
priest stole made back then already by a masterrace aryan heresy subscribing
mole, and everything that went wrong was made the vicar's fault,
all the while he only did pretend the evildoers a helping hand to lend,
as he went numerous an extra-mile with the authorities behind the scenes
to gather the evidence for the utmost neo-fascist decadence and pestilence
despite the icecold Vatican and Anglican top hierarchy's arrogance,
who allowed and even played in this own lame game and cared to dance
with paid spies and professional criminals, who pose as nuns and priests
and are born hereticals and killers, who drank with their evil mother's milk
already their plots and were trained as murderers and crooks and mind millers.
Some even went so far, a particularly black sheep, to spread like other Nazis
his seed amongst all nations and named one of his illegitimate offspring
in blasphemy 'Dorca' - to fit the bill of the secret island, and so
many a little
reptile kid is being hatched and only as long nurtured until it is with yet
another evildoer for the sake of the fourth nazi empire via the Vatican in its
spiderweb of monasteries and blackhole islands matched.
And dead and living bodies are from there also via diplomatic immunity
unchallengedly and unrecordedly to order dispatched for the pyramid
hierarchies of evil's plaisir and for slavery, and the gifted ones are being
secretly taught by some fake nuns with guns and pseudo-priests with
secret society cones in even united nations sponsored and anglo-european
umbrella schools, how to kill one by one the true holy family of Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala, and how to frame them and shame them falsely
and how to attack them even by teaming up with hidden Nazi teachers
on their school stools.
'Fools', says Cardinal von Galen, 'they forgot that only limited was
the contract
of the devil with God, and it is long over, and thus not working anymore in any
shore their pact. And even the devil had to surrender his tools and his contacts
and tell to the authorities about the whereabouts of the stolen
piratery artefacts.
And suddenly even the Vatican no longer is in a position to shift around from
nation to nation their organised criminality and purposeful aryan heresy, as
the truth has made itself heard, and taken off the secret society leaders were
with the facts of their most unholy corrupt acts also their fake Merlin beards.
And one after the other testimonial by victims that survived the
neo-fascist plots
are emerging and many a criminal in old age or posthumously is being put on
the right spots without his mask and being taken before the courts and in God's
Judgement court to task.
And nowhere to roll, not even in Wapping wharf, has the Vatican's and Anglican's
poisoned mass wine cask, from which the grandmasters of their lodges
filled their
flask to poison the priest, who just would not shut up about the lies
in Judas' cup
despite the threats to his life and to his wife by their ritual knife.
And many of the
priest's and his wife's friends also laid down their own lives for the
truth, and
they were betrayed even by their own wives and children, who also ran
a devil's den
and only got married or attached to their family in order to get
across the border
some fame and to put innocent and holy souls with the evildoers' own fouls
into a false frame.
And even many a former train spotter and coordinator has suddenly his conscience
to nag him and awaken his guilt, especially after Jesus Christ sent
him a reminder
to the station, where tomato ketchup and Roma sauce was all over the place like
one big blood trail to the trains, in which he and his accomplices of
his secret society
had also caused unspeakable pain and death to holy souls, and abused them with
his sulphur breath, and put on them and on his colleagues a false
stain, after he
did his victims for his secret society highest degree slain with his
ritual knife and
took unblushingly and mercilessly every single life to climb right up
on the snake's
archbishopry ladder not just for the shore in Rome and Dover.
Lame game over. God puts personally with all His holy souls as Jesus Christ
their Saviour on every evildoer's name the long overdue right shame and blame,
and no evildoer can simply disappear, as he cannot even come to where he once
came from, go near, and that causes even to the biggest sinner the biggest of
self-pity a tear, and a never known of God's punishment for the first time fear,
as there is no crime that he has not committed and Jesus Christ shows him all
the pages that the heretic had with his false sages from the records ommitted.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
"The New Avengers" The Eagle's Nest (TV Episode 1976) - IMDb
Rating: 7.4/10 - 50 votes
Directed by Desmond Davis. With Patrick Macnee, Gareth Hunt, Joanna Lumley,
Peter Cushing. Steed investigates the death of a colleague while Gambit ...
The Eagle's Nest - The Avengers Declassified
* Cached
* Similar
Can Steed, Purdey and Gambit prevent the birth of a new world order? .... The
broadcast of The Eagle's Nest in Ireland on Tuesday 28th September 1976 at ...
The New Avengers (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The New Avengers is a British secret agent fantasy adventure
television series ...
The new trio had to deal with suspended animation ("The Eagle's Nest"), ...
BBC Four - The New Avengers, Series 1, The Eagle's Nest
Classic British secret agent fantasy adventure series. Investigating
the murder of
agent Stannard, the team uncover a plot by Nazis to form a new Third Reich, ...
T - The New Avengers - Season 1 Episode 1 - The Eagle's Nest
Summary: John Steed and his new accomplices Purdey and Gambit find
themselves facing new and deadly dangers in the bizarre world of espionage.
Mixing ...
The New Avengers: The Eagle's Nest by Desmond Davis - Plot ...
Read the The New Avengers: The Eagle's Nest by Desmond Davis plot summary,
storyline and movie synopsis on
Anew Reviews: The Eagle's Nest - Anew: A New Avengers Site
The Eagle's Nest was the first episode of the new show, both to be shot and ...
has a great opening sequence that draws you in from the start--vintage
Avengers, ...
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Monday, 24 February 2014
When the Hammer stops, and frightened from the silence of the anvil is the slammer, then also every devil's den its latest murderous plans drops, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
When the Hammer stops, and frightened from the silence of the anvil is
the slammer, then also every devil's den its latest murderous plans
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
When the hammer stops, and frightened from the silence of the anvil is
the slammer,
then also every devil's den its latest murderous plans and decadence
and pestilence finally, and not just momentarily, drops,
and no longer their PR-adviser every victim's face in a stolen space
in an album to non-existence crops, nor a paid recruit for a fake
secret service that is really
a secret society slanderously into a stranger's bed hops under a
different identity
to put false shame to a holy name but surrenders to the authorities voluntarily
and puts wrong right and ends a most unholy fight and takes off all
their victims the false purposefully fabricated wrong label and blame.
As no agency that is protecting its people and country from harm and
tries their best to keep law and order in harmony with human dignity,
likes to be taken for a ride by some barking mad secret plotters'
society, who tries with their own spies to bring chaos and fear from
within their own ranks and border through threats and slander and
outright lies.
As most agents are decent and law abiding by God's commandments and do not make
corrupt and selfish amendments and are to Jesus Christ and the truth
near but in dark
times like this, even they had from the malicious and vicious few, who
bribe their way
through all ranks and even many a churchwardens' and parish council's pew and
even through invisible career trenches in universities and benches
elsewhere, here and
there, to hide, as they even refuse any bribery to take or a poisonous
cuppa or more abuse and possibly to be their corrupt counterparts
framed and falsely blamed and shamed and speak out the truth
peacefully in the right places at the right time in Jesus Christ's
flock's places nonetheless -
it is high time for the hammers their organised criminality under the
disguise of aryan heresy to confess, and to clear up publicly their
fourth reich manic obsession and murderous mess! And not just
individually, but also collectively, and with every single
confraternity that does still with those, who want Jesus Christ as
God's beloved Holy Rose
and His family kill, and who in their own delusions overdose.
Over from Rome to Dover and all over the world the nightmare of a dome
that is only
anyway to a self-appointed masterelite of any colour home and is
planned as the fourth
aryan totalitarian slavery empire, where everybody with money and
property and stolen piratery plays the dark lord sire with his own
shire and whatnot self-invented and self-fabricated tree and corrupt
see and a whole host of treacherous staff, who lie and spy
and kill for a fee.
The hammer forgot that the anvil in its suffering grew evermore
stronger, and its perseverance is infinitely longer, as selflessness
and true love and true friendship even in invisible ways are the real
and heavenly treasures that one cannot buy for any worldly measures
and that are non-negotiable in a deal, and even, if Jesus Christ's
flock is starved to death, it will still not kill and will still not
skip the truth as its only soul's meal. As only in the truth, which is
their one way of Jesus Christ's justice and peace can they for
eternity heal. And that one host of God's creation and universe
nobody, especially not a rotten to the core nation with a murderous
and criminal shore can never ever from Jesus Christ's and Mary
Magdala's eternal holy family steal.
And their holy matrimony and holy family is not just in their dreams
real but they heal also day and night in their sleep ever so deep many
an ailment and near death and lend to each other much needed breath,
and take away even in dying all fear, and answer always each other's
screams, as all call out for Jesus Christ their Saviour, and He
coordinates and delegates tirelessly all efforts and His web of the
Infinite light, and thus, silent and most beautiful and life-giving is
His eternal might.
I sing in the Name of Jesus, I sing in the Name of Christ,
I do all that I do for His heavenly kingdom on earth,
and stand up in all His ways to the evil, wherever I encounter
it, and that includes my kitchen hearth, that also sometimes
an evildoer with a murderous heart intrudes, who is a confessed
Iesous Christos, Anastasios, Athanatos, Agios Ischyrios!
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
the slammer, then also every devil's den its latest murderous plans
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
When the hammer stops, and frightened from the silence of the anvil is
the slammer,
then also every devil's den its latest murderous plans and decadence
and pestilence finally, and not just momentarily, drops,
and no longer their PR-adviser every victim's face in a stolen space
in an album to non-existence crops, nor a paid recruit for a fake
secret service that is really
a secret society slanderously into a stranger's bed hops under a
different identity
to put false shame to a holy name but surrenders to the authorities voluntarily
and puts wrong right and ends a most unholy fight and takes off all
their victims the false purposefully fabricated wrong label and blame.
As no agency that is protecting its people and country from harm and
tries their best to keep law and order in harmony with human dignity,
likes to be taken for a ride by some barking mad secret plotters'
society, who tries with their own spies to bring chaos and fear from
within their own ranks and border through threats and slander and
outright lies.
As most agents are decent and law abiding by God's commandments and do not make
corrupt and selfish amendments and are to Jesus Christ and the truth
near but in dark
times like this, even they had from the malicious and vicious few, who
bribe their way
through all ranks and even many a churchwardens' and parish council's pew and
even through invisible career trenches in universities and benches
elsewhere, here and
there, to hide, as they even refuse any bribery to take or a poisonous
cuppa or more abuse and possibly to be their corrupt counterparts
framed and falsely blamed and shamed and speak out the truth
peacefully in the right places at the right time in Jesus Christ's
flock's places nonetheless -
it is high time for the hammers their organised criminality under the
disguise of aryan heresy to confess, and to clear up publicly their
fourth reich manic obsession and murderous mess! And not just
individually, but also collectively, and with every single
confraternity that does still with those, who want Jesus Christ as
God's beloved Holy Rose
and His family kill, and who in their own delusions overdose.
Over from Rome to Dover and all over the world the nightmare of a dome
that is only
anyway to a self-appointed masterelite of any colour home and is
planned as the fourth
aryan totalitarian slavery empire, where everybody with money and
property and stolen piratery plays the dark lord sire with his own
shire and whatnot self-invented and self-fabricated tree and corrupt
see and a whole host of treacherous staff, who lie and spy
and kill for a fee.
The hammer forgot that the anvil in its suffering grew evermore
stronger, and its perseverance is infinitely longer, as selflessness
and true love and true friendship even in invisible ways are the real
and heavenly treasures that one cannot buy for any worldly measures
and that are non-negotiable in a deal, and even, if Jesus Christ's
flock is starved to death, it will still not kill and will still not
skip the truth as its only soul's meal. As only in the truth, which is
their one way of Jesus Christ's justice and peace can they for
eternity heal. And that one host of God's creation and universe
nobody, especially not a rotten to the core nation with a murderous
and criminal shore can never ever from Jesus Christ's and Mary
Magdala's eternal holy family steal.
And their holy matrimony and holy family is not just in their dreams
real but they heal also day and night in their sleep ever so deep many
an ailment and near death and lend to each other much needed breath,
and take away even in dying all fear, and answer always each other's
screams, as all call out for Jesus Christ their Saviour, and He
coordinates and delegates tirelessly all efforts and His web of the
Infinite light, and thus, silent and most beautiful and life-giving is
His eternal might.
I sing in the Name of Jesus, I sing in the Name of Christ,
I do all that I do for His heavenly kingdom on earth,
and stand up in all His ways to the evil, wherever I encounter
it, and that includes my kitchen hearth, that also sometimes
an evildoer with a murderous heart intrudes, who is a confessed
Iesous Christos, Anastasios, Athanatos, Agios Ischyrios!
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Sunday, 23 February 2014
In Memoriam: Last Thoughts, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Sigrid Eliora Kuck has sent you a link to a blog:
Last Thoughts, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Blog: Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis/HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Post: In Memoriam: Last Thoughts, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
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Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Last Thoughts, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Blog: Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis/HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Post: In Memoriam: Last Thoughts, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
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Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Und ploetzlich sagen die blauen und roten und sonstigen Funken: 'Wir sind doch nit de Duesseldorfer Jeheim-Unken von de Vatikan, und schon jar nich tun wir deren arisch-haeretisches Jift in unser Koellsch tunken!' by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Und ploetzlich sagen die blauen und roten und sonstigen Funken: 'Wir
sind doch nit de Unken von de Vatikan, und schon jar nich tun wir
deren arisch-haeretisches Jift in unser Koellsch tunken!
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Und ploetzlich sagen die blauen und roten und sonstigen Funken: 'Wir
sind doch nit de Duesseldorfer Jeheim-Unken von de Vatikan, und schon
jar nich tun wir deren arisch-haeretisches Jift in unser Koellsch
tunken! Jetz haben di abba wirklisch zuviel von ihre eijene korrupte
Bruehe jetrunken bei deren Kardinalsteufelsweihe, und deren Kurie wir
jezt mal so richtisch entzweihen mit der Wahrheit, und tun mal unser
Jewissen erleichtern und die unbestechlichen Behoerden mit den Fakten
fuer de Jerichtsakten diesbezueglich einweihen. Denn dat der Vatikan
Kinder klaut und versteckt und auch noch Menschenhandel und sonstigen
Schweinkram betreibt und sich dem vierten arischen faschisistichen
Grossreich verschreibt, dat koennen wir denen Paepsten nie verzeihen.
Denen bringen wir nit mehr deren Lieblingswurst, und stillen mit der
Wahrheit nur noch, und dat wird fuer die bitter, werden wir deren
paepstlichen und Kardinalsdurst. Und et jing auch eine Wolke von hier
weg, die hatte auch jeplant einen eigenen Teufelsbratenlandesteg, und
denen zeigen wir nur noch selbst nach Berlin unsern Allerwertesten,
denn dem Giftweinschwein seinen korrupten Jeldschein den nehmen wir
nit, und zeigen ihn der Korruption an janz oeffentlich im Tanz, denn
so muss der Vatikan dann auch einziehen der Schlange Schwanz, und wie
dat jeht, dat man dem Biest auch noch den Kopp abreisst, dat koennen
wir am besten beweisen auf unseren Reisen, wenn wir mal so richtig vor
Aschermittwoch noch liefern, wat die vonne Vatikangarde uns so gegeben
haben von ihren Resten, denn die hatten auch de Nase voll wie
Schweizer Luftloecher behandelt und verschandelt zu werden von diesen
Wolfsherden, die sie immer nur ueberhauefen mit arroganten
Beschwerden, warum ploetzlich ueberall auf der Welt die Wahrheit
kennen und verlangen, diese 'vermaledeiten Jesus Christus Schafherden'
(O-Ton ein Kardinal!), und die Herren Kardinaele nicht mehr einfach so
ihre Multi-nationalen illegalen organisierten Verbrechengeschaeften
unter diplomatischer Immunitaet und Straffreiheit nachjehen koennen
selbst in unsere Sitzungssaele! Denn de Gloria hat die wohl auch
wieder ausladen muessen, denn deren Schloss wurde auch jerade
untersucht mit de vielen Judaskuessenspurensicherung von de Bussis
nich nur von de adeligen rollschuhfahrenden Tussis, denn die sind alle
zu eiskalt, als dat de sich aufs Glatteis begeben, denn da wuerden die
gleich anfrieren mit ihrer Eiseskaelte, und nich mal springen ueber
die ersten Huerden, und die finden auch nich mal mehr Staranwaelte,
denn deren Verbrechen sind einfach zu schauerhaft, und man koennte ja
da selbst noch mit hereinjezogen werden so als Anwalt, und
Imageschaden nehmen dauerhaft. Und einige von denen sitzen auch schon
in Untersuchungshaft. Nee, wir Funken sind doch keene Vatikan boesen
Unken, und wir tun auch nich deren Gift in unser Koellsch tunken. Aber
als wir im Vatikan mal waren, da hat et so komisch nach Hochverrat und
Mord und Totschlag gestunken und nich mal der Papst hat uns mehr
nachjewunken.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Koelle, I do not laugh, when you straighten your secret society arms
with notoriety to Alaaf, and sins are retained of not just the present
clergy and church hierarchy, who have from telling the truth
refrained, and who have holy souls and the truth stained and many a
holy reputation purposefully slained - you are condemned for eternity,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
sind doch nit de Unken von de Vatikan, und schon jar nich tun wir
deren arisch-haeretisches Jift in unser Koellsch tunken!
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Und ploetzlich sagen die blauen und roten und sonstigen Funken: 'Wir
sind doch nit de Duesseldorfer Jeheim-Unken von de Vatikan, und schon
jar nich tun wir deren arisch-haeretisches Jift in unser Koellsch
tunken! Jetz haben di abba wirklisch zuviel von ihre eijene korrupte
Bruehe jetrunken bei deren Kardinalsteufelsweihe, und deren Kurie wir
jezt mal so richtisch entzweihen mit der Wahrheit, und tun mal unser
Jewissen erleichtern und die unbestechlichen Behoerden mit den Fakten
fuer de Jerichtsakten diesbezueglich einweihen. Denn dat der Vatikan
Kinder klaut und versteckt und auch noch Menschenhandel und sonstigen
Schweinkram betreibt und sich dem vierten arischen faschisistichen
Grossreich verschreibt, dat koennen wir denen Paepsten nie verzeihen.
Denen bringen wir nit mehr deren Lieblingswurst, und stillen mit der
Wahrheit nur noch, und dat wird fuer die bitter, werden wir deren
paepstlichen und Kardinalsdurst. Und et jing auch eine Wolke von hier
weg, die hatte auch jeplant einen eigenen Teufelsbratenlandesteg, und
denen zeigen wir nur noch selbst nach Berlin unsern Allerwertesten,
denn dem Giftweinschwein seinen korrupten Jeldschein den nehmen wir
nit, und zeigen ihn der Korruption an janz oeffentlich im Tanz, denn
so muss der Vatikan dann auch einziehen der Schlange Schwanz, und wie
dat jeht, dat man dem Biest auch noch den Kopp abreisst, dat koennen
wir am besten beweisen auf unseren Reisen, wenn wir mal so richtig vor
Aschermittwoch noch liefern, wat die vonne Vatikangarde uns so gegeben
haben von ihren Resten, denn die hatten auch de Nase voll wie
Schweizer Luftloecher behandelt und verschandelt zu werden von diesen
Wolfsherden, die sie immer nur ueberhauefen mit arroganten
Beschwerden, warum ploetzlich ueberall auf der Welt die Wahrheit
kennen und verlangen, diese 'vermaledeiten Jesus Christus Schafherden'
(O-Ton ein Kardinal!), und die Herren Kardinaele nicht mehr einfach so
ihre Multi-nationalen illegalen organisierten Verbrechengeschaeften
unter diplomatischer Immunitaet und Straffreiheit nachjehen koennen
selbst in unsere Sitzungssaele! Denn de Gloria hat die wohl auch
wieder ausladen muessen, denn deren Schloss wurde auch jerade
untersucht mit de vielen Judaskuessenspurensicherung von de Bussis
nich nur von de adeligen rollschuhfahrenden Tussis, denn die sind alle
zu eiskalt, als dat de sich aufs Glatteis begeben, denn da wuerden die
gleich anfrieren mit ihrer Eiseskaelte, und nich mal springen ueber
die ersten Huerden, und die finden auch nich mal mehr Staranwaelte,
denn deren Verbrechen sind einfach zu schauerhaft, und man koennte ja
da selbst noch mit hereinjezogen werden so als Anwalt, und
Imageschaden nehmen dauerhaft. Und einige von denen sitzen auch schon
in Untersuchungshaft. Nee, wir Funken sind doch keene Vatikan boesen
Unken, und wir tun auch nich deren Gift in unser Koellsch tunken. Aber
als wir im Vatikan mal waren, da hat et so komisch nach Hochverrat und
Mord und Totschlag gestunken und nich mal der Papst hat uns mehr
nachjewunken.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Koelle, I do not laugh, when you straighten your secret society arms
with notoriety to Alaaf, and sins are retained of not just the present
clergy and church hierarchy, who have from telling the truth
refrained, and who have holy souls and the truth stained and many a
holy reputation purposefully slained - you are condemned for eternity,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Not quite a gift from God but one from a man-made hell, and a Savash does now the truth from heaven tell, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Not quite a gift from God but one from a man-made hell, and a Savash
does now the truth even without drumsticks from heaven tell,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'Not quite a gift from God, when one plays insemination creator and
coordinator for secret society couples internationally, and has also
nothing to do with black magic, only how much the 'couples', who are
only together for one year and a day, do for the future little witch
or wizard for a prospective career in the priory's European-Anglo
circuit also from Asia, Africa, America and Australia pay, so that
they even in neo-fascist France and Hungary and England from their
priory run 'Hogwarts' against the truth and the holy souls and
ultimately against crown and country even with a rollerskate from
Westminster Cathedral in the Anglican with love from the Vatican the
fourth aryan empire steer. No wonder that suddenly so popular is in
Shoreditch and Brixton not just Sauerkraut but also Munich beer.' says
one Savash Saka, who knew the truth but was killed by the secret
societies, who had already committed also towards a holy mother and a
child their notorieties and his murder was from the public records
concertedly with the real facts of most murderous cutting edge acts
for the cover up ommitted.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Even a Tetrapack named Libby wants her own ford for her craw, from
where she can perform her black magic with her raven's claw, by Mother
Sigrid Eliora
does now the truth even without drumsticks from heaven tell,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'Not quite a gift from God, when one plays insemination creator and
coordinator for secret society couples internationally, and has also
nothing to do with black magic, only how much the 'couples', who are
only together for one year and a day, do for the future little witch
or wizard for a prospective career in the priory's European-Anglo
circuit also from Asia, Africa, America and Australia pay, so that
they even in neo-fascist France and Hungary and England from their
priory run 'Hogwarts' against the truth and the holy souls and
ultimately against crown and country even with a rollerskate from
Westminster Cathedral in the Anglican with love from the Vatican the
fourth aryan empire steer. No wonder that suddenly so popular is in
Shoreditch and Brixton not just Sauerkraut but also Munich beer.' says
one Savash Saka, who knew the truth but was killed by the secret
societies, who had already committed also towards a holy mother and a
child their notorieties and his murder was from the public records
concertedly with the real facts of most murderous cutting edge acts
for the cover up ommitted.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Even a Tetrapack named Libby wants her own ford for her craw, from
where she can perform her black magic with her raven's claw, by Mother
Sigrid Eliora
'Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, good morning Mister Miller, and how do you do as a mercenary killer?' asks the secret society cones bearers under their masks an English teacher from his Klosterberg, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, good morning Mister
Miller, and how do you do as a mercenary killer?' asks the secret
society cones bearers under their masks
an English teacher from his Klosterberg,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Na, Herr Mueller, Mr Miller, and how do you do as the latest
chessboard player, and how is the secret Missus, who sends to holy
souls the most evil and experienced Vatican killer and commits also of
her position under diplomatic immunity and impunity in many a nation
abuse, and who with the help of the most notorious register all over
the world hides with you all paedophiles and organised criminal see
kelp even in Dover and in many a monastery, where the Vatican lets
also from other denominations their piratery for a fee hoard - as that
is being testified by former brothers, of whom now every single one
rather in Interpol confides and no longer does with the ratpack mingle
that calls itself holy father in the shelf, and that only ever on the
devil for all their evil of also neo-fascist lore in their shore
calls. The curia cannot indefinitely draw without meeting God's furia
even in the Pallbearer Malls ever wider vicious circles without
getting eventually caught up oneself in the Vatican's poisonous cup -
time for the truth and justice of Jesus Christ was long up. And, by
the way, even behind the most silent walls holy souls cry out aloud
and Jesus Christ does in their sleep that is no longer deep already
day and night at the top hierarchies tirelessly shout. Now I know, why
my Roman Catholic English teacher always let us start our lesson with
the song: 'Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, good
morning, Mister Miller, and how do you do?' He wanted to warn me of
every single killer of that name, and put already before he died on
many a Mister Miller from his Klosterberg the rightful shame and
blame, and later from his purgatory and had also an appearance as a
ghost in many an oratory. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jetzt merkt selbst der Oberhammer, dass er verloren hat an seinem
korrupten Ammersee oder war es der Waller vom Attersee?! Irgendsoein
Hornochse sucht immer irgendwo nach neuen Ausreden im Klee, by Mother
Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Miller, and how do you do as a mercenary killer?' asks the secret
society cones bearers under their masks
an English teacher from his Klosterberg,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Na, Herr Mueller, Mr Miller, and how do you do as the latest
chessboard player, and how is the secret Missus, who sends to holy
souls the most evil and experienced Vatican killer and commits also of
her position under diplomatic immunity and impunity in many a nation
abuse, and who with the help of the most notorious register all over
the world hides with you all paedophiles and organised criminal see
kelp even in Dover and in many a monastery, where the Vatican lets
also from other denominations their piratery for a fee hoard - as that
is being testified by former brothers, of whom now every single one
rather in Interpol confides and no longer does with the ratpack mingle
that calls itself holy father in the shelf, and that only ever on the
devil for all their evil of also neo-fascist lore in their shore
calls. The curia cannot indefinitely draw without meeting God's furia
even in the Pallbearer Malls ever wider vicious circles without
getting eventually caught up oneself in the Vatican's poisonous cup -
time for the truth and justice of Jesus Christ was long up. And, by
the way, even behind the most silent walls holy souls cry out aloud
and Jesus Christ does in their sleep that is no longer deep already
day and night at the top hierarchies tirelessly shout. Now I know, why
my Roman Catholic English teacher always let us start our lesson with
the song: 'Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, good
morning, Mister Miller, and how do you do?' He wanted to warn me of
every single killer of that name, and put already before he died on
many a Mister Miller from his Klosterberg the rightful shame and
blame, and later from his purgatory and had also an appearance as a
ghost in many an oratory. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jetzt merkt selbst der Oberhammer, dass er verloren hat an seinem
korrupten Ammersee oder war es der Waller vom Attersee?! Irgendsoein
Hornochse sucht immer irgendwo nach neuen Ausreden im Klee, by Mother
Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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A Nation is only alive and well, if it stays on the path free of wrath of peace through justice and truth alone, and lets Jesus Christ come out of His imprisonment in its secret society and organised criminality hell, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
A Nation is only alive and well, if it stays on the path free of wrath
of peace through justice and truth alone, and lets Jesus Christ come
out of His imprisonment in its secret society and organised
criminality hell,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
The one holy nation of Jesus Christ does not fear death, with even its
last breath, as it has given its vow to serve God peacefully and with
the truth alone and simply returns to all evil senders their stones
that they threw under their secret society cones; and the one holy
nation of Jesus Christ is also faithful to their one Good Lord's and
His wife Mary Magdala's eternal wedding wreath that they honoured in
every incarnation. But that does not mean that it cannot this time
against the fascist and other organised crime peacefully spill the
bean, and let the hammer that beat the anvil expose itself and every
nation that does in worship of mammon and war- and whoremongering
overdose will find no peace nor justice nor truth in its bookshelf but
only evermore the Judas and his Elf in their shore, who will no longer
be stronger than Jesus Christ's truth, as the Lord of the Dance
stopped their evil da capo and encore, and has from now against every
cone also simply legally and without diplomatic immunity and impunity
their punishment already in their lifetime with the sentence of His
Judgement day in store. All, who have from repenting and confessing
their sins against Jesus Christ's kins voluntarily refrained, have
their sins retained and will be cut off and entered into the book of
eternal condemnation and death, as all know, what they are doing and
the evil ones vowed to commit evil to their last breath, and are still
planning holy souls to kill and had of the stones of the devil also
more than their fill - time that the anvil does to the hammer by
reflecting his evil into his own face the fear of God instill. Mother
Sigrid Eliora
There is no nation that fears death less than Jesus Christ's one holy
nation, as with Him lies the truth of all things and eternal life
without violence and without a ritual knife, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
of peace through justice and truth alone, and lets Jesus Christ come
out of His imprisonment in its secret society and organised
criminality hell,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
The one holy nation of Jesus Christ does not fear death, with even its
last breath, as it has given its vow to serve God peacefully and with
the truth alone and simply returns to all evil senders their stones
that they threw under their secret society cones; and the one holy
nation of Jesus Christ is also faithful to their one Good Lord's and
His wife Mary Magdala's eternal wedding wreath that they honoured in
every incarnation. But that does not mean that it cannot this time
against the fascist and other organised crime peacefully spill the
bean, and let the hammer that beat the anvil expose itself and every
nation that does in worship of mammon and war- and whoremongering
overdose will find no peace nor justice nor truth in its bookshelf but
only evermore the Judas and his Elf in their shore, who will no longer
be stronger than Jesus Christ's truth, as the Lord of the Dance
stopped their evil da capo and encore, and has from now against every
cone also simply legally and without diplomatic immunity and impunity
their punishment already in their lifetime with the sentence of His
Judgement day in store. All, who have from repenting and confessing
their sins against Jesus Christ's kins voluntarily refrained, have
their sins retained and will be cut off and entered into the book of
eternal condemnation and death, as all know, what they are doing and
the evil ones vowed to commit evil to their last breath, and are still
planning holy souls to kill and had of the stones of the devil also
more than their fill - time that the anvil does to the hammer by
reflecting his evil into his own face the fear of God instill. Mother
Sigrid Eliora
There is no nation that fears death less than Jesus Christ's one holy
nation, as with Him lies the truth of all things and eternal life
without violence and without a ritual knife, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
A Question to the Vatican: Since last Ash Wednesday, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
A Question to the Vatican: Since last Ash Wednesday,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Since last Ash Wednesday: How many Vatican criminals have you handed
over to the international law authorities; have you dissolved the
Vatican bank; have you volluntarily forfeited diplomatic immunity and
impunity; and most importantly: Have you handed over the truth to the
flock of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and have you said sorry to the
Roma and Sinti for the role of the Vatican in the Holocaust? NOPE, in
your corrupt unholy see shore, it seems evermore there is for the true
flock of Jesus Christ no hope - and He has taken of all your sins
against His eternal kins stock. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Kardinal von Galen klopft an im Vatikan: Hier habt Ihr meine Titel und
meinen Priesterkragen vor die Fuesse - ich keinen mehr von Euch
Luegnern, Teufelsanbetern und haeretischen Betruegern und Moerdern
mehr gruesse, spart Euch also Eure Judaskuesse, by Mother Sigrid
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Since last Ash Wednesday: How many Vatican criminals have you handed
over to the international law authorities; have you dissolved the
Vatican bank; have you volluntarily forfeited diplomatic immunity and
impunity; and most importantly: Have you handed over the truth to the
flock of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and have you said sorry to the
Roma and Sinti for the role of the Vatican in the Holocaust? NOPE, in
your corrupt unholy see shore, it seems evermore there is for the true
flock of Jesus Christ no hope - and He has taken of all your sins
against His eternal kins stock. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Kardinal von Galen klopft an im Vatikan: Hier habt Ihr meine Titel und
meinen Priesterkragen vor die Fuesse - ich keinen mehr von Euch
Luegnern, Teufelsanbetern und haeretischen Betruegern und Moerdern
mehr gruesse, spart Euch also Eure Judaskuesse, by Mother Sigrid
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Sunday, 16 February 2014
[Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore ] New comment on Kardinal von Galen klopft an im Vatikan: Hier habt....
[Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore ] New comment on
Kardinal von Galen klopft an im Vatikan:
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Die Haeresie brennt in ihrem eigenen Fegefeuer, denn der Vatikan hat
nicht mehr laenger
das Ruder vom neofaschistischen Vierten Reichsschiff, und muss wie
jeder andere Blackholesuender auch nachzahlen an die Aermsten der
Armen die Steuer, denn die roemischen Tricks der Luegen sind auch
nicht geworden neuer, selbst die Route der Lackaffen und Giraffen ist
noch dieselbe, und vom Ei das Gelbe, und fast gleich aussehen tun auch
trotz kosmetischen Korrekturen der Hochverraeter ihr und ihrer
babylonischen Huren Gesicht, und die nehme ich nun allesamt fuer
kleinste und groesste Verbrechen in die Pflicht, denn ich hatte genug
Beweise von meiner letzten Nachtschichtreise ueber deren Lug und
Betrug ', sagt Jesus Christus am Juengsten Gericht.
Kein Wunder, dass sich ein Mainzer Kardinal nicht auf das Niveau 'des
kleinen Mannes' herunterlaesst von seinem Roemerberg, und die Roma und
Sinti noch geringer achtet als einen Gartenzwerg - haben Sie eigentlich
keine Scham und kein Gewissen, dass Ihre Kirche kollektiv hat die
verwundbarsten Schafe von Jesus Christus Herde hat mit den Werwoelfen
gerissen und auch noch vom Mutterkuchen von Maria Magdalena eine Portion
abgebissen, aber die Wahrheit immer verschwiegen - leben Sie nur weiter auf
Ihrer Schlangenleiter und fuehren Sie Adventsgespraeche und feiern Sie
Karneval immer so gediegen - die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus vom Vatikan
haben die laengste Zeit geschwiegen! Und weder den Altkatholischen noch den
sonstigen Falschapostolischen Haeretikern erlaubt Gott irgendein Dokument,
das ihre Mittaeterschaft beweist, oder ihre Komplizen zu verschiffen von
den Grachten, denn die die laengste Zeit der Menschheit mit ihrer arischen
und sonstigen schmutzigen Phantasie groesstes Leid durch den Vatikan und
seine Parzellen und Giraffen und Gazellen mit ihren Schleichwegen zu
moerderischen Landestegen verursachten, denn die allesamt in der
Karnevalsflut unter Jesus Christus Wut zusammenkrachten, und auch die
Schwaechsten und Verwundbarsten haben dann irgendwann doch den Mut, auch
ihre Seite der Geschichte im Wahrheitslichte auszusagen und den Vatikan
endlich damit seiner Kriegsverbrechen und falschen Versprechen anzuklagen.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jaja, der kleine Mann, HERR Lehmann, der auch irgendwann ganz unerwartet
die Wahrheit fuer und ueber Sie aussprechen kann, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Posted by Sigrid Eliora Kuck to Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec
timore at 16 February 2014 13:11
Kardinal von Galen klopft an im Vatikan:
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Die Haeresie brennt in ihrem eigenen Fegefeuer, denn der Vatikan hat
nicht mehr laenger
das Ruder vom neofaschistischen Vierten Reichsschiff, und muss wie
jeder andere Blackholesuender auch nachzahlen an die Aermsten der
Armen die Steuer, denn die roemischen Tricks der Luegen sind auch
nicht geworden neuer, selbst die Route der Lackaffen und Giraffen ist
noch dieselbe, und vom Ei das Gelbe, und fast gleich aussehen tun auch
trotz kosmetischen Korrekturen der Hochverraeter ihr und ihrer
babylonischen Huren Gesicht, und die nehme ich nun allesamt fuer
kleinste und groesste Verbrechen in die Pflicht, denn ich hatte genug
Beweise von meiner letzten Nachtschichtreise ueber deren Lug und
Betrug ', sagt Jesus Christus am Juengsten Gericht.
Kein Wunder, dass sich ein Mainzer Kardinal nicht auf das Niveau 'des
kleinen Mannes' herunterlaesst von seinem Roemerberg, und die Roma und
Sinti noch geringer achtet als einen Gartenzwerg - haben Sie eigentlich
keine Scham und kein Gewissen, dass Ihre Kirche kollektiv hat die
verwundbarsten Schafe von Jesus Christus Herde hat mit den Werwoelfen
gerissen und auch noch vom Mutterkuchen von Maria Magdalena eine Portion
abgebissen, aber die Wahrheit immer verschwiegen - leben Sie nur weiter auf
Ihrer Schlangenleiter und fuehren Sie Adventsgespraeche und feiern Sie
Karneval immer so gediegen - die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus vom Vatikan
haben die laengste Zeit geschwiegen! Und weder den Altkatholischen noch den
sonstigen Falschapostolischen Haeretikern erlaubt Gott irgendein Dokument,
das ihre Mittaeterschaft beweist, oder ihre Komplizen zu verschiffen von
den Grachten, denn die die laengste Zeit der Menschheit mit ihrer arischen
und sonstigen schmutzigen Phantasie groesstes Leid durch den Vatikan und
seine Parzellen und Giraffen und Gazellen mit ihren Schleichwegen zu
moerderischen Landestegen verursachten, denn die allesamt in der
Karnevalsflut unter Jesus Christus Wut zusammenkrachten, und auch die
Schwaechsten und Verwundbarsten haben dann irgendwann doch den Mut, auch
ihre Seite der Geschichte im Wahrheitslichte auszusagen und den Vatikan
endlich damit seiner Kriegsverbrechen und falschen Versprechen anzuklagen.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jaja, der kleine Mann, HERR Lehmann, der auch irgendwann ganz unerwartet
die Wahrheit fuer und ueber Sie aussprechen kann, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Posted by Sigrid Eliora Kuck to Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec
timore at 16 February 2014 13:11
Kardinal von Galen klopft an im Vatikan: Hier habt Ihr meine Titel und meinen Priesterkragen vor die Fuesse - ich keinen mehr von Euch Luegnern, Teufelsanbetern und haeretischen Betruegern und Moerdern mehr gruesse, spart Euch also Eure Judaskuesse, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Kardinal von Galen klopft an im Vatikan: Hier habt Ihr meine Titel und
meinen Priesterkragen vor die Fuesse - ich keinen mehr von Euch Luegnern,
Teufelsanbetern und haeretischen Betruegern und Moerdern mehr gruesse,
spart Euch also Eure Judaskuesse,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
4:52 AM - Public
Kardinal von Galen klopft an bei Wilsberg in der Nacht: 'Hey, Wilsberg, ich
kann nicht einmal im Himmel mehr schlafen, denn Gott ist so wuetend, der
will nur noch die Schuldigen bestrafen, um Jesus Christus Schafen endlich
Gerechtigkeit zu verschaffen. Du hast voellig recht: diese teuflische
Hierarchie im Vatikan und anderen toten Armen von Baeumen, die beherrscht
werden von haeretischen Abschaeumen...Expand this post »
Kardinal von Galen klopft an bei Wilsberg in der Nacht: 'Hey, Wilsberg, ich
kann nicht einmal im Himmel mehr schlafen, denn Gott ist so wuetend, der
will nur noch die Schuldigen bestrafen, um Jesus Christus Schafen endlich
Gerechtigkeit zu verschaffen. Du hast voellig recht: diese teuflische
Hierarchie im Vatikan und anderen toten Armen von Baeumen, die beherrscht
werden von haeretischen Abschaeumen, wissen doch nicht einmal sich als
Mensch zu benehmen, denn die sind einfach nur heruntergefallener
Daemonenabfall, der nie im Himmel war und nur kopiert, was sie hoeren an
Gebimmel und daraus baut auf Sand ein Haus, das nicht einmal mehr bewohnbar
ist fuer eine arme Kirchenmaus. Ei der Daus, ich schmeisse denen jetzt
meinen Titel und meine Aemter unter meinen Namen vor die Fuesse, aber nur
symbolisch, denn sonst versteigern die die auch noch beim Regensburger
Hofball unter deren unheiligen Damen, waehrend im Schlafzimmer einer
Hoellenfuerstin huren herum die Schamanen, die auch nur wollen ein freies
Taxi und niemals liefern aus ein Telegramm an heilige Seelen, denn die sind
einfach nur korrupte unheilige Seegarneelen, die fuer alle Ewigkeit werden
in ihrem eigenen Hoellenfeuer schweelen. Und wenn dann auch noch ihre
eigenen Flueche auf sie zurueckkehren, dann wird das ihr Comeback auch in
Millionen Jahren verhindern, denn die werden mitsamt ihren Teufelskindern
niemals mehr zugelassen auf irgendeiner weissen Seite im Buch des Lebens,
sondern hoechstens noch mal als anonyme Verbrecherkartei, denn die haben
auch schon lange nicht mehr bezahlt ihre Aussenstaende fuer ihre
haeretischen Erguesse bei ihren Buchmachern und Buchbindern. Und unter
denen gab es letztendlich doch noch einige ehrliche Geister, die wurden zu
brauchbaren Wahrheitsfindern. Na, Wilsberg, kann ich heute nacht auf Deinem
Sofa uebernachten, bis die Behoerden auch angelangt sind in Venedig und
Amsterdam in den Grachten? Denn die Anabaptisten und teuflischen Papisten
und neo-Nazifaschisten lasse ich nicht mehr auch nur ein Dokument
ausser Landes auch nicht auf ihrer Giraffen- und diplomatischen
Lackaffenroute verfrachten.'
kein Wunder, dass sich ein Mainzer Kardinal nicht auf das Niveau 'des
kleinen Mannes' herunterlaesst von seinem Roemerberg, mit all dem
geklauten Plunder, und die Roma und Sinti noch geringer achtet als
einen Gartenzwerg - haben Sie eigentlich keine Scham und kein
Gewissen, dass Ihre Kirche kollektiv hat die verwundbarsten Schafe von
Jesus Christus Herde hat mit den Werwoelfen gerissen und auch noch
vom Mutterkuchen von Maria Magdalena eine Portion abgebissen, aber die
Wahrheit immer verschwiegen - leben Sie nur weiter auf Ihrer
Schlangenleiter und fuehren Sie Adventsgespraeche und feiern Sie
Karneval immer so gediegen - die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus vom
Vatikan haben die laengste Zeit geschwiegen! Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jaja, der kleine Mann, HERR Lehmann, der auch irgendwann ganz
unerwartet die Wahrheit fuer und ueber Sie aussprechen kann, by Mother
Sigrid Eliora
Sigrid Kuck5:04 AM
Wilsberg zu Kardinal von Galen: 'Natuerlich kannst Du bei mir uebernachten,
und bleiben solange Du willst und musst, Clemens, denn ich habe schon immer
gewusst, dass ich eines Tages auch noch ende mit meinen Freunden in einem
geheimen unterirdischen Priesterzimmer, denn diese Stroeme von braunen
Massen, die alle guten Menschen hassen, werden immer schlimmer - aber
vielleicht koennen wir auch einfach hier bleiben, denn die es so chaotisch
treiben, dass ich von einigen schon nach dem Staatsanwaltschaftsbesuch und
dem Verlassen der Steuerfahndung aus ihrem Haus gehoert habe selbst vor
deren Teufelsaltaeren selbstmitleidiges und mit Gott verhandelndes in
nackter Angst, selbstmitleidiges meineidiges Gewimmer. Die wollen Gott
spielen, aber wissen nicht einmal, wie man Mensch ist und einen Menschen
behandelt - denn von denen jeder immer wieder nur mit der Hoelle und den
Daemonen und mit den Heiligen nur zum Schein anbandelt.'
Sigrid Kuck
4:41 AM - Public
Interesting and sad, actually, that a church hierarchy, who pretends that
it to mankind a helping hand lends would be so arrogant, as not even to
meet the most vulnerable, who follow Jesus Christ's way, as human beings,
never mind say 'sorry!!!' to human beings, who had to endure more than even
most angels could master, who are treated like slaves and never even get a
place to be buried, unless as a victim, whose remains must be hidden in a
nave somewhere quick, as the rates have since 1936 become ever faster. And
as it stands, that same hierarchy also once upon a time and still rather
forces Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala to dwell in their hell silently and
hide in a cave from their bloodthirst out of greed and lust for power - it
seems the priestly chess figures have not changed either, since Judas sold
Jesus Christ and His family to them not just for silverlings.
Romani Rose: Die Katholischen Bischoefe und die Deportation der Sinti und
Roma nach Auschwitz-Birkenau, and other Publications »
I am grieved, at how Jesus Christ's way is being betrayed by a church that
is meant to be there for the vulnerable and needy but that goes so
obviously also from God's commandment with its own cardina...
Abbey of the Holy Trinity Haggerston
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal
cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of
the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly
peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.
Posted By Blogger to Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore on
2/16/2014 12:46:00 am
meinen Priesterkragen vor die Fuesse - ich keinen mehr von Euch Luegnern,
Teufelsanbetern und haeretischen Betruegern und Moerdern mehr gruesse,
spart Euch also Eure Judaskuesse,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
4:52 AM - Public
Kardinal von Galen klopft an bei Wilsberg in der Nacht: 'Hey, Wilsberg, ich
kann nicht einmal im Himmel mehr schlafen, denn Gott ist so wuetend, der
will nur noch die Schuldigen bestrafen, um Jesus Christus Schafen endlich
Gerechtigkeit zu verschaffen. Du hast voellig recht: diese teuflische
Hierarchie im Vatikan und anderen toten Armen von Baeumen, die beherrscht
werden von haeretischen Abschaeumen...Expand this post »
Kardinal von Galen klopft an bei Wilsberg in der Nacht: 'Hey, Wilsberg, ich
kann nicht einmal im Himmel mehr schlafen, denn Gott ist so wuetend, der
will nur noch die Schuldigen bestrafen, um Jesus Christus Schafen endlich
Gerechtigkeit zu verschaffen. Du hast voellig recht: diese teuflische
Hierarchie im Vatikan und anderen toten Armen von Baeumen, die beherrscht
werden von haeretischen Abschaeumen, wissen doch nicht einmal sich als
Mensch zu benehmen, denn die sind einfach nur heruntergefallener
Daemonenabfall, der nie im Himmel war und nur kopiert, was sie hoeren an
Gebimmel und daraus baut auf Sand ein Haus, das nicht einmal mehr bewohnbar
ist fuer eine arme Kirchenmaus. Ei der Daus, ich schmeisse denen jetzt
meinen Titel und meine Aemter unter meinen Namen vor die Fuesse, aber nur
symbolisch, denn sonst versteigern die die auch noch beim Regensburger
Hofball unter deren unheiligen Damen, waehrend im Schlafzimmer einer
Hoellenfuerstin huren herum die Schamanen, die auch nur wollen ein freies
Taxi und niemals liefern aus ein Telegramm an heilige Seelen, denn die sind
einfach nur korrupte unheilige Seegarneelen, die fuer alle Ewigkeit werden
in ihrem eigenen Hoellenfeuer schweelen. Und wenn dann auch noch ihre
eigenen Flueche auf sie zurueckkehren, dann wird das ihr Comeback auch in
Millionen Jahren verhindern, denn die werden mitsamt ihren Teufelskindern
niemals mehr zugelassen auf irgendeiner weissen Seite im Buch des Lebens,
sondern hoechstens noch mal als anonyme Verbrecherkartei, denn die haben
auch schon lange nicht mehr bezahlt ihre Aussenstaende fuer ihre
haeretischen Erguesse bei ihren Buchmachern und Buchbindern. Und unter
denen gab es letztendlich doch noch einige ehrliche Geister, die wurden zu
brauchbaren Wahrheitsfindern. Na, Wilsberg, kann ich heute nacht auf Deinem
Sofa uebernachten, bis die Behoerden auch angelangt sind in Venedig und
Amsterdam in den Grachten? Denn die Anabaptisten und teuflischen Papisten
und neo-Nazifaschisten lasse ich nicht mehr auch nur ein Dokument
ausser Landes auch nicht auf ihrer Giraffen- und diplomatischen
Lackaffenroute verfrachten.'
kein Wunder, dass sich ein Mainzer Kardinal nicht auf das Niveau 'des
kleinen Mannes' herunterlaesst von seinem Roemerberg, mit all dem
geklauten Plunder, und die Roma und Sinti noch geringer achtet als
einen Gartenzwerg - haben Sie eigentlich keine Scham und kein
Gewissen, dass Ihre Kirche kollektiv hat die verwundbarsten Schafe von
Jesus Christus Herde hat mit den Werwoelfen gerissen und auch noch
vom Mutterkuchen von Maria Magdalena eine Portion abgebissen, aber die
Wahrheit immer verschwiegen - leben Sie nur weiter auf Ihrer
Schlangenleiter und fuehren Sie Adventsgespraeche und feiern Sie
Karneval immer so gediegen - die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus vom
Vatikan haben die laengste Zeit geschwiegen! Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jaja, der kleine Mann, HERR Lehmann, der auch irgendwann ganz
unerwartet die Wahrheit fuer und ueber Sie aussprechen kann, by Mother
Sigrid Eliora
Sigrid Kuck5:04 AM
Wilsberg zu Kardinal von Galen: 'Natuerlich kannst Du bei mir uebernachten,
und bleiben solange Du willst und musst, Clemens, denn ich habe schon immer
gewusst, dass ich eines Tages auch noch ende mit meinen Freunden in einem
geheimen unterirdischen Priesterzimmer, denn diese Stroeme von braunen
Massen, die alle guten Menschen hassen, werden immer schlimmer - aber
vielleicht koennen wir auch einfach hier bleiben, denn die es so chaotisch
treiben, dass ich von einigen schon nach dem Staatsanwaltschaftsbesuch und
dem Verlassen der Steuerfahndung aus ihrem Haus gehoert habe selbst vor
deren Teufelsaltaeren selbstmitleidiges und mit Gott verhandelndes in
nackter Angst, selbstmitleidiges meineidiges Gewimmer. Die wollen Gott
spielen, aber wissen nicht einmal, wie man Mensch ist und einen Menschen
behandelt - denn von denen jeder immer wieder nur mit der Hoelle und den
Daemonen und mit den Heiligen nur zum Schein anbandelt.'
Sigrid Kuck
4:41 AM - Public
Interesting and sad, actually, that a church hierarchy, who pretends that
it to mankind a helping hand lends would be so arrogant, as not even to
meet the most vulnerable, who follow Jesus Christ's way, as human beings,
never mind say 'sorry!!!' to human beings, who had to endure more than even
most angels could master, who are treated like slaves and never even get a
place to be buried, unless as a victim, whose remains must be hidden in a
nave somewhere quick, as the rates have since 1936 become ever faster. And
as it stands, that same hierarchy also once upon a time and still rather
forces Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala to dwell in their hell silently and
hide in a cave from their bloodthirst out of greed and lust for power - it
seems the priestly chess figures have not changed either, since Judas sold
Jesus Christ and His family to them not just for silverlings.
Romani Rose: Die Katholischen Bischoefe und die Deportation der Sinti und
Roma nach Auschwitz-Birkenau, and other Publications »
I am grieved, at how Jesus Christ's way is being betrayed by a church that
is meant to be there for the vulnerable and needy but that goes so
obviously also from God's commandment with its own cardina...
Abbey of the Holy Trinity Haggerston
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal
cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of
the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly
peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.
Posted By Blogger to Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore on
2/16/2014 12:46:00 am
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Jaja, der kleine Mann, HERR Lehmann, der auch irgendwann ganz unerwartet die Wahrheit fuer und ueber Sie aussprechen kann, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jaja, der kleine Mann, HERR Lehmann, der auch irgendwann ganz
unerwartet die Wahrheit fuer und ueber Sie aussprechen kann,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jaja, der kleine Mann, Herr Lehmann, der auch irgendwann mal einfach
ganz unerwartet die Wahrheit aussprechen kann, und hier und da mal
eine kleine Bemerkung zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort
fallenlassen, und da kann dann selbst die grosse Mehrheit vom kleinen
Mann sehen, dass jeder Kardinal tat die Wahrheit hassen und vor Neid
vor des kleinen Mannes festem Glauben tat erblassen, denn der
sogenannt kleine Mann tat Jesus Christus schon immer ganz klar in
seinem Herzen und Gewissen verstehen, und musste dafuer nicht mal von
seinen heiligen Ehekissen aufstehen und nur immer schoen Jesus
Christus und Maria Magdalenas Weg auch mit seiner eigenen Frau ganz
genau gehen. Denn, Herr Lehmann, der sogenannte kleine Mann, der weiss
zu schaetzen, das Gott ihm eine Ehefrau und Familie hat als hoechstes
Geschenk seiner Schoepfung gegeben und wahre Freundschaft aller
heiligen Seelen in der Gemeinschaft der Heiligen fuer die Ewigkeit zur
Seite, aber Sie mit Ihren hochtrabenden Saetzen das wohl eh nie wollen
verstehen, und da muessen Sie sich dann auch nicht wundern, Herr
Lehmann, dass selbst von Ihren eigenen Flundern eisigster Wind Ihnen
ploetzlich tut um die Nasenespitze troth Ihrer eigenen Hoellenhitze
tut wehen, denn Sie haben Blut an den Haenden, und das ist so ganz und
gar nicht 'Spitze'., Mother Sigrid Eliora
Clemens August von Galen steigt mal herunter nicht nur zum Mainzer
Fassenachts-, sondern auch zum Roemerbergkardinalolymp, und laesst mit
der Wahrheit die Hoelle der Neofaschisten und Haeretiker aus Rom gehen
unter, und fuer die Wahrheit von Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena
die Fahne wehen, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
unerwartet die Wahrheit fuer und ueber Sie aussprechen kann,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jaja, der kleine Mann, Herr Lehmann, der auch irgendwann mal einfach
ganz unerwartet die Wahrheit aussprechen kann, und hier und da mal
eine kleine Bemerkung zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort
fallenlassen, und da kann dann selbst die grosse Mehrheit vom kleinen
Mann sehen, dass jeder Kardinal tat die Wahrheit hassen und vor Neid
vor des kleinen Mannes festem Glauben tat erblassen, denn der
sogenannt kleine Mann tat Jesus Christus schon immer ganz klar in
seinem Herzen und Gewissen verstehen, und musste dafuer nicht mal von
seinen heiligen Ehekissen aufstehen und nur immer schoen Jesus
Christus und Maria Magdalenas Weg auch mit seiner eigenen Frau ganz
genau gehen. Denn, Herr Lehmann, der sogenannte kleine Mann, der weiss
zu schaetzen, das Gott ihm eine Ehefrau und Familie hat als hoechstes
Geschenk seiner Schoepfung gegeben und wahre Freundschaft aller
heiligen Seelen in der Gemeinschaft der Heiligen fuer die Ewigkeit zur
Seite, aber Sie mit Ihren hochtrabenden Saetzen das wohl eh nie wollen
verstehen, und da muessen Sie sich dann auch nicht wundern, Herr
Lehmann, dass selbst von Ihren eigenen Flundern eisigster Wind Ihnen
ploetzlich tut um die Nasenespitze troth Ihrer eigenen Hoellenhitze
tut wehen, denn Sie haben Blut an den Haenden, und das ist so ganz und
gar nicht 'Spitze'., Mother Sigrid Eliora
Clemens August von Galen steigt mal herunter nicht nur zum Mainzer
Fassenachts-, sondern auch zum Roemerbergkardinalolymp, und laesst mit
der Wahrheit die Hoelle der Neofaschisten und Haeretiker aus Rom gehen
unter, und fuer die Wahrheit von Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena
die Fahne wehen, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jetzt merkt selbst der Oberhammer, dass er verloren hat an seinem korrupten Ammersee oder war es der Waller vom Attersee?! Irgendsoein Hornochse sucht immer irgendwo nach neuen Ausreden im Klee, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jetzt merkt selbst der Oberhammer, dass er verloren hat an seinem
korrupten Ammersee oder war es der Waller vom Attersee?! Irgendsoein
Hornochse sucht immer irgendwo nach neuen Ausreden im Klee,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'Und am Ende erkennt selbst der blutruenstigste Hammer, dass unsere
Form schon immer war fuer uns die Norm und dass wir nicht mit Gewalt
und organisierter Kriminalitaet und den Luegen der Haeretiker gegen
konform. Ich habe immer schon gesagt,' klagt Clemens August von Galen
an, 'dass diejenigen, die gegen Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena als
heilige Familie sich vergehen, eh die Schoepfungsgeschichte bewusst
wollen falsch verstehen, denn die taten immer schon auf korrupten
Fakten schon in elllenlangen Himmelsgerichtsakten in ihrer Hoelle
gehen, und die werden nun muessen Jesus Christus Herden in die Augen
sehen, wenn oeffentlich verlesen werden aus Anklageschriften deren
Beschwerden.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Clemens August von Galen sagt: 'Wir sind immer noch der Amboss, und
Ihr habt immer weiter unbarmherzig auf uns eingeschlagen als die
faschistiischen Hammer, auch nach dem Krieg, und habt Euch geholt auf
anderem Weg unter dem Deckmanntel der Wissenschaft die laengste Zeit
ungestraft und ungehindert Euren schaurigen 'Teilsieg', denn auch mit
passivem Widerstand tun wir nicht verzagen, und stellen Euch Haemmer
mit Eurem jeden Anschlag auf die heilige Menschheit in durch den
Abdruck Eures Hammers in der Wahrheit von Jesus Christus bloss', by
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Posted By Blogger to Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore on
2/15/2014 03:29:00 pm
korrupten Ammersee oder war es der Waller vom Attersee?! Irgendsoein
Hornochse sucht immer irgendwo nach neuen Ausreden im Klee,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'Und am Ende erkennt selbst der blutruenstigste Hammer, dass unsere
Form schon immer war fuer uns die Norm und dass wir nicht mit Gewalt
und organisierter Kriminalitaet und den Luegen der Haeretiker gegen
konform. Ich habe immer schon gesagt,' klagt Clemens August von Galen
an, 'dass diejenigen, die gegen Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena als
heilige Familie sich vergehen, eh die Schoepfungsgeschichte bewusst
wollen falsch verstehen, denn die taten immer schon auf korrupten
Fakten schon in elllenlangen Himmelsgerichtsakten in ihrer Hoelle
gehen, und die werden nun muessen Jesus Christus Herden in die Augen
sehen, wenn oeffentlich verlesen werden aus Anklageschriften deren
Beschwerden.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Clemens August von Galen sagt: 'Wir sind immer noch der Amboss, und
Ihr habt immer weiter unbarmherzig auf uns eingeschlagen als die
faschistiischen Hammer, auch nach dem Krieg, und habt Euch geholt auf
anderem Weg unter dem Deckmanntel der Wissenschaft die laengste Zeit
ungestraft und ungehindert Euren schaurigen 'Teilsieg', denn auch mit
passivem Widerstand tun wir nicht verzagen, und stellen Euch Haemmer
mit Eurem jeden Anschlag auf die heilige Menschheit in durch den
Abdruck Eures Hammers in der Wahrheit von Jesus Christus bloss', by
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Posted By Blogger to Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore on
2/15/2014 03:29:00 pm
Jetzt merkt selbst der Oberhammer, dass er verloren hat an seinem korrupten Ammersee oder war es der Waller vom Attersee?! Irgendsoein Hornochse sucht immer irgendwo nach neuen Ausreden im Klee, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jetzt merkt selbst der Oberhammer, dass er verloren hat an seinem
korrupten Ammersee oder war es der Waller vom Attersee?! Irgendsoein
Hornochse sucht immer irgendwo nach neuen Ausreden im Klee,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'Und am Ende erkennt selbst der blutruenstigste Hammer, dass unsere
Form schon immer war fuer uns die Norm und dass wir nicht mit Gewalt
und organisierter Kriminalitaet und den Luegen der Haeretiker gegen
konform. Ich habe immer schon gesagt,' klagt Clemens August von Galen
an, 'dass diejenigen, die gegen Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena als
heilige Familie sich vergehen, eh die Schoepfungsgeschichte bewusst
wollen falsch verstehen, denn die taten immer schon auf korrupten
Fakten schon in elllenlangen Himmelsgerichtsakten in ihrer Hoelle
gehen, und die werden nun muessen Jesus Christus Herden in die Augen
sehen, wenn oeffentlich verlesen werden aus Anklageschriften deren
Beschwerden.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Clemens August von Galen sagt: 'Wir sind immer noch der Amboss, und
Ihr habt immer weiter unbarmherzig auf uns eingeschlagen als die
faschistiischen Hammer, auch nach dem Krieg, und habt Euch geholt auf
anderem Weg unter dem Deckmanntel der Wissenschaft die laengste Zeit
ungestraft und ungehindert Euren schaurigen 'Teilsieg', denn auch mit
passivem Widerstand tun wir nicht verzagen, und stellen Euch Haemmer
mit Eurem jeden Anschlag auf die heilige Menschheit in durch den
Abdruck Eures Hammers in der Wahrheit von Jesus Christus bloss', by
Mother Sigrid Eliora
korrupten Ammersee oder war es der Waller vom Attersee?! Irgendsoein
Hornochse sucht immer irgendwo nach neuen Ausreden im Klee,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'Und am Ende erkennt selbst der blutruenstigste Hammer, dass unsere
Form schon immer war fuer uns die Norm und dass wir nicht mit Gewalt
und organisierter Kriminalitaet und den Luegen der Haeretiker gegen
konform. Ich habe immer schon gesagt,' klagt Clemens August von Galen
an, 'dass diejenigen, die gegen Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena als
heilige Familie sich vergehen, eh die Schoepfungsgeschichte bewusst
wollen falsch verstehen, denn die taten immer schon auf korrupten
Fakten schon in elllenlangen Himmelsgerichtsakten in ihrer Hoelle
gehen, und die werden nun muessen Jesus Christus Herden in die Augen
sehen, wenn oeffentlich verlesen werden aus Anklageschriften deren
Beschwerden.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Clemens August von Galen sagt: 'Wir sind immer noch der Amboss, und
Ihr habt immer weiter unbarmherzig auf uns eingeschlagen als die
faschistiischen Hammer, auch nach dem Krieg, und habt Euch geholt auf
anderem Weg unter dem Deckmanntel der Wissenschaft die laengste Zeit
ungestraft und ungehindert Euren schaurigen 'Teilsieg', denn auch mit
passivem Widerstand tun wir nicht verzagen, und stellen Euch Haemmer
mit Eurem jeden Anschlag auf die heilige Menschheit in durch den
Abdruck Eures Hammers in der Wahrheit von Jesus Christus bloss', by
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Clemens August von Galen says to his former priests, part 2, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
In the Vatican the popes see in their aryan heresy and charcoal no
hope, as they cannot with Jesus Christ's truth and His return to Mary
Magdalene and the reality of their holy matrimony and family in any
incarnation cope, and neither can they in the see of the Anglican, and
it seems that all gone with the wind has also every pelican and
phoenix and eagle - let them fool themselves that they caused the
hurricane in the bookshelves, and land down under suddenly as their
own slavery elves.
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
hope, as they cannot with Jesus Christ's truth and His return to Mary
Magdalene and the reality of their holy matrimony and family in any
incarnation cope, and neither can they in the see of the Anglican, and
it seems that all gone with the wind has also every pelican and
phoenix and eagle - let them fool themselves that they caused the
hurricane in the bookshelves, and land down under suddenly as their
own slavery elves.
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore :And Jesus Christ says to the finest holy priests: Parikeiben! In deepest Gratitude!
Sigrid Eliora Kuck has sent you a link to a blog:
In gratitude also for all, who have stood up no matter what, to the evil of heresy and organised criminality and for the truth. You have my deepest gratitude! God bless you! Mother Sigrid Eliroa
Blog: Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore
Post: And Jesus Christ says to the finest holy priests: Parikeiben! In deepest Gratitude!
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In gratitude also for all, who have stood up no matter what, to the evil of heresy and organised criminality and for the truth. You have my deepest gratitude! God bless you! Mother Sigrid Eliroa
Blog: Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore
Post: And Jesus Christ says to the finest holy priests: Parikeiben! In deepest Gratitude!
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Friday, 14 February 2014
Paul Celan - Deathfugue - Todesfuge
Paul Celan - Deathfugue
Black milk of daybreak we drink it at evening
we drink it at midday and morning we drink it at night
we drink and we drink
we shovel a grave in the air there you won't lie too cramped
A man lives in the house he plays with his vipers he writes
he writes when it grows dark to Deutschland your golden hair Margareta
he writes it and steps out of doors and the stars are all
sparkling, he whistles his hounds to come close
he whistles his Jews into rows has them shovel a grave in the ground
he commands us to play up for the dance.
Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you at morning and midday we drink you at evening
we drink and we drink
A man lives in the house he plays with his vipers he writes
he writes when it grows dark to Deutschland your golden hair Margareta
Your ashen hair Shulamith we shovel a grave in the air there you
won't lie too cramped
He shouts jab the earth deeper you lot there you others sing up and play
he grabs for the rod in his belt he swings it his eyes are so blue
jab your spades deeper you lot there you others play on for the dancing
Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you at midday and morning we drink you at evening
we drink and we drink
a man lives in the house your goldenes Haar Margareta
your aschenes Haar Shulamith he plays his vipers
He shouts play death more sweetly this Death is a master from Deutschland
he shouts scrape your strings darker you'll rise then as smoke to the sky
you'll have a grave then in the clouds there you won't lie too cramped
Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you at midday Death is a master aus Deutschland
we drink you at evening and morning we drink and we drink
this Death is ein Meister aus Deutschland his eye it is blue
he shoots you with shot made of lead shoots you level and true
a man lives in the house your goldenes Haar Margarete
he looses his hounds on us grants us a grave in the air
he plays with his vipers and daydreams der Tod ist ein Meister
aus Deutschland
dein goldenes Haar Margarete
dein aschenes Haar Shulamith
(Übersetzung von John Felstiner, in: Paul Celan - Poet,
Survivor, Jew. New Haven 1995.)
Black milk of daybreak we drink it at evening
we drink it at midday and morning we drink it at night
we drink and we drink
we shovel a grave in the air there you won't lie too cramped
A man lives in the house he plays with his vipers he writes
he writes when it grows dark to Deutschland your golden hair Margareta
he writes it and steps out of doors and the stars are all
sparkling, he whistles his hounds to come close
he whistles his Jews into rows has them shovel a grave in the ground
he commands us to play up for the dance.
Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you at morning and midday we drink you at evening
we drink and we drink
A man lives in the house he plays with his vipers he writes
he writes when it grows dark to Deutschland your golden hair Margareta
Your ashen hair Shulamith we shovel a grave in the air there you
won't lie too cramped
He shouts jab the earth deeper you lot there you others sing up and play
he grabs for the rod in his belt he swings it his eyes are so blue
jab your spades deeper you lot there you others play on for the dancing
Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you at midday and morning we drink you at evening
we drink and we drink
a man lives in the house your goldenes Haar Margareta
your aschenes Haar Shulamith he plays his vipers
He shouts play death more sweetly this Death is a master from Deutschland
he shouts scrape your strings darker you'll rise then as smoke to the sky
you'll have a grave then in the clouds there you won't lie too cramped
Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you at midday Death is a master aus Deutschland
we drink you at evening and morning we drink and we drink
this Death is ein Meister aus Deutschland his eye it is blue
he shoots you with shot made of lead shoots you level and true
a man lives in the house your goldenes Haar Margarete
he looses his hounds on us grants us a grave in the air
he plays with his vipers and daydreams der Tod ist ein Meister
aus Deutschland
dein goldenes Haar Margarete
dein aschenes Haar Shulamith
(Übersetzung von John Felstiner, in: Paul Celan - Poet,
Survivor, Jew. New Haven 1995.)
Kaiphas, shut up, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'Kaiphas, shut up',
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'Kaiphas, shut up', says his mother,
'do you honestly want to kill Jesus Christ
again and charge Lazarus, Mary Magdala's brother,
for the latter to having been saved by the former,
who was, is and always will be the Messiah,
and it is about time that you finally do to their truth
admit and abandon every plot of a hit and notorious
hate crime, as I did long secretly from heaven
for them the truth chime, and I drink pure water
without poison from their family cup!
You have the longest time handed out your
poison in the cup, and you don't want to make
yourself again a partner-in-crime with the aryan
Roman empire heretical fools, who still puke
and vomit at their orgies and let their slaves
carry them home on divans and seat their
corgies on footstools in the naves of their dome -
I gave you a proper loving family home, but
if you continue to bother Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala and Lazarus with your stupid
friend, that other Jesus, and your every secret society
brother, then you are no longer my son, and I cut you
off even posthumously, you ol' foolish monkey!
And I personally drag you on Palm Sunday on
the way to Canossa and let you play the donkey!
Is that understood?! So, take down your secret society
hood and give to the people of all holy souls finally
the truth as their daily food for free, and stop every
notoriety in every shore, and send to her own hell
the babylonian whore, as we have been here
once too often before!!!
Alright?! Give up your stupid Talmud fight,
and you have never been much of a cupid,
as you are always in the darkness, whilst Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala have always in them God's Infinite light.
Time that you take to task all of your fellow-priests
and make them face up to the truth as their reality,
as I have had enough with the other Elders of all your
heresy and organised criminality!
For eternity! Jesus Christ is the Messiah,
that already said hundreds of times also to you
Elijah! But you know it always all better - see, now
you also got already from the authorities mail,
and a court and tax summons letter! And all,
because you refused to answer God's call.
Your own fault, if you now from your own
snake's ladder into your own created hell's pit
fall. From me, you can spend all of eternity
at your sandcastle wailing wall but that will
anyway soon only evermore be dust, as to sand
will crumble your every shore and stop your
death spell and curses to mumble,
and stop to be arrogant and decadent and ever
so pestilent and impertinent - look at Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala, and Lazarus and John the
Baptist - all are humble! But you and your latest
aryan heretical mates do over all your own
traps and artificial barriers of the Talmud yourself stumble
and have no blackholes left for your piratery carriers -
why can't you, just like Jesus Christ, just be a good
husband and father and leader of a holy community
and walk like Him to and with the humble flocks,
and do something useful with their wool, instead of
selling sandcastles and betraying others with your
insider knowledge of shares and stocks - your stupid
ship never anywhere docks, as it with its fascist
pole and flags that you secretly financed, anyway
even your own former friends shocks, and that is
definitely and infinitely from God straying.
No matter, how much you are these days in
Scheinheiligkeit und gespielter Yiddishkeit
you are swaying. You are with your bloody
Huns and their guns holy souls slaying!
Kaiphas, you are no longer my son!
I had enough that you even treated me rough
and cheated on your wife and made a misery
with your every biting remark everybody's life,
not to speak of your unkosher ritual knife!
Your former IMA, no longer your mother,
and do calling on me, not even on Yahrzeit,
evermore bother, I am happy with Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala in their Holy Rose See shore,
wherever we are, and I do with you no more
details share, as you only ever about yourself
even in the bookshelf for bucks care!'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'Kaiphas, shut up', says his mother,
'do you honestly want to kill Jesus Christ
again and charge Lazarus, Mary Magdala's brother,
for the latter to having been saved by the former,
who was, is and always will be the Messiah,
and it is about time that you finally do to their truth
admit and abandon every plot of a hit and notorious
hate crime, as I did long secretly from heaven
for them the truth chime, and I drink pure water
without poison from their family cup!
You have the longest time handed out your
poison in the cup, and you don't want to make
yourself again a partner-in-crime with the aryan
Roman empire heretical fools, who still puke
and vomit at their orgies and let their slaves
carry them home on divans and seat their
corgies on footstools in the naves of their dome -
I gave you a proper loving family home, but
if you continue to bother Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala and Lazarus with your stupid
friend, that other Jesus, and your every secret society
brother, then you are no longer my son, and I cut you
off even posthumously, you ol' foolish monkey!
And I personally drag you on Palm Sunday on
the way to Canossa and let you play the donkey!
Is that understood?! So, take down your secret society
hood and give to the people of all holy souls finally
the truth as their daily food for free, and stop every
notoriety in every shore, and send to her own hell
the babylonian whore, as we have been here
once too often before!!!
Alright?! Give up your stupid Talmud fight,
and you have never been much of a cupid,
as you are always in the darkness, whilst Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala have always in them God's Infinite light.
Time that you take to task all of your fellow-priests
and make them face up to the truth as their reality,
as I have had enough with the other Elders of all your
heresy and organised criminality!
For eternity! Jesus Christ is the Messiah,
that already said hundreds of times also to you
Elijah! But you know it always all better - see, now
you also got already from the authorities mail,
and a court and tax summons letter! And all,
because you refused to answer God's call.
Your own fault, if you now from your own
snake's ladder into your own created hell's pit
fall. From me, you can spend all of eternity
at your sandcastle wailing wall but that will
anyway soon only evermore be dust, as to sand
will crumble your every shore and stop your
death spell and curses to mumble,
and stop to be arrogant and decadent and ever
so pestilent and impertinent - look at Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala, and Lazarus and John the
Baptist - all are humble! But you and your latest
aryan heretical mates do over all your own
traps and artificial barriers of the Talmud yourself stumble
and have no blackholes left for your piratery carriers -
why can't you, just like Jesus Christ, just be a good
husband and father and leader of a holy community
and walk like Him to and with the humble flocks,
and do something useful with their wool, instead of
selling sandcastles and betraying others with your
insider knowledge of shares and stocks - your stupid
ship never anywhere docks, as it with its fascist
pole and flags that you secretly financed, anyway
even your own former friends shocks, and that is
definitely and infinitely from God straying.
No matter, how much you are these days in
Scheinheiligkeit und gespielter Yiddishkeit
you are swaying. You are with your bloody
Huns and their guns holy souls slaying!
Kaiphas, you are no longer my son!
I had enough that you even treated me rough
and cheated on your wife and made a misery
with your every biting remark everybody's life,
not to speak of your unkosher ritual knife!
Your former IMA, no longer your mother,
and do calling on me, not even on Yahrzeit,
evermore bother, I am happy with Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala in their Holy Rose See shore,
wherever we are, and I do with you no more
details share, as you only ever about yourself
even in the bookshelf for bucks care!'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Ueber allen Wipfeln der Haeresie ist nun Anti-Christ Unruh, und jeden Luegner drueckt neuerdings selbst der feinste Designer-Schuh, by Mother Sigrid
Ueber allen Wipfeln der Haeresie ist nun Anti-Christ Unruh, und jeden
Luegner drueckt neuerdings selbst der feinste Designer-Schuh,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Ueber allen Wipfeln der falschen Stammbaum-Haeresie ist nun
Anti-Christ Unruh, und jeden Luegner drueckt neuerdings selbst der
feinste Designer-Schuh, waehrend sich
die heiligen Kinder von Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena froehlich
schoene und wahre Geschichten unter ihren Muetzenzipfeln erzaehlen,
oder auch mal ueber die Boesewichter von den Gedichten ihrer Eltern
eines auswaehlen, damit sie immer wissen, dass es
einmal Schlusslichter gab, die sie tot wollten in ihren Kissen, und
die auch schon viele andere heilige Seelen hatten auf ihrem Gewissen.
Das waren ganz boese Woelfe, oft in Rudeln von so geheimen Zwoelfe,
die aber auch mal vier hatten auf ihren Unterwelttreffen auch auf
Skigipfeln - da kann man gleich mal negative Plutimikation lernen und
sich von innerer Emigration gleich auch von jeder boesen Nation
heimlich, still und leise gleich wieder entfernen, denn da, wo
Unmenschen, die sich bescheuert 'Herrenmenschen' nennen, haben die
Daemonen immer nur kinderfeindliche und antichristliche Lieder, und da
wollen die ja auch am liebsten gleich die heiligen Seelen
verschiedenster Herkunft gleich von ihrem ganzen Koerper entkernen.
Dabei kommt die Familie von Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena eh von
den Sternen, und kann auch jederzeit wieder in sichere Gefilde dorthin
zurueckkehren, woher sie einst kamen, und da kennt Gott im Himmel, wie
Er auch als Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena auf Erden, alle Schafe
und alle Herden bei ihrem Namen, und nur die heiligen Seelen sind
darueber auch im Bilde, denn die fuehren nie etwas Boeses im
'Und habt Ihr schon gehoert, Kinder?!' sagt Jesus Christus. 'Der boese
verraeterische Hahn ist tot und tut nicht mehr kraehen Verrat, denn
der litt unter Groessenwahn und ich von dessen Hennen ich bestimmt
nicht mehr auch nur einen Luegenstorch esse und nur noch fuer Euch
schoene knusprige Haehnchen brat und mich lieber mit Euch mal ueber
mein wahres Teuch (das ist das Hebraeische Wort allerort fuer 'Buch')
unterhalte und dabei
gleichzeitig koennen wir mal ausprobieren unsere eigene handbetriebene
alte Druckerpresse, und ich meinen eigenen Spielpapsthut fresse, wenn
ich nicht vorm Juengsten Gericht mal so richtig den Boesen gegenueber
mich als deren oberster Verfassungsrichter und Kronrat verhalte, und
mit Maria Magdalenas und Eurer Hilfe - ganz wichtig - auch noch mit
meinem wuetendsten Gesicht als Donnerwetterengel meine Fluegel
entfalte, und die Bengel mitsamt ihrem Unkrautstengel zermalme unter
ihrer eigenen Verbrechen und Suenden Muehlsteingewicht.
Und dann muessen diese Schlusslichter ganz lange und ganz bange ueben
auf ihre vielen Geheimgesellschaftsreisen in ihre Schwarzloecher unter
Palmen ueben, und auch fuer immer, Verzicht. Die haben uns die
laengste Zeit schon gesehen unter einem Leichentuch, und bei denen
sehe ich daher immer nur noch rot, denn die wollten und wollen uns
immer wieder alle tot. Nur weil wir friedlich durch die Gegend ziehen
wie die alten Nomaden, und hueten wie unseren Augapfel die Wahrheit
und nicht ein totes altes Buch.
Und wir leben in freiwilliger Armut und vertrauen darauf, dass Gott
uns immer alles gibt, was wir unbedingt zum Leben und fuer unsere
Geistesgaben brauchen, und Talente, und nicht leben wollen wie die
Boesen von Bestechung oder als Schmarotzer wie im Speck die Maden -
die essen zwar gerne unsere frisch gebackenen Brotfladen, und auch
ohne Not uns sonst noch alles wegfressen, aber trotzdem pinkeln die
noch den heiligen Seelen durch ihre Bluthunde an unsere Waden und sind
versoffene Kotzer und fuegen uns in ihren Laboratorien noch zu eine
seelische und koerperliche Wunde - nee, die lassen wir nicht mehr an
uns heran, also, passt gut auf, dass Ihr die vermeidet auf Eurer
Und Gott hat uns geschaffen auch ohne deren Urkunde, ganz ohne
schriftliches Gefledder, und ich mich auch nicht mehr laenger immer
baenger wegen solcher bloeden Papiere mit Tinte verschmiere und in
deren Ausreden und Luegen verhedder, und auch nicht mehr verschiebe
unser Familientreffen, denn ich will Euch doch endlich mal vorstellen
meiner Frau und Familie, und ich habe schon ewig nicht mehr gesehen
unsere Nichten und Neffen!
Denn das war so eine Sache, ueber die ich ueberhaupt nicht lache,
sondern, im Gegenteil, selbst im Augenblick ich aeusserst angespannt
ueber Maria Magdalena und unsere Freunde, die wie Ihr unsere Familie
sind, extrem aufmerksam wache, denn ganz viele wollen uns am liebsten
fuer immer tot, denn die sehen schon bei der Erwaehnung von unseren
Namen nur rot, da wir immer die Wahrheit erzaehlen, was die hoechstens
mal im aeussersten Notfall waehlen, wenn sie mit ihren Luegen und
ihrem Betruegen zu weit gegangen sind, und mitgehangen und mitgefangen
sich winden und drehen in ihrem staendig wechselnden Wind, denn fuer
die tut die Wahrheit und Menschenleben nicht auf ihrer
Wichtigkeitsliste zaehlen.
Darum habe ich denen mal eine kleine Lektion erteilt, und so hat ganz
viele schon in manch einer Nation eine Notsituation ereilt, und fuer
die ist das Schwimmen ihrer Sandburg, die sie nur mit vielen Schulden
und auf Luegen gebaut haben, natuerlich eine Katastrophe, ueber die
sie selbstmitleidig weinen in jeder Strophe von ihren heuchlerischen
und meuchlerischen Liedern, die sie auch noch Hymnen nennen, in denen
die sich eh nie zu Gott und mir und schon gar nicht zu unserer
Wahrheit bekennen.
Da wagen die es doch glatt, auf einem Blatt auch noch den Verlust
eines Hauses, das sie nicht einmal selber gebaut noch bezahlt haben,
zu vergleichen und gleichzusetzen mit meiner Kreuzesstation, oder dem
wahren Leiden von Euch heiligen Seelen!
Also, ich bin vielleicht wuetend, sage ich Euch, wenn ich denke an
diese haeretischen nun in ihrer eigenen ueberschwemmenden
Korruptionsbruehe um sich schlagenden selbstsuechtigen Garneelen, die,
wenn die koennten, uns schon wieder umbringen wuerden, aber ich lasse
sie nicht mehr an uns heran, und lasse sie stattdessen selbst in
einer Stadt mit Namen Essen trinken ihren eigenen Lebertran, und lasse
zerdeppern vom Himmel aus zur Strafe deren Luxuslieblingstassen, denn
die tun uns einfach nur hassen, und immer, obwohl wir arm sind, aber
voller wahrer Liebe und Guete, vor Neid erblassen, denn wir haben
wahre Freundschaft und brauchen nicht fuer unsere Familie deren
daemliche Angeberzauberhuete, die eh nur gut sind umgekehrt als
Ich finde, die sollten jedes Jahr neu gefuellt werden und zwar ein
ganzes Leben lang, denn unsere wandernden Herden der Heiligen Seelen
haben immer schon unsere Freud und unser Leid geteilt, und wir haben
uns immer gegenseitig mit Gottes Hilfe geheilt - und nun ist es
soweit, dass endlich unseren Feinden in jeder Gemeinde, die die
Wahrheit ablehnen, ist angst und bang, denn ich Gerechtigkeit und die
Wahrheit und Frieden einfach gerade von denen auch verlang.
Und der erste Schritt ist, dass die ihre Suenden und Verbrechen und
bewusst gebrochene
Versprechen allesamt bekennen und buessen muessen, und dann nach
Canossa gehen - das sagt man so, symbolisch, weil damals dort ein
Papst mich in meiner Inkarnation als Friedrich Barbarossa mit Maria
Magdalena, die damals meine Frau Beatrice war, hat antanzen lassen, um
ihm die Fuesse zu kuessen, weil er es liebte, ganz wie die heutigen
falschen Heinis, zu beeindrucken mit ihrem Manipulieren die Massen,
aber nun bleibt denen gar nichts anderes uebrig, als mir vor Gericht
mit ihrem wahren Gesicht Rede und Antwort zu stehen, und ich nehme die
schon jetzt jeden Tag und jede Nacht auf meiner Wacht in die Pflicht,
und bestrafe deren jede auch nur gedachte Drohung oder geplante
Verrohung gegen uns und unsere Schafe, selbst im Schlafe, stante pede!
Stellt Euch vor, die taten doch glatt verfluchen, obwohl man so etwas
ueberhaupt nicht darf, Maria Magdalenas Wehen und Mutterkuchen in
jeder Inkarnation, aber nun kommen deren Flueche und dummen Sprueche
auch aus ihrer Geruechte- und Sulphurhexenkueche einfach auf sie
umgehend zurueck, und die kriegen ihre Steine, die sie gegen uns
werfen wollen, Stueck fuer Stueck um die Ohren fliegen, denn die
werden nicht mehr gegen unsere Wahrheit siegen. Und die eh miteinander
ueber alles im Clinch liegen! Ausserdem haben die ueberhaupt keine
Ahnung, wie es im Himmel auf Erden ist, und wie wir leben und warum
wir bei deren kleinsten Attentatsabsichten schon mit Gottes Wut an der
Nasenspitze beben, und lassen diese Miesmacher fuehlen einfach deren
eigene Hoellenhitze durch die Wahrheit und unsere Lacher ueber deren
Rumpelstiltzchentanz kann Gott selbst hoeren ueber den hoechsten
Und nun helft mir mal, fuer Maria Magdalena ein schoenes Bild zu malen
fuer unsere ersten gemeinsamen Annalen, und vielleicht kann mir ja
mal einer von Euch oder Ihr alle, auch noch ein paar Blei- und
Buntstifte anspitzen. Das waere sehr lieb und nett von Euch, aber
halt, ich habe ganz vergessen, Ihr gehoert ja laengst ins Bett! Und
die Erwachsenen muessen auch noch etwas essen, und ich muss noch etwas
wichtiges ausmessen.
Na, dann geht mal schoen schlafen, und wenn Ihr aufwacht, sind wir
vielleicht schon wieder mit unserem kleinen Spielzuegdampfer gelandet
in einem neuen Hafen, und unsere Feinde in jeder Gemeinde gucken dumm
in die Waesche und machen ein Gesicht wie sieben Tage Regenwetter und
Sauerampfe, wenn die gelesen haben das neueste Maria Magdalena
Wahrheitsgedicht oder meine neueste Geschicht! Und wir machen nun
einfach aus das Licht, und dann halte ich noch im Dunkeln ab eine
weitere Sitzung im zappendusteren Juengsten Gericht, aber sehen tue
ich jedes einzelne Suenderbankgesicht! Und ich weiss, ob die mich
anluegen oder ob wahr ist deren Geschicht.
Na, das wird mal wieder eine lange Nachtschicht, und es wird hoechste
Zeit, dass Maria Magdalena kocht fuer mich in unserer Kueche unser
Leibgericht, und ich ihr mal endlich noch erzaehle, was sie noch nicht
weiss, und ich bin schon ganz gespannt auf ihr Gesicht.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Luegner drueckt neuerdings selbst der feinste Designer-Schuh,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Ueber allen Wipfeln der falschen Stammbaum-Haeresie ist nun
Anti-Christ Unruh, und jeden Luegner drueckt neuerdings selbst der
feinste Designer-Schuh, waehrend sich
die heiligen Kinder von Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena froehlich
schoene und wahre Geschichten unter ihren Muetzenzipfeln erzaehlen,
oder auch mal ueber die Boesewichter von den Gedichten ihrer Eltern
eines auswaehlen, damit sie immer wissen, dass es
einmal Schlusslichter gab, die sie tot wollten in ihren Kissen, und
die auch schon viele andere heilige Seelen hatten auf ihrem Gewissen.
Das waren ganz boese Woelfe, oft in Rudeln von so geheimen Zwoelfe,
die aber auch mal vier hatten auf ihren Unterwelttreffen auch auf
Skigipfeln - da kann man gleich mal negative Plutimikation lernen und
sich von innerer Emigration gleich auch von jeder boesen Nation
heimlich, still und leise gleich wieder entfernen, denn da, wo
Unmenschen, die sich bescheuert 'Herrenmenschen' nennen, haben die
Daemonen immer nur kinderfeindliche und antichristliche Lieder, und da
wollen die ja auch am liebsten gleich die heiligen Seelen
verschiedenster Herkunft gleich von ihrem ganzen Koerper entkernen.
Dabei kommt die Familie von Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena eh von
den Sternen, und kann auch jederzeit wieder in sichere Gefilde dorthin
zurueckkehren, woher sie einst kamen, und da kennt Gott im Himmel, wie
Er auch als Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena auf Erden, alle Schafe
und alle Herden bei ihrem Namen, und nur die heiligen Seelen sind
darueber auch im Bilde, denn die fuehren nie etwas Boeses im
'Und habt Ihr schon gehoert, Kinder?!' sagt Jesus Christus. 'Der boese
verraeterische Hahn ist tot und tut nicht mehr kraehen Verrat, denn
der litt unter Groessenwahn und ich von dessen Hennen ich bestimmt
nicht mehr auch nur einen Luegenstorch esse und nur noch fuer Euch
schoene knusprige Haehnchen brat und mich lieber mit Euch mal ueber
mein wahres Teuch (das ist das Hebraeische Wort allerort fuer 'Buch')
unterhalte und dabei
gleichzeitig koennen wir mal ausprobieren unsere eigene handbetriebene
alte Druckerpresse, und ich meinen eigenen Spielpapsthut fresse, wenn
ich nicht vorm Juengsten Gericht mal so richtig den Boesen gegenueber
mich als deren oberster Verfassungsrichter und Kronrat verhalte, und
mit Maria Magdalenas und Eurer Hilfe - ganz wichtig - auch noch mit
meinem wuetendsten Gesicht als Donnerwetterengel meine Fluegel
entfalte, und die Bengel mitsamt ihrem Unkrautstengel zermalme unter
ihrer eigenen Verbrechen und Suenden Muehlsteingewicht.
Und dann muessen diese Schlusslichter ganz lange und ganz bange ueben
auf ihre vielen Geheimgesellschaftsreisen in ihre Schwarzloecher unter
Palmen ueben, und auch fuer immer, Verzicht. Die haben uns die
laengste Zeit schon gesehen unter einem Leichentuch, und bei denen
sehe ich daher immer nur noch rot, denn die wollten und wollen uns
immer wieder alle tot. Nur weil wir friedlich durch die Gegend ziehen
wie die alten Nomaden, und hueten wie unseren Augapfel die Wahrheit
und nicht ein totes altes Buch.
Und wir leben in freiwilliger Armut und vertrauen darauf, dass Gott
uns immer alles gibt, was wir unbedingt zum Leben und fuer unsere
Geistesgaben brauchen, und Talente, und nicht leben wollen wie die
Boesen von Bestechung oder als Schmarotzer wie im Speck die Maden -
die essen zwar gerne unsere frisch gebackenen Brotfladen, und auch
ohne Not uns sonst noch alles wegfressen, aber trotzdem pinkeln die
noch den heiligen Seelen durch ihre Bluthunde an unsere Waden und sind
versoffene Kotzer und fuegen uns in ihren Laboratorien noch zu eine
seelische und koerperliche Wunde - nee, die lassen wir nicht mehr an
uns heran, also, passt gut auf, dass Ihr die vermeidet auf Eurer
Und Gott hat uns geschaffen auch ohne deren Urkunde, ganz ohne
schriftliches Gefledder, und ich mich auch nicht mehr laenger immer
baenger wegen solcher bloeden Papiere mit Tinte verschmiere und in
deren Ausreden und Luegen verhedder, und auch nicht mehr verschiebe
unser Familientreffen, denn ich will Euch doch endlich mal vorstellen
meiner Frau und Familie, und ich habe schon ewig nicht mehr gesehen
unsere Nichten und Neffen!
Denn das war so eine Sache, ueber die ich ueberhaupt nicht lache,
sondern, im Gegenteil, selbst im Augenblick ich aeusserst angespannt
ueber Maria Magdalena und unsere Freunde, die wie Ihr unsere Familie
sind, extrem aufmerksam wache, denn ganz viele wollen uns am liebsten
fuer immer tot, denn die sehen schon bei der Erwaehnung von unseren
Namen nur rot, da wir immer die Wahrheit erzaehlen, was die hoechstens
mal im aeussersten Notfall waehlen, wenn sie mit ihren Luegen und
ihrem Betruegen zu weit gegangen sind, und mitgehangen und mitgefangen
sich winden und drehen in ihrem staendig wechselnden Wind, denn fuer
die tut die Wahrheit und Menschenleben nicht auf ihrer
Wichtigkeitsliste zaehlen.
Darum habe ich denen mal eine kleine Lektion erteilt, und so hat ganz
viele schon in manch einer Nation eine Notsituation ereilt, und fuer
die ist das Schwimmen ihrer Sandburg, die sie nur mit vielen Schulden
und auf Luegen gebaut haben, natuerlich eine Katastrophe, ueber die
sie selbstmitleidig weinen in jeder Strophe von ihren heuchlerischen
und meuchlerischen Liedern, die sie auch noch Hymnen nennen, in denen
die sich eh nie zu Gott und mir und schon gar nicht zu unserer
Wahrheit bekennen.
Da wagen die es doch glatt, auf einem Blatt auch noch den Verlust
eines Hauses, das sie nicht einmal selber gebaut noch bezahlt haben,
zu vergleichen und gleichzusetzen mit meiner Kreuzesstation, oder dem
wahren Leiden von Euch heiligen Seelen!
Also, ich bin vielleicht wuetend, sage ich Euch, wenn ich denke an
diese haeretischen nun in ihrer eigenen ueberschwemmenden
Korruptionsbruehe um sich schlagenden selbstsuechtigen Garneelen, die,
wenn die koennten, uns schon wieder umbringen wuerden, aber ich lasse
sie nicht mehr an uns heran, und lasse sie stattdessen selbst in
einer Stadt mit Namen Essen trinken ihren eigenen Lebertran, und lasse
zerdeppern vom Himmel aus zur Strafe deren Luxuslieblingstassen, denn
die tun uns einfach nur hassen, und immer, obwohl wir arm sind, aber
voller wahrer Liebe und Guete, vor Neid erblassen, denn wir haben
wahre Freundschaft und brauchen nicht fuer unsere Familie deren
daemliche Angeberzauberhuete, die eh nur gut sind umgekehrt als
Ich finde, die sollten jedes Jahr neu gefuellt werden und zwar ein
ganzes Leben lang, denn unsere wandernden Herden der Heiligen Seelen
haben immer schon unsere Freud und unser Leid geteilt, und wir haben
uns immer gegenseitig mit Gottes Hilfe geheilt - und nun ist es
soweit, dass endlich unseren Feinden in jeder Gemeinde, die die
Wahrheit ablehnen, ist angst und bang, denn ich Gerechtigkeit und die
Wahrheit und Frieden einfach gerade von denen auch verlang.
Und der erste Schritt ist, dass die ihre Suenden und Verbrechen und
bewusst gebrochene
Versprechen allesamt bekennen und buessen muessen, und dann nach
Canossa gehen - das sagt man so, symbolisch, weil damals dort ein
Papst mich in meiner Inkarnation als Friedrich Barbarossa mit Maria
Magdalena, die damals meine Frau Beatrice war, hat antanzen lassen, um
ihm die Fuesse zu kuessen, weil er es liebte, ganz wie die heutigen
falschen Heinis, zu beeindrucken mit ihrem Manipulieren die Massen,
aber nun bleibt denen gar nichts anderes uebrig, als mir vor Gericht
mit ihrem wahren Gesicht Rede und Antwort zu stehen, und ich nehme die
schon jetzt jeden Tag und jede Nacht auf meiner Wacht in die Pflicht,
und bestrafe deren jede auch nur gedachte Drohung oder geplante
Verrohung gegen uns und unsere Schafe, selbst im Schlafe, stante pede!
Stellt Euch vor, die taten doch glatt verfluchen, obwohl man so etwas
ueberhaupt nicht darf, Maria Magdalenas Wehen und Mutterkuchen in
jeder Inkarnation, aber nun kommen deren Flueche und dummen Sprueche
auch aus ihrer Geruechte- und Sulphurhexenkueche einfach auf sie
umgehend zurueck, und die kriegen ihre Steine, die sie gegen uns
werfen wollen, Stueck fuer Stueck um die Ohren fliegen, denn die
werden nicht mehr gegen unsere Wahrheit siegen. Und die eh miteinander
ueber alles im Clinch liegen! Ausserdem haben die ueberhaupt keine
Ahnung, wie es im Himmel auf Erden ist, und wie wir leben und warum
wir bei deren kleinsten Attentatsabsichten schon mit Gottes Wut an der
Nasenspitze beben, und lassen diese Miesmacher fuehlen einfach deren
eigene Hoellenhitze durch die Wahrheit und unsere Lacher ueber deren
Rumpelstiltzchentanz kann Gott selbst hoeren ueber den hoechsten
Und nun helft mir mal, fuer Maria Magdalena ein schoenes Bild zu malen
fuer unsere ersten gemeinsamen Annalen, und vielleicht kann mir ja
mal einer von Euch oder Ihr alle, auch noch ein paar Blei- und
Buntstifte anspitzen. Das waere sehr lieb und nett von Euch, aber
halt, ich habe ganz vergessen, Ihr gehoert ja laengst ins Bett! Und
die Erwachsenen muessen auch noch etwas essen, und ich muss noch etwas
wichtiges ausmessen.
Na, dann geht mal schoen schlafen, und wenn Ihr aufwacht, sind wir
vielleicht schon wieder mit unserem kleinen Spielzuegdampfer gelandet
in einem neuen Hafen, und unsere Feinde in jeder Gemeinde gucken dumm
in die Waesche und machen ein Gesicht wie sieben Tage Regenwetter und
Sauerampfe, wenn die gelesen haben das neueste Maria Magdalena
Wahrheitsgedicht oder meine neueste Geschicht! Und wir machen nun
einfach aus das Licht, und dann halte ich noch im Dunkeln ab eine
weitere Sitzung im zappendusteren Juengsten Gericht, aber sehen tue
ich jedes einzelne Suenderbankgesicht! Und ich weiss, ob die mich
anluegen oder ob wahr ist deren Geschicht.
Na, das wird mal wieder eine lange Nachtschicht, und es wird hoechste
Zeit, dass Maria Magdalena kocht fuer mich in unserer Kueche unser
Leibgericht, und ich ihr mal endlich noch erzaehle, was sie noch nicht
weiss, und ich bin schon ganz gespannt auf ihr Gesicht.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Update: Jesus Christ shouts at some ex-army turned mercenary senior-travelpass holder Don: You Bastard, you have not just poisoned me tea but also my cigarettes and my custard', by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jesus Christ shouts at some ex-army turned mercenary senior-travelpass
holder Don: You Bastard, you have not just poisoned me tea but also my
cigarettes and my custard',
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jesus Christ shouts at some ex-army turned mercenary senior-travelpass
holder Don:
You Bastard, you have not just poisoned me tea but also my cigarettes
and my custard,
and have placed and organised even a bet on my life and that of my wife!!!
And now you play frail with dementia but when you run to the betting
office at the corner,
you play forever young Jack Horner with his demonesses, of whom every
single one also under your secret society cones and in your own secret
mercenary senior citizens legion and fake church army with holy souls
and their reputation messes, and you make it your strategy to throw
against even me systematically also your own criminal and heretical
stones and accept bribery from all shores against me and from even the
skulll and bones.
But you do remember your every single plot, and you even let me
co-sign your last will as a witness, remember?!, that you formulated
and increased, remember?!, 'in your sound mind' and with your usual
handwriting that looks to me as clear as ever, when you had hoped that
successful you will be in your plot my wife and me simultaneously to
You have the longest time, you killer and of lies a miller, planned
and carried out on the church board and in the neighbourhood against
me and my family your every crime, and
your partners in association are also already known even to Interpol
and all the secret services, as you are a wanted also for your
conspiracy in every other nation, where you
were secretly messing with your former role in the military - and, you
never had any diplomatic immunity anymore, after you were
dishonourably discharged as a traitor already
back then in the Pacific shore, when your commanding officer found you
out with your spynetwork and devil's den, and you sold also secrets of
the military under the roof of Christopher Wren, that you acquired
illegally under a mask and with false stripes via your devil's hoof
and you are no longer welcome not even in the hall, nor around my
as you are one hell of a self-fabricated fable.
And you can take your stone tablet in miniature also with you, as you
violated every single one of the commandments with your own selfish
amendments under your every secret society cone. And don't forget not
to fret, when I ask from you back the keys that you stole as a mole,
as I know that you took them and tried to blame it on a most holy
dame, on whom you still try to get a grip and her with your secret
knife in your walking stick try to kill,
and about whom you still lie and and spy with your neighbourhood mafia.
And that when you walk past her you might just hear a voice from
purgatory making up lost time for his failure to stand up for the
truth earlier from his Klosterberg, as a once upon a time English
teacher, who does especially for you as a particularly vicious and
malicious assassin back from retirement sing: 'Good morning, good
morning, good morning to you, good morning, Mr Miller, and how do YOU
killer in word, thought and deed do?! And not exactly a joy instiller
was your pointed gun at me as my stocking filler.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
holder Don: You Bastard, you have not just poisoned me tea but also my
cigarettes and my custard',
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jesus Christ shouts at some ex-army turned mercenary senior-travelpass
holder Don:
You Bastard, you have not just poisoned me tea but also my cigarettes
and my custard,
and have placed and organised even a bet on my life and that of my wife!!!
And now you play frail with dementia but when you run to the betting
office at the corner,
you play forever young Jack Horner with his demonesses, of whom every
single one also under your secret society cones and in your own secret
mercenary senior citizens legion and fake church army with holy souls
and their reputation messes, and you make it your strategy to throw
against even me systematically also your own criminal and heretical
stones and accept bribery from all shores against me and from even the
skulll and bones.
But you do remember your every single plot, and you even let me
co-sign your last will as a witness, remember?!, that you formulated
and increased, remember?!, 'in your sound mind' and with your usual
handwriting that looks to me as clear as ever, when you had hoped that
successful you will be in your plot my wife and me simultaneously to
You have the longest time, you killer and of lies a miller, planned
and carried out on the church board and in the neighbourhood against
me and my family your every crime, and
your partners in association are also already known even to Interpol
and all the secret services, as you are a wanted also for your
conspiracy in every other nation, where you
were secretly messing with your former role in the military - and, you
never had any diplomatic immunity anymore, after you were
dishonourably discharged as a traitor already
back then in the Pacific shore, when your commanding officer found you
out with your spynetwork and devil's den, and you sold also secrets of
the military under the roof of Christopher Wren, that you acquired
illegally under a mask and with false stripes via your devil's hoof
and you are no longer welcome not even in the hall, nor around my
as you are one hell of a self-fabricated fable.
And you can take your stone tablet in miniature also with you, as you
violated every single one of the commandments with your own selfish
amendments under your every secret society cone. And don't forget not
to fret, when I ask from you back the keys that you stole as a mole,
as I know that you took them and tried to blame it on a most holy
dame, on whom you still try to get a grip and her with your secret
knife in your walking stick try to kill,
and about whom you still lie and and spy with your neighbourhood mafia.
And that when you walk past her you might just hear a voice from
purgatory making up lost time for his failure to stand up for the
truth earlier from his Klosterberg, as a once upon a time English
teacher, who does especially for you as a particularly vicious and
malicious assassin back from retirement sing: 'Good morning, good
morning, good morning to you, good morning, Mr Miller, and how do YOU
killer in word, thought and deed do?! And not exactly a joy instiller
was your pointed gun at me as my stocking filler.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Let's make a film, or better: a documentary secretly, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Let's make a film, or better: a documentary, secretly,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Let's make a film, or better: a documentary, secretly,
to surprise all those, who did in their organised criminality
and in their aryan fascist heresy lore Roman style overdosed
or did kill for any other high treason or for no particular reason!
Visually, to be shown whilst committing purposefully against
even one's kin a mortal sin, might even be better a way to prove
that the evildoers also went from the law astray than just a letter
and a copy on the blog of many an investigative journalist's latest
multi-media artwork might just be Jesus Christ's path free of wrath
but of justice through the truth in order to establish ever-lasting
peace across every border and to make for His holy souls
and His holy matrimony with Mary Magdala and for their eternal family
of holy souls the right move.
As the holy souls had enough of being cheated and treated
over and again by Rome and Dover through endless fouls rough,
and also of the secret societies' notorieties that they often
announced with a white glove -
and by now even the most scheinheilige top hierarchy has had
capped their fake glow and nobody believes them anymore
that in their heretical and criminal shore is to be found ANY
dove but only flying rats and spying bats with secret society
cone hats, who throw at holy souls their stones and even
play their clones with silicone masks and wigs and test their
neighbours for their next snake's ladder climb for recruiting
purposes with little tasks -
like playing dumb on the computer and let the neighbour
research, what they long know, whilst they curse them with
their left thumb, and book already with the poison ready
for their mother or father or partner to be killed
under diplomatic immunity and impunity
via their secret society the death doctor and nurse, who
- no questions asked, not even by the bribed undertaker -
sign a wrong death certificate and are even of empathy
a miserable faker.
Or there are the pseudo-godmothers and fake godfathers,
who are in fact secretly or increasingly also publicly
notorious killers and holy souls' hellbound millers,
and who let themselves being celebrated as man-made
'majesties' but who are simply criminal thugs on secret
society bonus drugs stolen from the NHS-purse, who even
put on their godchildren a death curse or threaten them
in their sleep telepathically with rape or try them to bribe
but scrambled is their vibe and frequency, as Jesus Christ
does not allow that kind of behaviour that is being taught
by some fake nun in a priory of every wrong and fake 'saviour',
who also can easily organise for them any kind of gun,
or book them into their own hotel in Pacific Bethany,
or, a bit closer, yet another hijacked ex-military property
illegally, to home, also in the English Westcountry, where
nobody by accident lands, not even the van with the
Hungarian bespoke fotel, that is a collaboration of many
a warhungry nation that subscribes to the Vatican's
fourth aryan empire dynasty, and for which they sacrifice
and for their future role and position of secret society
'royalty' even a member or two or three of their own
birth family.
Friends these kind of entities, who see themselves
already in the bookshelves as celebrities, do not have,
as they are never brave nor any holy soul from danger
selflessly save, but who spend a fortune their goatee
or fake Merlin's beard ridiculously in places to shave,
where one could otherwise recognise their true faces.
Yup, a film, or better: a documentary, and, openly,
with all the evildoers going to Canossa actually,
as known will be all their sins, and they will be
walking under the watchful silent but accusing eyes
of their victims and holy souls amongst their ex-kins, and
then, every devil's den will be the other only evermore
in every shore stalking, and they have only each other
to blame, as Jesus Christ makes visible even on their
bodies and on their foreheads their shame and will
put all long-overdue blame on their own name.
And He already leaves the walking dead to themselves,
and has quietly their stale bread thrown out of His bookshelves,
and they are every time pale, when they have to pass by Him
under His look of disgust in the neighbourhood or that of
Mary Magdala, as He lets the evildoers now chase and
never find their own head and tail anymore, and they
cannot pretend that they are frail, as they just ran to the
post office like a shot, when they thought they had won
the bet against a holy soul's life with their ritual knife,
but all that comes out of their pores is at the realisation
that they are now being known with their sins and crimes
in all nations, is their own self-pitiful snot.
And even a most notorious moaning and groaning beast
that has spat into the cup in the Eucharistic feast, will
suddenly remember her every word and thought and deed
against the true creed, as God personally lets her only
evermore without the comfort of the truth in her vicinity
on her memories with deepest sorrows and regret and
an awakening conscience grieve and drown in her own
tears for fears, as also her Judgement Day in huge steps
nears, and she has nobody left, who will bury her body
nor does she have a soul left to be tended to, as she
has sold her lack of soul as an entity of some kind of
hellish and empty power and principality, and even
her children and grandchildren avoid her, as she
has wished also on her own family death and cleft,
when she was in a bad mood, and had to buy for once
herself her sickening heretical food.
Others will simply drink themselves stupid and no longer
even be able to sink even lower, as they never ever
were not even a kind of cupid, and all their spell books
are invalid, as they are from long dead crooks, who were
anyway, just like them, simply criminal thugs and spooks
on drugs, without integrity and who only abused their
lent 'authority' under the protection of diplomatic
immunity and impunity, and they will simply fade out
by their own lies and heresies and false prophecies,
whilst the holy souls with Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
as part of their family grow in the truth and the holy couple's
justice and peace ever stronger.
As their true love from the beginning of time is the real
'magic', the Alpha and Omega of holy matrimony in monogamy,
and they gave their vows and lived them always and again
and will do so for eternity. And whenever they were separated,
contrary to all slander, they were to each other loyal and faithful
and lived in holiness and blessed voluntary, albeit for each
other yearning and aching, celibacy.
And the documentary about the evildoers will be left
to their own shock everywhere, before shut down will be
every of their evil place by Jesus Christ's true flock, so
that they know that God does to the evildoers no mercy
show, as they have all sins retained because they have
from all repenting and putting wrong right voluntarily
refrained and so, God is also not in His punishment,
especially not in the face of the suffering of His holy souls,
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Let's make a film, or better: a documentary, secretly,
to surprise all those, who did in their organised criminality
and in their aryan fascist heresy lore Roman style overdosed
or did kill for any other high treason or for no particular reason!
Visually, to be shown whilst committing purposefully against
even one's kin a mortal sin, might even be better a way to prove
that the evildoers also went from the law astray than just a letter
and a copy on the blog of many an investigative journalist's latest
multi-media artwork might just be Jesus Christ's path free of wrath
but of justice through the truth in order to establish ever-lasting
peace across every border and to make for His holy souls
and His holy matrimony with Mary Magdala and for their eternal family
of holy souls the right move.
As the holy souls had enough of being cheated and treated
over and again by Rome and Dover through endless fouls rough,
and also of the secret societies' notorieties that they often
announced with a white glove -
and by now even the most scheinheilige top hierarchy has had
capped their fake glow and nobody believes them anymore
that in their heretical and criminal shore is to be found ANY
dove but only flying rats and spying bats with secret society
cone hats, who throw at holy souls their stones and even
play their clones with silicone masks and wigs and test their
neighbours for their next snake's ladder climb for recruiting
purposes with little tasks -
like playing dumb on the computer and let the neighbour
research, what they long know, whilst they curse them with
their left thumb, and book already with the poison ready
for their mother or father or partner to be killed
under diplomatic immunity and impunity
via their secret society the death doctor and nurse, who
- no questions asked, not even by the bribed undertaker -
sign a wrong death certificate and are even of empathy
a miserable faker.
Or there are the pseudo-godmothers and fake godfathers,
who are in fact secretly or increasingly also publicly
notorious killers and holy souls' hellbound millers,
and who let themselves being celebrated as man-made
'majesties' but who are simply criminal thugs on secret
society bonus drugs stolen from the NHS-purse, who even
put on their godchildren a death curse or threaten them
in their sleep telepathically with rape or try them to bribe
but scrambled is their vibe and frequency, as Jesus Christ
does not allow that kind of behaviour that is being taught
by some fake nun in a priory of every wrong and fake 'saviour',
who also can easily organise for them any kind of gun,
or book them into their own hotel in Pacific Bethany,
or, a bit closer, yet another hijacked ex-military property
illegally, to home, also in the English Westcountry, where
nobody by accident lands, not even the van with the
Hungarian bespoke fotel, that is a collaboration of many
a warhungry nation that subscribes to the Vatican's
fourth aryan empire dynasty, and for which they sacrifice
and for their future role and position of secret society
'royalty' even a member or two or three of their own
birth family.
Friends these kind of entities, who see themselves
already in the bookshelves as celebrities, do not have,
as they are never brave nor any holy soul from danger
selflessly save, but who spend a fortune their goatee
or fake Merlin's beard ridiculously in places to shave,
where one could otherwise recognise their true faces.
Yup, a film, or better: a documentary, and, openly,
with all the evildoers going to Canossa actually,
as known will be all their sins, and they will be
walking under the watchful silent but accusing eyes
of their victims and holy souls amongst their ex-kins, and
then, every devil's den will be the other only evermore
in every shore stalking, and they have only each other
to blame, as Jesus Christ makes visible even on their
bodies and on their foreheads their shame and will
put all long-overdue blame on their own name.
And He already leaves the walking dead to themselves,
and has quietly their stale bread thrown out of His bookshelves,
and they are every time pale, when they have to pass by Him
under His look of disgust in the neighbourhood or that of
Mary Magdala, as He lets the evildoers now chase and
never find their own head and tail anymore, and they
cannot pretend that they are frail, as they just ran to the
post office like a shot, when they thought they had won
the bet against a holy soul's life with their ritual knife,
but all that comes out of their pores is at the realisation
that they are now being known with their sins and crimes
in all nations, is their own self-pitiful snot.
And even a most notorious moaning and groaning beast
that has spat into the cup in the Eucharistic feast, will
suddenly remember her every word and thought and deed
against the true creed, as God personally lets her only
evermore without the comfort of the truth in her vicinity
on her memories with deepest sorrows and regret and
an awakening conscience grieve and drown in her own
tears for fears, as also her Judgement Day in huge steps
nears, and she has nobody left, who will bury her body
nor does she have a soul left to be tended to, as she
has sold her lack of soul as an entity of some kind of
hellish and empty power and principality, and even
her children and grandchildren avoid her, as she
has wished also on her own family death and cleft,
when she was in a bad mood, and had to buy for once
herself her sickening heretical food.
Others will simply drink themselves stupid and no longer
even be able to sink even lower, as they never ever
were not even a kind of cupid, and all their spell books
are invalid, as they are from long dead crooks, who were
anyway, just like them, simply criminal thugs and spooks
on drugs, without integrity and who only abused their
lent 'authority' under the protection of diplomatic
immunity and impunity, and they will simply fade out
by their own lies and heresies and false prophecies,
whilst the holy souls with Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
as part of their family grow in the truth and the holy couple's
justice and peace ever stronger.
As their true love from the beginning of time is the real
'magic', the Alpha and Omega of holy matrimony in monogamy,
and they gave their vows and lived them always and again
and will do so for eternity. And whenever they were separated,
contrary to all slander, they were to each other loyal and faithful
and lived in holiness and blessed voluntary, albeit for each
other yearning and aching, celibacy.
And the documentary about the evildoers will be left
to their own shock everywhere, before shut down will be
every of their evil place by Jesus Christ's true flock, so
that they know that God does to the evildoers no mercy
show, as they have all sins retained because they have
from all repenting and putting wrong right voluntarily
refrained and so, God is also not in His punishment,
especially not in the face of the suffering of His holy souls,
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
I have a question to the Vatican shore: Is keeping a child hidden in a hospital quarantine ward for years human trafficking or children's incarcerating, and is it not strictly forbidden?, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
I have a question to the Vatican shore: Is keeping a healthy child
hidden in a hospital quarantine ward for years human trafficking or
children's incarcerating, and is it not strictly forbidden?,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
I have a question to the Vatican shore: Is keeping a child hidden in
a hospital quarantine ward for years human trafficking or children's
incarcerating, and is it not strictly forbidden?
Tell me, as I would hate to be too late for that little boy, who must
by now be an adult,
whom you did only to the patients of the quarantine ward inofficially
show, and told to them
that his mother had died at his birth and his father had no means and
time to raise him -
I must say, after all these years I feel still coming up outraged
tears, as I at the time asked a Catholic nun, who did in that
hospital of St Francis in Munster the business run, why he was there,
and even now I wonder still from across the border, whether this was
not a hidden organised crime, as I did that secretly in that isolated
ward, where I also was subjected to more than one murderous attack,
and I did also for this little boy fear.
As he staff obviously did lie to us patients, and did any wrongdoing
deny, and the social services defy and on their Catholic cover up
hierarchy routinely and completely confidently rely. Who was again in
1986 the head of the archbishopry?
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Human Trafficking, drugs dealing and murderous and torterous 'healing'
and spiritual warfare a la Tibetan warlord lore - that is the most
unholy corrupt and Anti-Christ sirenes' and sybils' Vatican shore,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Obviously, the popes, no matter, which one, have no intent to show any
tendency beyond their PR-exercise of fake repentance and
half-heartedly uttered regrets about the disfunctional but
institutional widespread decadence, and utterly lurking is the aryan
heresy and Anabaptismal and false epistle pestilence and unspeakable
arrogance especially towards the most vulnerable and faithful holy
souls, whom they even officially but secretly try to silence through
the help of even many a pagan and other heretical secret society that
even commits, accordingly to their pyramid hierarchy's members' own
admittance, and boasting under diplomatic immunity and impunity
unblushingly in corporation with the Vatican organised criminality,
and that not just in numerous a monastery.
Human Trafficking, drugs dealing and murderous and torterous 'healing'
and spiritual warfare a la Tibetan warlord lore - that is the most
unholy corrupt and Anti-Christ shore, as the truth has no chance, and
neither had Jesus Christ any impression that any of the popes has any
desire in holiness and truth to enhance.
So be it, sins retained, as they have to the very last moment from
putting their wrong right refrained, and instead put on with yet
another new head and tail of a snake between shores yet another
version of perversion of their most unholy fight.
If you think that my friends and me so low sink, Josef and Jorge, that
we from the poisonous cocoa that you drag us through with your aryan
heresy worldwide that you already toasted to even more and more openly
drink, then you do of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit up to heaven
You have threatened us for the longest time and committed against my
friends and family numerous a crime - you can no longer dictate any
priest, when he does for the truth his bell chime or when he meets his
long-lost friends again and his long legitimate wife, whom he married
in the eyes of God, as it should have been always but you were on holy
matrimony yourself never keen as a secret society notoriety preacher,
who never lives, what he sells as a porkypies teacher, as none of the
popes the truth tells, and even unblushingly abuse their spiritual
gifts to curse and put on holy souls their spells. You have the
longest time with your every covered up crime taken of holy souls as
their 'deatheaters' their hopes.
You did also overdose in your 'originality', when you ordered through
a Westminster secret society yet another hit via a poisoned water hose
instead of putting the potion into the bishop's hyssop, and that was
confessed via a wealthy property and bribery and heresy fed fake
spinster secretly, as she was shocked that common knowledge has become
even her latest notoriety and those of old with her every secret
society - and that she stands to loose her reputation also in many
another nation, along with the other members, for they have committed
organised criminality for longer than any of them even remembers - and
thus, she reported in her awakening conscience battered rather her
share in every crime and did on any new plans straight away the bell
toll and to prevent yet another hit, in time to the law enforcement
agencies her little private bell chime.
Have you no shame, ye popes, that tortured with the 'methodology' of
Mengele and the old inquisition are still even your contemporary truth
speaking priests and deacons, who have been laying down their lives
against your bloody ritual knives! And they are no longer silent and
die without a word - they rather unite and become a teacher of the
truth in Jesus Christ's own Holy Rose shore and escape your worship of
mammon, with twisted visions of your every Sybil and Sirene, who are
actually each your shore's illegitimate babylonian whore and boast
about it, surprise, surprise, no more! But even they have been
subjected by your hierarchy to many a hit, when they threatened to
tell all, as that would have meant your final corrupt see's demise.
And I find it disgusting that your secret societies in the monasteries
went even that far to bribe your certain local spies to even defile
and mock my chemise. I think you will have a hard time for your every
crime to find any worldly legal advice, as Jesus Christ will drag you
now without diplomatic immunity and without impunity before His
Judgement court, and He does not even need a pompous room to pass His
sentencing about you and your gloom, and He will never forgive you
that you mocked Him as the most holy and first ever bridegroom -
as that was blasphemy of the highest, and even you should know that
God one thing NEVER forgives - when you commit blasphemy of the most
holy entity of the Holy Trinity - the Holy Spirit, as He safeguards
the truth for eternity - but then, you and your every devil's den
would not have the first clue about heaven as a living reality because
you can only exhibit death and skulls and bones with your secret
society cones with a heretical breath
that of high treason in any given season stinks and of envy and lust
and obsession and delusion - and you honestly thought that it was your
black magic that allowed you to even commit mind intrusion and remote
viewing, so that you could threaten and instill fear in holy souls, so
that they would ommit the truth!
You have the longest time unchallengedly and under diplomatic immunity
secretly cheated and your holy priest and deacons as beacons of the
truth like baits on your fox hunts maltreated and beaten! The sacred
has indeed come to life, as the truth is alive in the flesh and out of
the window is your heretical Judas apostle creed! In lightspeed!
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
'And then, I would like to know from your and 'Bishop' Tollitaet's
reported devil's den'..., asks Clemens August von Galen, by Mother
Sigrid Eliora
'And then, I would like to know from your and 'Bishop' Tollitaet's
reported devil's den'..., asks Clemens August von Galen,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'And then, I would like to know from your and 'Bishop' Tolli's
reported devil's den from your own mouth, what you did with the help
of various secret societies and templar and other knight orders to
Ralph Napierski and some other of my friends. As word has it, and
facts, that he and them have been subjected not just to most unholy
and tortorous acts but also to murder. And as you keep silent on all
charges, you must not be surprised, when you are being subjected to
external investigation, and when your secretary with a furious and
truthloving Swiss guard from St Gallen into your room barges, and
reads them out aloud not just from poetry, and revoked is from one
moment to the other also your diplomatic immunity and impunity, as
afraid of prosecution internationally is now also your every own
extended illegitimate family', says Cardinal von Galen aus Muenster im
himmlischen Westfalen, 'und uebrigens konnte der Hitler 1,2,3 und kann
auch heute in seinen kuenstlich produzierten und inseminierten Klonen
immer noch nicht, nicht einmal mit dem teuersten Pinsel und
luxurioeser Staffelei ein Huehnerei malen.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Joseph Ratzinger, admit that you ordered a hit, and spread on a holy
priest unholy manure, although he had no character flaw but for
everything Jesus Christ's correct cure, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
hidden in a hospital quarantine ward for years human trafficking or
children's incarcerating, and is it not strictly forbidden?,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
I have a question to the Vatican shore: Is keeping a child hidden in
a hospital quarantine ward for years human trafficking or children's
incarcerating, and is it not strictly forbidden?
Tell me, as I would hate to be too late for that little boy, who must
by now be an adult,
whom you did only to the patients of the quarantine ward inofficially
show, and told to them
that his mother had died at his birth and his father had no means and
time to raise him -
I must say, after all these years I feel still coming up outraged
tears, as I at the time asked a Catholic nun, who did in that
hospital of St Francis in Munster the business run, why he was there,
and even now I wonder still from across the border, whether this was
not a hidden organised crime, as I did that secretly in that isolated
ward, where I also was subjected to more than one murderous attack,
and I did also for this little boy fear.
As he staff obviously did lie to us patients, and did any wrongdoing
deny, and the social services defy and on their Catholic cover up
hierarchy routinely and completely confidently rely. Who was again in
1986 the head of the archbishopry?
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Human Trafficking, drugs dealing and murderous and torterous 'healing'
and spiritual warfare a la Tibetan warlord lore - that is the most
unholy corrupt and Anti-Christ sirenes' and sybils' Vatican shore,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Obviously, the popes, no matter, which one, have no intent to show any
tendency beyond their PR-exercise of fake repentance and
half-heartedly uttered regrets about the disfunctional but
institutional widespread decadence, and utterly lurking is the aryan
heresy and Anabaptismal and false epistle pestilence and unspeakable
arrogance especially towards the most vulnerable and faithful holy
souls, whom they even officially but secretly try to silence through
the help of even many a pagan and other heretical secret society that
even commits, accordingly to their pyramid hierarchy's members' own
admittance, and boasting under diplomatic immunity and impunity
unblushingly in corporation with the Vatican organised criminality,
and that not just in numerous a monastery.
Human Trafficking, drugs dealing and murderous and torterous 'healing'
and spiritual warfare a la Tibetan warlord lore - that is the most
unholy corrupt and Anti-Christ shore, as the truth has no chance, and
neither had Jesus Christ any impression that any of the popes has any
desire in holiness and truth to enhance.
So be it, sins retained, as they have to the very last moment from
putting their wrong right refrained, and instead put on with yet
another new head and tail of a snake between shores yet another
version of perversion of their most unholy fight.
If you think that my friends and me so low sink, Josef and Jorge, that
we from the poisonous cocoa that you drag us through with your aryan
heresy worldwide that you already toasted to even more and more openly
drink, then you do of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit up to heaven
You have threatened us for the longest time and committed against my
friends and family numerous a crime - you can no longer dictate any
priest, when he does for the truth his bell chime or when he meets his
long-lost friends again and his long legitimate wife, whom he married
in the eyes of God, as it should have been always but you were on holy
matrimony yourself never keen as a secret society notoriety preacher,
who never lives, what he sells as a porkypies teacher, as none of the
popes the truth tells, and even unblushingly abuse their spiritual
gifts to curse and put on holy souls their spells. You have the
longest time with your every covered up crime taken of holy souls as
their 'deatheaters' their hopes.
You did also overdose in your 'originality', when you ordered through
a Westminster secret society yet another hit via a poisoned water hose
instead of putting the potion into the bishop's hyssop, and that was
confessed via a wealthy property and bribery and heresy fed fake
spinster secretly, as she was shocked that common knowledge has become
even her latest notoriety and those of old with her every secret
society - and that she stands to loose her reputation also in many
another nation, along with the other members, for they have committed
organised criminality for longer than any of them even remembers - and
thus, she reported in her awakening conscience battered rather her
share in every crime and did on any new plans straight away the bell
toll and to prevent yet another hit, in time to the law enforcement
agencies her little private bell chime.
Have you no shame, ye popes, that tortured with the 'methodology' of
Mengele and the old inquisition are still even your contemporary truth
speaking priests and deacons, who have been laying down their lives
against your bloody ritual knives! And they are no longer silent and
die without a word - they rather unite and become a teacher of the
truth in Jesus Christ's own Holy Rose shore and escape your worship of
mammon, with twisted visions of your every Sybil and Sirene, who are
actually each your shore's illegitimate babylonian whore and boast
about it, surprise, surprise, no more! But even they have been
subjected by your hierarchy to many a hit, when they threatened to
tell all, as that would have meant your final corrupt see's demise.
And I find it disgusting that your secret societies in the monasteries
went even that far to bribe your certain local spies to even defile
and mock my chemise. I think you will have a hard time for your every
crime to find any worldly legal advice, as Jesus Christ will drag you
now without diplomatic immunity and without impunity before His
Judgement court, and He does not even need a pompous room to pass His
sentencing about you and your gloom, and He will never forgive you
that you mocked Him as the most holy and first ever bridegroom -
as that was blasphemy of the highest, and even you should know that
God one thing NEVER forgives - when you commit blasphemy of the most
holy entity of the Holy Trinity - the Holy Spirit, as He safeguards
the truth for eternity - but then, you and your every devil's den
would not have the first clue about heaven as a living reality because
you can only exhibit death and skulls and bones with your secret
society cones with a heretical breath
that of high treason in any given season stinks and of envy and lust
and obsession and delusion - and you honestly thought that it was your
black magic that allowed you to even commit mind intrusion and remote
viewing, so that you could threaten and instill fear in holy souls, so
that they would ommit the truth!
You have the longest time unchallengedly and under diplomatic immunity
secretly cheated and your holy priest and deacons as beacons of the
truth like baits on your fox hunts maltreated and beaten! The sacred
has indeed come to life, as the truth is alive in the flesh and out of
the window is your heretical Judas apostle creed! In lightspeed!
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
'And then, I would like to know from your and 'Bishop' Tollitaet's
reported devil's den'..., asks Clemens August von Galen, by Mother
Sigrid Eliora
'And then, I would like to know from your and 'Bishop' Tollitaet's
reported devil's den'..., asks Clemens August von Galen,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'And then, I would like to know from your and 'Bishop' Tolli's
reported devil's den from your own mouth, what you did with the help
of various secret societies and templar and other knight orders to
Ralph Napierski and some other of my friends. As word has it, and
facts, that he and them have been subjected not just to most unholy
and tortorous acts but also to murder. And as you keep silent on all
charges, you must not be surprised, when you are being subjected to
external investigation, and when your secretary with a furious and
truthloving Swiss guard from St Gallen into your room barges, and
reads them out aloud not just from poetry, and revoked is from one
moment to the other also your diplomatic immunity and impunity, as
afraid of prosecution internationally is now also your every own
extended illegitimate family', says Cardinal von Galen aus Muenster im
himmlischen Westfalen, 'und uebrigens konnte der Hitler 1,2,3 und kann
auch heute in seinen kuenstlich produzierten und inseminierten Klonen
immer noch nicht, nicht einmal mit dem teuersten Pinsel und
luxurioeser Staffelei ein Huehnerei malen.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Joseph Ratzinger, admit that you ordered a hit, and spread on a holy
priest unholy manure, although he had no character flaw but for
everything Jesus Christ's correct cure, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Das Krankenhausfernrohr - The Hospital Telescope - Nasvalengo K'er Porrajmos/Part 2: Memories of living and deceased post-war German patients: Maltreated and almost or completely to death treated and on the truth cheated, To Margrit und Gabriele and to all my friends, who have lost their lives to mal-operating doctors and mal-treating nurses with their ritual knives, who continue the Holocaust in their way! And to their families, who had to live with the consequences, too. R.I.P. by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Das Krankenhausfernrohr - The Hospital Telescope - Nasvalengo K'er
Porrajmos/Part 2:
Memories of living and deceased post-war German patients: Maltreated
and almost or completely to death treated and on the truth cheated,
To Margrit und Gabriele and to all my friends, who have lost their
lives to mal-operating doctors and mal-treating nurses with their
ritual knives, who continue the Holocaust in their way! And to their
families, who had to live with the consequences, too. And a big thank
you to all holy souls amongst the nurses and doctors and midwives, who
have defended with their own lives holy children, husbands and wives,
brothers and sisters, and stood up to the evil aryan heretical roots
of murderous organised crime Wundbrand blisters.
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
MANY a Catholic hospital even had meanwhile officially to admit that
they needlessly removed routinely numerous a womb and amputated
breasts, and lied to potential mothers, whose bodies they thus made
into tombs; but their souls have survived the truth to tell, and to
expose even posthumously still these unspeakable fouls, and that they
were subjected systematically via many an anaesthetic and chemotherapy
and radiation overdose to the kill; and no longer can a self-declared
god in a white Kittel fear in them instill, nor can he slander them,
and their families might even want to additionally publicly and
perhaps legally also the beans on false medication and intentional
burning via radiation by so-called Catholic aryan-heretical elite
specialists in university clinics spill, as they had of many an
attempted hit on their lives via ritual knives, when their identity
became known, also their fill, and take to task gladly now also every
Vatican secret society mask that ordered via many a bishopry and
archbishopry and archdeanery internationally en route to Drury lane
organised criminality on a whistleblower, but Jesus Christ lets speak
out and does at the evildoers shout via His own Holy Rose family
SAYS the Catholic professor for gynecology to his assistants: 'Grab
her hands and hold her down on the examination stool', and albeit
shocked, they obey and hold my hands. And one, two, three, he rips out
of my womb without explanation my dead embryo and triumphantly told to
the Vatican See: 'She was such a naive fool.' As he was, accordingly
to the Viennese nightnurse, their prolonged arm and murderous
untouchable tool. But God knows, how many wombs he made into tombs,
and how many infants he killed, and finally not just me has on him the
beans spilled.
AND then, there is the area of dentistry - and a whole vast cynical
Mengele based orthodontistry in order to be killing off across the
border simply those, who are telling the truth about Jesus Christ,
God's beloved Holy Rose, and who are already in their lifetime have
found and live in His truly holy see, with a poisonous overdose in
the filling, or by prescribing purposefully additionally the wrong
antibiotic, although the dentists know only too well and have in large
letters marked in the file against it an allergy. And so, a rotten
fish called Wanda, is also proven guilty as part of the Polish pyramid
hierarchy, as she also had poison and the wrong antibiotic for me in
her petrie-dish.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Porrajmos/Part 2:
Memories of living and deceased post-war German patients: Maltreated
and almost or completely to death treated and on the truth cheated,
To Margrit und Gabriele and to all my friends, who have lost their
lives to mal-operating doctors and mal-treating nurses with their
ritual knives, who continue the Holocaust in their way! And to their
families, who had to live with the consequences, too. And a big thank
you to all holy souls amongst the nurses and doctors and midwives, who
have defended with their own lives holy children, husbands and wives,
brothers and sisters, and stood up to the evil aryan heretical roots
of murderous organised crime Wundbrand blisters.
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
MANY a Catholic hospital even had meanwhile officially to admit that
they needlessly removed routinely numerous a womb and amputated
breasts, and lied to potential mothers, whose bodies they thus made
into tombs; but their souls have survived the truth to tell, and to
expose even posthumously still these unspeakable fouls, and that they
were subjected systematically via many an anaesthetic and chemotherapy
and radiation overdose to the kill; and no longer can a self-declared
god in a white Kittel fear in them instill, nor can he slander them,
and their families might even want to additionally publicly and
perhaps legally also the beans on false medication and intentional
burning via radiation by so-called Catholic aryan-heretical elite
specialists in university clinics spill, as they had of many an
attempted hit on their lives via ritual knives, when their identity
became known, also their fill, and take to task gladly now also every
Vatican secret society mask that ordered via many a bishopry and
archbishopry and archdeanery internationally en route to Drury lane
organised criminality on a whistleblower, but Jesus Christ lets speak
out and does at the evildoers shout via His own Holy Rose family
SAYS the Catholic professor for gynecology to his assistants: 'Grab
her hands and hold her down on the examination stool', and albeit
shocked, they obey and hold my hands. And one, two, three, he rips out
of my womb without explanation my dead embryo and triumphantly told to
the Vatican See: 'She was such a naive fool.' As he was, accordingly
to the Viennese nightnurse, their prolonged arm and murderous
untouchable tool. But God knows, how many wombs he made into tombs,
and how many infants he killed, and finally not just me has on him the
beans spilled.
AND then, there is the area of dentistry - and a whole vast cynical
Mengele based orthodontistry in order to be killing off across the
border simply those, who are telling the truth about Jesus Christ,
God's beloved Holy Rose, and who are already in their lifetime have
found and live in His truly holy see, with a poisonous overdose in
the filling, or by prescribing purposefully additionally the wrong
antibiotic, although the dentists know only too well and have in large
letters marked in the file against it an allergy. And so, a rotten
fish called Wanda, is also proven guilty as part of the Polish pyramid
hierarchy, as she also had poison and the wrong antibiotic for me in
her petrie-dish.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
HOLY ROMA Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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