Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Saturday 22 March 2014

'You call that heretical piratery Troyan Aryan thriftwood a ship?!' asks YAHWEH Iesous Christos, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'You call that heretical piratery Troyan Aryan thriftwood a ship?!'
asks YAHWEH Iesous Christos,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

You call that a ship
with five fascists masts
that have all the wrong black iron cross
and no anchor and have only on board
in store of numerous lives' upon landing
their frequency banding their loss, so that
they can anywhere unhindered their piratery
treasures hoard!

Loaded by inhuman leftovers via Nazi-'technology'
recycled blackbooted beasts with tortorous
'methodology' disguised as science gone madly wrong
from the 30ies transported from once Germany
to just any country that subscribes to the bad vibes
and fascist brutality from their www Troyan horse

with fake-nuns and real cardinals
with not just guns in it, who order
on snow and twin peaks with their
programmed evil streaks without concsience
on all their enemies regardless of any border
a hit and slanderous character
assassination via their secret society
that is also hijacked for their hidden fascist
big empire ideology and future replacement of
humanity high on the inner circle Vatican
and infiltrated Anglican black gold chrism oil agenda,

and with artificial drones like XYgenda also
wearing cones they instil systematically
of some devil dark lord that they all want to be
individually but also collectively, preferrably,
they purposefully - to suit their every priority
of personnel choice - throw at the truthspeakers
their stones,

and put false shame and invented blame on
a holy name, under which is a truly noblehearted
humble heavenly knight or dame, and some
war and whoremongers are already in line
to replace their face with silicone masks and
microphone throat chips and are being trained
to copycat their mimics and gestures and mannerisms
to take their place and under diplomatic immunity
and impunity unashamedly and unpunishedly
to put poison into just any outsider's glass from
an ever filled flask and a constantly refilled sherry cask.

But that ship has forgotten the most important fact:
That Jesus Christ YAHWEH is with His humble fleet
intact and He can anytime to the evildoers their
plots even in the dreams or subconsciousness streams
of the pirates and their victims in all the planned spots
pre-enact! And suddenly, nobody of the criminals
the other anymore just in case in any shore greets
and free of the thugs on drugs and with greed in their creed
are the streets even in the city of London,

and the good ol' British fair play instead of playing foul,
and gentlemen's manners without diplomatic immunity
and impunity, as there won't be for it any need, is reviving
the purity of the British and the world's best soul, especially,
when every single sinner is instantly through the hell of his
victim his crime reliving and feeling the effects right in his bones -

and who needs stupid secret society cones, when one
has still a real husband or wife and not their clones to
sort things out - and who still persistently wants to kill
or to behave bad, won't get out with proclaiming themselves
mad, as they will go to prison for their unrepented crimes
and as community service clear out all heresy and put the truth
into all bookshelves and clear up their own mess and
involuntarily on all sorts of occasions confess!
As YAHWEH Iesous Christos is the living alphabet in
every language and knows of all projects also in every letter
be it Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Romanes, Russian, Italian,
Latin, French, Magyarul, Turkish, Kurdish, Gaelic - you get
the gist, as too long is the list of all tongues -

and anyway, at the beginning of time there was only one -
and guess, who did that invent?! Not some heretical
and criminal convent!!! That is for sure! And they do also
not have for anything the right cure!!! And they are
especially not pure!!! As they celebrate always the arrival
of their evil lord in Lent as if it were Advent.

Yup, and that is Judas for you with his poisonous
cup - but his time was long up, and now he is in his own hell
and from the top of his hierarchy to the bottomless pit of his
abbyss fell, and wears a pitchblack mitra of stone for penance
and his punishment is to tell the truth not even for peanuts
but for free, and without being allowed anywhere near
Jesus Christ's Holy Rose See! And he has lost also at his
own cost his V.I.P. membership of the tee, and had to burn
himself his rotten dried out Xmas tree with XYenda, and
they both had to return every stolen church treasure and
membership fee!

For a start, that ship with the five masts of Judas the
kingmaker of the skip that is calling itself something
like defence league or u2ip or whatnot dry rot name
with dubious criminal fame did just sink, when the
beast did fart under YAHWEH Jesus Christ's all-seeing
eye's blink. And, boy ol' boy, did that fart of high treason and envy
and grudge in too many a season also from many a snake and dragon
stink - they must have eaten for a change their own poisoned fudge.

And many a professor and politician and researcher or military
or public office or honours' bearer and even wool shearer
suddenly has been suspended or voluntarily
his time at the university or company with immediate effect ended,
as his or her loyalty to God and Her Majesty were not really sincere,
as they gave
their vow to their secret society to commit as much as possible from
their public position to the democracy's and monarchy's demolition
via a fascist hierarchy, and they have all committed acts of evil with each
more or less to confess and the truth they have purposefully and
systematically from public records ommitted.

And as their mask is now known, as is their real face to the
law and security agencies internationally and to the courts,
they are being to task also regarding their stolen
or illegally acquired property and for having accepted bribery
and conspired to organised criminality and heresy, and for having
led the authorities under abuse of their position astray, and for
having abused also innocent souls and let children and vulnerable
persons commit the evildoers' planned fouls, and for even going
to taking a person's life the whole way.

Did you hear?! YAHWEH Jesus Christ is near. And He eradicates
for His holy souls all fear and dries for them their every tear with
His beloved wife Mary Magdala and with their family of holy souls
of old - and He no longer debates, as HE IS THE JUDGE!!!

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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