Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Saturday 1 March 2014

Update:There won't be a second ark, especially not for the ones with secret society cones, who throw at holy souls their fouls and stones and never ever sing to God as angels with a holy wing: 'Hark!', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

There won't be a second ark, especially not for the ones with secret
society cones, who throw at holy souls their fouls and stones and
never ever sing to God as angels with a holy wing: 'Hark!',

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

There won't be a second ark, especially not for the ones with secret
society cones,
who throw at holy souls still their fouls and stones and never ever sing to God
with a holy wing: 'Hark!', and who do even in their sleep and in every
moment awake
true human beings, who are holy, with their evil thorns sting and with
their poisonous tentacles scorn and who confuse a cupcake with Cape

because all they want to do is to be bad and to have at the cost of
lives lost and
reputations of most holy souls slandered their bit of 'fun', and
order or take part
in even planning or carrying out collectively or individually yet
another kill and
murderous hit - and then, they are shocked, if they are not allowed on board
anymore in Jesus Christ's Holy Rose shore, as they can see that He with
Mary Magdala to the evildoers incomprehensibly all the lost sheep at the right
time in the right place without even to use a phone or ether, flocked.

And suddenly, even in Roma under a doma and in a school not just in Ingatestone
and in film studios territory and many a thinktank pool not just one
bladder bursts open in the catheter, when a certain priory lorry
contains only hidden law enforcement officers,
who already have secretly arrested most snakes, beasts, mandrakes and
blackadders and vipers and collect now also the rest of the demons and
demonesses dressed and
equipped as snipers with all sorts of weapons, including orange
devices with deadly
immunisation that they stole from many a laboratory in many a nation via their
aryan fascist organisation internationally.

Just mention the truth about one place and you all of a sudden see one
after the other long
forgotten and rotten face even in your own neighbourhood or in a familiar space,
who wants to greet you again in the street and has already
the knife or poisonous phial or hell's dial in their hand -
but God shows them His disgust into their eyes in one look, and silenced is
every single crook and priory and corrupt see shore pseudo-spook and
worthless their every heretical book and all the personal belongings that they
as a mole from you stole and without asking took.

That is, how already once God the world in its foundations shook, and He won't
throw yet another and another for the evildoers hook but let
unannouncedly from now
on tumble down all sandcastles and dissolve pseudo-foundations and expose every
con, who also dared to sign his mails blasphemously with El Eljon, and
He will only
evermore in His Holy Rose shore to His holy souls, who are His family of old,
mercy and kindness and all that is good without further ado show.

And the evildoers will in Uriel's punishing sulphur light in a most orangey
light glow in Jesus Christ's Judgement court, as God has given to all His
angels in the right moment whatever is needed from His might, and He also
has restored to Jesus Christ aka Adam and Mary Magdala aka Eve
their firstborn and first family right in paradise and has thrown out
of His space all demonesses and demons and leaves
them to eat up their own bitter lemons, and they will only have left
to beat up each other,
as they do each other anyway bereave and never ever do about anybody
but themselves and in increasing selfpity bother, and still even consider
to cash in also on the life of their sister or brother or to put
poison into their
pie and mash or to photoshop with a false snapshot flash another husband's
wife and to kill her with a ritual knife.

And those, who in even their own children's abortion overdose, will have
to bear the shadows of death with their last breath, and the family of
the Holy Rose
will hold them accountable for every nano-second that they missed in
each other's
life due to the evildoers' ritual knife because a demoness or demon as a snake
their threats to kill their loved ones under secret society cones and diplomatic
immunity and impunity or even without, hissed, as God will suddenly at them
their sentence shout and punishment measures enforce and fine on the spot
polyglott to the last dot, as He returns also all the beasts' stones
and has booked
for them in the courts an urgent hearing slot,

and then, even every devil's den
under the roof of a Wren, or one with an ex-Roma and ex-Jewish Irish cantor with
EDL and USkIP aryan fascist connections and a devil's hoof,
who does at holy souls throw all her own fouls and does as a reptile fletch
her teeth at them on an extra-mile, will be finally no longer be able her every
heretical and criminal fable to leave demonstratively on the Sunday school table
and can no longer in self-pity and fury at the vicar moan and groan, and has to
pay back to every credit shark instantly her every loan, and even a
Violet no longer
her at her cost let post threats and admits that she, too, was
involved in planning hits
and offering poisonous treats and systematical professional prostitute cheats,

and for her very last moment in this life, God will show her, how she
took herself
many an innocent life and caused unspeakable pain to her own family and friends,
whom she had in word, thought and in deed also slain. And, needless to say,
it was Lilith with the demoness Mary as the crocodile and docile
snake, who put on Cain
a false character stain and so, they lied their way throughout book
history, and to the full
knowledge of the temple and church top hierarchies, who had a pact
with the devil
and could, but no longer can, get away unpunishedly with their evil.

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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