Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Monday 24 March 2014

Y as in YAHWEH - Anonymous Witness, Extract from the Novel by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Y as in YAHWEH - Anonymous Witness,

Extract from the Novel by Mother Sigrid Eliora


At a safe house of the MI5 HQ the still from the lightspeed rescue
operation terrified witness starts slowly to calm down; his breath is
getting back to normal, his body warming
from the inside with the smell of freshly made Americano, and the
agents, who had brought him to the quiet house with garden, are
equally relieved that all went well in the end, and they got all the
culprits arrested and charged and before the judge, whom they had been
observing for years in vain. But this time their diplomatic immunity
was removed, as they had once too often even somebody from inside the
agency slain and that same vicious circle of ol' and young boys from
the elite institutions had also almost on the HQ director put a false

The anonymous witness looked at his rescuers: 'Thank you! I don't
know, how I would have got out of that situation, had you not appeared
in the last minute. But then, I suspected that at least one of you was
part of that circle, too, as I have seen you on various occasions and
also, when you followed me and some of them here and there.

For years, I had tried to escape that circle but they wouldn't let me,
and I got hooked in the good life style of luxurious garments, three
star dining and orgies with all you did not even wish for - until they
reenacted, when I had never such atrocities suspected, even the
beheading of John the Baptist on one such occasion - and I just wanted
to get out, but then, my ex-lover, who had introduced and groomed me
as a young deacon into the scene, although he knew that I was a
heterosexual boy, into one obscene party after the other with other
men, and many of us got also raped in many ways. I can tell you - the
more arty farty the more tarty they get and the more money is involved
- right into the highest pyramid tops and after mass there are
numerous fake bishops and real ones, who under their secret society
cones into criss-cross beds hops and everywhere their stones and mess

They also frame purposefully not just politicians but also academics
and executives - with photoshop that is no problem these days anymore,
and so, all, who want to escape the snares of the devil are being
blackmailed with false evidence of the culprits' own decadence and
pestilence, and - as you know yourselves meanwhile, when you saw, what
heresy and falsefied accounts they hoard in their shelves that I
showed you - they got away with their organised criminality and
pick-and-mix heresy with utmost arrogance under diplomatic immunity
and they cashed in and banked also internationally on impunity, and
treated the law everywhere as the last straw and sold on their last
slaves even in the naves and out of the window was any grain of
decency also in the naves, as their vicious circle systematically and
purposefully also as royal chaplains visibly and audibly misbehaves.


The anonymous witness needed a break, and so did the agents to decide,
whether it was safe for them to continue in that house or whether they
should separate and elsewhere their new friend hide out of the reach
of anybody with a surprise evil streak, as they had enough as well of
having been treated rough and cheated and maltreated by some amongst
their highest ranks, to whom they did previously once in trust confide
and their next steps tell leading to the marred arrests, but they were
all framed by these pranks in expensive Savile row suits and leather
shoes but, fortunately, the PM himself had the evildoers in a secret
trial in the Star chamber as the main culprits and secret society
heads named and shamed, and they are no longer in real power but only
at face value still on a government cue and are no longer given to
important matters any significant clue, and are being dried out, as
they have lied once too often and even on the PM spied and the truth
in all matters denied and all laws defied.

And so, this time the arrests of some other top hierarchies went
actually smooth, and each of the defendants were already being in
interrogation in isolation and in a separate booth, and in cooperation
with every other nation involved the agencies could finally put the
stamp on the files that had been for ages due to bribery and organised
criminality and lack of the righteous bosses' rages unresolved. 'They
should have asked Jesus Christ and His real sages, then they could
have had the organised criminals long behind bars, and even for the
good of the nations even their walking dead creed multitasked and let
the culprits eat up their own poisonous food and stale bread and
betting on their own survival or death
with their sulphur stinking breath - you can tell, I have nothing good
about the kitchen of hell to share! Only Jesus Christ did with Mary
Magdala about my suffering and my story care! And they have made sure
that I met you guys, and you found and guided me even safely on the
net and did on my behalf every new 'friend' vetting.'

The agents grin grimly - 'Yup, there were some real elusive and
self-deluded and even more power obsessed smart asses out there, who
thought, if they hold the power over backstage passes they can also
decide, who can their secret society's notoriety and hit survive and
who has to commit the fatal blow or shot or slaughter with the ritual
knife - and we had our share, too, in many a band of even members of
the BFI of all backgrounds interfering in our work with their masks
and film technology and facilities, as they all believe that they hold
real power in their Harry Potter scenario wand - and whatnot experts
of underworldly tomato and mutton noise sound!

And then, those piratery ships of U-12-12-skips, who put even with
their members of the medical team air bubbles into hospital drips or
their roadies, who plan to electrocute as an accident a former voice
coach in the bath out of wrath, or the perversion version of the
Viennese Prater also in the Oxfordshire and whatnot invented -shire on
an elusive or hijacked ex-military for the para-military map - but now
you tell us, what you have to say about every single trap that they
installed for you!'


The anonymous witness tries to gather his thoughts. He says: 'There
are so many memories of pain and agony and humiliation and gaslighting
and I feel particularly
haunted by the secret societies' blasphemy and organised criminality
that purposefully
and systematically corrupts already young people's souls and minds and
rapes their
bodies, so that they will lose all faith in God and Jesus Christ and
the truth of the
holy matrimony of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala, who had been joined already
for eternity as Adam and Eve, and the non-believers of all religions
want to deny
them this simple truth, as it is to God's glory and makes a holy
family a livable and
believable story!

And, with that humble concept of a peace-loving holy family, based on
the true love
of the Father and Mother, the secret societies, who are nothing but
the filth of the
hellish hierarchies, who haven't got the first clue about heaven and
earth and who just
want to nail and glue all that is not in their reach via their
organised criminalities,
wanted from the beginning of time replace every holy face with their
own heresies
and eventually get rid of humanity via stolen and corrupted
methodology and technology.

You know that I was sent to boarding school at a young age. I was
terrified and everybody had to me lied, when they told me that I would
be well looked after and being pampered and highly educated - yeah,
right, the latter they did, but all else was one big blur of violence,
decadence and pestilence and to cover all up a mask of utmost
arrogance to stay afloat in this hell of an elite school with its
desecrated abuse bell. And some of the boys did not live the truth to

I owe it to them that I talk about those times, too, that are still a
reality for the next generation of young boys (and girls for that
matter), who are being in all evil dimensions into sabotaging society
with their anti-family and anti-holy matrimony groomed, and if they do
not climb up the ladder voluntarily of their little-secret society
already in school, then they are doomed and are being treated as the
fool and kicked about like a footstool.

I will give you the address of that secret 'Prater' pier, a bit like a
piratery phantasy, where in most expensive and luxurious cafes and
shops ol' boys lull the young ones with their smooth
pseudo-gentlemen's talk gradually into all sorts of evil and promise
them the world, if they commit more and more crimes for their piratery
shore, and some are being treated to a female and others made into a
male whore, once they are eleven and the upper hierarchy has vetted
them for their various plans that they breed with the hellish top
ranks internationally, including who will be included and who will be
subjected to their shore's kill or bans, and on all the youngsters'
lives will be with computerised programmes and micro-chips and all
sorts of spy training intruded - just like in the old Russian and
Prussian style of mind manipulation, and Potemkins' villages and
psychic schools, whose former students are now all over the world with
the oligarchs and even man-made monarchs and governments as
fake-advisers and researchers on secret organised crime and diplomatic
status pay, so that they can spread like a cancer from within the
centres of power and kill as many as possible a truly holy flower.

I have been there in this 'Prater' and I have still from it a hangover
or 'Kater', and I can point my finger at every single fake-Monsigneur,
Fater, Vater, and Frater and pseudo-nun, who lately no longer secretly
as much as they used to grin about their every sin, as finally hooking
up with their victims are even their ex-next of kin, who do no longer
wish to be named and shamed as the evildoer's sister or brother or
father or mother and cut their relative off!

And you, as special agents, I would like to thank you that you have
gone through all the trouble also personally to protect me and my
family from harm, as you also had to infiltrate this hell of curses
and many a charm that was really a death order dressed as a spell on a
pope's or archbishop's non-existent boundaries' border, and I
sincerely hope, that you can cope with the fact that one of the most
unholy act also included that whole hierarchies deal under diplomatic
immunity not just with dope but also with all things war and
whoremongering and human trafficking and child abuse and have their
bat wings spread also under film and music and media organisations and
try to destroy all that is decent and holy with their every
artificially created actor and filmmaker equipment decoy.

In this 'Prater' pier, they already start in early childhood to make
the kids feel at first special and unique, but if they do not function
like an automated stereotype or like to leave their role as a stage
star status mole, they suddenly are being tortured and declared insane
or sent to a death train junction, and offered poisonous food from an
Egyptian paste covered up by acidic salad dressing for the taste, or
are being put under a fake hood and sent into the secret society army
of fake clergy and with the degree of bishopry and archbishopry to
pope evermore perverse and higher in stake gets also in every shore
their crimes's and bribery intake of the Medusan snake, and their
members get carried away by their constant climbing up but also fall
from the ladder, if they start everything in life to fake, and
eventually poisoned from their own lies is their one and only bladder
and they all have blood on their hands from a ritual knife.

And I, for my part, still do shake, when I now to you confess that I
also was present, when a musician, a drummer's life, only because he
refused to say anything bad about Jesus Christ and his wife, a whole
host of secret societies also of highest church hierarchies and
political and financial and multi-national companies did take! And I
now finally peace with God and Jesus Christ make and do tell you all,
as these kind of evil entities, who are posing as powers and
principalities and who only laugh at moralities, must with their
piratery into their own abbyss of hell fall. And that is, why I did to
Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala for help, and they to you, did call! And
I thank you that you also protected us from some evildoers within many
a silent wall!'

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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