Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday 19 March 2014

A sofa, a blanket, a scarf, a diary, a pad, and poison in the poisson, croissant & Cafe latte dairy, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

A desecrated sofa & from a church a certain stolen baby blanket, a
scarf, a diary, a pad, and poison in the poisson, croissant & Cafe
latte dairy from King's Cross back to the jumble sale in the priory

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

A desecrated sofa and from a church a certain stolen baby blanket,
a scarf, a diary, a pad, and poison in the poisson, croissant &
Cafe latte dairy from King's Cross back to the jumble sale
in a priory and once too often not just one victim and even
former allies enough of having been systematically
and purposefully treated rough, cheated, maltreated by pseudo-
nuns with guns and secret society affiliations in all nations, had,
not to forget also the poisoned incense for a priest's cough,
and get with their testimony and facts on every priory of heresy
and organised criminality via YAHWEH's law also in the worldly
courts tough.

Spiritual warfare and criminal 'management' and organisation has a
long tradition
in some hierarchies, not just in the Vatican and in the Anglican see,
that have been founded on heresy and incomplete books that were
maltranslated and misinterpreted and even disintegrated from the
real pages by crooks and filled with the immorality and filth and grime
of historical orgies and poison producing anabaptist style clans
of bloodthirsty tribes, who abused their power to increasingly
through the ages finance their greed and violent rages and
instill fear of the demons in disguise that put holy souls like
slaves in the naves' untrue or incomplete and of the truth robbed
cages, and who spread their weed, as they do not even know
the real bread and whatever fragments they had they smeared
with their very own fouls.

How many wars could have been prevented, if the truth of YAHWEH
had been known and to the faithful instead of the heresies given -
but the hierarchies' few top hats always and again rather were by
their own lust and greed driven and wanted mankind bullied into
slavery and organised criminality via war- and whoremongering
and slandering and blackmailing, and by placing scourges in
local communities to sting the holy souls systematically with the evildoers'
very own fouls.

But what goes around comes around eventually, as YAHWEH
won't have of evil that goes unpunished and unchallenged anymore
in any shore, and simply returns the stones to the bearers of cones
and brings through the facts of their unholy acts as a by-product
of their secret or public trial the truth to the light, how they gained
their status by poisoning their competitor via a phial or by the denial
of the truth or by repeat dial to create the impression that a holy soul
has asked for their 'confession', which is nothing but a foul transgression
of trust and a pretence of a false relation, and the framing of the former
by the latter of a slanderous matter regarding decadence and pestilence.

And the evildoers do not like, if suddenly they are exposed as the real foes,
who caused to holy souls unspeakable woes, when they stepped on
tender little toes with their devil's hoof and overdosed in the presence of
innocent children and pure souls in heresy and filthy and foul language
and phantasy and lured them with gifts into organised criminality -
as the demons come in all shapes and sizes and disguises, and not all
are at face value instantly recognisable as hoof- and mouth-diseased
apes with no conscience and no moral but who pretend, if the hypocrits
are on to con their next victims, initially them a helping hand to lend
and to the truth their records to amend -

but in reality the evildoers do anything for money, property and any kind
of bribery the law to bend and they love only themselves big bucks
to spend, and can only for a limit of an instant mime a dove, as their
facade is all too much of hell and crumbles, when it is confronted
by a true church bell, that does the truth tell and refuses any heresy
and stands up to their organised criminality and even names and shames
on behalf of their victims some oyster and shell and blackgold corexit
sponsored unholy knights and fake-dames of the golden cow and calf,
who like to change their associations and partners that they only at
face value, if at all, marry via their secret society draw, in a cue, all for
the same name and five minute fame of a falsefied other half of
every bible name up and down the list,

so that in the end the devil can point with the finger at himself,
and say that he is with his demonology the real lord in the shelf -
but he has drawn the wrong conclusion just before his contract
with YAHWEH did end, and he only starts now to comprehend
that not even he and his secret societies can anymore in any
shore unchallengedly and unpunishedly at the holy ones
throw his stones, and he also cannot blame anymore the holy
souls with his own evil deeds and conceptions and shame them
with his own evil breeds and walking dead creeds, as YAHWEH
does the devil and his clans and bloodthirsty tribes blame
for all wars and sins and crimes in all nations, and it does not
take long at all, who subscribed to the devil and his evil,
does it now!

It is to a holy child already before birth known, who is and who
is not a worshipper of the golden ox, calf and cow and who does
or not serve evil, as a holy soul from now on is no longer under
the yoke of the devil, as YAHWEH has made sure through
Jesus Christ's suffering and that of all His holy family that
the holy souls eternally stay pure and only they have through
Jesus Christ as their eternal Master always for all things and matters
and ailments the right cure;

and all holy souls are of Jesus Christ's eternal Godliness and living kingship
and holiness and goodness and justice and truth sure, as to them it is
a living reality and comes in their every breath, and they are connected
through Him in all their incarnations and transcend time and space and
know each other's every face, as they are unique and none is replacable
and never will be replaced by another in their soul, and they protect
each other from harm and defend the honour and a holy name
and free even YAHWEH and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
for all their manifestations of all by the evil entities committed
slander and false
shame, and they never seek for their service any reward or fame to their
own name.

But God might ask them to sign off important statements or literature
with their God given name, depending on, how important it is to Him
that a soul must take up its responsibility for clearing through its integrity
also His and His family's name or to expose the evil of demon hierarchies
and their abuse of authorities and powers and principalities, f.ex.
to hand over to Rome and Dover a list of persons, who filled poisoned
mass wine into numerous a cask and handed it down in a flask to their
secret societies to kill off the truthspeakers amongst the clergy;

the evil ones have done so under their secret society cones for
centuries in all pyramid hierarchies and nations, and it is the evil
entities and societies, who did in their heresy and organised
criminality and big empire with slavery concept and border
manipulation and prostitution and sin as a normed constitution

YAHWEH puts wrong right for all holy books, and simply throws out all crooks
and ends simply with the facts of most unholy acts the now evermore restricted
fight in every shore, and shows every evil power and principality in
every society
with their actual notoriety and organised criminality via the exposure
and closure
of their every secret society - gradually or suddenly or eventually
but unstoppably
all around the world -

and the walking dead must look after their own, and will be no more mercy nor
kindness shown for their self-pity tear nor any privileges given, and
they will lose all, what they did cling to, when they failed to
confess and to clear up their mess voluntarily, and
will from their own snake ladders' automatically fall, as they are all
to each other and
to themselves a liability and have to take up the world's cross and
for their every sin and crime and filth and grime, when they
purposefully to betray
YAHWEH and His truth again chose, and in their heresy and organised criminality
did overdose, and have failed to answer His repeated call.

And what will be left to the evildoers will be their own silent wall's
with nobody to dry their tears and with never known of God fears other
than their
own, if at all, and they will tremble in fear even at the door's or
telephone's call,
as they will never know, when YAHWEH will with His special law enforcement
via the worldly iurisdiction even on their floors show, and Jesus Christ reads
out aloud personally or through His flock the charges, when the good and just
authorities into the lives of the evil ones with their ritual knives
and their illegitimate
wives barges.

And in heaven all holy souls press against the evildoers on earth at
Jesus Christ's
Judgement charges for all crimes that they had to suffer even in their
own kitchen
hearth or on their balcony or in their sleep, and it is the holy
souls, who free of all
fouls and in peace can finally rest with a smile and ever so deep in
relief, as they
persevered with their belief in the truth of Jesus Christ and Mary
Magdala and their
holy matrimony, which they already lived as Adam and Eve in every incarnation
amongst every nation - and as the contract with the devil is long
ended, they finally
can shelter in their sanctuary all their holy souls, who are also
their ever-growing
family of old from the stars, and the holy couple for eternity all
evildoers from their
heavenly kingdom on earth and in heaven and at their kitchen hearth and even
at the tables of the underworldly fables through the repentant souls
in purgatory bars, where even Judas finally will be his remorse to
the true holy family showing and only to the evildoers be scarecrowing
and endlessly for peanuts
lawn mowing, insted of playing a bishop with a poisonous hyssop and a staff that
sells heretical and criminal and heretical riff-raff.

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Twitter: MotherSigridEliora@MotherSigrid

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