Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday 19 March 2014

'Patience?', asks YAHWEH, 'Patience?! You must be joking, I let the evildoers now on their own selfpity tears choking, enough of the hokey-coking!!!', by Mother Sigrid Eliora


by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'Patience?', asks YAHWEH, 'Patience?! You must be joking, I let the
evildoers now on their own selfpity tears choking, enough of the

'Now', says YAHWEH, 'I let the evildoers taste their own medicine
and send them through their own mazes and sink in their own trash
ankle deep, and let them climb and fall up and down their own snake
ladder and let them empty themselves their poisonous heretical bladder
and refuse them an antidote to their potion, and let them copy and paste
their own shame and blame to their very own name, as I have handed
their fraudulent documents and mails with false identities to the
appropriate law authorities, who let them dance for a while the
extra-mile in their own vicious circles, until enough evidence
was gathered and intelligence of their very own decadence,
pestilence -

and no amount of arrogance and abuse of power will let them
off the hook as a crook, as I have had assigned to them a real
spook and many evildoers already had their secret trials in the courts
and are on probation not just in one nation, and are being put on
their own meagre ration that they had decided for my holy souls,
and it is now the evildoers, who receive everywhere they go
back their own stones and must put up with their own clones
and here and there will be passing by them their corpus delicti
in a van or on a truck or in a range rover,

and they no longer or in fact: never had intact any diplomatic
immunity and especially no impunity from Rome or Dover,
and it took them numerous card games and throws of dices
onto the felt, until even the last one finally understood that their
lame game is over for some sad bad fame under a copycated
and desecrated Holy Rose hood. And suddenly they find
themselves, where they never wanted to see themselves in
the frame - in the places, where they put on holy souls' their
very own shame and blame, and the evildoers receive
in the mail a summons to court to their name,

and can no longer abuse a holy soul's identity fraudulently,
as proven guilty the fraudsters and heretics and organised
criminals are as the thugs and scum that they call holy souls,
and find themselves instead of the decent human beings
locked away and arrested and cut off for eternity with all
their sins retained even by their own former friends, neighbours
and family, who had enough also by them to have been treated
rough and cheated and maltreated and being drawn into
their organised hate and other criminality under the disguise
of heresy;

and remain will only even for a blackadder with a lettuce
name and her evil domain her very own sentence that she
had delivered on innocent human beings by her cronies and she will
only evermore be known in every shore as the babylonian
whore, who was corrupt and malicious and groany and moany
and had all the piratery treasures that she could get hold of
with her secret society in her hideaway store hid, and did
everybody only ever by outer appearance judge and with
envy begrudge.

Needless to say that the likes of her and her pikes also
poisoned mass wine and fudge and never anything
voluntarily did confess, and she and her own play dumb
and frail and mad, so that they cannot be judged as bad -
but then, they did sign with a sound mind their own latest
will, and did also undersign the undertaker's papers
for an ordered hit on a priest and his wife, whom they voted
up again for the kill - but the undertaker was actually
of evil a faker and really a spook, who only the notes
took at the meeting of the secret society, in order to release
the Interpol arrest warrant of their every notoriety,
and that did YAHWEH almightily please!

And Jesus Christ let her through Mary Magdalene with
a dead tree and its branches at her appearance on the way
to Canossa as a taster for the courts with the evidence
of her decadence already a little bit tease, and in the dock
will emerge, how thick is really her layer of criminal grease.

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Twitter: MotherSigridEliora@MotherSigrid

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