Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Monday 10 March 2014

And a church that lies about the most heartbreaking truth has lost all authority and never had any and no integrity, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

And a church that lies about the most heartbreaking truth has lost all
authority and never had any and no integrity,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

And a church that lies about the most heartbreaking truth has lost all
authority and never had any and no integrity but only ever heresy
enforced through organised criminality in all brutality through
mercenary legions in all regions, who abused the trust and faith of
holy souls systematically. A church that lies and kills holy souls
through its werewolves disguised fake-clergy spies is no church - it
is hell from the lurch. Mother Sigrid Eliora

Azkarah! Kushta! Reper opray! Tachiben! Mary Magdalene's Stations of
the Cross/Mary Magdalene reper opray leski trishul eskay achimangeray


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

Posted By Blogger to Tenta o Develesko Chad / Cill Naomh Ceadda / Church of
St Chad on 3/10/2014 02:10:00 pm


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


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